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Abram Stevano F.S.M.
Abstrak :
Pengembang proyek perumahan mendapatkan keuntungan dengan menjual unit-unit rumah yang terdapat dalam lingkungan perumahan tersebut. Selain rumah, pengembang juga membangun fasilitas-fasilitas pendukung di lingkungannya. Sudah menjadi kewajiban pengembang untuk menambahkan fasilitas ke dalam lingkungan perumahan mereka. Tetapi sebagian pengembang membangun fasilitas, seperti taman lingkungan, dengan hasil yang berkualitas. Sebagian pengembang tersebut tidak hanya melihat kehadiran fasilitas sebagai kewajiban, tetapi juga menggunakan fasilitas tersebut sebagai nilai jual untuk meningkatkan daya jual dari perumahan mereka. Taman lingkungan adalah salah satu fasilitas lingkungan perumahan yang bisa menjadi daya tarik untuk membuat masyarakat mau membeli rumah dari pengembang. Taman lingkungan memiliki manfaat yang baik tidak hanya untuk calon pembeli, tetapi juga untuk pengembang yang membangunnya. Karakteristik ini membuat taman lingkungan menjadi fasilitas yang layak dalam sebuah lingkungan perumahan.
Residential developer make their profit from selling houses on their residential property. Residential developer do not only build houses, but also build amenities to support the neighborhood. It is their obligation to include such amenities into their residential development. But some developers make such a good amenities, like a neighborhood park. They rather see the amenities as a potential tool for marketing their properties instead of a duty to be followed. Neighborhood park is one of the amenities which can attract a lot of customers to buy house from the developer. Neighborhood park has some benefits and positive impacts to both the customers and the developers. These characteristics make it worth for neighborhood park to be built as an amenities in a residential environment.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yesica Christy
Abstrak :
Properti residensial atau yang biasa disebut sebagai rumah merupakan salah satu kebutuhan pokok manusia sebagai tempat berlindung, untuk dapat terus melanjutkan kehidupan. Meningkatnya jumlah penduduk di Indonesia, mengindikasikan bahwa kebutuhan akan properti residensial juga akan ikut bertambah. Pergerakan harga properti residensial di Indonesia dapat diamati dari Indeks Harga Properti Residensial (IHPR) yang dikeluarkan oleh Bank Indonesia. Harga properti residensial dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor. Misalnya dalam faktor ekonomi, pergerakan harga properti residensial dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti inflasi, Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) dan suku bunga kredit. Forecasting Indeks Harga Properti Residensial (IHPR) dapat dilakukan dengan pemodelan times series. Pemodelan Indeks Harga Properti Residensial (IHPR) yang diketahui dipengaruhi oleh tiga variabel lainnya memerlukan model time series multivariat. Model fungsi transfer multi input adalah salah satu model time series multivariat yang dapat digunakan dalam memodelkan Indeks Harga Properti Residensial (IHPR). Pada model fungsi transfer multi input terdapat runtun output (yt) yaitu Indeks Harga Properti Residensial (IHPR) yang diperkirakan dipengaruhi oleh beberapa variabel input (xjt) yaitu inflasi, IHSG dan suku bunga kredit. Berdasarkan model yang telah didapatkan pada penelitian ini, dapat diketahui bahwa ramalan IHPR pada waktu ke-t dipengaruhi oleh besarnya inflasi pada dua bulan sebelumnya sampai lima bulan sebelumnya, dipengaruhi oleh suku bunga kredit tanpa penundaan sehingga dipengaruhi oleh waktu ke-t sampai tiga bulan sebelumnya. IHPR pada waktu ke t dipengaruhi oleh IHSG juga tanpa penundaan, yaitu dipengaruhi waktu ke-t sampai pada empat bulan sebelumnya. IHPR pada waktu ke-t juga dipengaruhi oleh dirinya sendiri pada waktu ke t-1 atau satu bulan sebelumnya hingga empat bulan sebelumnya ......Residential property or commonly referred as home is one of the basic human needs as a shelter, to be able to continue to live. As the population in Indonesia increases, indicate the need for residential property will also increase. The movement of residential property prices in Indonesia can be observed from the Residential Property Price Index (IHPR) issued by Bank Indonesia. Residential property prices can be influenced by several factors. For example in economic factors, the movement of residential property prices can be influenced by several factors such as inflation, the Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI) and loan interest rates. Forecasting the Residential Property Price Index (IHPR) can be done with times series modeling. Modeling Residential Property Price Index (CPI) which is known to be influenced by three other variables requires a multivariate time series model. The multi-input transfer function model is a multivariate time series model that can be used in modeling the Residential Property Price Index (IHPR). In the multi-input transfer function model there is an output series (yt) which is the Residential Property Price Index (IHPR) which is estimated to be influenced by several input series (xjt), which are inflation, CSPI and loan interest rates. Based on the model obtained in this study, it can be seen that the prediction of IHPR at the t-time is influenced by the amount of inflation in the previous two months to the previous five months. Then also influenced by loan interest rates without delay so that it is influenced by the t-time until the previous three months. Then influenced by the CSPI also without delay, which is influenced by the t-time until the previous four months. IHPR at the t-time is also influenced by itself at the t-1 time or one month before to four months before.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Galuh Talitha Ayuthia
