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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Rosi Sriandita Worosatiti
Abstrak :
Halitosis merupakan masalah medico-social yang mempengaruhi citra dan kepercayaan diri seseorang serta masyarakat. Kemampuan seseorang untuk mengetahui bahwa dirinya memiliki halitosis dan sejauh mana bau tersebut mengganggu khalayak ramai belum diketahui, sehingga diperlukan informasi mengenai gambaran perceived needs halitosis dengan metode self-assessment. Sampel penelitian didapat dengan menyebar angket formulir ekektronik dan didapatkan 1253 responden mahasiswa S1 Universitas Indonesia. Hasil uji Chi Square menunjukan terdapat perbedaan responden dengan bau mulut dan tanpa bau mulut berdasarkan karakteristik, persepsi waktu terjadinya bau mulut, menjaga kebersihan gigi dan mulut, serta persepsi keadaan rongga mulut memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan dengan halitosis, sedangkan penyakit sistemik dan kebiasaan selfcare tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan.
Halitosis is a medico-social problem that affects the confidence of a person and community. The information of perceived needs halitosis by using self-assessment methods is necessary to know the effect of someone?s perception about halitosis and how far it affects community. Samples were obtained by distributing e-form questionnaire and there were 1253 respondents from undergraduate students of Universitas Indonesia. Chi Square test shows that there are significant differences in respondents with or without halitosis based on these characteristic, perception of halitosis occurring time, oral hygiene, and perception of oral health, however systemic diseases and self care habit don't have significant differences. Halitosis is a medico-social problem that affects the confidence of a person and community. The information of perceived needs halitosis by using self-assessment methods is necessary to know the effect of someone's perception about halitosis and how far it affects community. Samples were obtained by distributing e-form questionnaire and there were 1253 respondents from undergraduate students of Universitas Indonesia. Chi Square test shows that there are significant differences in respondents with or without halitosis based on these characteristics, perception of halitosis occurring time, oral hygiene, and perception of oral health, however systemic diseases and self care habit don't have significant differences.;Halitosis is a medico-social problem that affects the confidence of a person and community. The information of perceived needs halitosis by using self-assessment methods is necessary to know the effect of someone?s perception about halitosis and how far it affects community. Samples were obtained by distributing e-form questionnaire and there were 1253 respondents from undergraduate students of Universitas Indonesia. Chi Square test shows that there are significant differences in respondents with or without halitosis based on these characteristics; perception of halitosis occurring time, oral hygiene, and perception of oral health, however systemic diseases and self care habit don?t have significant differences.;Halitosis is a medico-social problem that affects the confidence of a person and community. The information of perceived needs halitosis by using self-assessment methods is necessary to know the effect of someone?s perception about halitosis and how far it affects community. Samples were obtained by distributing e-form questionnaire and there were 1253 respondents from undergraduate students of Universitas Indonesia. Chi Square test shows that there are significant differences in respondents with or without halitosis based on these characteristics; perception of halitosis occurring time, oral hygiene, and perception of oral health, however systemic diseases and self care habit don?t have significant differences., Halitosis is a medico-social problem that affects the confidence of a person and community. The information of perceived needs halitosis by using self-assessment methods is necessary to know the effect of someone?s perception about halitosis and how far it affects community. Samples were obtained by distributing e-form questionnaire and there were 1253 respondents from undergraduate students of Universitas Indonesia. Chi Square test shows that there are significant differences in respondents with or without halitosis based on these characteristics; perception of halitosis occurring time, oral hygiene, and perception of oral health, however systemic diseases and self care habit don?t have significant differences.]
