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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abi Satrio Pramono
Abstrak :
Pandemi COVID-19 menyebabkan pembatasan berkegiatan salah satunya berdampak pada sektor retail, yang dipercaya meningkatkan pertumbuhan layanan Online Grocery Shopping (OGS). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis secara empiris pengaruh apa yang berkontribusi paling besar diantara rasa takut terhadap COVID-19, subjective norms, dan rasa senang terhadap intensi konsumen untuk menggunakan OGS di Indonesia, dengan menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model sebagai kerangka utama. Hingga saat ini masih belum jelas variabel apakah yang paling berkontribusi terhadap pertumbuhan OGS di masa pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia, sedangkan penelitian sebelumnya telah menunjukkan bahwa baik rasa senang dan subjective norms memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap intensi seseorang untuk menggunakan OGS. Penelitian ini akan memperkaya penelitian terkait dengan OGS dengan memasukkan variabel rasa takut terhadap COVID-19. Rasa takut terhadap COVID-19 telah diketahui memiliki pengaruh terhadap penerimaan teknologi Google Meet dan telemedicine namun belum pada layanan OGS. 297 respon yang valid didapatkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner daring yang instrumennya didapatkan dari literatur TAM sebelumnya. Model pengukuran dan struktural dievaluasi dengan menggunakan metode PLS-SEM dengan software smartPLS. Hasil menunjukkan seluruh hipotesis pada variabel TAM diterima pada konteks OGS di Indonesia. Perceived usefulness dan subjective norms juga memiliki hubungan yang positif dan signifikan terhadap intensi menggunakan OGS, namun tidak pada variabel rasa takut terhadap COVID-19. Hal ini dapat dikarenakan sudah rendahnya kasus COVID-19 dan tingginya vaksinasi saat ini. Hasil ini dirangkum dan implikasi manajerial untuk penyedia layanan OGS diberikan yang mana rasa senang perlu diperkiat untuk aplikasi OGS. ......This paper aims to empirically analyze which factors contribute the most between fear of COVID-19, subjective norms, and enjoyment towards consumers’ behavioral intention to use online grocery shopping (OGS) in Indonesia, using the Technology Acceptance Model as the framework. COVID-19 pandemic causes restrictions on several activities impacting retail sector, which is believed to increase the growth of OGS services. It is unclear which factors contribute the most towards the growth, while past research showed that both enjoyment and subjective norms have significant and positive towards the behavioral intention to use OGS. This research will enrich the study of OGS by introducing the fear of COVID-19 variable. Fear of COVID-19 was known to have influence towards GoogleMeet and telemedicine acceptance but none on OGS services. 297 valid responses were collected using online questionnaire with instruments based on existing TAM literature. Structural and measurement models are evaluated using the PLS-SEM method with smartPLS software. The findings show that all the hypotheses related to TAM variables were accepted. Perceived usefulness and subjective norms also have a significant positive relationship towards the behavioral intention, whereas perceived fear of COVID-19 did not. This might be due to the already low number of COVID-19 cases and high vaccination rates. These findings are summarized, and managerial implications for online OGS providers are discussed in which enjoyment need to be enhance for OGS applications
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Mendengar kata mal, maka akan terbersit dalam benak kita sebuah bangunan besar sebagai tempat berbelanja yang modem. Meskipun kondisi perekonomian di Indonesia belum sepenuhnya pulih, mal tetap ramai dikunjungi_ Hal yang menarik untuk diamati adalah bahwa hampir sebagian besar pengunjung mal tidak datang untuk berbelanja saja tapi juga untuk rekreasi. Di sisi Iain, Jakarta sudah tidak mampu menyediakan fasilitas rekreasi umum yang murah, sehat dan nyaman. Di saat Iokasi tempat rekreasi umum semakin jauh dan harganya sudah tidak terjangkau oleh masyarakat menengah ke bawah, mal tampaknya dijadikan tempat rekreasi altematif yang gratis untuk dikunjungi. Tapi apakah mal tersebut ideal sebagai sebuah tempat rekreasi? Olah sebab itu, skripsi ini ditujukan untuk membahas : Besar perbandingan antara kegiatan beianja dengan kegiatan rekreasi dalam suatu mal. Jenis-jenis kegiatan rekreasi apa saja yang terjadi di dalam mal ~ Fasilitas-fasilitas apa saja menampung kegiatan rekreasi tersebut Dengan menekankan pembahasan pada ketiga aspek tersebut diharapkan dapat diambil sebuah kesimpulan mengenai keberadaan tempat rekreasi di dalam mal.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tito Dentaresa
Abstrak :
Pengembangan cakupan area layanan MRT Jakarta memberikan dampak positif bagi peningkatan mobilitas masyarakat dan mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap penggunaan kendaraan pribadi, hal ini memberikan kesempatan bagi wilayah-wilayah disekitar stasiun pemberhentian, salah satunya area disekitar Stasiun MRT Sawah Besar. Kawasan dengan citra otomotif yang kuat ini memiliki tantangan dalam mengadaptasi pengembangan TOD (Transit Oriented Development), dimana penggunaan kendaraan pribadi dibatasi dan diatur secara ketat. Jam aktif kawasan menjadi pertimbangan utama dalam mengembangkan kawasan ini untuk tidak terdominasi oleh industri otomotif. Shopping mall menjadi alternatif dalam meningkatkan jam aktif kawasan dan memberikan pilihan destinasi perbelanjaan dan peduli terhadap perkembangan komunitas busana dengan menyajikan area komunal dan eksibisi publik yang dapat digunakan oleh masyarakat untuk menyalurkan pendapatnya melalui acara peragaan busana. ......The development of the Jakarta MRT service area has a positive impact on increasing community mobility and reducing dependence on private vehicle use, this provides opportunities for areas around station stops, one of which is the area around the Sawah Besar MRT Station. This area with a strong automotive image has challenges in adapting TOD (Transit Oriented Development), development where the use of private vehicles is limited and strictly regulated. The active hours of the area are a major consideration in developing this area to not be dominated by the automotive industry. Shopping malls become an alternative in increasing the active hours of the area and provide a choice of shopping destinations and care for the development of the fashion community by presenting communal areas and public exhibitions that can be used by the community to channel their opinions through fashion shows.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rajab Ali Mehraban