Abstrak :
Studi ini berfokus pada mencari tahu peran bangunan hijau yang mendukung perilaku Pengguna Bangunan Hijau dan Pembeli Hijau, dibandingkan Bangunan Konvensional yang tidak diberi label Bangunan Hijau. Studi ini meneliti apakah Bangunan Hijau mendukung penggunanya dalam membeli properti residensial, khususnya unit apartemen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah pengguna bangunan hijau menjadikan ramah lingkungan sebagai aspek utama dalam memilih properti residensial. Studi sebelumnya telah menemukan bahwa Bangunan Hijau dapat menumbuhkan Pengguna Hijau, dan Pengguna Hijau lama-kelamaan akan menjadi Pembeli Hijau. Data yang diperoleh dari lapangan berupa kualitatif melalui observasi. Pendekatan kuantitatif yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah mencari tahu berapa banyak pengguna bangunan yang memiliki kepedulian yang lebih baik terhadap lingkungan menggunakan Skala CFC dan Parameter Perilaku Seseorang terhadap Lingkungan melalui kuesioner. Brosur Properti fiktif juga digunakan sebagai media penelitian dan wawancara tertulis dilakukan untuk menemukan faktor-faktor yang mendukung pengguna dalam memilih properti residensial hijau. ......This study focuses on finding out the role of green buildings that support the behavior of Green Building Users and Green Buyers, compared to Conventional Buildings that are not labeled as Green Buildings. This study examines whether Green Buildings support its users in buying residential property, especially apartment units. This study aims to determine whether users of green buildings make environment friendly as the main aspect in choosing residential property. Previous studies have found that Green Buildings can grow Green Users, and Green Users will eventually become Green Buyers. Data obtained from the field in the form of qualitative through observation. The quantitative approach used in this study is to find out how many building users have a better concern for the environment using the CFC Scale and Parameters of Someone's Behavior towards the Environment through a questionnaire. The fictitious property brochure is also used as a research medium and written interviews are conducted to find factors that support the user in choosing green residential properties.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Ruben Fajar
Abstrak :
Produk properti perumahan eksklusif (gated community) dalam ruang kota merupakan suatu lingkungan hunian bagi kalangan tertentu telah menjadi fenomena dan tren produk properti perumahan di Indonesia saat ini. Gated community adalah produk properti yang memiliki nilai lebih karena didesain untuk keamanan dan kenyamanan (privasi) bagi komunitas penghuni di dalamnya. Namun, bila pengembangannya menempati lahan massive atau sangat luas, gated community khususnya di Indonesia sering menjadikan bagian dari suatu kota menjadi tidak permeable dan berproses menjadi terpecah belah (fragmentation). Tesis ini akan meneliti atau mengkaji bagaimana pengembangan properti gated community dapat dilaksanakan atau terlaksana tanpa membuat bagian kota menjadi tidak permeable. Teori yang digunakan dapat diuraikan berdasarkan pengertian dari kota yang permeable, gated community, dan pengembangan produk properti perumahan. Sedangkan metode yang digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian adalah meneliti tahap-tahap pengembangan suatu produk properti gated community melalui kajian simulasi desain, studi kasus di dalam lahan eksisting. Hasil dari riset simulasi desain pada lahan studi kasus eksisting tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pengembang tetap dapat mengembangkan produk properti gated community pada lahan massive tanpa membuat bagian dari suatu kota menjadi tidak permeable dan nilai pengembangan tetap layak. Desain gated community di dalam lahan massive yang tetap dapat ditembus oleh pergerakan masyarakat kota dan visibilitas nilai pengembangan tetap memberi dampak positif bagi pengembang dan investor. Kesimpulan dari penelitian tesis setelah dilakukan simulasi desain sangat berkaitan dengan proses pengembangan produk properti gated community itu sendiri. Dalam proses tahapan tersebut, pengembang mendesain cluster sebagai lingkungan eksklusif komunitas penghuni dan membentuk sirkulasi jalan di sekitar cluster tersebut tetap permeable. Sehingga di dalam komitmen kontrak masterplan, pengembang tetap dapat menyerahkan koridor jalan kepada publik dan mendesain perumahan cluster tetap privat.
