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Agung Anggriana
Penelitian ini meneliti tentang implementasi pengenaan tindakan pengamanan (safeguard) dalam melindungi industri dalam negeri terhadap impor produk canai lantaian dari besi atau baja bukan paduan. Kebijakan ini dikeluarkan seiring melonjaknya impor produk tersebut sehingga mengakibatkan terjadinya kerugian serius atau ancaman kerugian serius pada industri dalam negeri. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Penerapan Bea Masuk Tindakan Pengamanan (BMTP) telah sesuai dengan aturan di dalam Agreement on Safeguards dan memenuhi kriteria: adanya lonjakan impor, adanya kerugian atau ancaman kerugian, dan adanya hubungan sebab akibat antara lonjakan impor dengan kerugian atau ancaman kerugian. Berdasarkan data impor tahun 2014 ? 2015 dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan BMTP bagi produk tersebut telah memberikan dampak yang cukup signifikan dalam menahan lonjakan impor.

This thesis analyzes the implementation of safeguard measures in protecting domestic industry against import of product flat-rolled of iron or non-alloy steel. This policy is issued as soaring imports of these products that result in serious injury or threat of serious injury on the domestic industry. These results indicate that the adoption of Safeguard Measures Import Duty (BMTP) in accordance with the rules in the Agreement on Safeguards and following the criteria: increase imports, serious injury or threat of serious injury, and the causal link between increase imports and serious injury or threat of serious injury. Based on data imports in 2014 ? 2015, it can be concluded that the application of BMTP for these products have a significant impact in restraining the increase in imports;This thesis analyzes the implementation of safeguard measures in protecting domestic industry against import of product flat-rolled of iron or non-alloy steel. This policy is issued as soaring imports of these products that result in serious injury or threat of serious injury on the domestic industry. These results indicate that the adoption of Safeguard Measures Import Duty (BMTP) in accordance with the rules in the Agreement on Safeguards and following the criteria: increase imports, serious injury or threat of serious injury, and the causal link between increase imports and serious injury or threat of serious injury. Based on data imports in 2014 ? 2015, it can be concluded that the application of BMTP for these products have a significant impact in restraining the increase in imports;This thesis analyzes the implementation of safeguard measures in protecting domestic industry against import of product flat-rolled of iron or non-alloy steel. This policy is issued as soaring imports of these products that result in serious injury or threat of serious injury on the domestic industry. These results indicate that the adoption of Safeguard Measures Import Duty (BMTP) in accordance with the rules in the Agreement on Safeguards and following the criteria: increase imports, serious injury or threat of serious injury, and the causal link between increase imports and serious injury or threat of serious injury. Based on data imports in 2014 ? 2015, it can be concluded that the application of BMTP for these products have a significant impact in restraining the increase in imports, This thesis analyzes the implementation of safeguard measures in protecting domestic industry against import of product flat-rolled of iron or non-alloy steel. This policy is issued as soaring imports of these products that result in serious injury or threat of serious injury on the domestic industry. These results indicate that the adoption of Safeguard Measures Import Duty (BMTP) in accordance with the rules in the Agreement on Safeguards and following the criteria: increase imports, serious injury or threat of serious injury, and the causal link between increase imports and serious injury or threat of serious injury. Based on data imports in 2014 – 2015, it can be concluded that the application of BMTP for these products have a significant impact in restraining the increase in imports]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teguh Trisdiyana
Instrumen Safeguard merupakan salah satu aturan yang dibuat berdasarkan kesepakatan negara-negara anggota WTO terkait perdagangan internasional. Instrumen Safeguard dapat diterapkan oleh suatu negara pada saat terjadi lonjakan impor yang mengakibatkan kerugian atau ancaman kerugian bagi industri dalam negeri. Berdasarkan data WTO 2015 menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia merupakan negara kedua terbesar yang telah menerapkan instrumen Safeguard dengan jumlah mencapai 17 kasus. Penelitian ini menganalisis efektivitas instrumen Safeguard di Indonesia dengan melihat pada indikator-indikator kerugian yang dialami oleh industri dalam negeri yaitu produksi, produktivitas, jumlah tenaga kerja, laba/keuntungan, dan modal. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik analisis deskriptif serta menggunakan studi kasus Safeguard produk impor keramik tableware. Data yang digunakan adalah data statistik industri manufaktur besar/menengah dan wawancara dengan beberapa narasumber. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa instrumen Safeguard efektif dalam menurunkan laju impor produk keramik tableware ke Indonesia. Selain itu, instrumen Safeguard efektif meningkatkan indikator kinerja industri keramik tableware dalam negeri dari aspek produksi, produktivitas, jumlah tenaga kerja, keuntungan dan modal selama periode 3 tahun 2006 ndash; 2009 . Namun adanya perpanjangan penerapan kebijakan Safeguard selama 3 tahun 2009 ndash; 2012 tidak efektif dalam meningkatkan indikator kinerja tersebut diatas. Kata kunci : Efektivitas, Safeguard, produksi, produktivitas, tenaga kerja, laba, modal .

