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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Yarra Regita
Abstrak :
Tesis ini menganalisis bagaimana konstruksi gender yang binari dalam budaya masyarakat yang heteronormativisme memarginalkan kelompok seksual minoritas, diantaranya adalah transgender. Di Indonesia, transgender dikenal dengan istilah waria, yaitu wanita-pria. Keberadaan mereka yang belum diakui oleh pemerintah secara formal dan stigma buruk yang dilekatkan kepada mereka secara sosial membuat waria kerap mendapat perlakuan tidak adil seperti diskriminasi, marginalisasi, sampai kekerasan. Waria yang dialienasikan oleh masyarakat karena dianggap menyimpang, menciptakan komunitas sendiri yang bisa memberikan rasa aman dan eksistensi. Meskipun demikian, komunitas yang terdiri dari keberagaman individu terpolitisasi dalam relasi kuasa yang patron-klien dan membuat identitas waria sebagai individu terstereotipe dalam identitas sosial versi komunitas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan perspektif gender yang menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data, wawancara dan observasi. Terdapat total enam responden yang diwawancara, dengan fokus pada empat responden untuk melihat bagaimana pergulatan identitas waria dalam diri dan komunitas. Identitas sosial dalam komunitas membatasi pencarian identitas diri yang mandiri. Terlebih, pola relasi kuasa yang hierarkis dalam hubungan antara senior dan junior yang patron-klien membuat waria mengedepankan eksistensi identitas kelompok dibandingkan esensi identitas dirinya. Visi akan identitas yang beragam menjadikan komunitas waria terkotak-kotak dan berjarak, hal ini dapat menjadi pemicu konflik sosial yang mengancam kesatuan dan solidaritas kelompok waria.
This thesis analyze how the binary gender contruction within heteronormative society marginalizing sexual minority groups, among them the transgender. In Indonesia, transgender is known as waria, wanita-pria (shemale). Their exsistence are not formally recognize by the government and an attached stigma socially made the waria often receive gender injustice such as discrimination, marginalization, and violence. Waria is alienated by the society because they are considered a deviation, thus they create their own community that can provide safety and sense of belonging. However, a community that comprises of diversed individuals that is politically influenced in power-related, patron-client, and stereotyping into social identity ? community version. This is a qualitative research with gender perspective that uses data gathering, observation and deep interview. There a total of six respondents that were interviewed, focusing on four respondents how they coped with identity struggle within themselves and community. Social identity within the community constraints the search of their own identity. Moreover, the hierarchy of power related pattern between the senior and junior in patron-client mode, cause waria to prioritize more their group identity existence than their own identity. The vision of diverst identity caused waria?s community to be segregated and distanced, which can trigger social conflict that threatened their unity and solidarity as a group.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anindita Ayu Pradipta Yudah
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas representasi transgender dan transeksual dalam pemberitaan di media massa. Subyek penelitian adalah artikel berita dalam media massa Pos Kota berupa media cetak dan online selama tahun 2012-2013. Dalam menganalisis representasi berita digunakan metode kualitatif yaitu analisis wacana kritis. Analisis wacana kritis yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini mengacu pada Michel Foucault karena dalam skripsi ini juga menggunakan pemikiran Michel Foucault mengenai kekuasaan dan seksualitas. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa dalam representasi transgender dan transeksual dalam pemberitaan memiliki unsur transphobia yaitu ketakutan terhadap transgender dan transeksual, mengandung prasangka dan streotipe serta menampilkan adanya tindakan hate crime terhadap transgender dan transeksual. Hal ini dikarenakan adanya kekuasaan berupa konstruksi sosial yang mengkotak-kotakkan individu berdasar dua jenis kelamin sehingga transgender dan transeksual yang memiliki kepanjangan wanita pria dianggap sebagai individu yang sakit karena tidak berkonformitas sesuai jenis kelamin lahiriah.
This undergraduate thesis discusses the representation of transgender and transsexual over the mass media which is Pos Kota, both printed and online version of the news from 2012 to 2013. News articles of Pos Kota mass media through the years of 2012 and 2013 are the research subjects. This research uses qualitative method, which is discourse analysis, to analyze the news representation. Such method, refer to Michel Foucault as this undergraduate thesis also uses Michel Foucault theory about power and sexuality. The research found that transgender and transsexual news comprise transphobia in its content, containing prejudice and stereotype, as well as showing hate crime towards transgender and transsexual. That could happened by the cause of the power that classify person particularly based on their sex orientation so the transgender and transsexual who is different than those two sex (men and women) considered as an diseased individual, for not adjusting themselves to their natural sex orientation.
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yophie Septiady
Abstrak :
Jakarta is the Capital States which have much kind of societies. By seeing from the smallest unit of its society, therefore Jakarta is consisting of immeasurably community. One of them is waria community, which represents small scale of social whereby members could fulfill all their life or some through interdependence relation among them. All members or at least member of them, have tradition or attentions becoming their equality fastener element. They have norm, certainty, and regulation obeyed as a tying and also made guidance to ful fill requirement of its everyday.

