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Yusmardi N.
Abstrak :
Peristiwa 11 September 2001 adalah momentum yang sangat tepat bagi Amerika Serikat untuk memulai perang terhadap teroris internasional secara terbuka. Sejak saat itu, negara penguasa tunggal dunia ini mulai membuat kebijakan-kebijakan strategis di dalam negerinya untuk mempersempit dan memberangus gerak para teroris. Dengan segala sumberdaya yang dimiliki dan menggunakan segala instrumen yang bisa dipakai, AS berusaha untuk menghentikan segala aksi teror yang masih mungkin terjadi. Bersamaan dengan itu, lewat kampanye War on Terrorisme global, AS menggalang kerjasama dalam berbagai bentuk dengan semua negara di dunia. Lewat pedekatan slick and carrot dan penawaran dua pilihan, "bersama Amerika atau bersama teroris," membuat kampanye AS ini sukses besar, dalam arti mendapat dukungan mayoritas dari negara-negara di dunia. Dengan menggunakan instrumen-instrumen politik internasional, seperti penetrasi dan intervensi melalui sarana media massa dan militer membuat siapa saja yang dianggap AS sebagai teroris akan sangat mudah "ditaklukkan." Didakwanya Al-Qaedah, kelompok Islam garis keras sebagai pelaku aksi teror terhadap AS kembali membangkitkan wacana permusuhan Islam dan Barat, semacam perang antar peradaban yang diramalkan Samuel Huntington di awal tahun 90-an. Bersamaan dengan itu tuduhan dan kritikan terhadap Islam sebagai ideologi yang mendukung aksi kekerasan semakin menguat, terutama di negara-negara Barat yang tidak mengenal Islam secara proporsional, sehingga sampai ada yang berpikiran ideologi ini harus dihancurkan. Bahkan dibeberapa tempat, pasca terjadinya serangan 11 September 2001 warga muslim diperlakukan secara kasar bahkan ada yang menggunakan kekerasan fisik, khususnya di negara yang warga muslimnya minoritas. Pilihan-pilihan strategi yang digunakan Amerika terlihat sangat dipengaruhi oleh orang-orang di sekeliling Presiden Bush yang cenderung beraliran konfrontasionalis, yang melihat setiap persoalan dengan kacamata permusuhan dan cenderung memilih cara kekerasan dalam menyelesaikan setiap persoalan. Kebijakan Amerika memerangi teroris telah menimbulkan implikasi negatif bagi komunitas muslim di berbagai belahan dunia, termasuk bagi komunitas Islam Politik di Indonesia. Secara psikologis, instrumen penetrasi dan intervensi yang dijalankan Amerika telah menimbulkan ketakutan dan kengerian yang mendalam di kalangan komunitas Islam Politik dalam menghadapi aksi-aksi counter terrorism. Tindakan-tindakan represif yang diambil aparat keamanan di dalam negeri dalam upaya mencari dan menangkap para pelaku aksi teror yang tidak jarang menimbulkan persoalan baru dalam masyarakat, khususnya masalah keamanan. Pada sisi lain, upaya memerangi teroris juga semakin memperkuat resistensi komunitas Islam Politik terhadap kebijakan-kebijakan yang dijalankan Amerika baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri. Apalagi ketika langkah-langkah yang diambil terkesan sangat sejalan dengan apa yang diinginkan Amerika.
