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Abstrak :
Natural forest in Java is recently limited in the mountain area. Most of these forest areas are legally protected, however these forests are still utilized illegally by people for fuel and sawn wood production. This forest has important role for life; therefore, the sustainability of the original mountain forest ecosystem should be maintained. Gunung Halimun National Park is one of the mountain rain forests having high biological diversity.

The objective of this research is to understand the composition and structure of tree communities in the national park edge area and the influence of trees to the undergrowth species, in such away the degree of forest disturbance and its causes could be identified.

Data collection was carried out between April and September 1995 in five edge national park areas, i.e. Cisarua I, Cisarua II, Legok Heulang, Pongkor and Citalahap: Floristic enumeration was done by transect-plot method. First transect-plots of 500 x 20 meter were established perpendicular to the national park border. Each transect plot was divided by 25 plot of 20 m x 20 in for trees (DBH > 10 cm) enumeration, 25 sub plot of 5 m x 5 m for sapling (2 cm < DBH > 10 cm), and 25 sub plot of 1 m x 1 m for undergrowth plants (diameter < 2 cm).

Sorensen similarity indices show the variation among the five study sites. Three sites Cisarua I, Cisarua II, and Legok Heulng have value more than 50 %, while the similarity of two other sites, i.e. Pongkor and Citalahap is lower, less than 36 %, indicates the different community types. Those variations seem to be resulted from different environmental conditions and degrees of disturbance.

From the five transect-plots of 500 m x 20 m, 89 trees species were recorded, belonging to the 33 genus and 62 families. Citalahap is an area having the highest species diversity, i.e. 48 species, followed by Pongkor (38 species), Legok Heulang (37 species), Cisarua II (35 species), and Cisarua I (33 species). Communities of Cisarua I, Cisarua II and Legok Heulang were dominated by Tinmannia blumei, Syzygium lineatum, Schefflera arornatica, Schima wallichii, Eurya acuminata, Quercus pycnan hum. Based on important index values, it was apparent that the Cisarua I is a consociation of Vkinmannia blumei, while Cisarua II and Legok Heulang are association of Ni,inmantiia blumei - Syzygium lineatum. The community in Pongkor area is an association of Castanopsis acurninatissima - Quercus pyriformis, dominated by Castanopsis acuminatissima, Quercus pyriforntis, Schima ~vallic/: i, Altingia excelsa; while the community in Citalahap is an association of Altingia excelsa - Quercus garnelli.fora, dominated by Altingia excelsa, Quercus gamelkflora, Quercus pyrifnrmis, Schima wallichii, and Litsea di versifolia.

Based on the sapling composition in the 125 sub plots of 5 m x 5 m, 68 species were recorded belonging to the 31 genus and 53 families. The most important species of saplings were Camellia sinensis, Macaranga triloba, Syzygium lineatum. Sciu:fera annnatica, Castanopsis acuminatissima, Gyathea contaminans.

Within 125 sub plots of 1 m x 1 in, 205 undergrowth species were recorded belonging to 72 genus and 155 families. Based on the life form, it composed of 71 seedlings, 37 shrubs, 2 palms, 14 ferns, 2 orchids, 22 lianas, 58 herbs. Composition of undergrowth plants could be classified into three communities. The first community represents Cisarua I, Cisarua II, and Legok Heulang. This community is dominated by light demanding (intolerant) species, such as Gleichenia linearis, Clidemia hirta, Sphaeranthus liulicus, Eupatorium intrlifoliun1. Macaranga triloba, and Helminthostachys zelylanica. The second community represents Pongkor area, dominated by shade tolerant species, such as Castanopsis acuminatissima, Maschalacotytnutio cotynrbosus, Conunc'linrt diftsa, Plectocomia elonngata, and the third community represent Citalahap area dominated by Alangium indict's, Begonia robusta, and Strobilanthes blumei. The growth of tolerant and intolerant species is influenced by tree crown covers and density. This is proved by Pongkor area which has highest trees density (373 trees/ha), and the lowest is Legok Heulang (190 trees/ha). Species diversity in five research locations is relatively high (3.46), compared with interior forest 2.49 (Hadi, 1994).