Safeguard Instruments is one of the rules made under the agreement of member countries of the WTO related to international trade. Safeguard Policies can be applied by a country in the event of import surges that resulted in a loss or threat of injury to the domestic industry. Based on WTO data in 2015 showed that Indonesia is the second largest country that has implemented Safeguard instruments with the number reaching 17 cases. This study analyzes the effectiveness of Safeguard instrument in Indonesia by looking at indicators of loss suffered by the domestic industry, namely production, productivity, number of employees, earnings profits, and capital. The research method uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis techniques and the use of case studies Safeguard imports of ceramic tableware products. The data used is the statistical data of manufacturing industry large medium and interviews with several sources. The results showed that the instrument Safeguard effective in reducing the rate of imports of ceramic tableware products to Indonesia. In addition, Safeguard instruments effectively improve the performance indicators of ceramic tableware domestic industry from aspects of production, productivity, the amount of labor, profit, and capital over a period of 3 years 2006 2009 . However, the extension of the application of safeguard policies for 3 years 2009 2012 was not effective in improving the performance indicators mentioned above. Keywords Effectiveness, Safeguard, production, productivity, employment, profits, capital"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lavira Mavushi
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai kebijakan Bea Masuk Tindakan Pengamanan impor benang cotton bukan benang jahit yang ada pada sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak pada bidang spinning benang cotton lokal. Kebijakan ini dilakukan oleh Pemerintah demi mengatasi adanya lonjakan impor yang terjadi akan benang cotton, dan juga meningkatkan produktifitas industri bidang tekstil baik dari industri yang bergerak dalam bidang spinning maupun weaving benang. Adanya BMTP tersebut merupakan upaya dari pemerintah dimana hasil tersebut diharapkan dapat mengatasi lonjakan impor, dan menumbuhkan kembali produktifitas industri tekstil lokal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan latar belakang, penerapan kebijakan, serta faktor-faktor yang menghambat di dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan tersebut. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif.
Hasil dari penelitian ini yang merupakan latar belakang dikeluarkannya kebijakan ini adalah karena adanya lonjakan impor yang menyebabkan adanya kerugian serius pada industri tekstil dalam negeri. Penerapan kebijakan ini berjalan cukup baik, walaupun terdapat kendala yang dianggap dapat membuat kebijakan ini berjalan kurang efektif yaitu terkait dengan keterbatasan SDM dan SDA dari pihak produsen benang cotton, adanya penyelundupan, dan pengusaha yang terus mencari celah dari adanya Safeguard ini. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyarankan agar diadakan penyelidikan lebih lanjut dari ketepatan tarif spesifik yang digunakan dalam perhitungan Safeguard dan juga bagi para pengusaha hendaknya dalam mengatasi lonjakan impor sebaiknya meningkatkan kembali kualitas produk-produk lokal, sehingga kualitasnya tidak kalah saing dengan produk-produk impor.

This research addresses the policies Safeguard Measures Import Duty import cotton yarn not sewing thread that exist in a company engaged in the field of local cotton yarn spinning. This policy conducted by the government in order to overcome the surge in imports of cotton yarn that will happen is not a sewing thread, and also increase the productivity of both the textile industry that the industry is engaged in spinning and weaving yarns. The existence of Safeguard Measures Import Duty is an effort of the government in which the outcome of the process is expected to address import surges, and regrow productivity of the local textile industry. The purpose of this study is to describe the background, policy implementing, as well as factors that the implementation of the policy barrier. This research used qualitative descriptive approach.
The background is issued according to a surge in imports that cause serious injury to the domestic textile industry, and / or threat of serious injury to the domestic textile industry. Implementation of this policy went pretty well, although there are constraints that are considered to make this policy runs less effective which is associated with limited human and natural resources of the cotton yarn manufacturers, smuggling, and employers are constantly looking for the loopholes of the Safeguard. The results of this study suggest that further investigation of organized provision specific rates used in the calculation of Safeguard and also for employers should address the surge in imports should improve the quality back local products, so the quality is not less competitive with imported products.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Batubara, Yosep Peniel
REDD adalah mekanisme pengurangan emisi GRK oleh negara berkembang. Negara pelaksana kemudian akan mendapatkan insentif untuk setiap pengurangan emisi GRK yang dicapai. Untuk mencegah dampak negatif dari pelaksanaan REDD terhadap masyarakat lokal dan lingkungan, maka UNFCCC mendorong negara pelaksana Indonesia untuk menerjemahkan dan mengembangkan sistem informasi safeguard dan melaksanakan safeguard dalam pelaksanaan REDD. Penelitian ini memaparkan bagaimana perkembangan REDD di Indonesia dan penerjemahan safeguard dan sistem informasi safeguards di Indonesia, serta hubungan safeguard dan sistem informasi safeguard dengan mekanisme pendanaan result-based payment. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan data sekunder yang didapatkan melalui metode kepustakaan dan wawancara dengan pihak KLHK dan ahli hukum. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini, laporan pelaksanaan safeguard akan dinilai dengan APPS dan dilaporkan ke SIS-REDD. Laporan tersebut kemudian disampaikan ke Sekretariat UNFCCC untuk mendapatkan dana result-based payment. Perkembangan lainnya adalah adanya Permen No. 70 Tahun 2017 yang mengakibatkan mekanisme jual beli karbon tidak diperbolehkan lagi dan berfokus menjadi mekanisme RBP untuk memenuhi INDC Indonesia. Penelitian ini menyarankan Pemerintah Indonesia untuk mengembangkan kembali safeguard nasional, menambah aturan terkait safeguard dan membantu melakukan mediasi para pihak yang telah memiliki perjanjian jual-beli karbon.