The 9/11-terror attack was a momentum for the United States to begin its war towards international terrorists openly. It was since this attack that the world super power began to re-formulate its domestic strategic policies in order to limit and diminish the movement of the terrorists. With all resources and instruments that it has, the United States attempted to avoid all possible terror attacks, which may happen in the future. Along with it, through its war on terror campaign, the U.S. organizes multilateral cooperation in any form with all countries around the world. Through its stick and carrot approach, it offers others with two choices that is either "to be with the U.S or with the terrorists". This approach has been successful in terms that it gains support from various countries. It uses international political instruments, such as penetrating and intervening others through media and military so that the U.S. can easily overcome those who are considered by the U.S as terrorists. The charge over Al-Qaedah, a group of radical Muslims as the actor behind the deadly terrorist attack has awakened the old hatred between Islam and the West, as a clash of civilization, which was first emerged as a thesis formulated by Samuel Huntington in the early 1990s. The accusation and attack towards Islam as an ideology that supports violence acts is strengthening, especially in Western Countries, which do not really understand Islam. Therefore, it is unquestionable that many of them think that Islam has to be destroyed. In fact, in various places after the 9/11 attacks, many Muslims have been badly treated, especially for those who live as a minority groups. All of these strategic policies have been very much influenced by those officials close to President George W. Bush who tends to be confrontative, meaning that he always try to see all problems in enmity and tend to use violence actions in solving every problems. The U.S. policies to fight the terrorists have created negative impact to the Muslim community in various countries around the world, including those in Indonesia. Psychologically, the penetration and intervention policies that are adopted by the U.S. have created fear among the political Islam communities. Repressive actions that are taken by the state apparatus in many cases have formed new problems in the community, such as the security issues. On the other hand, the attempts to fight terrorists have also strengthened the Muslims' community resistance towards U.S. foreign or domestic policies. Worse still, those policies are taken in order to secure the U.S. interests.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ishna Indika Jusi
Abstrak :
Metode pendanaan terorisme di Indonesia terus berkembang semakin kompleks dan variatif. Dari yang awalnya menggunakan metode-metode konservatif seperti kurir tunai, badan amal, dan perampokan bank, kini mereka mulai memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi keuangan, seperti peretasan terhadap Fintech ilegal. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis pertimbangan teroris dalam memanfaatkan fintech sebagai sumber pendanaan mereka serta penanggulangannya. Analisis dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori yang digagas oleh Michael Freeman tentang pertimbangan teroris dalam pemilihan metode pendanaan mereka. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus, yaitu peretasan speedline.com oleh Rizki Gunawan pada tahun 2011 untuk pendanaan terorisme. Data penelitian didapatkan melalui wawancara pelaku peretasan tersebut, ahli dari PPATK, OJK, penyidik Densus 88, laporan, serta jurnal yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa aspek yang menjadi prioritas utama dalam pendanaan terorisme adalah aspek keamanan pelaku, kuantitas dana yang didapat, dan tingkat kemudahan dalam mengumpulkan dana.
Terrorism financing method in Indonesia is developing in an alarming rate, to the point it is now becoming more complex than before. Terrorists traditionally use conventional methods like robberies, charities and courier service to fund their activities, today terrorists are able to utilize modern methods in financing their activities due to the rapid development in financial technology nowadays, one example is by hacking an illegal Fintech Company. Therefore, this research is conducted in order to explain and analyze the consideration behind the usage of illegal fintech company to finance terrorism activities and how to prevent it. The analysis on this research is done by using the theory that is coined by Michael Freeman about the reasoning of terrorists when choosing their financing method. The method used in this research is case study, and the case that is used for this research is the terrorism financing hacking of speedline.com in 2011 by Rizki Gunawan. Research data are acquired from interviews with the perpetrators, experts from INTRAC (PPATK), Special Detachment 88, reports, and journals that are relevant with the research. As a result, this study found that the priority aspects in terms of terrorist financing are security, quantity, and the simplicity while obtaining funds.