Based on calculation, basal area of trees in five research locations are lower compared with other forest areas in West Java (Yamada, 1975; Yusuf, 1988; Hadi, 1994). This means that trees in five research locations have smaller sizes. This is also indicated by class diameter distribution by which trees having diameter at 10-20 cm on the highest rank in five locations. The analysis of class diameter distribution of the sample trees from Citalahap and Pongkor area shows the normal curve (7 up-side down shaped). This means that the forest in two areas were relatively undisturbed. On the other hand, class diameter distribution from Cisarua I, Cisarua II, and Legok Heulang shows that the class diameter curve is not normal. Most of the diameter > 40 cm has been removed illegally by local communities. From the observation in the field, there are 32 to 88 illegal left-over cut logs per hectare with the diameter more than 25 cm. Based on this fact, it is shown that the forest area in the three locations has been very highly disturbed by local community, mainly with illegal cutting of the trees with diameter > 25 cm. In order to maintain the natural ecosystem in three locations of the Gunung Halimun National Park, the protection system in the park area should be improved.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Connie Fonita
Abstrak :
Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi kebisingan lalu lintas adalah dengan pemanfaatan pagar hidup dari jenis semak atau pohon. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui peranan dan kemampuan vegetasi di beberapa taman DKI Jakarta dalam meredam kebisingan lalu lintas. Lokasi penelitian adalah taman Panglima Polim Raya, Prapanca Raya, dan Hang Tuah II. Pengambilan data dilakukan selama empat hari untuk tiap taman. Data yang diambil di tiap taman adalah kebisingan lalu lintas pada jarak 2 m dan 16 in dari jalur lalu lintas, parameter faktor biotik, dan faktor abiotik. Parameter faktor biotik yang diukur adalah tinggi pohon, diameter pohon setinggi dada, luas tajuk, jarak tajuk dari tanah, Leaf Are Index, dan jarak tanam pohon dari jalur lalu lintas. Faktor abiotik yang yang diukur adalah kecepatan angin, suhu, dan kelembaban udara.

Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kebisingan lalu lintas pada jarak 2 m dan 16 in dari jalur lalu lintas di ketiga taman yang diteliti telah melebihi nilai yang ditetapkan untuk daerah perumahan, yaitu 60 dB. Nilai peredaiman kebisingan lalu lintas oleh vegetasi di tainan Panglima Poliin Raya, Prapanca Raya, dan Hang Tuah II adalah sekitar 2,65%, 4,30%, dan 5,04%. Nilai ini dipengaruhi oleh sumber kebisingan dan keadaan lokasi. Di taman Panglima Polirn Raya tidak terdapat perbedaan nilai peredainan kebisingan lalu lintas oleh pohon Bungur dan Angsana, sedangkan di taman Hang Tuah II nilai peredaman kebisingan lalu lintas oleh pohon Tanjung lebih besar daripada Flamboyant. Data parameter faktor biotik dan abiotik yang diukur tidak berkorelasi dengan kebisingan lalu lintas, kecuali antara suhu udara dengan kebisingan lalu lintas di taman Panglima Polim Raya. ABSTRACT
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Universitas Indonesia, 1991
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devina Christianti
Abstrak :
Klasifikasi adalah proses menugaskan satu set data ke dalam kelas yang ada berdasarkan nilai setiap atribut. Pengklasifikasi pohon keputusan diklaim lebih cepat dan berproduksi akurasi yang lebih baik. Namun, ia memiliki beberapa kelemahan di mana pengklasifikasi rentan untuk overfitting. Overfitting adalah suatu kondisi di mana model tidak mampu menarik kesimpulan data baru dengan cara yang benar. Overfitting di pohon keputusan dapat dihindari dengan memotong subtree pengaruh kecil dalam melakukan klasifikasi ketika pohon ditanam, disebut post-pruning, yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja model dalam memprediksi data. Tesis ini mengusulkan metode pasca pemangkasan dengan menerapkan Risiko Bayes, di mana estimasi risiko setiap simpul induk dibandingkan dengan simpul daunnya. Sebagai perbandingan, pemangkasan pasca lainnya Metode yang diterapkan, yaitu Reduced Error Pruning (REP). Kedua metode tersebut diterapkan untuk tiga dataset klasifikasi churn pelanggan dari situs Kaggle dan IBM Datasets. Untuk hasilnya, Bayes Risk Post-Pruning dapat meningkatkan kinerja Decision Tree lebih baik dari Reduced Error Pruning dengan meningkatkan nilai akurasi, presisi, dan daya ingat. Kedua metode juga diterapkan pada tiga proporsi berbeda untuk data pelatihan (60%, 70% dan 80%). Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar ukuran dataset pelatihan dikaitkan akurasi, presisi, dan daya ingat model yang lebih tinggi.
