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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Hutabarat, Herda P.
"There are seven species of marine turtles known throughout international waters. These are Loggerhead turtle/Caretla carelta (Linnaeus, 1758), Green turtle/Chelania mydas (Linnaeus, 1766), Kemp's ridley turtlell.epidochelys kempii (Garman, 1880), Olive ridley turtle/1,epidochelys olivacea (Eschscholtz, 1829), Flatback turtle/Natator depressus (Garman, 1880), and Leatherback turtle/Dermochelys coriacea (Vandelli, 1766).
In Indonesian waters, there are six species of marine turtles. Kemp's ridley turtle is the only species from the above, which is not found.
The status of the Olive ridley turtle in the Red DataBook-IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) is 'Endangered'. CITES (Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna) categorizes this species in `Appendix I' meaning that the trading of this animal should be limited. In Indonesia, the Olive ridley--along with the Leatherback, Hawksbill, Flatback and Loggerhead turtle--is listed as a protected species, while the Green turtle is the only turtle species not protected by regulation.
Compared with other species of turtle, there is still lack of documentation concerning the Olive ridley turtle in Indonesia. So far, there is still relatively little publication about this species. The main reason is probably because of the limited knowledge of the Olive ridley nesting beach's location. For this reason, research was conducted at Pantai Marengan, in Alas Purwo National Park (Alas Purwo NP), Banyuwangi, East Java. This is one of the few known nesting sites of the Olive ridley turtle in Indonesia.
The aim of the research was to investigate the nesting of the Olive ridley turtle. A study of morphometrics and captive program in Alas Punvo NP was also made as part of the research. It is hoped that, the results will be useful for the conservation of the turtle and its habitat.
The research was performed during the turtle's nesting season, between March and October 1995. During this period, one hundred and sixty-two (162) nests were found. The peak of activity occurred in July, when fifty-one (51) nests were located. The average clutch size was one hundred and four (104) eggs per nest. On average, the nests were located 5.8 m (SD = 6.7) from vegetation and 18.5 m (SD = 11.5) from the highest high tide mark. The morphometric study of thirty (30) nesting turtles showed that the average curved carapace measurements were 67.5 cm in length (SD = 3.2) and 66.7 cm in width (SD 3.9). The results of carapace measurements showed that the carapace length positively correlated with carapace width, i.e., as the carapace length increase, so the carapace width will also increase. No correlation was found between carapace length and the number of eggs in each clutch. There was also no correlation found between the number of eggs laid and the time used for nesting activity.
The captive program of Olive ridley turtle in Alas Purwo NP was set-up in 1989. The survival percentage of hatchlings from semi-natural hatching recorded during the 1995 season was 83.7 %. The highest hatching death rate (45.3 %) occurred in August, when temperature in the rearing container fell to 20"C.
According to the secondary data, during the 1984/1985 nesting season, only three (3) nesting sites of the Olive ridley turtle were found in Alas Purwo NP. In the period between April and June 1996, however, one hundred and sixty-nine nesting sites were located. Is population of the Olive ridley turtle increasing within the Alas Purwo NP? The question can only be answered more accurately by tagging of individual animals and monitoring the species over a longer term."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devaux, Bernard
New York: Barron's Educational Series, 2000
R 597.928 DEV o
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nisrina Salsabila Indratno
"Kura-kura leher ular rote (Chelodina mccordi, Rhodin 1994) merupakan spesies endemik Pulau Rote, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia, dengan status konservasi kritis (critically endangered and Possibly Extinct in the Wild). Upaya reintroduksi kura-kura tersebut sudah dilakukan, tetapi keberadaan individu C. mccordi tetap tidak terdeteksi di alam. Pendekatan environmental DNA (eDNA) menjadi metode nonivasit alternatif untuk pendeteksian dan pemantauan spesies tersebut. Pengembangan metode pendeteksian eDNA C. mccordi memerlukan markah (primer) spesies spesifik agar dapat mengidentifikasi dengan akurat keberadaan DNA target pada sampel. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengembangkan primer spesies spesifik untuk markah gen Cytochrome b (Cyt b) dalam pendeteksian eDNA C. mccordi. Primer dirancang berdasarkan urutan nukleotida gen Cyt b dari C. mccordi dengan spesies Chelodina lain. Pengujian primer dilakukan menggunakan sampel air yang mengandung DNA target untuk mengevaluasi spesifitas dan sensitivitas primer. Sampel air yang sudah terekstrak kemudian diproses dengan teknik Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR) dan High Resolution Melting (HRM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa primer desain (UI_Cm_Cytb) berhasil mengidentifikasi keberadaan C. mccordi dalam sampel. Nilai sensitivitas dan spesifitas primer tergolong tinggi, yaitu 87,5% dan 100%, serta primer tersebut dapat digunakan dalam pendeteksian eDNA C. mccordi dari sampel air. Primer perlu dilakukan optimasi lebih lanjut terkait pendeteksian kelimpahan individu.