Exclusive residential property products such as gated community in the urban area is a residential environment for the certain circles of the community that has became a phenomenon and product trends for residential property in Indonesia todays. Gated community is a property product, which have more value, because it’s designed to safety and amenities for the community inside it. Nevertheless, if the development is in massive land or very spacious, gated community especially in Indonesia often made part of a city becomes not permeable and fragmentation. This thesis will investigate or examine how the development of gated community property can be implemented or executed without making parts of the city becomes not permeable. The theory used can be described by the notion of permeable city, gated community, and the development of residential property product. While the methods used to answer the research question is to examine the stages development of a gated community property product through a simulation study design, case studies on the existing land. The results of simulation study design on the existing land as case study indicate that developers can still develop gated community property product on massive land without making a part of a city becomes not permeable and development value remain viable. Design of gated community in the massive land that can still be penetrated by the movement of urban and visibility of development value remain a positive impact to the developers and investors. The conclusion of the thesis research after the simulation design is closely related to the development process of gated community property product itself. In the process of these stages, the developer designed the cluster as an exclusive neighborhood community dwellers and form a circulation path around the cluster remain permeable. Furthermore, in the masterplan contractual commitments, developers can still submit road corridors to the public and designed the cluster housing remain private, Exclusive residential property products such as gated community in the urban area is a residential environment for the certain circles of the community that has became a phenomenon and product trends for residential property in Indonesia todays. Gated community is a property product, which have more value, because it’s designed to safety and amenities for the community inside it. Nevertheless, if the development is in massive land or very spacious, gated community especially in Indonesia often made part of a city becomes not permeable and fragmentation. This thesis will investigate or examine how the development of gated community property can be implemented or executed without making parts of the city becomes not permeable. The theory used can be described by the notion of permeable city, gated community, and the development of residential property product. While the methods used to answer the research question is to examine the stages development of a gated community property product through a simulation study design, case studies on the existing land. The results of simulation study design on the existing land as case study indicate that developers can still develop gated community property product on massive land without making a part of a city becomes not permeable and development value remain viable. Design of gated community in the massive land that can still be penetrated by the movement of urban and visibility of development value remain a positive impact to the developers and investors. The conclusion of the thesis research after the simulation design is closely related to the development process of gated community property product itself. In the process of these stages, the developer designed the cluster as an exclusive neighborhood community dwellers and form a circulation path around the cluster remain permeable. Furthermore, in the masterplan contractual commitments, developers can still submit road corridors to the public and designed the cluster housing remain private]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Davis, Sid
Abstrak :
"Homesellers who spend a little time and effort making their homes more marketable will net thousands of dollars more than those who simply put 'For Sale' signs up on the front lawn and call it a day. A Survival Guide for Selling a Home helps readers face the challenges of deciding whether or not to use an agent (and how to find one), estimating a price, and deciding which upgrades are worth making -- and which ones are not -- to add to their home's value. Featuring handy checklists, worksheets, and examples, the book takes readers step by step through the process of selling their homes, giving them valuable information on essential topics including how to: * prepare the home to be shown * negotiate offers * avoid costly mistakes * attract serious buyers through marketing * take the stress out of closing * and get top dollar in any market In addition, the book discusses options such as renting and keeping the home as an investment, tips on moving and storage, and even a list of the seven biggest and costliest homeselling mistakes."