Waria community has certain marked which differentiating with other communities in Jakarta. Waria represents men which have woman identities, where those identities emerge in interaction as confessed its existence by other people. They have different way in expressing each other identities. The difference of this expression made classifications form related to equality of marking among them. With in performance those classifications would emerge pursuant to each maturity of waria in running the role and express requirement of its soul.

As would we saw, the main problem of waria performance was causing of difficulty in determination of gender identity. In this matter they would have 2 conflicts i.e. psychological conflict and social conflict. Psychological conflict was related to adversative desire with the situation of its physical; while social conflict was related to eliminate them from life of ssociation and family and social opportunity to fulfill requirement of its life (in the field of employment).

Refer to Goffman (1986:14-5), among 2 existing stigma type i.e. one who is earn to be discreditable and the other one is who discredited. Waria is the one who "discredited stigma". The elimination of waria in social environment and economucs is because of their existence would debased and had made them worked as commercial sex worker for continuing their life. Therefore performance of waria represented product culture of waria as environment response which get stigma to have living and spiritual easiness, which did not outfont the activity context of waria environment and community though "market" in prostitution world.

Their performance would see as waria form by classifications based on woman attribute to manipulation man 's body through impression management to identity in every interaction. The attribute is to identify him/her self for showing their culture it self. According to context and interaction target, their appearance would selectively conduct by them self due to interaction with another community.

Comparison within dwelling area, performance in prostitution area would have more important for waria sex worker: Prostitution area is as strength corefor their factual life in represent interaction place to get money for utilize main requirement of 1%. Interaction at prostitution area became important between waria and service user. They would identity each other related to community and their culture. ln this congeniality, waria performance at prostitution area present through separate regulation base on cordidence and knowledge will use as a guidance for life within the classification system i.e. their own self relevant to environmental with classification of him/her self as a waria, waria service user, visitors and also prestige of waria from prostitution area.

Hereby, this original research would not been influence by other researcher who had picked the same subject. Dramaturgi concepts from Erving Goffman (1959, 1986) was influenced me in believing that dramaturgi theory as equality among the theater shows with the various role of type where our conduct and everyday interaction. Regarding this research, dramaturgi analysis would pay attention to problem of waria life in Jakarta everyday as it in an interaction. This theory would be acquainted with 2 important junctions in interaction (Goffman 1959: l7-30; Goffman 1959 in Poloma 2002 and Ritzer & Goodman 2004), that is front region and back stage.

Parsundi Suparlan (2004a) is also influence me in seeing waria stigma as coherence or equality stigma which sticky attached at some individuals. This would form the identity group with their own identity and aim to strengthen or seeking exploration their identity through to performance. Transaction, arrangement of categories, space domination cooperation, emulation, and conflict among themselves are need to have to accommodate the target market.