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maricha Arlini
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Tesis ini merupakan sebuah studi kasus yang membahas pengaruh swaasesmen pada kesadaran metakognitif dalam kasus pemilihan strategi membaca. Tujuan tesis ini adalah untuk mengungkapkan peran swaasesmen dalam meningkatkan kesadaran metakognitif pemelajar bahasa Inggris dalam kasus pemilihan strategi membaca. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Data diperoleh dari hasil kuesioner dan skor pemelajar pada tes membaca. Penelitian ini berdasarkan teori metakognitif yang dirumuskan Flavel (1976), dimensi metakognitif Schraw (1998), konsep swaasesmen dan pemelajaran reflektif dengan menggunakan model belajar KWL (known, want, learnt) serta kuesioner yang mengukur kesadaran metakognitif dalam pemilihan strategi membaca yang dirumuskan Mokhtari dan Reichard (2002). Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa swaasesmen meningkatkan kesadaran metakognitif pemelajar dalam pemilihan strategi membaca. Selain itu, swaasesmen juga membantu pemelajar menyadari kemampuan dan kelemahan pemelajaran mereka sehingga mereka dapat mendorong diri mereka sendiri untuk menemukan cara belajar yang dapat meningkatkan keberhasilan pemelajaran mereka. Swaasesmen juga mengarahkan pemelajar pada kegiatan konstruksi pemahaman dan kegiatan membaca yang lebih terarah melalui tahap pra- membaca, kala membaca dan paska membaca yang sistematis.
ABSTRACT This thesis is a case study that discusses the influence of self assessment on metacognitive awareness of reading strategies selections. The purpose of this thesis is to find out whether the self-assessment can raise awareness on the selection of learners metacognitive reading strategies. This study is a qualitative research. Data was obtained from the questionnaire, and learners in reading test scores. This study is based on the theory of metacognitive proposed by Flavell (1976), the dimensions of metacognitive proposed by Schraw (1998), the concept self-assessment and learning reflective by using a model of learning known as KWL (known, want, learned) and questionnaires to measure awareness of metacognitive in the selection of reading strategies formulated by Mokhtari and Reichard (2002). The research findings show that self assessment can raise awareness in the selection of learners metacognitive reading strategies on reading text in English subject. In addition, self-assessment also helps learners realize their learning abilities and weaknesses so that they can push themselves to find their own way of learning that can improve the success of their learning. Self assessment also directs learners on construction of reading comprehension activities and reading activities itself be more targeted through the stages of pre-reading, whilst reading and after reading stage systematically.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indri Astuti Irmalita
Abstrak :
Program Peningkatan Kompetensi Berkelanjutan (PKB) dan Uji Kompetensi Guru (UKG) telah menjadi program nasional sejak tahun 2012. Dalam pelaksanannya program ini mengalami berbagai perubahan kebijakan. Salah satu perubahannya adalah kebijakan penerapan self assessment guru dalam penyelenggaraan moda pembelajaran. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh perubahan kebijakan self assessment guru yang diterapkan pada penyelenggaraan program PKB terhadap capaian kelulusan UKG yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah setiap tahunnya sebagai salah satu indikator peningkatan kompetensi guru di Indonesia. Self assessment pada awalnya digunakan sebagai acuan penyelenggaraan alternatif moda pembelajaran (aneka moda) menjadi hanya menerapkan satu moda tatap muka untuk semua hasil pemetaan self assessment guru. Dengan memanfaatkan Sistem Informasi Manajemen (SIM) PKB yang berisi database peserta program PKB (guru) guna mempertajam analisis penelitian maka faktor internal dan faktor eksternal guru digunakan sebagai variabel kontrol untuk melihat pengaruhnya terhadap capaian kelulusan UKG setelah guru mengikuti program PKB. Dengan menggunakan metodelogi model regresi logit data panel dari sampel sebanyak 5759 guru mapel dan vokasi yang konsisten mengikuti program PKB sejak tahun 2016 sampai dengan 2018, hasil utama penelitian menemukan bahwa penerapan self assessment pada moda pembelajaran berpengaruh signifikan dan positif. Dengan analisis yaitu diterapkannya self assessment dalam penyelenggaran aneka moda pada program PKB akan menaikan probabilitas kelulusan UKG sebesar 4,1 %. Hasil dari variabel kontrol faktor internal dan faktor eksternal menujukan bahwa faktor kualifikasi pendidikan, status sertifikasi, jenjang mengajar, masa kerja, wilayah dan status sekolah memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan dan positif. Pengaruh yang signifikan dan negatif terhadap capaian kelulusan UKG diberikan oleh faktor bidang keahlian dan usia guru. Sedangkan faktor jenis kelamin dan status kepegawaian guru tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan kepada guru didalam mencapai nilai kelulusan UKG.
