Hardini Rizquita Dewi
Abstrak :
Usability merupakan salah satu aspek yang penting untuk dipertimbangkan dalam membuat desain smartphone yang lebih mudah, efektif, efisien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kriteria usability yang mempengaruhi kemudahan penggunaan smartphone touchscreen, dengan menggunakan studi kasus pada dua merk smartphone yang sedang banyak diminati, yaitu iPhone dan Samsung, dengan responden orang Indonesia pada usia produktif (18-35 tahun). Selanjutnya, melalui hasil penelitian eye tracking diharapkan dapat memberikan masukan desain antarmuka smartphone touchscreen terkait usability. Adapun ketiga pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah performance measurement, pengukuran subjektif dengan modifikasi kuisoner USE (Usefullness, Satisfaction, and Ease of Use), dan eye tracking. Pada pendekatan performance measurement akan diukur lima kriteria usability, yaitu understandability, operability, frustration, efficiency, dan learnability. Pendekatan subjektif digunakan untuk menilai kepuasan pengguna akan smartphone yang diujikan terhadap lima kriteria tersebut. Korelasi antara pendekatan subjektif dan pendekatan performance measurement akan diuji menggunakan uji korelasi Pearson. Sementara itu, pada pendekatan eye tracking akan dibahas mengenai kriteria attractiveness pada tampilan smartphone yang diujikan.
Usability is one of important aspect that supposed to be considered in designing easier, effective, efficient smartphone. This study aims to determine the usability criteria that affect the ease of use in touchscreen smartphone, using a case study on two brands of smartphones that has the biggest handheld market share, which are iPhone and Samsung, with Indonesian people with productive age range (18-35 years). Furthermore, through eye tracking research results are expected to provide inputs related to touchscreen smartphone interface with usability design. There are three approaches used in this study, which are performance measurement, subjective measurement with modifications of USE (Usefullness, Satisfaction, and Ease of Use) questionnaires, and eye tracking. On the approach of performance measurement will be measured five usability criterias, namely understandability, operability, frustration, efficiency, and learnability. Subjective approach used to assess the satisfaction of smartphone users about the five usability criterias. Correlation between subjective approach and performance measurement approach will be tested using Pearson correlation test. Meanwhile, the eye tracking approach will be discussing the attractiveness criteria where smartphone displays are being tested.
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library