Approaching dissertation research of this is qualitative (Miles & Huberman I984; Suparlan 1994) where as collecting data, observation and circumstantial interviewed executing by participate. ln support of verify and current ethnography detail picture we were collecting waria datas in Jakarta and taking pictures by handy cam or camera for special activity at prostitution area, dwelling area, certain place where doing other activities such as field events, mall, Public Square, dangdut shows etc.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gita Rianty Hapsari
Abstrak :
Pro dan kontra terhadap keberadaan kaum transeksual di Indonesia yang menimbulkan permasalahan hukum terhadap status hukum dan akibat hukum serta perkawinan yang dilakukan oleh mereka. Tujuan penulisan adalah untuk mengetahui apakah Hukum Islam memperbolehkan perkawinan oleh transeksual yang telah diakui perubahan status kelaminnya oleh Pengadilan Negeri, serta mengetahui kewenangan Kantor Urusan Agama dalam perkawinan tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian adalah tindakan operasi pada dasarnya diharamkan, namun dibolehkan apabila terdapat kondisi cacat sejak lahir, sehingga pada dasarnya Hukum Islam tidak memperbolehkan terjadinya perkawinan antara seorang transeksual dengan orang yang sebenarnya berjenis kelamin sama kecuali operasi dilakukan karena terdapat kelainan bawaan sehingga perubahan jenis kelaminnya sah menurut Hukum Islam. Apabila perubahan kelamin sah, maka Kantor Urusan Agama tidak berhak menolak perkawinan, namun apabila perubahan kelamin tidak sah menurut Hukum Islam, maka Kantor Urusan Agama wajib menolak kehendak perkawinan.
Pros and cons of the existence of transsexuals in Indonesia which caused the legal problems for the legal status and the legal consequences and marriage by them. The objective of this thesis was to know if Islamic Law forbid the marriage of a transsexual who had been legalized to change the gender by court, and to know the authority of the Office of Religious Affairs in such marriages. The research method used in this thesis is a normative juridical research. The result of this research is that the surgery is basically forbidden, but can be allowed if there is a condition of birth defects, so basically Islamic Law does not permit the marriage of a transsexual with a person who is actually on the same sex, unless the surgery was performed because there was a congenital abnormalities so the genderchanged can be legal by Islamic Law. If the sex change legal, then the Office of Religious Affairs is not entitled to reject marriage, but if the sex change is not valid under Islamic Law, the Office of Religious Affairs shall refuse the will of the marriage.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muflihah Firdaus Ilyas
Abstrak :
Masalah HIV dan AIDS adalah masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang memerlukan perhatian yang sangat serius. Waria sebagai populasi kunci perlu dikontrol prevalensinya agar tidak menyebar ke populasi umum. Berdasarkan STBP 2007 dan 2011, prevalensi HIV pada waria belum menunjukkan penurunan yang signifikan (24% di 2007 dan 22% di 2011). Penelitian ini membahas mengenai determinan HIV pada waria di 5 kota di Indonesia dengan menggunakan data Surveilans Terpadu Biologis dan Perilaku (STBP) tahun 2011. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain studi cross sectional mengikuti desain studi pada STBP 2011. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa determinan status HIV pada waria di 5 kota di Indonesia antara lain adalah umur, lama terlibat kerja seks, pendidikan, riwayat IMS, pekerjaan, jumlah pelanggan seks anal, konsistensi penggunaan kondom dan pelicin, tes HIV, dan kunjungan klinik IMS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan pekerjaan waria merupakan faktor yang paling besar risikonya terhadap status HIV pada waria di 5 kota di Indonesia (OR=2,36). ...... HIV and AIDS is a public health problem that requires serious attention. Waria as key populations, the prevalence needs to be controlled to not spread to the general population. Based on the Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveillance (IBBS) 2007 and 2011, the prevalence of HIV on the transgender has not demonstrated a significant reduction (24% in 2007 and 22% in 2011). The aim of this study is to discuss the determinants of HIV on transgenders in 5 cities in Indonesia using data Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance (IBBS) in 2011. This study is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional study design followed the design of the study on IBBS 2011. The results showed that the determinant of HIV status on transgender in 5 cities in Indonesia, are age, duration involved sex work, education, history of STIs, job as a sex worker, number of anal sex clients, consistency use of condoms and lubricants, HIV testing, and STI clinic visits. Results of this study indicate transgender job is the greatest risk factor of HIV status on transgender in 5 cities in Indonesia (OR = 2.36).
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purika Desinta Prayudi
Abstrak :
