Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Gatot Subagio
Universitas Indonesia, 1989
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Puspa Kriselina Asmoro
Abstrak :
The activity of knowledge and technology transfer from the academic side into businesses or the industrial sector through various schemes, so-called university technology transfer or academic technology transfer, involves a complex process of developing research ideas into the utilization of research. Historically, university technology transfer was triggered by amendment of the U.S. Patent Law, named the Bayh-Dole Act. Shortly after the amendment, technology transfer activity at U.S. universities escalated, particularly in patent and license activities. The movement of transfer technology was closed related to a research activity of the university and university patent in general. Through empirical study, this paper identifies technology transfer activities specifically on herbal pharmaceutical products at two Indonesian state universities, i.e. Institut Pertanian Bogor and Universitas Indonesia. The identification of technology transfer activity in both universities aims to study whether IPRs play a significant role in technology transfer activity.
Depok: University of Indonesia, Faculty of Law, 2017
340 UI-ILR 7:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Mirza Azwar Karim
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 1988
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
I Gusti N. Kartika
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Irwan Hadi
Abstrak :
Indonesia adalah salah satu negara berkembang yang berusaha untuk menarik investasi langsung asing dengan harapan akan membawa ekster-nalitas positif. Salah satu eksternalitas ini adalah teknologi asing yang lebih maju yang jika terserap oleh perusahaan domestik dapat meningkatkan produktivitas. Penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya tentang subyek ini masih menghasilkan kesimpulan yang berbeda-beda. Tetapi jika kita boleh menarik kesimpulan, bisa dikatakan bahwa hasil penelitian pada setiap negara tergantung dari karakteristik negara yang bersangkutan.
Penelitian ini mencoba untuk menguji dampak dari transfer teknologi asing yang ikut terbawa melalui FDI di sektor manufaktur Indonesia. Hal ini akan dilakukan dengan mengukur berbagai jenis efek spillover pada setiap perus-ahaan di sektor tersebut. Metode ini dibangun dengan menggunakan data cross-section tingkat perusahaan dari data perusahaan manufaktur Indonesia pada dua periode yang berbeda (2006 dan 2010) yang didapat dari Biro Pusat Statistik Indonesia. Kami menggunakan total faktor produktivitas dari setiap perusahaan dalam mengukur efek spillover terhadap tingkat produk-tivitas perusahaan tersebut.
Kami menemukan bukti yang menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan FDI pada tingkat industri 4 digit dan 2 digit meningkatkan tingkat produktivitas pe-rusahaan domestik di industri yang sama. Lebih lanjut, Kami juga menemukan bahwa keberadaan perusahaan asing pada tingkat propinsi di Indonesia ternyata memiliki dampak positif pada produktivitas perusahaan domestik di propinsi yang sama. Hasil penelitian ini juga menemukan bah-wa spillover melalui keterkaitan ke belakang dan ke depan antara industri pada tingkat dua digit memiliki efek yang sama terhadap produktivitas pe-rusahaan domestik yang juga meningkatkan tingkat produktivitas perus-ahaan dalam negeri
Indonesia is one of many developing countries that are trying to attract in-ward foreign direct investment with the expectation that it will also brought positive externalities. One of these externalities is the more advanced for-eign technology which if spilled to the domestic firms can increase their productivity. There are mixed results in the previous studies on this subject. But if we take the general consensus, the results between each countries de-pends of the characteristics of the country.
This research tries to examine the impact of the foreign technology transfer through the channel of FDI in Indonesian manufacturing sector. It will con-duct by measuring the various types of spillover effect within these firms. The method is constructed by using the firm level cross sectional data of Indonesian manufacturing firms in two different period (2006 and 2010) that is collected from Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics. We use total factor productivity of a firm in measuring the spillover effects on the productivity level.
We find suggestive evidence that an increase in FDI at the 4-digit and 2-digit industry level raises the rate of productivity of domestic firms in the same industry. Then we find that the presence of foreign firms in provincial level in Indonesia is proved to have positive impacts on the domestic firm productivity in the same province. We also find that spillovers through backward and forward linkages between industries at the two-digit level have similar effects on the productivity of domestic firms which also in-crease the domestic firms productivity level.
