ABSTRACTLatar Belakang: Serotonin merupakan monoamine yang berperan sebagai neurotransmitter di sistem saraf pusat dan perifer. Penelitian terbaru menyatakan bahwa serotonin juga mempengaruhi fungsi sel T dan sel B. Serotonin transporter merupakan pusat regulasi sistem serotonergic dan menyebar diekspresikan pada sel-sel di sistem imun. Polimorfisme pada promotor gen serotonin transporter (5-HTTLPR) menunjukkan aspek genetic pada terjadinya depresi. Cheilitis angularis merupakan penyakit kompleks dengan keterlibatan faktor geneti. Adanya polimorfisme ini menyebabkan inflamasi pada penyakit cheilitis angularis yang dimediasi oleh sel T dan meningkatnya prevalensi depresi pada pasien cheilitis angularis. Tujuan: Mendeteksi adanya polimorfisme gen Serotonin transporter SLC6A4 (5-HTTLPR) pada penderita cheilitis angulari. Metode: Analisis polimorfisme gen Serotonin transporter SLC6A4 (5-HTTLPR) dilakukan dengan metode PCR-VNTR. Analisis statistic dilakukan dengan uji Chi-square. Hasil: Dalam penelitian ini, pada kelompok cheilitis angularis ditemukan 24 sampel dengan genotip SS, 23 sampel dengan genotip LS, dan 3 sampel dengan genotip LL. Sedangkan pada kelompok non-cheilitis angularis, ditemukan 5 sampel dengan genotip SS, 18 sampel dengan genotip LS, dan 27 sample dengan genotip LL. Pada kelompok cheilitis angularis ditemukan 71 alel S dan 29 alel L, dan pada kelompok non-cheilitis angularis ditemukan 28 alel S dan 72 alel L. Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada distribusi polimorfisme gen Serotonin transporter SLC6A4 (5-HTTLPR)cheilitis angularis dengan non-cheilitis angularis (p = 0.001).
ABSTRACTSerotonin is a monoamine acting as a neuromediator in the central and peripheral nervous system. Recently, serotonin has also been shown to influence T- and B-cell function. The serotonin transporter is central in the regulation of the serotonergic system and widely expressed on cells of the immune system. A functional length polymorphism in the promoter of the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR) has been implicated in the genetic background of depression. Cheilitis angularis is a complex disease with a polygenetic inheritance. This polymorphism cause inflammation in cheilitis angularis mediated by the role of T cell and increased prevalence of depression in cheilitis angularis patients. To determine the relationship between the Serotonin transporter SLC6A4 (5-HTTLPR) gene polymorphism in cheilitis angularis patients in Indonesia. Analysis of the Serotonin transporter SLC6A4 (5-HTTLPR) gene polymorphism was observed by carrying out PCR method followed by electrophoresis for the analysis, without the usage of restriction enzyme. The chi-square test was used for statistical analysis. In this study, in the cheilitis angularis group there were 24 samples with SS genotype, 23 samples with LS genotype, and 3 samples with LL genotype. Whereas in the non-cheilitis angularis group, there were 5 samples with SS genotype, 18 samples with LS genotype, and 27 samples with LL genotype. In the cheilitis angularis group found 71 S alleles and 29 L alleles, and in the non-cheilitis angularis group 28 S alleles and 72 L alleles were found. There were significant differences in the distribution of the Serotonin transporter SLC6A4 (5-HTTLPR) gene polymorphism between cheilitis angularis and non-cheilitis angularis groups (p = 0.001). "