Classification is the process of assigning a set of data to an existing class based on the value of each attribute. Decision tree classifiers are claimed to be faster and produce better accuracy. However, it has several disadvantages where the classifier is prone to overfitting. Overfitting is a condition in which the model is unable to draw new data conclusions in the right way. Overfitting in the decision tree can be avoided by cutting the subtree of small influence in classifying when the tree is planted, called post-pruning, which aims to improve the performance of the model in predicting data. This thesis propose a post-pruning method by applying Bayes Risk, where the estimated risk of each parent node is compared to the leaf node. As a comparison, other post pruning methods are applied, namely Reduced Error Pruning (REP). Both methods are applied for three customer churn classification datasets from the Kaggle site and IBM Datasets. For the results, Bayes Risk Post-Pruning can improve Decision Tree performance better than Reduced Error Pruning by increasing the value of accuracy, precision, and memory. Both methods are also applied to three different proportions for training data (60%, 70% and 80%). The results show that the greater the size of the training dataset is associated with higher model accuracy, precision, and recall.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Valery Ongso Putri
Abstrak :
Ketidakseimbangan data merupakan masalah umum yang terjadi dalam bidang analisis data. Data menjadi tidak seimbang karena terdapat perbedaan antara jumlah sampel pada setiap kelasnya. Masalah ketidakseimbangan ini menyebabkan model klasifikasi menjadi bias, dimana model akan cenderung memprediksi kelas mayoritas secara efektif dibandingkan dengan kelas minoritas dan dapat menyebabkan kesalahan interpretasi dalam pengambilan suatu keputusan. Terdapat beberapa cara dalam menangani data yang tidak seimbang, yaitu random undersampling dan random oversampling. Salah satu metode dari random oversampling yang populer adalah Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE). SMOTE dapat digabungkan dengan metode random undersampling, yaitu Edited Nearest Neighbors (ENN) dan Tomek link. Pada metode gabungan SMOTE-ENN dan SMOTE-Tomek link, SMOTE bekerja terlebih dahulu dengan membuat sampel sintetis pada kelas minoritas. ENN dan Tomek link berperan sebagai cleaning untuk menghapus data yang tidak relevan dan dianggap sebagai noise. Untuk melihat pengaruh ketiga metode resampling tersebut, yaitu SMOTE, SMOTEENN, dan SMOTE-Tomek Link, dilakukan simulasi data. Simulasi data dapat melihat pengaruh ukuran sampel, ukuran proporsi kelas, dan metode resampling terhadap model klasifikasi decision tree, random forest, dan XGBoost pada data yang tidak seimbang. Simulasi data juga dijalankan sebanyak 100 iterasi yang menunjukkan bahwa iterasi pertama cukup untuk mewakili hasil dari 100 iterasi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa ketiga metode cenderung mampu memberikan hasil yang baik dengan adanya peningkatan nilai metrik precision, recall, ROC-AUC, dan G-Mean. Metode SMOTE dengan XGBoost bekerja dengan baik pada ukuran sampel kecil dengan adanya peningkatan nilai metrik yang cukup signifikan. Pada SMOTE-ENN, nilai recall cenderung meningkat yang diikuti oleh menurunnya nilai precision pada proporsi 1:9, 2:8, dan 3:7 dengan sampel yang relatif kecil. SMOTE-Tomek Link juga meningkatkan nilai metrik pada sampel yang relatif kecil dengan proporsi memberikan nilai metrik tertinggi. ......Data imbalance is a common problem that occurs in the field of data analysis. The data becomes unbalanced because there is a difference between the number of samples in each class. This imbalance problem causes the classification model to be biased, where the model will tend to predict the majority class effectively compared to the minority class and can cause misinterpretation in making a decision. There are several ways to handle imbalanced data, namely random undersampling and random oversampling. One of the popular random oversampling methods is Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE). SMOTE can be combined with random undersampling methods, namely Edited Nearest Neighbors (ENN) and Tomek link. In the combined SMOTE-ENN and SMOTE-Tomek link method, SMOTE works first by creating a synthetic sample in the minority class. ENN and Tomek link act as cleaning to remove irrelevant data and are considered as noise. To see the effect of the three resampling methods, namely SMOTE, SMOTE-ENN, and SMOTE-Tomek Link, data simulation was conducted. Data simulation can see the effect of sample size, class proportion size, and resampling method on decision tree, random forest, and XGBoost classification models on imbalanced data. The data simulation was also run for 100 iterations which shows that the first iteration is sufficient to represent the results of 100 iterations. The results show that the three methods tend to be able to provide good results with an increase in the precision, recall, ROC-AUC, and G-Mean metric values. The SMOTE method with XGBoost works well on small sample sizes with a significant increase in metric values. In SMOTE-ENN, the recall value tends to increase followed by a decrease in precision value at proportions 1:9, 2:8, and 3:7 with relatively small samples. SMOTE-Tomek Link also increases the metric value on relatively small samples with proportions of 1:9 and 2:8. In addition, the resampling method was also used on data available on Kaggle.com, namely Pima Indian Diabetes and Give Me Some Credit:: 2011 Competition. In the Pima Indian Diabetes data, it can be seen that the recall, ROC-AUC, and G-Mean values are the highest using SMOTE-ENN with the XGBoost model. On the Give Me Some Credit:: 2011 Competition also shows that the SMOTE-ENN method with the XGBoost model provides the highest metric value.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Thomas, Peter A., 1957-
Abstrak :
Trees are familiar components of many landscapes and have been vital in determining the ecology of our planet as well as the development of human cultures and communities. Yet how much do we really understand about how they work? This updated and revised edition provides a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of tree biology and ecology and presents the state-of-the-art discoveries in this area. The wonders and mysteries of trees are explored throughout the book and questions such as why leaves turn spectacular colours in the autumn, how water reaches the top of the tallest trees, or why the study of genetics has caused so many name changes in trees are all brilliantly answered. Written with a non-technical approach, this book will be a valuable source of reference for students and those with a less formal interest in this fascinating group of plants.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2014
