Hasil dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa, Pembuktian yang telah KPPU lakukan dalam proses penyelesaian Laporan Dugaan Pelanggaran (LDP) yang dilakukan PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) dengan mengacu kepada Peraturan KPPU Nomor 3 Tahun 2011 telah melewati tahapan-tahapan yang diatur dalam peraturan KPPU tersebut, mulai dari tahapan penentuan pasar bersangkutan hingga tahapan analisis pelanggaran yang kemudian dikorelasikan dengan alat-alat bukti yang didapatkan selama proses penelitian dan penyelidikan. Kemudian Pengenaan denda yang dijatuhkan KPPU dalam putusannya kepada PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) dirasa kurang tepat dalam hal besaran denda yang dijatuhkan, hal ini dikarenakan dalam berbagai macam pengaturan mengenai penjatuhan sanksi administratif dalam pelanggaran hukum persaingan usaha mengatur mengenai mekanisme dalam penghitungan besaran denda yang dijatuhkan KPPU kepada pelanggar hukum persaingan usaha. ......Competition is an inseparable part of the business world, for business actors in running their business cannot avoid competition among business actors. Competition is carried out to gain profits in running a business. Competition in the business world can have a positive impact on the business world itself, this is because competition can trigger business actors to provide innovation and the best quality in running their business, and a positive impact for consumers/society is the creation of a choice of goods and/or services that have the best quality at competitive prices in the market for these goods and/or services. However, competition does not only have a positive impact on the business world, in practice there are not a few business actors who commit fraudulent or unjustified actions in their efforts to gain profits, such as controlling the market so that the business competition climate becomes unhealthy and can eliminate competitors in business and/or his efforts. This study will examine the evidence carried out by the KPPU in the case of discriminatory practices in the selection of partners selling Umrah tickets to and from Jeddah and Medina by PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero), Tbk, the imposition of fines imposed by the KPPU on PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. who are proven to have practiced discriminatory practices in the selection of partners selling Umrah tickets to and from Jeddah and Medina have been in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.
The results of this study state that, the evidence that KPPU has carried out in the process of completing the Alleged Violation Report (LDP) conducted by PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) with reference to KPPU Regulation Number 3 of 2011 has passed the stages regulated in the KPPU regulation, starting from the stage of determining the relevant market to the stage of analysis of violations which is then correlated with the evidence obtained during the research and development process. investigation. Then the imposition of fines imposed by KPPU in its decision to PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) is deemed to be inappropriate in terms of the amount of fines imposed, this is because in various regulations regarding the imposition of administrative sanctions in violation of business competition law, it regulates the mechanism in calculating the amount of fines imposed by KPPU on violators of business competition law.