New York: [American Management Association, ], 2005
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vito Lay
Abstrak :
Kinerja residential estate di Indonesia sangat terdampak oleh pandemi Covid-19 selama 2 tahun terkahir ini. Walaupun demikian pembagunan residential estate di Indonesia terus berjalan dengan pesat. Menurut Bank Indonesia Penerapan teknologi informasi di keuangan atau yang biasa dikenal dengan financial technology sangat membantu gaya hidup sosial yang dulu manual dan membutuhkan waktu lama dalam bentransaksi menjadi otomatis dan tidak membutuhkan waktu yang lama lagi, salah satu produk dari fintech ini adalah crowdfunding. Crowdfunding pada residential estate memungkinkan investor untuk terlibat dalam industri tersebut. Crowdfunding pada residential estate mungkin dapat merevolusi industri properti yang lagi mengalami dampak negatif dari pandemi Covid-19 serta yang konservatif dan tidak likuid dengan standar yang tinggi untuk terjun kedalam bisnis tersebut dikarenakan modal yang diperlukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi masyarakat untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam implementasi skema equtiy crowdfunding sebagai alternatif pembiayaan pada residential estate. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa faktor prioritas dalam penentuan proyek residential estate pada equity crowdfunding berurutan dari yang prioritas adalah legalitas platform, ekspektasi keuntungan yang ditawarkan, jumlah keberhasilan investasi pada platform, informasi proyek, dan strategi rencana investasi. ......The performance of residential estates in Indonesia has been greatly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic for the past 2 years. However, residential estate development in Indonesia continues to progress rapidly. According to Bank Indonesia, the application of information technology in finance or commonly known as financial technology really helps social lifestyles that used to be manual and require a long time in transactions to become automatic and don't take long. One of the products from this fintech is crowdfunding. Crowdfunding on residential estate allows investors to get involved in the industry. Crowdfunding in residential estate may be able to revolutionize the property industry, which is experiencing a negative impact from the Covid-19 pandemic as well as conservative and illiquid ones with high standards to enter the business due to the capital required. This study aims to examine what factors influence the community to participate in the implementation of the equity crowdfunding scheme as an alternative financing for residential estate. From the research results, it is found that the priority factors in determining residential estate projects in equity crowdfunding sequentially from priority are the legality of the platform, the expected benefits offered, the number of successful investments on the platform, project information, and investment plan strategies.
Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
McCrea, Bridget
Abstrak :
"If you're going through the process of buying a home, chances are there are questions you desperately need answers to -- right away! Luckily, The Home Buyer's Question and Answer Book gives you all the crucial information you need, in an easy-to-flip-to format you can easily consult on the run. Featuring more than 150 questions, as well as sample loan applications and other valuable resources, the book provides simple answers to fundamental (yet often daunting) questions such as: * How do I start the homebuying process? * What if I have blemishes on my credit report? * What are the different types of real estate agents and how much do they charge? * How can I ensure an accurate, productive home inspection? * What can I do to ensure a smooth closing? Taking you through the entire process, all the way from the decision to buy to post-sale responsibilities, The Home Buyer's Question and Answer Book is an essential guidebook no first-time home buyer should be without."
New York: [American Management Association;, ], 2005
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Davis, Sid
Abstrak :
With thousands of new eco-minded houses being built, and the real estate market becoming more attuned to home-buyers' interests, demand for ecologically efficient living spaces is still exceeding the supply. Yet few resources exist for those wanting to build, buy, or remodel their own home to use less energy and be environmentally sensitive. This practical, reader-friendly guide gives readers all the guidance they need to easily become ecologically responsible homeowners.
New York: American Management Association, 2008
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cutaia, Susan
Abstrak :
Most people believe they lack the capital required for serious wealth-building, unwittingly tying up money in equity they could be investing elsewhere for greater return. "Untapped Riches" offers 40 wealth-building and wealth-protection strategies, flying in the face of conventional wisdom to argue that there is both good and bad debt - and that the former is essential to generating cash flow and building significant wealth. This valuable, empowering book shows how anyone can get the cash they need, and use it to make a radical difference in their financial health.
New York: American Management Association, 2007
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library