ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas tentang bahaya, risiko serta mitigasi keselamatan dan kesehatan
dalam pengembangan biogas skala kecil dari bahan baku kotoran sapi. Penilaian
risiko dilakukan dengan cara mengukur komposisi biogas, identifikasi dan
perhitungan jumlah bakteri, identifikasi dan perhitungan telur cacing dan observasi
kegiatan pembuatan biogas. Data penelitian diolah secara semi kuantitatif sehingga
diperoleh nilai risiko keselamatan dan kesehatan pada penggunaan reaktor biogas
skala kecil. Risiko keselamatan tertinggi adalah terjadinya ledakan, sedangkan risiko
kesehatan tertinggi adalah keracunan H2S. Mitigasi yang disarankan adalah: a)
eliminasi dengan penghilangan blower, b) enjinering kontrol dengan modifikasi di
bak pengaduk dan membuat pelindung digester serta c) tindakan administratif
dengan melakukan edukasi terhadap peternak.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses the hazards, risks and mitigation of safety and health in the
small-scale biogas digester from cow manure feedstock. Risk assessment is done by
measuring the biogas composition, identification and calculation of the amount of
bacteria, identification and calculation of worm eggs and observation activities of the
biogas production. Data were analyzed semi quantitatively in order to obtain the
value of safety and health risks of the application of a small-scale biogas digester.
The highest safety risk is the explosion, while the highest health risk is H2S
poisoning. Suggested mitigation are a) elimination by removing blower from system,
b) control engineering by considering modifications in the mixing basin, build
digester protective and c) administrative action by educating farmers.;This thesis discusses the hazards, risks and mitigation of safety and health in the
small-scale biogas digester from cow manure feedstock. Risk assessment is done by
measuring the biogas composition, identification and calculation of the amount of
bacteria, identification and calculation of worm eggs and observation activities of the
biogas production. Data were analyzed semi quantitatively in order to obtain the
value of safety and health risks of the application of a small-scale biogas digester.
The highest safety risk is the explosion, while the highest health risk is H2S
poisoning. Suggested mitigation are a) elimination by removing blower from system,
b) control engineering by considering modifications in the mixing basin, build
digester protective and c) administrative action by educating farmers., This thesis discusses the hazards, risks and mitigation of safety and health in the
small-scale biogas digester from cow manure feedstock. Risk assessment is done by
measuring the biogas composition, identification and calculation of the amount of
bacteria, identification and calculation of worm eggs and observation activities of the
biogas production. Data were analyzed semi quantitatively in order to obtain the
value of safety and health risks of the application of a small-scale biogas digester.
The highest safety risk is the explosion, while the highest health risk is H2S
poisoning. Suggested mitigation are a) elimination by removing blower from system,
b) control engineering by considering modifications in the mixing basin, build
digester protective and c) administrative action by educating farmers.]"