ABSTRAKOne effort to reduce the prevalence of cervical cancer is by IVA Test, but the coverage
of IVA Test in Bondongan Health Center is still low and has not reached the national
target, in 2016 (9.9%), 2017 (0.8%). The research objective was to examine in depth about
the behavior of WUS (30-50 years) in conducting IVA Test in the work area of
Bondongan Health Center. This research is a qualitative study with the Rapid Assessment
Procedure design. Data collection was done through Focus Group Discussion, In-depth
Interviews and document review observations, carried out in March-May 2019 at
Bondongan Health Center and Bogor City Health Office. The results of the research
showed that the knowledge of informants about cervical cancer and IVA Test was
lacking. Access from home to health services is still affordable. The attitude and behavior
of the officers in providing IVA Test services are considered good. Cervical cancer is a
threat to the health of informants and by carrying out IVA Test is known to have or not
cervical cancer. Obstacles found in conducting IVA Test: 1) fear and shame at the time
of examination, and fear of examination results, 2) not having time to check because of
work 3) not knowing information about IVA Test (schedule and costs) 4) no complaints
and WUS's knowledge is still lacking, 5) obstacles in terms of facilities: the IVA Test
room in Bondongan Health Center is narrow 6) barriers from officers: the number of
programs held by each health worker and different work motivation. There is support
from husbands, health workers, friends, neighbors in conducting IVA Test. Dissemination
of information by the Bondongan Community Health Center to WUS is still not optimal
and uneven. There are already policies that regulate the management of IVA Test
programs at the national level (Kepmenkes and PMK) and at the regional/city level of
Bogor (Perwal) including SOP
ABSTRACTOne effort to reduce the prevalence of cervical cancer is by IVA Test, but the coverage
of IVA Test in Bondongan Health Center is still low and has not reached the national
target, in 2016 (9.9%), 2017 (0.8%). The research objective was to examine in depth about
the behavior of WUS (30-50 years) in conducting IVA Test in the work area of
Bondongan Health Center. This research is a qualitative study with the Rapid Assessment
Procedure design. Data collection was done through Focus Group Discussion, In-depth
Interviews and document review observations, carried out in March-May 2019 at
Bondongan Health Center and Bogor City Health Office. The results of the research
showed that the knowledge of informants about cervical cancer and IVA Test was
lacking. Access from home to health services is still affordable. The attitude and behavior
of the officers in providing IVA Test services are considered good. Cervical cancer is a
threat to the health of informants and by carrying out IVA Test is known to have or not
cervical cancer. Obstacles found in conducting IVA Test: 1) fear and shame at the time
of examination, and fear of examination results, 2) not having time to check because of
work 3) not knowing information about IVA Test (schedule and costs) 4) no complaints
and WUS`s knowledge is still lacking, 5) obstacles in terms of facilities: the IVA Test
room in Bondongan Health Center is narrow 6) barriers from officers: the number of
programs held by each health worker and different work motivation. There is support
from husbands, health workers, friends, neighbors in conducting IVA Test. Dissemination
of information by the Bondongan Community Health Center to WUS is still not optimal
and uneven. There are already policies that regulate the management of IVA Test
programs at the national level (Kepmenkes and PMK) and at the regional/city level of
Bogor (Perwal) including SOP."