Abstrak :
Salat fardu, sebagai ekspresi spiritual pasien Muslim, merupakan kewajiban perawat untuk membantunya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah diperolehnya model Laras Fardu; menemukan masalah dan harapan perawat serta pasien dalam membantu memenuhi ibadah salat fardu pasien; serta mengidentifikasi efektifitas model tersebut kepada pasien DM tipe 2 dirawat dirumah sakit. Penelitian ini termasuk operational research, dilakukan tiga tahap. Tahap I menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi kepada 8 partisipan perawat pelaksana, 4 menejer rumah sakit, dan 9 partisipan pasien DM tipe 2. Tahap II pengembangan model berdasar studi literatur, hasil tahap I dan konsultasi pakar. Tahap III adalah tahap persamaan standar dan validasi model dengan penelitian pre-posttest control group design, dengan consequtive sampling. Jumlah sampel 22 Perawat, diberikan sosialisasi dan pemberian modul, sebanyak 23 perawat diberikan modul saja dan sebanyak 23 perawat sebagai kelompok kontrol. Jumlah sampel validasi model adalah 81 pasien dilakukan asuhan keperawatan kelompok perawat kompetensi standar plus dan 82 pasien dilakukan asuhan keperawatan kelompok perawat kompetensi standar.
Hasil penelitian tahap I ditemukan tema 1 Ketidaktahuan; 2 Ketidakmampuan; dan 3 Ketidakmauan, sebagai masalah pasien, dan tema Harapan Pasien; tema : 1 Kompetensi layanan keperawatan ibadah salat fardu; 2 Ketersediaan fasilitas; 3 Persepsi kendala; dan 4 Keterbatasan dukungan sebagai kendala perawat serta tema Layanan Keperawatan Islami sebagai harapan perawat. Telah diperoleh Model Laras Fardu beserta kelengkapannya. Pemberian sosialisasi dan modul layanan keperawatan ibadah salat fardu, atau modul saja efektif meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap perawat dalam layanan keperawatan ibadah salat fardu, namun tidak efektif meningkatkan motivasi perawat. Asuhan keperawatan oleh kelompok perawat kompetensi standar plus meningkatkan self-tarnscendence, kesejahteraan spiritual dan menurunkan persepsi stress pasien DM tipe 2 dirawat di rumah sakit, namun tidak memiliki efek terhadap kadar glukosa darah. Model ini terbukti efektif untuk meningkatkan self-transcendence, kesejahteraan spiritual dan menurunkan stress pasien, namun tidak efektif untuk perbaikan glukosa darah.
Nurses are obligated to help fardu prayer as a spiritual expression of Muslim patients. The purpose of this research was to obtain the model of Laras Fardu find the problems and expectation of nurse and patient in helping to fulfill fardu prayer of the patients as well as to identify the effectiveness of the model to patients with type 2 diabetes treated in the hospital. This research was an operational research, conducted in three stages. Stage I used phenomenology approach to 8 participating nurses, 4 hospital managers, and 9 participants of type 2 DM patients. Stage II was a model development based on literature study, stage I result, and expert consultation. Stage III was the standard equation and model validation stage with pre post test control group design study, with consecutive sampling. Sample size was 22 nurses who received socialization and module, as many as 23 nurses received only module and 23 nurses as control group. The number of model validation samples was 81 patients who received nursing care from the nursing group with standard plus competencies and 82 patients received nursing care from a group of nurses with standard competence.
Stage I research found the following themes 1 Ignorance 2 Inability and 3 Unwillingness, as the patients 39 problem, and the Patient 39 s Hope theme. Themes 1 The competence of nursing care in helping fardu prayer 2 Availability of facilities 3 Perception of constraints and 4 Limitations of support as nurse constraints, as well as the theme of Islamic Nursing Services as nurse expectations. We have obtained the Fardu Laras Model and its accessories. Providing socialization and nursing care module to help fardu prayer, or module only, effectively improved nurse 39 s knowledge and attitude in nursing care to help fardu prayer, but not effective to increase nurse motivation. Nursing care by a group of nurses with standard plus competence improved self transcendence, spiritual well being, and lowered the perceived of stress in patients with type 2 diabetes treated in the hospital, but had no effect on the improvement of blood glucose levels. This model proves to be effective for improving self transcendence, spiritual well being and stress reducing patients, but not effective for the improvement of blood glucose.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library