Abstrak :
Diantara peneliti ada perbedaan temuan klinis hasil ASST pada urtikaria kronik idiopatik (UKI). Tanuus dkk (1996) melaporkan tidak ada perbedaan klinis bermakna pada UKI, sedangkan Sabroe dkk (1999) menemukan perbedaan bermakna dalam hal durasi dan gatal pada UKI. Prevalensi urtikaria pada Rumah Sakit Dr. Moh. Hoesin Palembang memperlihatkan peningkatan tetapi tidak ada data mengenai UKI dan derajat gambaran klinis. Tujuan penelitian untuk mencari hubungan antara hasil ASST dengan derajat gambaran klinis UKI dan membandingkan gambaran klinis UKI dengan hasil ASST positif dan ASST negatif. Penelitian ini merupakan studi analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Lima puluh empat subjek diikutkan dalam studi setelah diseleksi. Persetujuan etik didapatkan dari Unit Bioetik dan Humaniora FK Unsri. Anamnesis UKI berupa gambaran klinis berupa skor klinis dan data hasil pemeriksaan fisik dikumpulkan dan dianalisis menggunakan piranti lunak SPSS. Korelasi Spiermann digunakan untuk menganalisis hubungan diantara derajat gambaran klinis UKI dengan hasil ASST. Ada hubungan bermakna diantara tingkat keparahan klinis UKI dengan hasil ASST (p=0,00; 0,598). Pasien UKI dengan skor 27 (nilai cut-off) 11 kali lebih sering menderita urtikaria autoimun daripada pasien dengan nilai cut-off dibawah 27 (p=0,00).
......There were differences in clinical finding among authors about autologous serum skin test/ASST result in chronic idiopathic urtikaria/CIU. Tanus et al (1996) reported there was no significant differences in clinical features of CIU, whereas Sabroe et al (1999) found significant differences in duration and itch of CIU patients. The prevalence of urticaria in General Hospital Dr. Moh. Hoesin Palembang showed increased tendency but there was no data about CIU and the severity of clinical features. The objectives of this study were to find out the significant correlation between ASST and severity of clinical features of CIU, and compared the difference of clinical features of CIU with and without positive ASST. This study was an observational analytic study, with cross sectional design. Fifty four subjects included in this study after following selection. Ethical approval was obtained from Bioethics and Humanities Unit, Faculty of Medicine Sriwijaya University and Dr. Moh. Hoesin Hospital Palembang. The clinical feature of 54 patients with CIU were evaluated. The data of physical examination and the anamnesis about clinical scores collected and analyzed using SPSS software and Spierman correlation was used to analyze the correlation between clinical severity of CIU and ASST result. Student?s t-test was used to analyze the differences in clinical severity of CIU with and without positive ASST. There was significant correlation between the severity clinical feature of CIU and ASST result (p=0,00 ; R=0,598). Patients with positif ASST results (46,3%) had more duration of illness (0,00), higher pruritus score (0,00), and angiodema score (0,024). The CIU patients with severity clinical score of 27 (cut-off point), 11 times more likely to develop autoimmune urticaria than the patients with cut-off below 27 (p=0,00)
Palembang: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya, 2008
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library