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nidia Masithoh
Abstrak :
Reintegrasi mantan narapidana terorisme harus dilakukan secara terintegrasi mulai dari intervensi pembinaan dan pemberdayaan dalam Lapas dengan inisiatif program paska-rilis. Keterlibatan inisiatif mantan narapidana teror dalam reintegrasi luar Lapas mendapat atensi cukup besar beberapa tahun terakhir. Pelibatan yayasan mantan narapidana teror dalam skema asistensi dan supervisi dilakukan untuk membangun ruang dukungan sosial sebagai upaya pencegahan residivisme. Umumnya mantan narapidana teror mengalami risiko dan tantangan paska-rilis yang melekat seperti stigmatisasi, ketidakpercayaan dan ekslusi terhadap akses sosioekonomi. Mengingat hal ini, periode transisi menjadi masa krusial dalam menentukan keberhasilan program pencegahan. Yayasan mantan narapidana teror menginisiasi program pendampingan dan pengawasan berbasis komunitas dengan mendorong kemandirian finansial, mengubah cara pandang ke arah moderat melalui kajian dan dialog serta memastikan penerimaan komunitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif untuk menggambarkan intervensi yayasan mantan narapidana teror dalam skema reintegrasi lanjutan dengan menekankan pada risiko krusial periode transisi sebagai urgensi keterlibatan inisiatif yayasan. Teori Ikatan Sosial digunakan untuk mengetahui unsur pencegah kembalinya binaan melakukan kejahatan teror. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Yayasan Lingkar Perdamaian memberikan bantuan moril dan materil sebagai bentuk dukungan sosial bagi mantan narapidana teror yang menjalani masa Cuti Menjelang Bebas. Yayasan Lingkar Perdamaian juga memastikan penerimaan komunitas terhadap reintegrasi mantan narapidan teror di wilayahnya. ......Ex-terrorist reintegration must be carried out in an integrated way from in-prison empowerments with post-release program initiatives. The involvement of formers in reintegration has received considerable attention in recent years. The involvement of formers foundations in the assistance and supervision is to build a social support to prevent recidivism. Usually, ex-terrorist experience inherent post-release risks and challenges such as stigmatization, mistrust and socioeconomic exclusions. Transition period is a crucial in determining the success of prevention program. Formers foundation initiates community-based assistance and supervision by encouraging financial independence, changing perspectives towards moderation through discussion and dialogue and ensuring community acceptance in the first place. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method to describe the intervention of formers foundation in reintegration scheme by emphasizing the crucial risks of the transition period. Social Bond Theory is used to find out the elements of preventing ex-terrorist from re-committing terrorism. This research found that Yayasan Lingkar Perdamaian as formers foundation provides assistance on moral and material for ex-terrorist on their conditional release. Yayasan Lingkar Perdamaian also ensures acceptance of community for ex-terrorist reintegration in their area.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardi Putra Prasetya
Abstrak :
Fenomena desistensi dari terorisme tidak hanya sebatas menjelaskan bagaimana mantan pelaku teror dapat berhenti menjadi teroris atau kembali terlibat dalam kelompok teroris.  Di sisi lain, penelitian tentang Desistensi dari terorisme harus menjawab berbagai macam faktor dan pengaruh lain yang mendukung seseorang mengalami Desistensi dari terorisme. Peneliti memulai penelitian ini dengan tinjauan existing literatur tentang Desistensi dari terorisme, dengan mempertimbangkan tantangan konseptual dan meninjau teori utama kerangka kerja dan temuan empiris dari Desistensi dari terorisme khususnya di Indonesia. Didasarkan pada hal ini terdapat kemungkinan pembentukan tipologi Desistensi dari terorisme berserta peramalannya dapat memberikan pandangan yang berbeda terkait penanganan dan pencegahan tindak pidana terorisme. Peramalan tersebut akan mencakup berkembangnya kondisi idling mode yang cenderung dialami oleh mantan pelaku teror. Setelah idling mode, ditemukan catalyst event yang mendorong mantan pelaku teror kembali melakukan aksinya. Kondisi ini juga tidak terlepas dari pengaruh globalisasi yang telah mengakibatkan badai informasi, di mana mantan pelaku teror terlibat dan memiliki peran dalam organisasi terorisme. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, Peneliti melakukan wawancara mendalam terhadap 35 Mantan Teroris, serta melakukan Focus Group Disscussion (FGD) bersama 13 Pakar intervensi pelaku teror. Dari hasil penelitian ini, tergambarkan bagaimana wujud dari tipologi Desistensi dari terorisme. Berdasarkan tipologi tersebut, dapat dilihat faktor yang mendukung dan menghambat terjadinya Desistensi dari terorisme, seperti catalyst event dan idling mode. Di bagian akhir, penelitian ini membahas tentang bentuk intervensi yang dapat dilakukan kepada Mantan pelaku teror, yaitu pendekatan heaven, home, dan habit. ......The phenomenon of Desistance from Terrorism is not only limited to explaining how former terrorists can stop being terrorists or get involved in terrorist groups again. On the other hand, research on Desistance from Terrorism must address various other factors and influences that support a person experiencing Desistance from Terrorism. The researcher started this research by reviewing the existing literature on Desistance from Terrorism, taking into account the conceptual challenges and reviewing the main theoretical framework and empirical findings of Desistance from Terrorism, especially in Indonesia. Based on this, there is a possibility that the establishment of a typology of Desistance from Terrorism along with its forecasting can provide different views regarding the handling and prevention of terrorism crimes. The forecasting will include the evolving conditions of idling mode that former perpetrators of terror tend to experience. After idling mode, a catalyst event was found that pushed former terror perpetrators back into action. This condition is also inseparable from the influence of globalization which has resulted in a storm of information, in which former terror perpetrators are involved and have a role in terrorism organizations.  Using qualitative methods, the researcher conducted in-depth interviews with 35 former terrorists, as well as conducted a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with 13 terrorism intervention experts. From the results of this study, it is described how the form of the tipology of Desistance from Terrorism is described. Based on this tipology, it can be seen the factors that support and inhibit the occurrence of Desistance from Terrorism, such as catalyst events and idling modes. In the end, this study discusses the forms of intervention that can be done to ex-terrorists, namely heaven, home, and habit approaches.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Whittaker, David J.
