ABSTRAKGangguan tidur yang dialami pasien kanker payudara bisa mempengaruhi fisik,
mental, kesehatan serta kesejahteraan. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat pengaruh
latihan progressive muscle relaxation dan sleep hygiene education terhadap
perubahan skor kualitas tidur pasien kanker payudara. Desain Penelitian
menggunakan metode quasi eksperiment dengan pre-post test with control group
yang melibatkan 62 pasien kanker payudara dengan metode consecutive sampling
di Jakarta . Hasil uji statistik dengan independent t-test menunjukkan adanya
perbedaan bermakna skor kualitas tidur antara kelompok intervensi dan kelompok
kontrol (6,66±3,815;9,30±3,334, pvalue = 0,005). Latihan progressive muscle
relaxation dan sleep hygiene education terbukti dapat mempengaruhi perubahan
kualitas tidur pasien kanker sehingga menjadi pilihan terapi untuk mengatasi
gangguan tidur.
ABSTRACTSleeping disorder experienced by patients with breast cancer can affect the physical,
mental, health, and well-being. This study examines the effect of progressive muscle
relaxation training and sleep hygiene education to change sleep quality scores of
patient with breast cancer. The study design using quasi experiment with pre-post test
within control group, involving 62 breast cancer patients using consecutive sampling
method in Jakarta. Statistical test results with independent t-test showed a significant
difference in score of sleep quality between in intervention group and the control
group (6,66±3,815;9,30±3,334, pvalue = 0,005). Progressive muscle relaxation
exercise and sleep hygiene education proven to be affective to change the patients
sleeping quality, so that it can be an alternative therapeutic option to overcome
sleeping disorders."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014