REDD is a mechanism for reducing GHG emissions in developing countries. The Parties that implement REDD will get incentives for GHG emissions reductions. To prevent negative impacts of REDD implementation on local communities and environment, the UNFCCC encourages Parties Indonesia to address and develop safeguard information systems and to promote and support safeguard in REDD implementation. This research describes the development of REDD in Indonesia and the implementation of safeguards and safeguards information system in Indonesia, as well as the relation between safeguard and safeguards information system with result based payment mechanism. The method this research used is normative juridical using secondary data obtained through library research and interviews from MoEF and legal experts. The conclusions from this research shows that safeguards implementation reports will be self assessed by project proponent using APPS and must be reported to SIS REDD. The report then submitted to the UNFCCC Secretariat to obtain and receive the result based payment. Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia No. 70 2017 regulate carbon market is not allowed anymore, thus only RBP mechanism is used to fulfill Indonesia INDC. This research suggests the Government of Indonesia to redevelop ldquo national rdquo safeguards, regulate safeguard related regulation and help mediate parties who already have carbon trading agreements."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lusda Astri
Pelaksanaan komitmen liberaliasi perdagangan dalam kerangka Persetujuan Pembentukan Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia (Agreement Establishing The World Trade Organization) melalui penurunan tarif dan penghapusan bukan tarif dapat menimbulkan lonjakan impor yang mengakibatkan kerugian serius dan atau ancaman kerugian serius terhadap industri dalam negeri, yang dapat dicegah dengan peraturan perudang-undangan nasional yang mengatur tindakan pengamanan (safeguard measures) sehingga industri yang mengalami kerugian dapat melakukan penyesuaian-penyesuaian struktural yang dibenarkan secara hukum berdasarkan ketentuan Article XIX GATT 1994 dan Agreement on Safeguards sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Undang Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1994 tentang Pengesahan Agreement Establishing The World Trade Organization. Tesis ini menguraikan bagaimana pemerintah Indonesia menerapkan kebijakan tindakan pengamanan perdagangan di Indonesia dalam rangka melindungi industri dalam negerinya, seperti apa KPPI selaku otoritas penyelidikan memberikan rekomendasi dan berujung dikenakannya tindakan pengamanan perdagangan berupa Bea Masuk Tindakan Pengamanan dan atau Pembatasan Kuota sejak berdiri hingga Oktober 2015. Terlebih lagi, seperti apa perlindungan industri dalam negeri yang memproduksi besi atau baja akibat dampak negatif lonjakan jumlah impor produk besi atau baja yang sejenis dan atau secara langsung bersaing yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Indonesia.

Implementation of commitments liberalization trade within the framework of the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization through tariff reduction and elimination of non-tariff could lead to a surge in imports that resulted in serious loss or threat of serious injury to the domestic industry, which can be prevented by national regulation governing safeguard measures, so that the industry suffered a loss can make structural adjustments which are legally justified under the provisions of Article XIX of GATT 1994 and the Agreement on Safeguards as stipulated in Law No. 7 of 1994 on Ratification of the Agreement Establishing The World Trade Organization. This thesis describes how the Indonesian government imposed security measures of trade policy in Indonesia in order to protect its domestic industry, like what KPPI investigation authorities as providing recommendations and culminate wears trade security measures in the form of import duties or quota restrictions since its establishment until October 2015. Moreover, what kind of protection of domestic industry that produces iron or steel negative impact consequences surge of imports of iron or steel similar or directly competitive products and conducted by the Indonesian government.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library