New York: Routledge, 2004
303.625 WHI t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ladiansah Fajari
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas tentang pilihan rasional teroris radikal Islam dalam memilih modus serangan studi kasus terorisme di Indonesia dari tahun 2000 hingga 2010. Identifikasi menunjukan terdapat tiga modus serangan teroris yang dilakukan oleh kelompok teroris tersebut. Penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa dalam memilih modus serangan yang akan digunakan, teroris selalu memperhitungkan dan mempertimbangkan pilihan rasional berbagai faktor baik personal (motif dan kemampuan pelaku) maupun situasional (situasi dan kondisi target serta ketersediaan akses pendukung operasi) sehingga dapat mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan.
This paper discussed the rational choice of radical Islamic terrorists in selecting the mode of attack, based on case studies of terrorism in Indonesia during 2000 to 2010. Identification showed that there are three modes of terrorist attacks carried out by terrorist groups. This study explains that in choosing a mode of attack that will be used, terrorists always take into account and consider the rational choice of a variety of factors both personal (the perpetrator's motives and abilities) or situational circumstances (situations and conditions of the target and the availability of access to operations support) so as to achieve the desired goal.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nuruddin Lazuardi
Abstrak :
Rangkaian konflik komunal yang terjadi pada tahun 1998 hingga 2001kemudian berlanjut menjadi aksi teror menimbulkan pertanyaan besar sejumlahkalangan Salah satunya adalah mempertanyakan apakah intelijen kepolisiangagal berperan sebagai alat negara dalam mendeteksi mengantisipasi danmemberikan infomasi penting terkait kerusuhan yang terjadi di wilayah Poso Akhirnya dalam kurun waktu lebih dari dua tahun 2005 2007 sebagian besarpelaku teror yang beroperasi di pulau Sulawesi pada umumnya dan di kota Posopada khususnya berhasil dibongkar dan diungkap intelijen Polri Pengungkapanini memunculkan pertanyaan bagaimana intelijen kepolisian berhasilmengungkap jaringan tersebut Penelitian ini mengunakan pendekatan kualitatif Metode in depthinterview digunakan untuk pengumpulan data penelitian Informan sebagai narasumber penelitian ini merupakan anggota kepolisian yang pernah bertugas dalamoperasi kepolisian di Poso selama konflik dan teror Poso tahun 1998 2007 Informan lainya adalah pelaku teror serta tokoh masyarakat Poso Untukmenjawab pertanyaaan penelitian digunakan teknik analisa timeline fishbone danwildcard analysis Untuk menganalisa kegagalan inteljen tersebut penulis mengunakananalisa kegagalan intelijen dengan pendekatan teori Thomas Copeland Sedangkanuntuk analisa keberhasilan intelijen digunakan antithesis dari teori kegagalanThomas Copeland Dalam penelitian ini penulis akhirnya menemukan sejumlahvariabel kegagalan maupun keberhasilan intelijen Polri sesuai dengan penjelasanThomas Copeland pada sisi Kebijakan dan Kepemimpinan Organisasi AnalisisIntelijen dan Persepsi Informasi Ancaman
The series of communal conflict that occurred in 1998 and 2001 andcontinued into terror raise a big question One is the question whether the policefailed to act as an intelligence tool in detecting state anticipating and providingimportant information related to the riots in Poso Finally in a period of more thantwo years 2005 2007 most of the terrorists who operated on Sulawesi in generaland in the town of Poso in particular had been uncovered and revealed by Policeintelligence This disclosure raises the question of how police intelligenceuncovered the network This research uses a qualitative approach In depth interview method isused for research data collection Informants as a resource of this research are amember of the police who had served in the police operation in Poso during theconflict and terror Poso in 1998 2007 Other informants are terrorists andcommunity leaders in Poso To answer the research questions this research usestimeline fishbone and wildcard analysis techniques To analyze the intelligence failure the author uses the theory of ThomasCopeland about intelligence failure Antithesis of the theory of Thomas Copelandis used to analyze the intelligence success In this research the authors finallydiscover number