The Rote snake-necked turtle (Chelodina mccordi) is an Indonesia endemic species with critically endangered and Possibly Extinct in the Wild status. Attempts to reintroduce this turtle have been conducted, however the tracking of C. mccordi individuals in their natural habitat has not been observed. The environmental DNA (eDNA) is an alternative non-invasive method for detection and monitoring of this species. The development of an eDNA method for detection of C. mccordi requires species-specific markers in order to accurately identify the presence of target DNA in the sample. This study aims to develop species-specific primers using the Cytochrome b (Cyt b) as molecular marker for the detection of eDNA from C. mccordi. The specificity and sensitivity of the primers were evaluated using water samples containing C. mccordi and their related species. The extracted eDNA from water samples are then processed using Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR) and High-Resolution Melting (HRM) techniques. The results showed that the design primer (UI_Cm_Cytb) was successful for detection the presence of C. mccordi from the samples. The sensitivity and specificity values of the primers are relatively high, namely 87.5% and 100%. Futhermore, the primer needs to be optimized and tested regarding the individual abundance in sample."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Juanita Joseph
"The green turtle, Chelonia my das, has suffered from population declines throughout its range, mainly due to a continuous over-exploitation of eggs and adults. To better understand the mating strategy of this endangered animal, paternity in egg clutches of 36 green turtles from two major rookeries in Malaysia were investigated using microsatellite markers. A high incidence of multiple paternity for the green turtles from Sabah was discovered, with 71% of egg clutches showing evidence of being sired by at least two different males. However, for the egg clutches from Terengganu, lower incidences I of multiple paternity (36%) were recorded. This study also documents the occurrence of sperm storage in the green turtles from both sites. Similar patterns of paternity were observed across successive clutches, consistent with the hypothesis of sperm being stored J from mating(s) prior to nesting and being used to fertilize all subsequent clutches of eggs for that season. These data provide the first examples of multiple paternity and sperm storage in the green turtle populations in Malaysia."
Terengganu: UMT, 2017
500 JSSM 12:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penyu adalah satwa berpindah yang termasuk makhluk berumur panjang. Usia reptil ini bisa mencapai ratusan tahun, namun hidupnya penuh perjuangan. Banyak pemangsa yang menghadang mereka. Biawak dan manusia memakan telur penyu. Kepiting, burung laut, dan hiu memangsa tukik yang masih lemah. Tapi ketika penyu beranjak dewasa, kerapas atau cangkang tubuhnya menjadi alat bertahan yang ampuh. Sialnya, kerapas penyu acapkali diburu sekelompok pedagang cendera mata untuk diperjualbelikan. Pantai-pantai peneluran penyu saat ini semakin berkurang, akibat pembangunan dan pengembangan wilayah pesisir pantai. Penyu betina yang akan bertelur kerap kali gagal bertelur akibat banyak sampah di pantai. Selain itu kebisingan yang ditimbulkan aktivitas manusia di sekitar pantai pun membuat penyu kembali ke laut. Ia juga sangat peka terhadap cahaya, sehingga tukik-tukik yang baru menetas sering salah arah akibat mengira cahaya lampu-lampu hotel di pinggir pantai sebagai cahaya bulan, sehingga akhirnya mati karena dehidrasi. Karena antara lain sebab-sebab itulah keberadaan penyu saat ini terancam punah di dunia. Penyu termasuk satwa yang saat ini tercantum dalam appendix I CITES, appendix I dan II CMS dan juga tercantum sebagai golongan yang rentan, genting atau kritis dalam red list IUCN. Namun itu semua belum cukup untuk melindungi penyu dari ancaman kepunahan. Maka dibuatlah The IOSEA Marine Turtles MoU yang secara khusus mengatur dan bertujuan untuk mengkonservasi penyu dan habitatnya. Indonesia adalah rumah enam dari tujuh spesies penyu yang ada di dunia, dengan demikian Indonesia menjadi habitat dan tempat bertelur yang penting bagi penyu, juga menjadi rute migrasi yang penting yang menghubungkan Samudera Pasifik dan Samudera Hindia. Oleh karena itu sudah seharusnya negara-negara termasuk Indonesia harus melakukan upaya-upaya untuk mengkonservasi penyu dan habitatnya demi kelangsungan dan kelestarian penyu di masa depan."
Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Morris, Percy A.
New York: Ronal Press, 1959
598.13 MOR b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library