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK A successful project requires a convenient cost estimation. The fragmentary of a construction project starts with an imperfect cost analyze and estimation. This paper is discussing about the analyze of cost estimation with different methods, the study is conducted by two different cost estimation coefficient which is SNI Indonesian standard MPW Ministry of Public Work 2016, price journal DKI Jakarta 2017 and private contractor perspective Expert Judgment . The work of raft foundation is a construction project with repetitive work activities. In this research, there were two analyses, namely comparison the cost analysis Identifying aspects, which makes different in cost analyzing result. This writing will compare the analysis of construction costs for raft foundation that done in the field with the value of the contract, so in this paper we will see the difference of cost estimation based on Indonesia standard MPW 2016, price journal of DKI 2017 and expert judgment with contractor.X who complete this project. The analysis done in this research is to study the use of coefficient value or index and unit price and wage on a materials, tools and workers in cost analysis at raft foundation job. The method used is a case study conducted at the Pesona City Mall Project. The data collection done by collecting the documents, materials and labor, then analyzing the data. The analysis done by comparing the contract value on raft foundation job with the result of project cost analysis using MPW 2016, Journal DKI Jakarta price list and expert judgment. So that obtained comparison of Analysis of Construction Cost between contractors values with project cost based on MPW 2016, Journal 2017 DKI Jakarta and expert judgment to identify the method and aspects, which affect cost estimation. In result the cost estimation based on Expert judgment have lower price than MPW 2016 coefficient and Jakarta price list 2017, but still it is higher than contractor.X price.
AbstractA successful project requires a convenient cost estimation. The fragmentary of a construction project starts with an imperfect cost analyze and estimation. This paper is discussing about the analyze of cost estimation with different methods, the study is conducted by two different cost estimation coefficient which is SNI Indonesian standard MPW Ministry of Public Work 2016, price journal DKI Jakarta 2017 and private contractor perspective Expert Judgment . The work of raft foundation is a construction project with repetitive work activities. In this research, there were two analyses, namely comparison the cost analysis Identifying aspects, which makes different in cost analyzing result. This writing will compare the analysis of construction costs for raft foundation that done in the field with the value of the contract, so in this paper we will see the difference of cost estimation based on Indonesia standard MPW 2016, price journal of DKI 2017 and expert judgment with contractor.X who complete this project. The analysis done in this research is to study the use of coefficient value or index and unit price and wage on a materials, tools and workers in cost analysis at raft foundation job. The method used is a case study conducted at the Pesona City Mall Project. The data collection done by collecting the documents, materials and labor, then analyzing the data. The analysis done by comparing the contract value on raft foundation job with the result of project cost analysis using MPW 2016, Journal DKI Jakarta price list and expert judgment. So that obtained comparison of Analysis of Construction Cost between contractors values with project cost based on MPW 2016, Journal 2017 DKI Jakarta and expert judgment to identify the method and aspects, which affect cost estimation. In result the cost estimation based on Expert judgment have lower price than MPW 2016 coefficient and Jakarta price list 2017, but still it is higher than contractor.X price.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alvin Lorenza
Abstrak :
Mal adalah tempat untuk berbelanja yang terdiri dari unit-unit toko yang mengapit dan menghadap ke sebuah koridor sirkulasi, dan diujung koridor tersebut terdapat toko besar yang disebut anchor. Mal juga berfungsi sebagai ruang publik karena memberikan tempat bagi orang untuk bersosialisasi dan berkumpul bersama orang lain, dalam lingkungan yang terkendali. Seperti bangunan-bangunan pada umumnya, mal juga mengalami proses penuaan yang mewajibkan pemilik untuk melakukan renovasi dan refurbishment, untuk menjaga mereka selalu terlihat baru dan menarik untuk dikunjungi. Karena persaingan yang ketat yang terjadi antara mal di kota, mal diharuskan untuk tetap beroperasi selama proses renovasi. Jika ditutup, yang ditakutkan adalah pengunjung akan menuju ke mal kompetitor dan merasa nyaman disana. Situasi ini dapat dihindari apabila tindakan renovasi dan refurbishment diantisipasi dalam proses desain awal suatu mal. ...... Mall is a place to shop, where shops are facing a single circulation area and at the ends of the circulation area stand a great store called anchor. Mall also functions as a public space, since it provides places for people to socialize and be with other people, in a controlled environment. As all buildings in general, mall is also experiencing the process of aging that necessitates the owner to refurbish and renovate them, to keep them always new and exciting to visit. Due to fierce competition between malls in a city, in order to maintain its customers, the mall is required to remain open during the renovation process. If it closes, it may loses the customers because they will be moving to the competitors and feel comfortable there. This situation can be avoided if in the design process, renovations and refurbishment are anticipated in the design of the mall.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library