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Muhamad Faarih Ihsan
Abstrak :
Fokus utama penelitian ini adalah merancang dan mengembangkan prototipe sistem registrasi IRS berbasis event-driven architecture serta mengevaluasi sistem tersebut dengan eksperimen chaos engineering. Implementasi sistem menggunakan Spring Boot framework, Apache Kafka sebagai event broker, dan Amazon Web Service (AWS) untuk infrastruktur. Pengujian dilakukan dengan melakukan API testing untuk menguji fungsionalitas sistem dan load testing untuk menguji reliability sistem. Terakhir, eksperimen chaos engineering dengan metode chaos monkey dilakukan untuk menguji resilience sistem. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa fungsionalitas sistem sebagai layanan IRS bekerja dengan baik. Sistem dapat tetap bekerja di bawah tekanan 40.000 mahasiswa yang disimulasikan mengakses sistem bersamaan. Pada kondisi chaos di mana beberapa server dimatikan, sistem masih dapat berfungsi dengan baik dan mahasiswa masih dapat menggunakan layanan registrasi IRS tanpa masalah. ......The main focus of this research is to design and develop a prototype of an event-driven architecture based course registration service, and to evaluate the system with chaos engineering. The system was implemented using Spring Boot as its framework, Apache Kafka as the event broker, and Amazon Web Service (AWS) for infrastructure. The testing was done by implementing API testing for evaluating the system’s functionality and load testing to evaluate system’s reliability. Finally, a chaos engineering experiment was carried out to evaluate the resilience of the system. The result shows that the system can deliver its functionality as a course plan registry pretty well. The system was able to work under the pressure of 40.000 student simulated to access the system simultaneously. In the chaos condition where several server were taken down, the system still performs well and able to provide the service without any problem for the students.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Dalam pengembangan suatu aplikasi, sangat penting untuk memperhatikan beberapa metrik utama yang menunjang keberlangsungan aplikasi tersebut. Metrik yang dimaksud dalam pembahasan ini adalah Performance, Scalability, Availability, dan Maintenance. Pada umumnya pembuatan sebuah aplikasi dimulai dengan arsitektur monolitik untuk menghindari kompleksitas dan mempercepat proses pengembangan dengan jumlah developer yang terbatas. Seiring dengan dilakukannya continuous development akan menyebabkan codebase dari aplikasi tersebut membesar dan akan sangat sulit untuk melakukan perawatan maupun penambahan sebuah fitur baru. Hal tersebut dikarenakan setiap perubahan yang dilakukan dapat mempengaruhi keseluruhan aplikasi karena pada dasarnya setiap servis ditempatkan dalam sebuah instance yang sama. Dengan melakukan migrasi dari arsitektur monolitik menuju microservice terdapat beberapa keuntungan yang diperoleh seperti pengembangan secara paralel, melakukan scaling hanya pada layanan tertentu, memungkinkan penerapan pipeline, dan meningkatkan fleksibilitas aplikasi . Keuntungan tersebut dapat diperoleh dikarenakan setiap servis akan terpisah antara satu dengan yang lainnya. Namun, pelaksanaan migrasi tentunya bukan hal yang mudah untuk dilakukan karena diperlukan perancangan terlebih dahulu yang didasarkan pada kebutuhan masing-masing aplikasi. Dari penerapan migrasi yang dilakukan pada aplikasi Automation Messaging System, diperoleh bahwa terdapat peningkatan performa sebesar 68.10% dalam response time dan 36.02% lebih ringan dalam CPU Utilization. Perbandingan pada metrik lainnya juga mampu memberikan keunggulan dibandingkan arsitektur monolitik, seperti kemampuan scaling yang lebih efektif, kemudahan dalam melakukan perawatan, dan penurunan biaya bulanan infrastruktur sebesar 16.26%. ...... There are several important metrics needs to be considered when developing an application such as Performance, Scalability, Availability, and Maintenance aspects. In general, an application started developed using monolithic architecture to simplify and shorten the development process with limited amount of engineers. However, as we implemented the continuous development process, the source code of the application will expand as the time goes on and it will be very hard to maintain or add a new feature into it. This can happen because every code changes in monolithic application will affect the entire application as all the service registered inside are placed inside the same instance. Hence, the migration from Monolithic to Microservices is important because it provides numerous benefits, such as the separation of each service from one another, which enables parallel development possibilities. The other advantage are allowing pipeline implementation, increase technology stack flexibility, and improve scalability. These advantages can be obtained because each service is loosely-coupled or separated from one another. However, the implementation of the migration itself is not an easy task as it requires prior planning based on the specific needs of each application. Through the performed migration on the Automation Messaging System application, it was found that there was a 68.10% improvement in response time and a 36.02% less usage in CPU utilization. Furthermore, the comparison with other metrics also showed the superiority of the microservices architecture over the monolithic architecture, such as more effective scaling capabilities, ease of maintenance, and a monthly infrastructure cost reduction of 16.26%.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eko Kuswardono Budiardjo
Abstrak :