582.16 THO t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Miller, Howard A.
Dubuque: Wm. C.Brown, 1978
582.16 MIL h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indah Nursanti
Abstrak :
Karya ilmiah ini membahas perhitungan kelayakan dalam menjalani suatu proyek, pemilihan proyek serta pengaruh perubahan nilai komponen-komponen dalam perhitungan kelayakan dari sepuluh proyek yang dimiliki oleh PT Infomedia Nusantara pada bulan Maret 2014.Sebagai pedoman untuk PT Infomedia Nusantara dalam menjalankan usahanya pada tahun-tahun mendatang, sehingga perusahaan dapat memaksimalkan nilai perusahaan. Metode yang digunakan untuk perhitungan kelayakan proyek dan pemilihan proyek adalah dengan menggunakan discounted cash flow yang menghasilkan perhitungan NPV, IRR, PI serta PP. Sedangkanmetode yang digunakan untuk perubahan nilai komponen- komponen dalam perhitungan kelayakan menggunakan scenario analisis. Dan penggunaan optimasi portofolio untuk melihat proyek-proyek yang optimum. Hasil perhitungan penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa hany aterdapat tujuh projek yang sesuai dengan klasifikasi perusahaan.Sedangkan untuk perubahan nilai komponen, sebaiknya perusahaan memperhatikan komponen biaya sumber daya manusia.
This thesis explores the feasibility in carrying a project, the selection of projects and the effects of changes in the components of the calculation for the feasibility from ten projects are owned by PT Infomedia Nusantara on March 2014, as a guideline for PT Infomedia Nusantara business in the coming years, so that the company can maximize its value. The method use for the calculation of project feasibility and project selection is to use a discounted cash flow calculation that generates NPV, IRR, PI and PP.The calculation for feasibility uses scenario analysis. Portfolio Optimization uses for analyzing the optimum projects. The results of this study conclude that there are only seven projects in accordance with the classification of the company. While the change in the feasibility studies component, companies should pay attention to human resource cost components.;This thesis explores the feasibility in carrying a project, the selection of projects and the effects of changes in the components of the calculation for the feasibility from ten projects are owned by PT Infomedia Nusantara on March 2014, as a guideline for PT Infomedia Nusantara business in the coming years, so that the company can maximize its value. The method use for the calculation of project feasibility and project selection is to use a discounted cash flow calculation that generates NPV, IRR, PI and PP.The calculation for feasibility uses scenario analysis. Portfolio Optimization uses for analyzing the optimum projects. The results of this study conclude that there are only seven projects in accordance with the classification of the company. While the change in the feasibility studies component, companies should pay attention to human resource cost components., This thesis explores the feasibility in carrying a project, the selection of projects and the effects of changes in the components of the calculation for the feasibility from ten projects are owned by PT Infomedia Nusantara on March 2014, as a guideline for PT Infomedia Nusantara business in the coming years, so that the company can maximize its value. The method use for the calculation of project feasibility and project selection is to use a discounted cash flow calculation that generates NPV, IRR, PI and PP.The calculation for feasibility uses scenario analysis. Portfolio Optimization uses for analyzing the optimum projects. The results of this study conclude that there are only seven projects in accordance with the classification of the company. While the change in the feasibility studies component, companies should pay attention to human resource cost components.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Adijaya Susanto
