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Tasya Fitriana Semudi
Abstrak :
Hepatocelluler carcinoma merupakan penyakit keganasan yang terjadi pada hati. Salah satu penatalaksanaan penyakit yang dilakukan adalah dengan laparoskopi hepatektomi dimana sebagian hati dengan sel karsinoma akan diangkat. Pasien paska pembedahan laparoskopi hepatektomi rentan mengalami komplikasi paska operasi. Saat ini pasien berada pada hari rawat kelima paska pembedahan, dimana komplikasi yang mungkin terjadi yaitu infeksi, perdarahan dan asites. Sehingga perawat memiliki peran penting untuk mencegah komplikasi paska bedah. Salah satu cara untuk mencegah komplikasi paska bedah yaitu dengan pemberian intervensi ambulasi. Pemberian intervensi ambulasi efektif dalam mencegah komplikasi paska pembedahan, meningkatakan kemandirian, mengurangi lama hari rawat di rumah sakit dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien paska pembedahan laparoskopi hepatektomi. Intervensi ambulasi mudah dilakukan, tidak membutuhkan alat dan mudah dilakukan kembali oleh pasien dan keluarga pasien. Intervensi ambulasi dilakukan selama empat hari dengan empat kali sesi pertemuan. Hasil yang didapatkan menunjukkan adanya penurunan tingkat nyeri, peningkatan skor kemandirian pasien dengan kuesioner barthel index, tidak ada tanda-tanda infeksi pada luka insisi pasien dan berkurangnya perdarahan. Sehingga penulis merekomendasikan pemberian intervensi ambulasi untuk mencegah komplikasi paska pembedahan laparoskopi hepatektomi.

< Hepatocellular carcinoma is a malignant disease that occurs in liver. Laparoscopic hepatectomy is one of the managemen for the disease which part of the liver with carcinoma cells will be removed. Patients after laparoscopic hepatectomy surgery are prone to postoperative complications. Currently the patient is on the fifth postoperative day of stay, where possible complications include infection, bleeding and ascites. Nurses have an important role in preventing post-surgical complications. One way to prevent post-surgical complications is by giving ambulation intervention. The advantages of ambulation intervention is effective in preventing postoperative complications, increasing independence, reducing the length of stay in the hospital and improving the quality of life of patients after laparoscopic hepatectomy surgery. The ambulation intervention is easy to do, requires no tools and easy for patient and their family to redemonstrate. Ambulation intervention was carried out for four days with four sessions of meetings. The results obtained showed a decrease in the level of pain, an increase in the patients independence score with the Barthel Index questionnaire, there were no signs of infection in the patients incision wound and reduced bleeding. So author recommend giving ambulation intervention to prevent complications after laparoscopic hepatectomy surgery.

Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kitano, Seigo
Abstrak :
The first laparoscopy-assisted gastrectomy for gastric cancer was performed in Japan in 1991. In the ensuing 20 years, at first through a process of trial and error, then through the sharing of master surgeons’ accumulated experience, the procedure has been honed and refined to its current high level. From the beginning, it soon became evident that this much less invasive form of gastrectomy, in comparison with traditional open surgery, led to improved quality of life for postsurgical patients, and use of the procedure spread rapidly among gastric surgeons. Early on, however, there were calls for the establishment of standard techniques and procedures to be followed, with a recognized need to improve the level of safety and the quality of lymph node dissection for local control in cancer treatment. Toward that end, the Laparoscopy-Assisted Gastrectomy Club was formed in 1999. In the following year, because both Japan and Korea experience a high rate of gastric cancer, specialists from those two nations came together to form the Japan–Korea Laparoscopic gastrectomy joint seminar, to facilitate and encourage the exchange of vital information. The result has been to achieve an evolving consensus among specialists in the field of endoscopic surgery in Japan and Korea with expertise that can be shared worldwide. A compilation of the current state-of-the-art is now presented in this volume, with accompanying DVD, which will be of great value to all endoscopic surgeons who perform laparoscopic gastrectomy.
Tokyo: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Renny Lestari Avriyani
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang : Hubungan antara endometriosis dan nyeri pelvik telah banyak diketahui, namun penjelasan tentang mengapa hal ini bisa terjadi masih belum jelas diketahui. Dapat ditemukan keluhan nyeri hebat pada penderita endometriosis ringan, namun sebaliknya, dijumpai pula penderita endometriosis derajat berat tanpa keluhan nyeri berarti.Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari hubungan antara tampilan susukan endometriosis dan karakteristik nyeri pelvik.Metode : Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi retrospektif dengan metode analisis korelasi antara dua variabel numerik. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Rujukan Nasional dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengambil data retrospektif rekam medis dari 131 pasien yang dilakukan laparoskopi atas indikasi endometriosis dari tahun 2012-2016.Hasil: Endometriosis minimal terdapat pada 2 pasien, endometriosis ringan pada 3 pasien, endometriosis sedang di 26 pasien, dan endometriosis berat pada 104 pasien. Berdasarkan tampilan makroskopik, endometriosis ovarium terdapat pada 92,4 , endometriosis peritoneal 82,4 , ESD 40,5 , dan adenomiosis pada 19,1 . Terdapat korelasi positif bermakna antara skor ASRM total, subskor kista endometriosis, endometriosis superfisial, obliterasi kavum douglas, dan adhesi adneksa dengan VAS dismenorea r=0,303; 0,187; 0,203; 0,278; 0,266, p
Background Controversies on relationship between endometriosis stage, adhesion, lesion type, and severity of pelvic pain remains for years, eventhough clinical experience have connected those with severity of pelvic pain.Objective To evaluate the association between ASRM score in endometriosis and pelvic pain in a group of women with endometriosis.Methods A total of 131 patients with pelvic pain who conduct laparoscopy for diagnosis and therapy of endometriosis, have pain symptoms 3 months, and absense of pelvic anomalies. Dysmenorrhea, deep dyspareunia, dyschezia, dysuria, and chronic pelvic pain were evaluated using 10 point visual analogue scale. The data was collected by assessing the medical record and retrospective analysis was performed. Disease stage according to American Society of Reproductive Medicine, presence of adhesion, lesion type Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis DIE or without DIE , and severity of pain symptoms were analyzed by Spearman analysis. Different VAS between DIE vs non DIE group was analyzed by Mann Whitney analysis.Results Minimal endometriosis was present in 2 patients, mild in 3, moderate in 26, and severe in 104. Based on the macroscopic appearance, ovarian endometriosis accounts for 92,4 , peritoneal endometriosis 82,4 , DIE was 40,5 , and adenomyosis was 19,1 . Stage IV endometriosis accounts for 79.4 . Based on the macroscopic appearance, ovarian endometriosis accounts for 92.4 , peritoneal endometriosis 82.4 , DIE was 40.5 , and adenomyosis was 19.1 . There was significant correlation between total ASRM, ovarian endometriosis, peritoneal lesion, Douglas pouch obliteration, adnexal adhesion score and VAS dysmenorrhea r 0.303 0,187 0,203 0,278 0,266, p
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ying, Hao Sun, editor
Abstrak :
The training courses of urological laparoscopy is written by an international team of experts who have come together to share their experiences of training and skills acquisition in Urological Laparoscopy. Skills training and certification are needed to protect both patient and doctor from the pitfalls of uncertified practice. This comprehensive text focuses on the details of laparoscopic training within the field of urology from step-by-step guidance on the use of basic stems in the dry lab through to hints and tricks for problem solving in more complex scenarios.
London : Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library