Badan Aksesibilitas Telekomunikasi dan Informasi (BAKTI), Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo), menjalankan misi untuk mengumpulkan dana abadi dan membangun kesenjangan telekomunikasi/internet di wilayah terluar, tertinggal, terdepan (3T) melalui program Universal Service Obligation (USO), sebagai dana yang disihkan dari pendapatan setiap penyedia operator telekomunikasi. Dalam menjalankan misi ini, BAKTI menjalin Kerjasama dengan Universitas Indonesia melalui UKK Hudev dalam upaya membangun platform aplikasi tata kelola desa (PTKD-NG), sebagai bagian tak terpisahkan dari pendayagunaan internet di wilayah 3T. Praktik keinsinyuran pada kegiatan perencanaan dan perancangan PTKD-NG menghasilkan arsitektur PTKD-NG, klasterisasi desa sesuai tingkat kesiapan adopsi teknologi, strategi & program rekayasa sosial, dan peta jalan pembangunan & implementasi PTKD-NG. Praktik ini dijalankan dengan memperhatikan Profesionalisme, Keselamatan, Kesehatan, Keamanan kerja & Lingkungan (K3L), Kode Etik dan Etika Profesi Insinyur (KEEI) pada setiap tahapan kegiatan. Platform baru ini merupakan pembaharuan dari generasi sebelumnya. Hal ini diupayakan guna menyelaraskan dengan perkembangan sistem administrasi desa dan perkembangan teknologi digital. Kompetensi keinsinyuran PII yang dilaksanakan mencakup (a) aspek profesionalisme nomor W.2.2.1–6; (b) aspek K3L nomor W.1.3.1., W.1.3.3., W.1.4.1., W.1.4.3.; dan (c) aspek KEEI nomor W.1.1.4., W.1.2.3–8. ......Badan Aksesibilitas Telekomunikasi dan Informasi (BAKTI), Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo), has the mission to manage the endowment fund to fill the telecommunication/internet gap in the area for those in frontier, outermost and least developed regions often referred to as 3T (terdepan, terluar, tertinggal) regions. This fund has been collected from telecommunication operators via Universal Service Obligation (USO) program. One of their efforts for the mission is establishing cooperation with Universitas Indonesia via UKK Hudev Unit. The goal of this collaboration is to plan, design, construct, and deploy PTKD-NG platform. It is expected that this effort will improve internet utilization in 3T regions. The engineering practices output includes the PTKD-NG architecture, village clustering based on their readiness level, social engineering strategy & program, and development roadmap. Professionalism, K3L, KEEI has been successfully applying the engineering process. This effort aims to modernize the platform due to the industrial revolution 4.0 technology advancements and the development of village governance. Professional engineer's competency has been followed includes (a) professionalism aspect number W.2.2.1–6; (b) K3L aspect number W.1.3.1., W.1.3.3., W.1.4.1., W.1.4.3.; and (c) KEEI Aspect number W.1.1.4., W.1.2.3–8.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sunan Ibrahim Rianto
Abstrak :
Sekarang ini komputer merupakan sebuah alat yang tidak asing lagi terhadap kita dalam berkehidupan, yang dimana dapat terlihat dari segi kita beraktivitas, seperti berkerja maupun berkomunikasi. Dapat dipastikan dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari ada saja interaksi, antara kita dengan komputer. Bisa dikatakan kehadiran komputer mampu merubah acuan persepsi kita terhadap realita dan akan selalu mempengaruhi pola kehidpuan. Dalam pemrosesan perancangan Arsitektur pun tidak dapat dipisahkannya peran sebuah komputer, kerap digunakanya sebuah perangkat-lunak yang dijalankan oleh komputer untuk dapat membantu memberikan penggambaran pengalaman sebuah realita yang akan ataupun yang telah selesai dirancang oleh seorang arsitek. Revit arsitektur, Lumion3d dan LayAR ialah sebuah perangkat lunak yang mengikuti perkembangan teknologi komputer, walaupun kajian ketiga perangkat-lunak ini sama yaitu untuk hal yang informatif, namun ketiga perangkat-lunak ini menggunakan teknologi komputer yang berbeda. Skripsi ini akan membahas sampai sejauh mana kemampuan ketiga perangkat-lunak yang dijalankan oleh komputer tersebut mampu memberikan kita kepada sebuah sensasi dalam merasakan arsitektur. ...... Computer is a device that no longer odd in our daily life. It's shown in our activities such as communicating, working, socializing, and entertaining ourselves. It can assured that there are interactions between us and computer every day. Therefore, the presence of computer can change the matter of our perspective on reality and lifestyle. Computer has a big part in the process of architectural design. Some software in computer that has made for architect can be used to given an experienced drawings of reality that has been designed by an architect. Revit architecture, Lumion3d and LayAr are the software's that followed the ongoing technological developments, even though the contents of the software's are all the same, for informative purpose. However, this three software are using a different technology. This thesis will discuss how far the software's abilities can get us through to a sensation of the architectural world.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Software engineering : architecture-driven software development is the first comprehensive guide to the underlying skills embodied in the IEEE's Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) standard. Standards expert Richard Schmidt explains the traditional software engineering practices recognized for developing projects for government or corporate systems. Software engineering education often lacks standardization, with many institutions focusing on implementation rather than design as it impacts product architecture. Many graduates join the workforce with incomplete skills, leading to software projects that either fail outright or run woefully over budget and behind schedule. Additionally, software engineers need to understand system engineering and architecture—the hardware and peripherals their programs will run on. This issue will only grow in importance as more programs leverage parallel computing, requiring an understanding of the parallel capabilities of processors and hardware. This book gives both software developers and system engineers key insights into how their skillsets support and complement each other. With a focus on these key knowledge areas, software engineering offers a set of best practices that can be applied to any industry or domain involved in developing software products.
