I Putu Gede Panca Wiadnyana
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Profesi pengemudi taksi merupakan profesi yang unik, lingkungan kerja luas, jam kerja panjang, sistem pcnggajian yang fluktuatif, dan risiko kecelakaan di jalan raya. Pada PT X 60% kccelakaan dikarenakan mengantuk. Salah satu penyebab kondisi mengantuk adalah adanya kemungkinan obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Bcbcrapa faktor risiko kemungkinan OSA seperti kegemukan dan hipertensi dijumpai pada pengemudi PT X.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional pada pengemudi taksi X Mampang Jakana Selatan, pada bulan November»Desember 2008. Pengumpulan dilakukan dengan pengisian Kuesioner Berlin, dan pemeriksaan fisik (tekanan darah, bcrat, badan, tinggi badan, dan lingkar leher) pada 280 orang pengemudi.
Hasil: Jumlah responden sebanyak 280 orang, didapatkan 70 orang (25%) kemungkinan OSA. Kemungkinan OSA pada pengemudi dipcngaruhi olch bcbcrapa faktor yaitu: IMT 325 (acyusred OR 4.29, p <0.001, 95% Cl 2.04 - 9.05) riwayat keluarga mendengkur (aafiusled OR 2,34, p <0.00l, 95% Cl 1.45 - 3.78), lingkar leher 3 40 cm (afyusred OR 3.37, p 0.002, 95% Cl 1.58 - 7.19), umur 3 36 tahun (argusted OR 2.47, p 0.027, 95% CI I.ll - 5.48) dan jadwal keija tinggi (ac§usted OR 3.07, p 0.0l6, 95% Cl L23 - 7.66).
Kesimpulan: Didapat prevalensi kemungkinan OSA pada pengemudi Taksi X sebesar 25%. Kemungkinan OSA pada pcngcmudi Taksi X dipengaruhi oleh faktor indeks massa tubuh 325, riwayat keluarga mendengkur, Iingkar leher 540 cm, umur 336 tahun serta jadwal kerjatinggi.
......Background: Taxi Driver is an unique profession because of the wide environment, the long hours working duration, the fluctuation wages, and the accidental risks. About 60% taxi's accidents in Company X were caused by sleepy conditions. Sleepy conditions may be caused by obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Some factors that increase the prevalence of suspected OSA, like obesity and hypertension were founded among the taxi drivers in this company.
Method: This study was conducted with cross sectional design. The data was collected from November until December 2008 in Mampang, Jakarta Selatan. Data collection used Berlin's Questionnaire and Physical examinations (blood pressure, weight, height, neck circumference) to 280 drivers.
Result: This research showed that there are 25%, it?s mean 70 respondents from 280 respondents have OSA prevalence. Prevalence of OSA among taxi?s drivers is caused by several factors. The factors are Body Mass index (BMI) 3 25 (adjusted OR 4.29, p < 0.00l, 95% Cl 2.04 - 9.05), snoring historical in family (adjusted OR 2.34, p < 0.001 , 95% CI 1.45 - 3.78), neck circumference 3 40 cm (adjusted OR 3.37, p 0.002, 95% CI 1.58 - 7.l9), age 2 36 years old (adjusted OR 2.47, p 0.027, 95% Cl 1.ll - 5.48) and high work schedule (adjusted OR 3.07, p 0.0l6, 95% Cl 1.23 - 7.66).
Conclusion: This research has founded that there are 25%, it?s mean 70 respondents from 280 respondents have suspected OSA. Prevalence of suspected OSA among taxi?s drivers is caused by BMI 2 25, snoring historical in family, neck circumference 5 40 cm, age 3 36 years old and high work schedule.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open Universitas Indonesia Library