Thus, this reseach can address the quality of inward FDI to Indonesian man-ufacturing firms. Whether it fulfills the target of quality FDI that assigned by Indonesian Coordinating Board for Investment or not.;Indonesia is one of many developing countries that are trying to attract in-ward foreign direct investment with the expectation that it will also brought positive externalities. One of these externalities is the more advanced for-eign technology which if spilled to the domestic firms can increase their productivity. There are mixed results in the previous studies on this subject. But if we take the general consensus, the results between each countries de-pends of the characteristics of the country.
This research tries to examine the impact of the foreign technology transfer through the channel of FDI in Indonesian manufacturing sector. It will con-duct by measuring the various types of spillover effect within these firms. The method is constructed by using the firm level cross sectional data of Indonesian manufacturing firms in two different period (2006 and 2010) that is collected from Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics. We use total factor productivity of a firm in measuring the spillover effects on the productivity level.
We find suggestive evidence that an increase in FDI at the 4-digit and 2-digit industry level raises the rate of productivity of domestic firms in the same industry. Then we find that the presence of foreign firms in provincial level in Indonesia is proved to have positive impacts on the domestic firm productivity in the same province. We also find that spillovers through backward and forward linkages between industries at the two-digit level have similar effects on the productivity of domestic firms which also in-crease the domestic firms productivity level.
Thus, this reseach can address the quality of inward FDI to Indonesian man-ufacturing firms. Whether it fulfills the target of quality FDI that assigned by Indonesian Coordinating Board for Investment or not., Indonesia is one of many developing countries that are trying to attract in-ward foreign direct investment with the expectation that it will also brought positive externalities. One of these externalities is the more advanced for-eign technology which if spilled to the domestic firms can increase their productivity. There are mixed results in the previous studies on this subject. But if we take the general consensus, the results between each countries de-pends of the characteristics of the country.
This research tries to examine the impact of the foreign technology transfer through the channel of FDI in Indonesian manufacturing sector. It will con-duct by measuring the various types of spillover effect within these firms. The method is constructed by using the firm level cross sectional data of Indonesian manufacturing firms in two different period (2006 and 2010) that is collected from Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics. We use total factor productivity of a firm in measuring the spillover effects on the productivity level.
We find suggestive evidence that an increase in FDI at the 4-digit and 2-digit industry level raises the rate of productivity of domestic firms in the same industry. Then we find that the presence of foreign firms in provincial level in Indonesia is proved to have positive impacts on the domestic firm productivity in the same province. We also find that spillovers through backward and forward linkages between industries at the two-digit level have similar effects on the productivity of domestic firms which also in-crease the domestic firms productivity level.
Thus, this reseach can address the quality of inward FDI to Indonesian man-ufacturing firms. Whether it fulfills the target of quality FDI that assigned by Indonesian Coordinating Board for Investment or not.]
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Riyanto Mahmud
Abstrak :
Penelitian mengenai tingkat inovasi pada level regional telah banyak dilakukan di beberapa negara, namun untuk kasus Indonesia penelitian serupa masih sangat jarang untuk ditemui. Penelitian ini menganalisis bagaimana persebaran inovasi di Indonesia serta ingin mengetahui apakah terjadi spilover inovasi atau tidak. Selain itu penelitian ini juga melihat faktor apa saja yang membuat suatu provinsi cenderung memiliki tingkat inovasi yang lebih tinggi dibanding dengan provinsi lainnya di Indonesia.
Tingkat inovasi dalam penelitian ini diukur dengan menggunakan jumlah paten yang terdaftar. Dengan Data paten 33 provinsi dari tahun 2005 hingga 2015 yang dianalisis menggunakan Moran's I test dan spatial durbin model didapati bahwa inovasi di Indonesia terpusat di Pulau Jawa dan cenderung mengelompok.
Provinsi yang memiliki tingkat inovasi yang tinggi cenderung berkelompok dengan provinsi yang memiliki tingkat inovasi tinggi dan sebaliknya. Selain itu penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa terdapat Spilover inovasi yang terjadi baik secara lokal maupun global. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa tingkat inovasi di suatu provinsi dipengaruhi oleh input inovasi, adanya aglomerasi, akumulasi human capital, adanya industri yang memiliki skill intensive, infrastruktur, akses informasi serta mobilitas penduduk.