Waltham, MA: Morgan Kaufmann, 2013
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kerstin Eder, editor
Abstrak :
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 7th International Haifa Verification Conference, HVC 2011, held in Haifa, Israel in December 2011. The 15 revised full papers presented together with 3 tool papers and 4 posters were carefully reviewed and selected from 43 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on synthesis, formal verification, software quality, testing and coverage, experience and tools, and posters- student event.
Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harahap, Nabila Clydea
Abstrak :
Personal health record (PHR) membentuk tren dari informasi yang dikendalikan oleh sistem kesehatan ke individu. Di negara-negara maju, PHR sudah digunakan secara luas, tetapi sistem ini belum diadopsi luas di negara-negara berkembang. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Indonesia karena mencerminkan karakteristik negara berkembang dengan jumlah penduduk terbesar di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Meningkatnya jumlah penyakit kronis dan adanya pandemi COVID-19 mendorong inovasi teknologi informasi yang mendukung perawatan dan pencegahan penyakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan membahas faktor-faktor penghambat dan pendorong adopsi sistem PHR di Indonesia serta merancang arsitektur sistem PHR terintegrasi dan prototipe aplikasi mobile PHR (mPHR) dengan pendekatan design science research. Faktor-faktor penghambat dan pendorong adopsi sistem PHR di Indonesia diperoleh melalui pengambilan data kualitatif dengan wawancara kepada Kementerian kesehatan (2 responden), BPJS kesehatan (1 responden), pusat kesehatan masyarakat (puskesmas) (6 responden), klinik (4 responden), rumah sakit umum atau pemerintah (13 responden), dan rumah sakit swasta (8 responden) dengan teknik analisis data menggunakan thematic analysis. Hasil analisis menghasilkan penghambat dan pendorong adopsi sistem PHR yang terdiri dari faktor teknologi, organisasi, lingkungan, dan individu. Kemudian, untuk mengetahui kebutuhan sistem PHR terintegrasi, pengumpulan data kualitatif dengan wawancara dilakukan kepada Kementerian kesehatan (2 responden), BPJS kesehatan (1 responden), puskesmas (6 responden), klinik (4 responden), rumah sakit umum atau pemerintah (13 responden), rumah sakit swasta (8 responden), dan vendor aplikasi kesehatan (3 responden) serta secara kuantitatif dengan penyebaran kuesioner kepada warga negara Indonesia yang berusia 17 tahun ke atas. Pada tahapan ini, data kualitatif dianalisis dengan content analysis, sedangkan data kuantatif dianalisis dengan descriptive statistics. Arsitektur sistem PHR terintegrasi yang dirancang mengacu pada The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) 9.2 yang terdiri dari visi arsitektur, arsitektur bisnis, arsitektur aplikasi, arsitektur data, dan arsitektur teknologi. Selanjutnya, hasil rancangan arsitektur menjadi masukan untuk merancang prototipe high fidelity aplikasi mPHR. Fungsionalitas yang dikembangkan pada rancangan prototipe mPHR yaitu fungsi prioritas yang didefinisikan pada rancangan arsitektur. Evaluasi arsitektur dan prototipe dilakukan dengan wawancara kepada 6 responden IT atau e-health expert yang berasal dari Kementerian kesehatan, akademisi, fasilitas kesehatan, dan vendor aplikasi kesehatan. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi teoritis mengenai kajian adopsi PHR di negara berkembang dan menjadi panduan kepada fasilitas kesehatan, regulator kesehatan, dan vendor aplikasi kesehatan untuk mewujudkan PHR yang terintegrasi di Indonesia. ......Personal health records (PHR) transform the trend from information controlled by the health system to information controlled by individuals. In developed countries, PHR has been widely used, but this system has not been widely adopted in developing countries. This research was conducted in Indonesia which reflects the characteristics of a developing country with the largest population in Southeast Asia. The increasing number of chronic diseases and the COVID-19 pandemic encourage information technology innovation that supports disease treatment and prevention. This study aims to discuss the barriers and facilitators for the adoption of the PHR system in Indonesia and to design an integrated PHR system architecture and a prototype of the PHR mobile application (mPHR) with a design science research approach. The barriers and facilitators of PHR system adoption in Indonesia were explored through qualitative data collection by interviewing the Ministry of Health (2 respondents), BPJS Health (1 respondent), community health centers (puskesmas) (6 respondents), clinics (4 respondents), public or government hospitals (13 respondents), and private hospitals (8 respondents) with data analysis techniques using thematic analysis. The results of the analysis result in barriers and facilitators for the adoption of