of variables intelligence failures and successes in accordancewith the explanation Thomas Copeland on the Policy and Leadership Organization Intelligence Analysis and Perception of Threat Information ;The series of communal conflict that occurred in 1998 and 2001 andcontinued into terror raise a big question One is the question whether the policefailed to act as an intelligence tool in detecting state anticipating and providingimportant information related to the riots in Poso Finally in a period of more thantwo years 2005 2007 most of the terrorists who operated on Sulawesi in generaland in the town of Poso in particular had been uncovered and revealed by Policeintelligence This disclosure raises the question of how police intelligenceuncovered the network This research uses a qualitative approach In depth interview method isused for research data collection Informants as a resource of this research are amember of the police who had served in the police operation in Poso during theconflict and terror Poso in 1998 2007 Other informants are terrorists andcommunity leaders in Poso To answer the research questions this research usestimeline fishbone and wildcard analysis techniques To analyze the intelligence failure the author uses the theory of ThomasCopeland about intelligence failure Antithesis of the theory of Thomas Copelandis used to analyze the intelligence success In this research the authors finallydiscover number of variables intelligence failures and successes in accordancewith the explanation Thomas Copeland on the Policy and Leadership Organization Intelligence Analysis and Perception of Threat Information ;The series of communal conflict that occurred in 1998 and 2001 andcontinued into terror raise a big question One is the question whether the policefailed to act as an intelligence tool in detecting state anticipating and providingimportant information related to the riots in Poso Finally in a period of more thantwo years 2005 2007 most of the terrorists who operated on Sulawesi in generaland in the town of Poso in particular had been uncovered and revealed by Policeintelligence This disclosure raises the question of how police intelligenceuncovered the network This research uses a qualitative approach In depth interview method isused for research data collection Informants as a resource of this research are amember of the police who had served in the police operation in Poso during theconflict and terror Poso in 1998 2007 Other informants are terrorists andcommunity leaders in Poso To answer the research questions this research usestimeline fishbone and wildcard analysis techniques To analyze the intelligence failure the author uses the theory of ThomasCopeland about intelligence failure Antithesis of the theory of Thomas Copelandis used to analyze the intelligence success In this research the authors finallydiscover number of variables intelligence failures and successes in accordancewith the explanation Thomas Copeland on the Policy and Leadership Organization Intelligence Analysis and Perception of Threat Information , The series of communal conflict that occurred in 1998 and 2001 andcontinued into terror raise a big question One is the question whether the policefailed to act as an intelligence tool in detecting state anticipating and providingimportant information related to the riots in Poso Finally in a period of more thantwo years 2005 2007 most of the terrorists who operated on Sulawesi in generaland in the town of Poso in particular had been uncovered and revealed by Policeintelligence This disclosure raises the question of how police intelligenceuncovered the network This research uses a qualitative approach In depth interview method isused for research data collection Informants as a resource of this research are amember of the police who had served in the police operation in Poso during theconflict and terror Poso in 1998 2007 Other informants are terrorists andcommunity leaders in Poso To answer the research questions this research usestimeline fishbone and wildcard analysis techniques To analyze the intelligence failure the author uses the theory of ThomasCopeland about intelligence failure Antithesis of the theory of Thomas Copelandis used to analyze the intelligence success In this research the authors finallydiscover number of variables intelligence failures and successes in accordancewith the explanation Thomas Copeland on the Policy and Leadership Organization Intelligence Analysis and Perception of Threat Information ]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Krisnawati Wijayakusuma
