ABSTRAKAngka harapan hidup penduduk kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Jawa Barat tahun 2011-2013 masih rendah, sehingga masih berpotensi untuk ditingkatkan. Dengan metode random effect, hasil regresi data panel 26 kabupaten/kota menunjukkan R-square sebesar 0,7707 yang berarti 77,07 variasi pada variabel terikat dapat diterangkan oleh variabel bebas. Nilai F-statistik 24,97236 lebih besar daripada F-tabel 2,19 , berarti variabel terikat secara bersama-sama dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh variabel bebas. Realisasi transfer dana Jamkesmas per peserta, realisasi APBD program pelayanan kesehatan penduduk miskin per kapita, rata-rata lama sekolah, jumlah rumah sakit/puskesmas, dan jumlah dokter tidak signifikan mempengaruhi peningkatan angka harapan hidup. Sedangkan pendapatan riil per kapita dan angka melek huruf positif signifikan mempengaruhi peningkatan angka harapan hidup.
ABSTRACTThe data shows that life expectancy for resident of local government in West Java during 2011 2013 is still low. Hence, the number of life expectancy has potency to be improved. By utilizing the random effect method, the result of data panel regression of 26 regency shows that R square is 0,7707. It means that 77,07 of variation in the dependent variable can be explained by independent variables. F test 24,97236 is greater than F table 2,19 . It can be interpreted that simultaneously dependent variable is significantly affected by independent variables. Jamkesmas fund transfer realization for each participant, and the realization of APBD fund for per capita poor people health, the average of schooling time, the number of hospitals and clinics, and the number of doctors don rsquo t significantly affect the increasing the life expectancy. Whilst real income per capita and literacy number positive significantly affect the increasing of life expectancy number."