"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat kepentingan anak didik yang ada sekarang, dan mengukur tingkat kinerja pelayanan sekolah yang ada sekarang dengan lokasi penelitian di Sekolah Menengah Umum (SMU) dan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) di Kotamadya Bekasi, yaitu SMU Negeri 1, SMK Al-Muhajirin, dan SMK Karya Bhakti. Metode pengumpulan data dengan kuesioner menggunakan skala Lickert dengan nilai interval 1-5. Sampel yang digunakan untuk penelitian sebanyak 100 orang terdiri atas 40 murid dari SMU Negeri 1, 30 murid dari SMK AL-Muhajirin, dan 30 murid dari SMK Karya Bhakti yang diambil secara acak. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis tingkat kepentingan dan tingkat kinerja (performance and importance analysis) dengan menggunakan diagram kartesius yang dibagi menjadi empat kwadran. Dari kwadran tersebut diketahui nilai tengah kepentingan sebesar 3,7 dan nilai tengah kinerja sebesar 2,8. Dengan demikian atribut yang memiliki skor di atas nilai tengah kepentingan sebesar 3,7 berkategori bagus, atau sebaliknya. Kemudian atribut yang memiliki skor di atas nilai tengah kinerja sebesar 2,8 berkategori bagus, atau sebaliknya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa atribut yang ada di kwadran I memiliki tingkat kepentingan tinggi tetapi kinerjanya pun tinggi sehingga perlu dipertahankan. Atribut yang ada di kwadran II yaitu wibawa guru, memiliki tingkat kepentingan rendah, tetapi kinerjanya tinggi sehingga perlu ada upaya agar tidak berlebihan. Atribut-atribut yang ada di kwadran III memiliki tingkat kepentingan rendah, tetapi kinerjanyapun rendah sehingga tidak perlu mendapat perhatian karena sudah wajar. Dan atributatribut yang ada di kwadran IV sebanyak 10 atribut yaitu komunikasi guru dengan murid, laboran, pustakawan, tenaga kebersihan, ruang kelas, laboratorium, sarana olah raga, perpustakaan, WC, dan kantin memiliki tingkat kepentingan tinggi tetapi kinerjanya rendah - sehingga perlu ditingkatkan. Agar sumber yang berlebihan di kwadran II tidak mubazir disarankan sumber tersebut didistribusikan ke kwadran IV untuk meningkatkan kinerja atribut-atribut yang ada di kwadran IV.
The objective of this research is to measure the student importance and the performance of school service, of services of provided by the existing schools. The research is located at Senior High School and Vocational Senior High School in Bekasi Municipality; they are State Senior High School 1, "Al-Muhajirin? Vocational Senior High School, and "Karya Bhakti" Senior High School. Data collection is performed by using the method of questionnaire based on Licked Scale with the interval value of 1-5. Samples employed in this research is 100 person, consisting of 40 students of State Senior High School 1, 30 students of "Al-Muhajirin" Vocational Senior High School, and , 30 students of "Karya Bhakti" Vocational Senior High School which are taken randomly. Data analysis is based on the technique of extent importance and performance by using kartesius diagram which are divided into 4 quadrants. Based on the quadrants, it is noted that the median value of the importance is 3.7 and the median value of the performance is 2.8. Therefore, the attribute with the score exceeding the median value of the importance is 3.7 in good category or vise versa. The attribute with the score exceeding the median value of the importance of the performance is 2.8 in good category or vise versa. Results of the research reveal that attribute existing at quadrant I has a high extent of importance and the high extent of performance, that is should be maintained. The attribute existing at quadrant II is teacher's authority, with a low extent of importance, however, its extent of performance is high, that there should be an effort that it will not excessive. Attributes existing at quadrant Ill has a low extent of importance, that it does not require an attention. Attributes existing at quadrant IV is 10 attributes, they are teacher-student communication, report, librarian, cleaning service attendants, classrooms, laboratories, sport facilities, library, lavatory, and canteen with high extent of importance, yet their extent of performance is low and should be increased. In order that the excessive sources at quadrant II is not valueless, it is recommended to distribute the sources to quadrant IV so that the performance of attributes existing at quadrant IV can be increased."