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Abstrak :
Pertumbuhan penduduk di Kotamadya Surabaya berkembang dengan pesat, dengan tingkat pertumbuhan 2,06% tiap tahun. Dengan tingkat pertumbuhan yang pesat ini Jawa Timur selain mempunyai tingkat kepadatan yang tinggi, tingkat migrasi masuk juga tertinggi. Dan pada saat ini penduduk kotamadya sendiri adalah sebesar 7,6% dari penduduk seluruh Jawa Timur, yaitu 9.025.003 jiwa. Jumlah penduduk yang tinggi ini di samping memerlukan lapangan kerja yang cukup besar, juga memerlukan penyediaan pemukiman yang memadai. Di lain pihak, tanah di Surabaya juga diperlukan untuk fungsi lain, seperti industri, perkantoran dan penghijauan kota. Hal ini menyebabkan kecenderungan naiknya harga tanah, akibatnya penduduk dengan penghasilan rendah tersebut tidak mampu memiliki rumah dengan harga tanah yang semakin mahal. Ciri penduduk yang bermukim di tepi Kali Surabaya khususnya di Desa Warugunung dan Desa Kebraon yang bermukim di sekitar kali umumnya golongan yang berpenghasilan rendah, sehingga mereka sering menempuh cara yang menyimpang dan mengganggu estetika perkotaan dalam mendirikan pemukiman. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mereka memanfaatkan air kali untuk kebutuhan MCK, meskipun ada sebagian yang menggunakan air sumur, air PAM ataupun WC umum. Sehubungan dengan hal seperti tersebut di atas, pertanyaan penelitian yang timbul ialah: Faktor-faktor apa sajakah yang mempengaruhi perilaku penduduk tersebut?. Apakah pengetahuan tentang lingkungan dan kesehatan berpengaruh terhadap perilaku penduduk tersebut?. Adapun penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan: Untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel variabel sosial ekonomi terhadap tingkat pemanfaatan air kali oleh penduduk. Variabel-variabel sosial ekonomi, meliputi tingkat pendidikan, pengetahuan tentang lingkungan, tingkat pendapatan, lama tinggal, tingkat kepadatan hunian, tingkat kesehatan dan sarana dan prasarana air bersih terhadap perilaku penduduk. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Karangpilang, Kotamadya Surabaya, dengan menentukan 2 kelurahan sebagai lokasi penelitian, yaitu Desa Warugunung dan Desa Kebraon. Populasi penelitian di Desa Warugunung 6 RT dari 17 RT di di Desa Kebraon 4 RT dari 35 RT, yang' terletak di tepi Kali Surabaya. Dan anggota populasi dibatasi pada Kepala Keluarga. Sampel diambil secara sistematik random, yaitu dari 10 RT diambil 120 Kepala Keluarga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh langsung yang sangat kuat dan nyata (significant) antara sarana dan prasarana air bersih dengan perilaku penduduk dalam pemanfaatan air sungai,sedang pengaruh yang nyata terdapat pada pendapatan, pendidikan, pengetahuan tentang lingkungan, dan lama tinggal. Yang tidak mempunyai pengaruh adalah tingkat kepadatan hunian. Masing masing dengan taraf kepercayaan 95% dengan analisis Chi Kuadrat. Semua hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini dapat dibuktikan pada studi lapangan. Dalam studi ini perlu kajian lanjut untuk mengurangi bahkan menghilangkan perilaku yang tidak sehat dalam memanfaatkan air kali untuk keperluan sehari hari dengan alasan kebiasaan dan terpaksa. Pustaka : 1971-1994
The Influence of Social Economic Factor Upon the Use of River Water (The Study of Population Behavior in Surabaya River Catchments Area, East Java)The population growth in the city of Surabaya increases rapidly, with the rate growth of 2.06% each year. This rapid growth is because East Java has a high rate of population growth' and it has the highest migration too. Nowadays the population of the city itself is 7.60 of the whole population in East Java, which is 9,025,003 people. This high total population needs not only sufficient fields of occupations but also sufficient availabilities of occupations but also sufficient availabilities of settlements. On the other hand the land, which is in Surabaya, is also needed for other functions, such as industry, office and reforested city. These things can cause the tendency of raising the price of the land. And as the result the people who have low earnings can not afford to own houses because of the higher price of the land, Because the characteristic of the people who life at the edge of Surabaya's river especially at Warugunung Village and Kebraon Village who live in the river area generally are those who earn small livings. That's why they often get out of the way and disturb the city's esthetics in building settlements. In daily life they use river water for MCK, although some of them use well water (ground water), PAM water or public toilet. In relation to the things, which are mentioned above, the research question appears: the river water as for its function belongs to group B, which is as the basic material for drinking water, because the river water is not suitable for its function and it appears in my mind that are the respondents who live about 100 m from the river use river water for MCK or not. The aim of this research to find out the influence of social economic variables upon the use of river water by the population. The social economic variables cover the level of education, the knowledge of environment, the income, the length of settlement, the level of populated settlement, the level of health and the supply and the facility of clean (pure) water upon the population behavior. The sample of this research covers the family who live about 100 m from the edge of Surabaya's river, on the district of Karang Pilang, at Kebroan Village and Warugunung Village. The sample population was 120 heads of the families. It was taken purposively sampling for the location and randomly for the families. The result of the research showed that there was a direct influence, which was strong and significant between the supply and the facility of clean (pure) water with the population behavior in using river water, and the significant influence was in the income, education, and knowledge of environment and the length of the settlement. The thing that did not have any influence was the level of the populated settlement. Each of them with the belief level of 95% by chi square analysis. All these hypothesis-which are given in this research can be proved in the study of the field. In this study, it is necessary to continue the research to decrease or even to eliminate the unhealthy behavior in using river water for daily needs with the practical and economical reason. References : (1971-1994)