the PHR system consisting of technological, organizational, environmental, and individual factors. Then, to find requirements for an integrated PHR system, qualitative data collection with interviews was conducted with the Ministry of Health (2 respondents), BPJS Health (1 respondent), puskesmas (6 respondents), clinics (4 respondents), public or government hospitals (13 respondents), private hospitals (8 respondents), and health application vendors (3 respondents) as well as quantitatively by distributing questionnaires to Indonesian citizens aged 17 years and over. At this stage, qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis, while quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. The design of integrated PHR system architecture refers to The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) 9.2 which consists of architectural vision, business architecture, application architecture, data architecture, and technology architecture. Furthermore, the results of the architectural design become input for designing a high-fidelity prototype of mPHR. The functionalities developed in the mPHR prototype are priority functions defined in the architectural design. The evaluation of the architecture and prototype was carried out by interviewing 6 IT respondents or e-health experts from the Ministry of Health, academicians, health facilities, and health application vendors. This research is expected to provide a theoretical contribution to the study of PHR adoption in developing countries and to be a guide for health facilities, health regulators, and health application vendors to realize an integrated PHR in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Rekam medis rawat inap yang berkualitas akan menghasilkan informasi yang sangat bermanfaat dalam pelayanan dan pengambilan keputusan di RSUD Ciawi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh besarnya kompetensi dan komitmen dokter, petugas pendaftraran dan koder terhadap kualitas rekem medis di RSUD Ciawi tahun 2022. Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian kuantitatif , cross sectional dengan analisa regresi logistik multinomial. Diperoleh hasil kompetensi dan komitmen dokter mempengaruhi secara signifikan (p<0,05) terhadap kualitas rekam medis rawat inap. Kecenderungan dokter dengan kompetensi kurang akan menghasilkan rekam medis dengan kualitas kurang 6,7 kali lebih besar dibandingkan dokter dengan kompetensi baik. Begitu pula dokter dengan komitmen cukupmemiliki kecenderungan untuk menghasilkan rekam medis yang kurang berkualitas 4,2 kali lebih besar dibandingkan dokter dengan komitmen baik. Dokter dengan komitmen cukup memiliki kecenderungan untuk menghasilkan rekam medis yang cukup berkualitas 3,7 kali lebih besar dibandingkan dokter dengan komitmen baik. ......Quality inpatient medical records will produce information that is very useful in service and decision making at Ciawi Hospital. This study aims to determine the effect of the competence and commitment of doctors, registration officers and coders on the quality of medical records in Ciawi Hospital in 2022. The research design used was a quantitative, cross-sectional study with multinomial logistic regression analysis. The results obtained that the competence and commitment of doctors significantly affect (p<0.05) on the quality of inpatient medical records. The tendency of doctors with less competence will produce medical records with less quality 6.7 times greater than doctors with good competence. Likewise, doctors with moderate commitment have a tendency to produce poor quality medical records 4.2 times greater than doctors with good commitment. Doctors with sufficient commitment have a tendency to produce quality medical records 3.7 times greater than doctors with good commitment.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Conference, ICMT 2012, held in Prague, Czech Republic, in May 2012, co-located with TOOLS 2012 Federated Conferences. The 18 full papers presented together with one invited paper were carefully revised and selected from numerous submissions. Topics addressed are such as testing, typing and verification; bidirectionality; applications and visualization; transformation languages, virtual machines; pattern matching; and transformations in modelling, reutilization.
Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Antonia Mas, editor
Abstrak :
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination, SPICE 2012, held in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, in May 2012. The 21 revised full papers presented and 14 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on organizational process improvement, SPI in small and very small enterprises, process models; SPI in automotive software and security, SPI in medical and safety critical systems, and short papers.
Berlin: [, Springer-Verlag], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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