Abstrak :
Terorisme yang dipandang sebagai kejahatan kriminal luar biasa dan pelanggaran berat HAM telah menjadi ancaman serius terhadap perdamaian, keamanan dan perkembangan sosial/ekonomi negara di berbagai kawasan. Indonesia secara konsisten mengutuk keras segala bentuk tindakan terorisme dan memiliki komitmen kuat dalam mencegah dan memberantas tindak pidana pendanaan terorisme. Mengingat jaringan dan operasi teroris/kelompok teroris merupakan masalah kompleks dan lintas negara sehingga perlu terus meningkatkan kerjasama internasional, baik dalam kerangka multilateral (PBB) maupun regional serta bilateral. Maraknya aksi terorisme tersebut melatarbelakangi usaha melawan pendanaan terorisme. Pendanaan merupakan faktor utama dalam setiap aksi terorisme sehingga upaya penanggulangan tindak pidana terorisme diyakini tidak akan berhasil tanpa pemberantasan pendanaannya. Perhatian dunia internasional terhadap praktek pencucian uang dan pendanaan terorisme semakin meningkat setelah FATF mengeluarkan The Forty Recommendations dan DK PBB mengeluarkan UNSCR 1267 Tahun 1999, yang pada prinsipnya meminta agar setiap negara melakukan “pembekuan seketika (freezing without delay)” terhadap dana dan aset keuangan lainnya atau sumber ekonomis dari individu dan entitas yang berkaitan dengan Al-Qaida dan/atau Taliban atau kegiatan terorisme lainnya. Dengan adanya UU No.6 Tahun 2006 dan Rekomendasi FATF serta kelemahan pada peraturan yang ada, maka Indonesia wajib membuat atau menyelaraskan peraturan per-UU agar sejalan dengan ketentuan dalam konvensi/rekomendasi tersebut sehingga terbit UU No.9 Tahun 2013 tentang Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Pendanaan Terorisme. ...... Terrorism is seen as extraordinary crime and gross violations of human rights has become a serious threat to peace, security and social development/economic countries in various regions. Indonesia consistently condemns all forms of terrorism and has a strong commitment to preventing and combating the financing of terrorism a criminal offense. Given the network and terrorist operations / terrorist groups is a complex issue and cross-country so it needs to continue to enhance international cooperation, both within the framework of multilateral (UN) and regional and bilateral. The rise of terrorism are behind the fight against the financing of terrorism. Funding is a major factor in any act of terrorism so that the response to terrorism is believed to not be successful without suppression of funding. International attention to the practice of money laundering and financing of terrorism has increased after the FATF issued the Forty Recommendations and the UN Security Council issued UNSCR 1267 of 1999, which, in principle, requested that each country undertake "immediate freezing (freezing without delay)" of the funds and other financial assets or economic resources of individuals and entities associated with Al-Qaida and / or the Taliban or other terrorist activities. With the existence of Act 6 of 2006 and the FATF Recommendations as well as weaknesses in the existing legislation, the Indonesian establish or harmonize regulation by-laws to be in line with the provisions of the convention/recommendation so that rised Act No.9 Year 2013 Concerning The Prevention And Suppression Criminal Acts Of Terrorism Financing.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marella Al Faton
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas strategi yang digunakan Turki dalam menanggulangi ancaman foreign terrorist fighters (FTF) tahun 2014 hingga 2016. Turki adalah negara asal, negara transit, dan negara tujuan potensial bagi FTF yang pergi ke Suriah dan Irak. Kondisi ini membuat Turki menghadapi ancaman berkali lipat dibanding negara lain. Akan tetapi, Turki tidak berupaya menanggulangi ancaman FTF hingga di tahun 2014. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif-analitis dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua jenis teori penggentaran (deterrence) untuk menganalisa kebijakan dan tindakan pemerintah Turki yang sesuai dengan Resolusi DK PBB 2178 (2014). Strategi Turki dipengaruhi oleh persepsi ancaman Turki terhadap FTF. Sebelum tahun 2014, FTF tidak dipersepsikan sebagai sebuah ancaman. Di tahun 2014, FTF mulai dipersepsikan sebagai ancaman yang harus ditanggulangi. Dari hasil analisis, dapat diketahui bahwa strategi deterrence by denial yang digunakan Turki untuk menanggulangi ancaman FTF lebih berhasil dibandingkan strategi deterrence by punishment. ...... This thesis examines Turkey’s strategy in countering foreign terrorist fighters (FTF) threats from 2014 until 2016. Turkey is the state of origin, state of transit, and state of potential destination for FTF who go to Syria and Iraq. Because of this, Turkey constantly poses multiple threats compared to other countries. Nevertheless, the government of Turkey did not overcome the threats until in 2014. This thesis is a descriptive-analysis research with qualitative approach. Using two types of deterrence theory, the author analyze Turkish government's policies and measures which fit UNSC Resolution 2178 (2014). Turkey’s strategy higly related with its perception of threats against FTF. Before 2014, FTF was not considered as a threats to Turkey. Meanwhile, in 2014 Turkey start to perceived FTF as a threats to it’s national security. The analysis shows that in coutering FTF threats, Turkey’s strategy deterrence by denial is considered more successful than deterrence by punishment.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hana Naufanita
Abstrak :
Pendekatan psikologi menjadi salah satu perspektif yang kerap digunakan untuk menggali motivasi teroris dan intervensi dalam program deradikalisasi. Secara spesifik pendekatan psikologi ditempatkan untuk membangun profil, penilaian risiko, dan modifikasi perilaku. Dari tujuan tersebut, tampak bahwa terorisme dipahami sebagai sebuah perilaku, padahal ia juga merupakan proses mental yang melibatkan aspek kognitif, afektif, dan perilaku sekaligus. Distorsi kognitif pada diri teroris menjadi sumber permasalahan yang disepakati masyarakat, akademisi, maupun pemangku kepentingan. Sayangnya dinamika ketiga domain tersebut tidak benar-benar didiskusikan lebih jauh. Penelitian ini berupaya mengelaborasi dinamika domain kognitif, afektif, dan perilaku mantan narapidana terorisme Muslim dari tradisi keilmuan Islam klasik yang mampu menyuguhkan aspek psikospiritual, yaitu melalui teori ilm (ilmu), hal (kondisi hati), dan amal (aksi) milik Imam Al Ghazali. Memahami proses interaksi ketiga domain menjadi penting dalam upaya perumusan program intervensi yang tepat sesuai kebutuhan para teroris yang mengidentifikasikan diri sebagai ‘jihadis’. Walaupun agama dalam kasus terorisme menjadi kambing hitam, kebutuhan transenden yang dibangun lewat ajaran agama pada tiap-tiap ‘jihadis’ sedikit banyak tetap memiliki andil dalam membentuk motivasi mereka untuk terlibat dalam pemahaman dan/atau kelompok teror. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa domain ilmu dan hal berkompetisi dalam membentuk motivasi ‘jihadis’. ......Psychology has become one of those promising approaches to study terrorists’ motivation and intervention in deradicalization program. This approach specifically attempts to construct profiling, risk assessment, and behavior modification. From those objectives terrorism tends to be seen as behavioral problem, whereas it is a mental process that includes cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects. Cognitive distortion of terrorist as the source of problem becomes common understanding among society, scholars, and stakeholders. Unfortunately, as far as this research is being conducted, the dynamics of the three-domain left undiscussed. The study elaborates how cognitive, affective, and behavior of former Muslim terrorist convict interact from Imam Al Ghazali’s perspective that offers psychospiritual aspects that is ilm (knowledge), hal (heart condition), and amal (action). Comprehension of the three-domain’s dynamics become crucial to construct precise intervention program based on terrorists’ —who identify themselves as ‘jihadist’— spiritual needs. Although religion in the case of terrorism becomes scapegoat, transcendent need built through religious teachings in each ‘jihadist’ somehow has part in enforcing their motivation. This research found that ilm and hal intensely compete each other to dominate ‘jihadist’ motivation.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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