PT. XYZ memiliki rencana untuk menerapkan program gender diversity di tempat kerja, dengan fokus karyawan-karyawan yang berada di jajaran manajerial. Namun demikian, implementasi program ini menemui kendala, yaitu rendahnya jumlah karyawan perempuan yang berada di tingkat manajerial tersebut. Hal ini ternyata disebabkan oleh rendahnya career aspiration mereka. Oleh karena itu, penulis merasa perlu untuk mengetahui penyebab dari rendahnya career aspiration mereka. Untuk meneliti masalah career aspiration yang terjadi pada karyawan perempuan di level manajerial di PT. XYZ ini, peneliti kemudian menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Data-data yang diperoleh peneliti diolah dengan menggunakan teknik statistik uji regresi linier berganda (multiple linear regeression), sehingga didapatkan 2 variabel yang paling berpengaruh, yaitu goal dan self-efficacy. Program intervensi mentoring kemudian dirancang untuk mengintervensi kedua variabel tersebut, sehingga pada akhirnya akan dapat meningkatkan career aspiration pada karyawan perempuan di level manajerial di PT. XYZ. Program intervensi yang dibuat peneliti adalah program mentoring yang akan berlangsung selama 12 kali dalam 12 bulan (1 tahun). Dalam setiap bulannya, setiap karyawan perempuan yang menjadi mentee akan bertemu dengan mentornya dalam sebuah sesi mentoring dan akan ada tugas-tugas dan targettarget khusus yang harus dicapai di setiap sesinya. Semua kemajuan yang dicapai akan dicatat dalam sebuah tracking form. Pada akhirnya, program ini akan dimasukan pula dalam Individual Development Plan (IDP) dari setiap peserta mentoring. ...... PT. XYZ has an initiative to implement a program called gender diversity at work, focusing in employees who are in managerial level. However, this program implementation is facing an obstacle, which is the few numbers of female employees who are in managerial level in PT. XYZ. This is caused by the low level of their career aspiration. Thus, researcher tries to find out the cause of their career aspiration. To conduct study regarding career aspiration of female employees in managerial level in PT. XYZ, the researcher uses qualitative method of research. The obtained data is being analyed by multiple linear regression, so it could be concluded that there are two 2 variables which are influencing career aspiration, goal and self-efficacy. Mentoring is designed as an intervention to increase those two variables, which will result in increasing career aspiration in female employees in managerial level in PT. XYZ. This intervention program will last 12 times in 12 months (1 year). Every month, each female employee, who participates in this program as a mentee, will meet with her mentor in a brief mentoring session and there will be assignments and specific target, which are supposed to be completed in every session. All progress occur in this program will be recorded in a tracking form. Finally, this program will be counted in Individual Development Plan (IDP) of every mentee.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jeffreys, Sheila
Abstrak :
t is only recently that transgenderism has been accepted as a disorder for which treatment is available. In the 1990s, a political movement of transgender activism coalesced to campaign for transgender rights. Considerable social, political and legal changes are occurring in response and there is increasing acceptance by governments and many other organisations and actors of the legitimacy of these rights. This provocative and controversial book explores the consequences of these changes and offers a feminist perspective on the ideology and practice of transgenderism, which the author sees as harmful. It explores the effects of transgenderism on the lesbian and gay community, the partners of people who transgender, children who are identified as transgender and the people who transgender themselves, and argues that these are negative. In doing so the book contends that the phenomenon is based upon sex stereotyping, referred to as 'gender' a conservative ideology that forms the foundation for women's subordination. Gender Hurts argues for the abolition of gender, which would remove the rationale for transgenderism. This book will be of interest to scholars and students of political science, feminism and feminist theory and gender studies
Abingdon: Oxon Routledge, 2014
306.76 JEF g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Transseksual merupakan gangguan identitas jenis kelamin, dimana penderitanya merasa mempunyai jenis kelamin yang bertentangan dengan alat kelamin fisiknya. Penderita transseksual ini, sering menempuh upaya operasi penggantian kelamin. Operasi penggantian kelamin merupakan pelaksanaan dari hak untuk mengurus badannya sendiri atau The Right of Self Determination (TROS). Namun TROS tidak dapat dilaksanakan secara mutlak, tetapi dibatasi oleh ketertiban dan hukum yang berlaku. Oleh karenanya, operasi penggantian kelamin harus sesuai dengan hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia dan harus memperhatikan hukum Islam karena hukum Islam merupakan salah satu sumber hukum di Indonesia. Selain itu, operasi penggantian kelamin berdampak pada akta kelahiran karena akta kelahiran tersebut harus disesuaikan dengan jenis kelamin yang baru. Kemudian yang menjadi permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu, bagaimanakah tinjauan hukum Islam dan hukum perdata terhadap operasi penggantian kelamin? Bagaimanakah pengaturan operasi penggantian kelamin dalam hukum positif di Indonesia?Bagaimana dampak operasi penggantian kelamin terhadap akta kelahiran ditinjau dari sudut hukum Islam dan hukum perdata? Metode penelitian ini adalah metode kwalitatif, dengan menggunakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari buku, berita, dan artikel. Namun, untuk melengkapi data, penulis juga memperoleh data primer melalui wawancara dengan ketua Majelis Ulama Indonesia dan pegawai kantor catatan sipil. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa menurut hukum Islam, operasi penggantian kelamin boleh dilakukan jika untuk tujuan pengobatan. Selain itu, operasi penggantian kelamin merupakan suatu perjanjian medis antara pasien dengan dokter sehingga harus memenuhi ketentuan Pasal 1320 KUHPerdata. Akta kelahiran dari orang yang merubah jenis kelaminnya, harus diberi catatan pinggir yang memberikan informasi bahwa telah terjadi perubahan jenis kelamin. Sampai saat ini belum ada peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur mengenai operasi penggantian kelamin dengan jelas. Oleh karena itu, hendaknya dibuat suatu peraturan perundang-undangan tingkat nasional yang mengatur mengenai operasi penggantian kelamin, agar operasi penggantian kelamin tidak menjadi suatu hal yang kontroversial.
Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library