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai pohon buah di empat puluh satu desa di Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat, pada Mei 2012 sampai Agustus 2012 dengan menggunakan metode kuadran total 410 plot dan metode kuadrat 5 x 5 m yang diletakkan di dalam kuadran. Ditemukan 74 spesies pohon dari 31 famili dan 1.640 individu tingkat pohon (diameter setinggi dada ≥ 10 cm) dan 462 individu pohon berdiameter ≥ 2 cm-- ≤ 9,9 cm dengan tinggi ≥1,5 m. Nephelium lappaceum L. (famili Sapindaceae), Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. (famili Moraceae), dan Lansium domesticum Corr. (famili Meliaceae) menjadi spesies dominan di Kabupaten Bogor dengan indeks nilai kepentingan (INK) masing-masing 64,6%, 41,5%, dan 41.4%. Berdasarkan indeks keanekaragaman Shannon-Wiener (H’) keanekaragaman buah di Kabupaten Bogor rendah dengan nilai H’ < 2 dan nilai indeks kesamaan Sorensen rata-rata 0,64 ......Research on fruit trees biodiversity has been conducted in fourty one villages sites located in Bogor Regency, West Java from Mei 2012 until August 2012. Four hundred and ten plots of quadran method were establish at the homegarden, while fourty one of half one kilometers transect were made at the street each villages. Four trees of each plot were sampled. The results obtained 74 species of 31 family and 1.640 trees (DBH ≥ 10 cm) and 462 trees belta (DBH ≥ 2,0 cm--≤9,9 cm). Nephelium lappaceum L. (family Sapindaceae), Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. (family Moraceae), and Lansium domesticum Corr. (family Meliaceae) was the dominant species at the Bogor Regency, West Java with High Importance Value 64,6%, 41,5%, and 41.4%. The diversity of fruit trees at both sites were categorized low based on Shannon Wiener index H’ < 2 and similarity of fruit trees community between the villages based on Sorenson Similarity average were 0,64
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edy Supriyanto
Abstrak :
Tugas akhir ini menyajikan cara menghitung jumlah spanning-tree dari suatu graph terhubung tak berarah dan graph terhubung berarah. Untuk menghitung jumlah spanning-tree graph terhubung tak berarah, maka akan disajikan major suatu matriks dan matriks incidence. Sifat matriks in-degree dan linieritas determinan akan dipergunakan dalam menghitung jumlah spanning-tree graph terhubung berarah.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1988
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Reyhan Farizki
Abstrak :
Pohon memiliki kerentanan tumbang terutama di musim tertentu. Seperti pohon Sengon (P.Falcataria) di lingkungan kampus Universitas Indonesia yang sangat rentan tumbang. Kayu dibagi menjadi 2 kategori berdasarkan kandungan air di dalamnya, yaitu kayu segar (Green Wood) dan kayu kering (Dried Wood). Kayu segar (Green Wood) sendiri diartikan sebagai kayu yang baru saja dipotong dari pohon tanpa dilakukan pengeringan. Sedangkan kayu kering (Dried Wood) diartikan sebagai kayu dari pohon yang telah dikeringkan. Karena itu menggunakan data mechanical properties dari kayu yang telah melalui proses pengeringan sebagai dasar untuk mencari kapasitas kerentanan tumbang pohon hidup akan berujung kepada suatu kekeliruan. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi terkait mechanical properties yaitu kekuatan lengkung (bending), kekuatan geser (hardness), dan kekuatan kekerasan (hardness) dengan target spesifik adalah pohon Sengon (Paraserianthes Falcataria) dikarenakan pohon tersebut memiliki tingkat kerentanan tumbang yang tinggi di lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, dengan perangkat lunak finite element method berbasis dari uji material properties, yaitu uji lengkung, uji geser dan uji tusuk. Pohon Sengon mampu menahan beban lengkung hingga 30000 N. Pohon Sengon mampu menahan beban geser hingga mencapai 30000 N. Pohon Sengon mampu menahan beban tusukan hingga mencapai 130000 N. ......Trees have fallen vulnerability especially in certain seasons. Like the Sengon tree (P. Falcataria) in the University of Indonesia campus environment that is very vulnerable to collapse. Wood is divided into 2 categories based on the water content in it, namely fresh wood (Green Wood) and dry wood (Dried Wood). Therefore, using mechanical data properties from wood that has been through the process of drying as a basis for finding the vulnerability capacity of fallen live trees will lead to a mistake. This study aims to obtain information related to material properties, namely Bending Strength, Shear Strength, and Hardness Strength with specific targets are the Sengon tree (Paraserianthes Falcataria) because the tree has a high level of vulnerability to fall in the University of Indonesia environment, with the finite element method software based on the test for each mechanical properties, namely the bending test, shear test and puncture test. Sengon tress are able to withstand bending load up to 30000 N, shear load up to 30000 N, and puncture load up to 130000 N.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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