Zulfah Aulia Defandra
Abstrak :
Cepatnya penyebaran Virus Covid-19 menyebabkan Indonesia mengalami Kedaruratan Kesehatan Masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, untuk melindungi masyarakat Indonesia, Pemerintah Indonesia melakukan pengadaan Vaksin Covid-19 dan pelaksanaan Vaksinasi Program. Dalam pendistribusian Vaksin Covid-19, wajib memenuhi standar dan/atau persyaratan: (1) Keamanan (safety); (2) Mutu (quality); dan (3) Khasiat (efficacy)/imunogenisitas. Bentuk penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan tipe deskriptif. Penulis mengkaji norma hukum tertulis, yaitu Pedoman Teknis CDOB sebagaimana yang diatur dalam PerBPOM 6/2020, Perpres 99/2020 beserta perubahannya, dan peraturan pelaksana Perpres 99/2020, yaitu: (1) PerMenkes 10/2021 beserta perubahannya; (2) PerMenkes 16/2021; dan (3) Juknis Vaksinasi Covid-19. Dari norma hukum di atas, Penulis menjelaskan mengenai prosedur pendistribusian Vaksin Covid-19 pada Vaksinasi Program dan menganalisis tanggung jawab Pemerintah Indonesia dalam pendistribusian Vaksin Covid-19 pada Vaksinasi Program mulai dari perencanaan sampai dengan Vaksin Covid-19 tersebut digunakan oleh masyarakat.
......The rapid spread of the Covid-19 Virus has caused Indonesia to experience a Public Health Emergency. Therefore, to protect the Indonesian people, the Indonesian Government has procured a Covid-19 Vaccine and implemented a Vaccination Program. In distributing the Covid-19 Vaccine, it is obligatory to meet the following standards and or requirements: (1) Safety, (2) Quality, and (3) efficacy/immunogenicity. The form of research used in this research is a normative juridical research method with a descriptive type. The author examines written legal norms, namely the Good Distribution Practices Technical Guidelines as regulated in Regulation of the Food and Drugs Supervisory Agency Number 6 of 2020, Regulation of The President Number 99 of 2020 and their amendments, and implementing regulations for Regulation of The President Number 99 of 2020, namely (1) Regulation of The Minister of Health Number 10 of 2021 and its amendments, (2) Regulation of The Minister of Health Number 16 of 2021, and (3) Covid-19 Technical Guidelines. From the legal norms above, the author explains the procedure for distributing the Covid-19 Vaccine in the Vaccination Program and analyzes the responsibility of the Indonesian Government in distributing the Covid-19 Vaccine in the Vaccination Program from planning to the Covid-19 Vaccine used by the community.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library