Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Devore, Wynetta
Columbus: Charles E.Merrill, 1986
361.32 DEV e
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
"The Handbook of Community Practice is the first volume in this field, encompassing community development, organizing, planning, and social change, and the first community practice text that provides in-depth treatment of globalization—including its impact on communities in the United States and in international development work. The Handbook is grounded in participatory and empowerment practice including social change, social and economic development, feminist practice, community-collaboratives, and engagement in diverse communities. It utilizes the social development perspective and employs analyses of persistent poverty, policy practice, and community research approaches as well as providing strategies for advocacy and social and legislative action."
London: Sage Publications, 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
"Capitalism has not only produced an oppressive economic system, but also various forms of manipulative cultural system such as popular or mass culture, consumerism as well as patriarchy. The system dominates life of society. Furthermore, The individuals and the society unconsciously reproduce the system through day to day life. In other words, we keep and reproduce the oppression in the name of social values and life style. This paper tried to analize how the culture is constructed as an ideological tool in late capitalism and then reproduced day to day by the society. The first part of the paper is introduction, then followed by the discussion on the meaning of culture. The third part discusses on the dominant culture and the role of mass media and then continued by the forms of oppression in the cultural level. The implication of the analysis on social work practice is discussed in the last part of the paper"
MIPKS 36:4 (2012)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Asri Kartika Ratri
"Efek samping obat merupakan salah satu masalah terkait obat (drug related problems) terbesar yang sering ditemui pada pasien dan kemungkinan terjadinya lebih tinggi pada resep-resep polifarmasi yang penggunaan obatnya dalam jumlah banyak. Meski begitu, admisi rumah sakit karena efek samping obat masih dapat dicegah. Oleh karena itu, efek samping sebaiknya dicatat, didefinisikan, dan dikaji untuk meminimalkan risiko kemunculan ulang dan mengoptimalkan hasil pengobatan, terutama pada pasien-pasien lanjut usia dengan resep polifarmasi. Pemantauan efek samping obat ini harus dilakukan secara berkesinambungan untuk mengevaluasi konsistensi profil keamanannya, dan membutuhkan banyak kontribusi dari tenaga kesehatan, terutama apoteker, bahkan pasien. Tugas khusus ini dilakukan untuk melihat kemungkinan adanya efek samping dan/atau interaksi pada resep-resep polifarmasi periode Desember 2022 yang masuk ke Apotek Roxy Depok dengan skrining sampel resep polifarmasi di Apotek Roxy Depok periode Desember 2022 dan studi literatur mengenai efek samping dan interaksi obat pada resep tersebut. Untuk tugas akhir ini, diambil 2 sampel resep polifarmasi untuk dilihat kemungkinan efek samping dan/atau interaksi obatnya. Dari kedua sampel resep polifarmasi tersebut, terdapat kemungkinan efek samping maupun interaksi obat, tetapi masih dapat dicegah dan diatasi dengan berbagai cara.
Drug side effects are one of the biggest drug-related problems that are often encountered in patients. The possibility of drug side effects occurrence is also higher in polypharmacy prescriptions that involve large amounts of medication. Even so, hospital admissions due to drug side effects can still be prevented. Therefore, side effects should be recorded, defined, and assessed to minimize the risk of recurrence and optimize treatment outcomes, especially in elderly patients prescribed with polypharmacy. Monitoring the drug's side effects should be carried out continuously to evaluate the consistency of its safety profile, and requires a lot of contribution from health workers, especially pharmacists, and even patients. This project was carried out to see the possibility of drug side effects and/or interactions in polypharmacy prescriptions received by Apotek Roxy Depok throughout December 2022. This project was done by screening samples of polypharmacy prescriptions at the Roxy Depok Pharmacy for the December 2022 period and studying the literature regarding side effects and drug interactions in the prescriptions. 2 samples of polypharmacy prescriptions were taken and from those two samples, there is the possibility of side effects and drugs interactions, but they can still be prevented and overcome in various ways."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas ndonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Asri Kartika Ratri
"Industri Farmasi harus membuat obat sesuai tujuan penggunaan, memenuhi syarat, dan tidak membahayakan pasien karena keamanan, mutu, dan kualitas yang tidak memadai. Untuk memastikan obat memiliki mutu yang sesuai dengan tujuan penggunaannya, harus dibuat Manajemen Mutu. Salah satu penerapan aspek manajemen mutu yang diatur oleh Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik (CPOB) dan implementasi dari pemastian mutu adalah evaluasi berkala berupa Pengkajian Mutu Produk Berkala (PMPB) atau Periodic Product Quality Review (PPQR). PPQR dilakukan untuk memastikan kualitas produk yang diproduksi sesuai dengan Good Manufacturing Practice yang berlaku; untuk mengidentifikasi perbaikan yang diperlukan pada produk dan proses; dan untuk membuktikan konsistensi proses, kesesuaian dari spesifikasi bahan awal, bahan pengemas, dan produk jadi. Untuk Tugas Akhir ini, dibuat PPQR untuk salah satu produk injeksi NSAID produksi PT Darya-Varia Laboratoria Tbk Citeureup Plant, yang dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data-data yang dibutuhkan terkait produk Injeksi NSAID tersebut. Setelah pengumpulan data, dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan PPQR dan proses review. PPQR yang sudah selesai dibuat akan di-review lebih lanjut oleh pengawas sebelum akhirnya PPQR tersebut disahkan. Setelah PPQR dibuat, dapat diketahui bahwa kualitas produk Injeksi NSAID yang diproduksi sudah sesuai dengan GMP yang berlaku; proses produksi sudah konsisten; serta spesifikasi bahan awal, bahan pengemas, dan produk jadi sudah sesuai dengan spesifikasi produk yang ditetapkan. Meski begitu, terdapat beberapa temuan yang perlu dilakukan diskusi, follow-up lebih lanjut, dan perbaikan.