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuli Prasetya Nugroho
Abstrak :
River is one of many natural resources supporting the life of all living creatures. The development of human and their cultures is inseparable from rivers. They function as, providers of water and food for both animals and plants living in and around them. Rivers also have other functions ? they provide means of transportation, places to settle and even centers for urban people development and centers of administration. Interactions between people and the environment have effects on the quality of the river ecosystems and the quality of human life. Affected human-river environment balance will lead to conflicts. People living on river banks try to cope with arising problems by establishing institutions through which they manage the use of water as well as institutions which improve environmental management and quality of life of the people living alongside these rivers. This research aims at analyzing the values of rivers and riversides for people living alongside them; analyzing environmental management daily practiced by these people; analyzing how ?Merti Code? cultural event can be used as an approach to improve people?s awareness of proper environmental management. For the purpose of this research, a qualitative approach is used as well as detailed etnographical method and history of changes. Data were collected from observations, interviews and documents, and analyzed using descriptive and etnoscientific methods. People do not manage river environments because they simply want to but because they understand that rivers can provide vital life support and benefits that these people can actually enjoy. It is also awareness of the significance of the environment that moves them to keep rivers from further destruction. A cultural approach in preserving rivers is a way of gathering communities of different economic and cultural backgrounds to take part in a common environmental preservation activity. Involving a larger number of people living on river banks, Merci code is a combined environmental, art and cultural event where people work together to clean rivers and riverside settlements and take part in art and cultural festivities. Results of the research point toward the following conclusions: (1) Environmental changes will affect the relations established between human and rivers through values which people observe and live on. Functions that these rivers play and which people benefit from make them a valuable social capital for the use of water resources and the preservation of rivers; (2) Tirta Kencana, a collective effort of managing water resources can improve people?s awareness that preserving functions of a river, particularly that of providing water to support their life, is crucial. The successful effort to manager these water resources has led to the establishment of Forum Masyarakat Code Utara (FMCU) or North Code Community Forum ? an institution established and organized by the people for environmental improvement programs: managing waste and upgrading river bank areas as paths and public open space to prevent people from throwing waste into the rivers; (3) Merti Code is a cultural strategy to develop the river of Code that has given numerous benefits to people living alongside it. Merti Code is more than a celebration of cultures that exists merely as an idea and a concept; rather, it is actually put into practice by encouraging people to take active part in improving the settlements and areas around the river. Merti Code is not a one-way (monolog) program that only positions communities as an object of the awareness-increasing effort; it sees people as the subject that plays active part in the ritual of understanding the significant importance of water and rivers. With Merti Code, water is not only perceived in economic terms but also seen, through sanctification, as the communities' life support. The following are recommended: (1) Environmental management practiced by the people should be connected more closely to Merti Code. Giving water high values through social processes can serve as an approach to encourage people to take more active part in environmental improvement efforts, particularly in river bank areas; (2) Empowerment of people living on river banks should consider their close ties with the river which supports their life. The government and institutions engaged in the management of social environment of people living in river banks should be able to make these people connected to the place they live; (3) Cultural events relating to environmental management will sustain should it become something that people need and as it is performed because they can benefit from it. As a community ritual, Merti Code will be increasingly susceptible if it is only performed as a tourist attraction. If this is the case, participation and involvement of the people will greatly depend on tourists as provider of benefits.
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library