"Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah, termasuk aspek Pengelolaan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Pertambangan Umum (PK3PU) terbentur permasalahan mendasar. Masalah kesiapan Dinas Pertambangan dan Energi (termasuk Subdirektorat Keselamatan Pertambangan) menjadi sorotan utama.
Agar otonomi PK3PU berhasil, maka dilakukan penelitian terhadap tingkat kesiapan Dinas sebagai dasar menentukan strategi ke depan, Penelitian dilakukan pada pertengahan semester ke 2 tahun 2002 dengan menggunakan dasar teori kerangka kerja Balanced Scorecard serta pengolahan data dengan Statistik Deskriptif dan Analisis Proses Hirarki (AHP).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hahwa berdasarkan empat tingkat kesiapan yaitu "tidak siap, kurang siap, cukup siap, dan siap", maka tingkat kesiapan Dinas Pertambangan hanya 56,7% (cukup siap) dengan populasi sebesar 60%. Tiiigkat kesiapan tersebut dipengaruhi oleh tingkat kesiapan unsur/elemen tenaga kerja, pengawasan K3, peralatan K3, administrasi K3, program K3, dan dana K3. Di antara unsur/elemen tersebut, Peralatan K3 memiliki tingkat kesiapan paling rendah yailu 22,8% (tidak siap) dengan populasi sebesar 52% Berdasarkan tingkat kesiapan tersebut maka telah ditetapkan alternatif strategi yang bertujuan agar otonomi PK3PU berhasil, yaitu dengan cara melakukan peningkatan mutu tenaga kerja, kerja sama teknik dalam pengujian dan sertifikasi peralatan, dan pembuatan sistem informasi K3.
The implementation of District Autonomy, including the aspects of General Mines Safety and Health Management (GMSHM) stumbled on principle problems. The preparedness of the District Mines Inspectorate (including Sub directorate of Mine Safety) will be priority objective to discuss.In order the autonomy of GMSHM to he succeed. an acceptable strategy based on result of research for the preparedness of the District Mines Inspectorate should he carried out. The research that was carried out in the middle of 2"d semester in 2002 was using a basic theory of the framework of Balanced Scorecard as \veil as data processing with Descriptive Statistic and Process Hierarchy Analysis (PHA).According to the four (4) preparedness that is "not ready, less ready, ready. fully ready", from the result of research indicated that the preparedness of District Mines Inspectorate for GMSHM is 56,7% (ready) with the population of 60%. The preparedness level is affected by preparedness level or elements human resources. safety supervision, monitoring or testing safety equipment, safety administration, safety programs, and safety budgeting. Among those elements, the element of monitoring or testing equipment has the lowest of preparedness level that the others that is 22.8% (not ready) with the population of 52% Based on the above preparedness level, therefore, an alternative strategic to succeed the autonomy of GMSHM has been made, that is by improving the quality of human resources, partnership or joint work on testing and certifying safety equipment. and developing safety information system."