The pharmaceutical industries are obliged to produce medicines in accordance with their intended use, meet the requirements, and not endanger patients due to inadequate safety, quality, and efficacy. To ensure that medicines have the quality that is appropriate for their intended use, Quality Management must be created. One of the implementation aspects of quality management regulated by Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik (CPOB) and a form of quality assurance is periodic evaluation called Periodic Product Quality Review (PPQR). PPQR is created to ensure the quality of products produced is in accordance with the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP); to identify necessary improvements for products and processes; and to verify the consistency of the existing process, the appropriateness of current specifications for both starting materials, packaging materials, and finished products. For this project, a PPQR was created for one of the NSAID injection products produced by PT Darya-Varia Laboratoria Tbk Citeureup Plant, which was carried out by collecting all the required data regarding the product. After data collection, those data were compiled, reviewed, and made into PPQR. The completed PPQR was then reviewed further by the supervisors before finally being issued. After the PPQR was completed, it can be seen that the quality of the NSAID injection product produced is in accordance with the GMP; the production process is consistent; and the specifications for starting materials, packaging materials, and finished products are in accordance with the product specifications. Even so, there are several findings that still need to be discussed and require further follow-up, and also improvemen"
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas ndonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Asri Kartika Ratri
"Fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan, salah satunya rumah sakit yang menyelenggarakan pelayanan kegawatdaruratan harus memiliki sumber daya manusia, sarana, prasarana, dan perbekalan farmasi yang memenuhi standar pelayanan. Mengelola perbekalan farmasi merupakan peran dari apoteker, termasuk di Instalasi Gawat Darurat (IGD). Dalam mengelola perbekalan farmasi, apoteker harus menjamin kualitas, fungsi, dan keamanannya. Banyak perbekalan farmasi seperti obat dan bahan medis habis pakai (BMHP) yang tersedia dan/atau harus disediakan di depo farmasi IGD termasuk ke dalam kategori emergensi, sehingga dalam pengelolaan dan pengendaliannya harus menjamin jumlah dan jenis obat sesuai dengan daftar obat emergensi yang telah ditetapkan. Oleh karena itu pengendalian perbekalan farmasi penting dilakukan di IGD untuk memastikan bahwa persediaan yang ada efektif dan efisien. Dalam melakukan pengendalian, dibutuhkan kontrol dan pengawasan yang lebih ketat pada persediaan fast moving karena barang-barang tersebut lebih sering dikeluarkan. Tujuan dilaksanakannya tugas khusus ini adalah melihat dan menentukan perbekalan farmasi (obat dan BMHP) di Instalasi Gawat Darurat Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia (IGD RSUI) yang termasuk ke dalam kategori Fast Moving, kemudian menentukan kelompoknya berdasarkan penyerapan dananya yang didapat dari analisis ABC. Untuk melakukan hal tersebut, diambil data penggunaan obat dan BMHP di IGD RSUI selama bulan November 2022 sampai Januari 2023, kemudian dilakukan pengolahan data dan analisis interpretasi. Total barang fast moving di Depo Farmasi IGD RS UI adalah sejumlah 356 item, dengan 238 item di antaranya adalah obat dan 118 item berupa BMHP. Dari seluruh barang fast moving, item dengan penyerapan dana paling besar adalah Desrem 100 mg Powder Injection, obat COVID-19 yang berisi Remdesivir. Obat ini memiliki harga yang relatif mahal dan penggunaannya meningkat pada November 2022 karena terjadi peningkatan kasus COVID-19 pada saat itu.
Health Care facilities that provide emergency services such as hospitals, must have human resources, facilities, infrastructure, and pharmaceutical supplies that meet service standards. Managing pharmaceutical supplies is mainly a pharmacist’s role, including those in the emergency department. In managing pharmaceutical supplies, pharmacists must guarantee their quality, function, and safety. Many pharmaceutical supplies such as medicines and consumable medical materials that are available and/or must be provided at the emergency department are included in the emergency category, hence the inventory control must ensure the quantity and type of the supplies to comply with the established list of emergency supplies. Therefore, it is important to control pharmaceutical supplies in the Emergency Department to ensure that existing supplies are effective and efficient. In carrying out inventory control, stricter supervision is especially needed on fast-moving items because those supplies are used more frequently. The aim of this project is to see and determine which pharmaceutical supplies (medisines and consumable medical materials) in the Emergency Department of the University of Indonesia Hospital (IGD RSUI) are in the Fast-Moving category, then determine the item’s group based on the absorption of funds obtained from the ABC analysis. To do this, pharmaceutical supplies usage data in the period of November 2022 to January 2023 in the IGD RSUI was taken, and then the data was processed and interpretation analysis were carried out. The total amount of fast-moving items at the IGD RSUI is 356 items, of which 238 items are medicines and 118 items are consumable medical materials. Of all the fast-moving items, the item with the largest absorption of funds is Desrem 100 mg Powder Injection, a COVID-19 medicine containing Remdesivir. This medicine has a relatively expensive price and its use was increased in November 2022 due to an increased case of COVID- 19 at that time."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas ndonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library