Research about level of innovation at the regional has been widely practiced in some countries, but in Indonesia the case of similar research is still very rare to find. This study analyzes how the distribution of innovation in Indonesia and want to know does Spillovers Innovation occur or not. In addition, this study also looks at what factors make a province tend to have a higher level of innovation compared to other provinces in Indonesia.
The level of innovation in this study was measured using the number of registered patents. With 33 provincial patent data from 2005 to 2015 analyzed using Moran 39 s I test and spatial durbin model it was found that innovation in Indonesia was centered on Java and tended to clustering.
The Provinces with high level of innovation tend to group with provinces with high levels of innovation and vice versa. In addition, this study also found that Spillovers innovation occurs both locally and globally. The study also found that the level of innovation in a province is influenced by innovation input, agglomeration, accumulation of human capital, the existence of skill intensive industry, infrastructure, access of information and population mobility.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Rillo Priyo Prambudi
Abstrak :
Teknologi persenjataan Indonesia, khususnya teknologi Alutsista masih memiliki banyak ketertinggalan dibanding negara maju. Karenanya, pengadaan Alat Utama Sistem Senjata Indonesia umumnya dilakukan melalui pengadaan pembelian dari luar negeri. Alih teknologi adalah sebuah mekanisme perolehan teknologi yang berpotensi meningkatkan kemandirian teknologi Indonesia di kemudian hari, namun pengaturannya di Indonesia masih belum cukup mendukung perwujudan kemandirian teknologi Indonesia. Dalam tulisan ini penulis akan mencoba untuk membedah pengaturan mengenai alih teknologi di Indonesia khususnya dalam konteks pengadaan Alutsista dengan menggunakan proyek kerja sama pengembangan pesawat tempur KF-X/IF-X antara Indonesia dengan Korea Selatan sebagai variabel yang dianalisis, mengingat program ini adalah program pengembangan pertama untuk pesawat tempur yang melibatkan Indonesia dari proses awalnya. Metode penelitian dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah penelitian yuridis-normatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, dan menggunakan bahan- bahan kepustakaan serta wawancara. Temuan yang akan disampaikan dalam penelitian ini adalah aspek-aspek yang harus diperhatikan ketika Indonesia hendak melakukan alih teknologi khususnya dalam pengadaan Alutsista dan sebuah usulan untuk memberi prinsip-prinsip dasar bagi penyelenggaraan alih teknologi pada umumnya dengan melibatkan lembaga pendidikan tinggi serta unit-unit penelitian dan pengembangan untuk memaksimalkan daya riset teknologi dalam rangka mewujudkan Indonesia sebagai negara yang mandiri dalam mengembangkan dan mengelola teknologi.
Indonesian weapons technology, especially Weaponry System rsquo s Primary Equipments WSPE technology still has a lot of backwardness compared to developed countries. Therefore, the procurement of the Main Equipment of Indonesian Weapon System is generally done through the procurement purchasing from abroad. Technology transfer is a technology obtaining mechanism that has the potential to increase Indonesia 39 s technological independence in the future, but its arrangement in Indonesia is still not enough to support the realization of Indonesia 39 s technological independence. In this research the author will try to dissect the arrangement of technology transfer in Indonesia especially in the context of procurement of WSPE by using cooperation project of development of KF X IF X fighter aircraft between Indonesia and South Korea as variables analyzed, considering this program is a fighter aircraft development program which the first to involve Indonesia from its initial process. The research method in writing this thesis is juridical normative research with qualitative approach, and using library materials and interview. The findings to be presented in this study are aspects that must be considered when Indonesia wants to transfer technology especially in the acquisition of WSPE and a proposal to give basic principles for the implementation of technology transfer in general by involving educational institutions and R D units to maximize the capacity of technology research in order to realize Indonesia as an independent country in developing and managing technology in the future.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Centre for Strategic and International Studies, 1974
338.926 JAP s
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library