The Sustainable Competency Improvement Programme (PKB) and Teacher Competency Test (UKG) have become a national programs in Indonesia since 2012. There have been several policy changes during the implementation of the program. One of the changes is teacher self assessment policy that used as an instrument for maping teacher competency level for implementation multiple learning methods in 2016 into a single leraning method (face to face) for all teacher competency level in 2017-2018. The main objective of this study is to analyze the impact of teacher self assessment as an instrument for implementation from multiple learning methods changes into a single learning method (face-to-face) to the achievement of UKG. The achievement of UKG is indicated by the acceptable scoring level of UKG defined annually by the government. In addition, the study includes internal and external factors of teachers as control variables. The study utilizes the Management Information System (SIM) consisting the database of PKB participants from the Ministry of Education and Culture. The data consists of 5,759 teachers who consistently have participated in the PKB since 2016 to 2018. Applying panel logit regression, the study finds that teacher self assessment that used as an instrument for maping teacher competency level for implementation multiple learning methods has a significant and positive impact in achieving UKG acceptable level. Using multiple learning methods increases 4.1% of probability in passing UKG acceptable level. The results from the control variables of internal and external factors indicate that educational qualifications, certification status, teaching level, years of work, region and school status have a significant and positive impact on achieving UKG acceptable level. Whereas teachers expertise and age have significant and negative impacts, gender and teachers status do not have a significant impact on achieving UKG acceptable level.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Christian Alvin Zachari
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai pengaturan yang terdapat dalam UU No.11 Tahun 2008 dan UU No.42 Tahun 2009 mengenai aspek Pajak Pertambahan Nilai dalam transaksi e-commerce. Perkembangan teknologi kini telah melahirkan apa yang dinamakan internet yang memungkinkan suatu aktivitas komersial melalui media elektronik yang dinamakan e-commerce. Masalah dalam mengenakan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai dalam transaksi ini adalah keberadaan transaksi e-commerce itu yang sulit dideteksi dan sistem pemungutan PPN di Indonesia yang masih menitikberatkan pada sistem self assessment. Analisa dalam skripsi ini membahas bagaimana pengenaan PPN terhadap transaksi e-commerce dan kekurangan dalam pengaturan yang ada yang dapat berdampak pada kehilangan penerimaan PPN. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengaturan pengenaan PPN terhadap transaksi e-commerce tidak diatur di dalam ketentuan UU ITE sehingga sampai saat ini pengenaan PPN atas transaksi ini tunduk kepada pengaturan yang lebih umum yaitu pengaturan yang terdapat dalam UU No. 42 Tahun 2009.
This undergraduate thesis discusses the regulations contained in Act 11/2008 and Act 42/2009 about the aspects of Value Added Tax in e-commerce transactions. The development of technology these days, create what we call internet which enables commercial activity by electronic media which is called e-commerce. The matter is applying VAT on this transaction with the existence of e-commerce transaction is hard to detect and VAT collection system in Indonesia which tends to use self assessment system. The analysis in this undergraduate thesis discusses on how to apply VAT to e-commerce transaction and how shortage in these regulations can impact VAT to revenue loss. The research methods in this undergraduate thesis is normative juridical, which emphasizes in primary data and secondary data. In conclusion, e-commerce transaction on VAT is not regulated in UU ITE. This transaction is still subject to general regulations which is stated in Act 42/2009.
Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library