Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Eugene Andreas Muskananfola
Abstrak :
Tesis ini meneliti penolakan Polandia terhadap kuota pengungsi yang diberikan oleh Uni Eropa (UE). Tujuan penulisan adalah untuk menjawab dua pertanyaan penelitian yaitu penolakan Polandia untuk relokasi pengungsi dan dinamika internal yang terdapat didalamnya. Polandia meruapakan salah satu negara di Eropa yang memiliki akselerasi cukup tinggi dalam melakukan integrasi menuju iklim politik demokrasi. Selanjutnya negara ini resmi bergabung dan diterima sebagai negara anggota UE pada tahun 2004 silam. Setiap pihak yang ingin menjadi bagian dari UE diharuskan untuk memenuhi sejumlah kriteria dasar yang telah ditetapkan. Salah satu diantaranya menyangkut aspek kemanusian. Sejak bergabungnya Polandia kedalam struktur UE, mereka dinilai memiliki prospek yang positif dalam menunjang keberlangsungan proses integrasi di kawasan Eropa. Dinamika politik yang berjalan kemudian merubah sejumlah situasi. Pemerintah Polandia menolak kuota pengungsi yang dicetuskan oleh UE. Ledakan krisis pengungsi di Eropa mencapai puncaknya pada tahun 2015.
Penelitian ini akan memfokuskan pembahasan kepada kebijakan yang diambil oleh Polandia tersebut. Keputusan Warsawa dianggap berbenturan dengan nilai-nilai fundamental yang dianggap menjadi bagian prinsip dasar dari UE. Dalam menunjang argumen penulisan, akan diangkat konsep amity dari Regional Security Complex Theory (RSCT) yang dicetuskan Barry Buzan dan gagasan terkait identitas nasional dari Anthony Smith. Temuan yang didapatkan adalah adanya signifikansi dari kawasan dan aspek internal yang mempengaruhi keputusan Polandia.
This thesis presents the Poland`s rejection towards the quota of refugees allocated by the European Union (EU). The aim of the study is to answer two research questions concerning Poland`s rejection towards the relocation of refugees and the related internal dynamics found within. Poland is a European country that proceeds to democracy politics climate with considerably high acceleration. The country officially joined and was accepted as an EU country member in 2004. Any party who wants to become part of EU is required to meet a number of basic criteria which have been set by the EU, one of which relates to humanity aspects. Since the inclusion of Poland in the EU, the country has been considered to have brought positive prospects in the integration within the European regions. The dynamics of politics, however, have changed some situations. The government of Poland rejects the quota of refugees set by EU whilst the booming of refugees reached its peak in 2015.
This research focuses on analyzing the policy of the government of Poland in rejecting the quota. The Warsaw decision was considered to collide with the fundamental values which are regarded basic principles of EU. The concept of amity of the Regional Security Complex Theory (RSCT) from Barry Buzan and the idea of national identity from Anthony Smith are adopted as the research arguments. The findings of the research reveal that there are significances within the region and internal aspects that govern the decisions of Poland.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Heryadi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini adalah mengenai dampak kebijakan pemerintah Australia memulangkan kembali pencari suaka yang akan masuk ke negaranya terhadap Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini dianalisis akibat yang ditimbulkan dari kebijakan Operasi Kedaulatan Perbatasan yang dijalankan oleh Pemerintahan Australia dibawah pimpinan Perdana Menteri Tonny Abbot dimana dengan kebijakan tersebut menimbulkan banyaknya pencari suaka yang ada di Indonesia salah satunya bermukim di kawasan Cisarua Bogor dan menimbulkan permasalahan tersendiri dengan keberadaan mereka di kawasan Cisarua Bogor.
This research is about the impact of the Australian government's policy of refoulement of asylum seekers who would enter their country Against Indonesia. In this study analyzed the impact of operation sovereign borders policy run by the Australian Government under the leadership of Prime Minister Tony Abbott. The Inpact is raises the number of asylum seekers in Indonesia and living in Cisarua Bogor and caused its own problems with their presence in Cisarua Bogor.;This research is about the impact of the Australian government's policy of refoulement of asylum seekers who would enter their country Against Indonesia. In this study analyzed the impact of operation sovereign borders policy run by the Australian Government under the leadership of Prime Minister Tony Abbott. The Inpact is raises the number of asylum seekers in Indonesia and living in Cisarua Bogor and caused its own problems with their presence in Cisarua Bogor., This research is about the impact of the Australian government's policy of refoulement of asylum seekers who would enter their country Against Indonesia. In this study analyzed the impact of operation sovereign borders policy run by the Australian Government under the leadership of Prime Minister Tony Abbott. The Inpact is raises the number of asylum seekers in Indonesia and living in Cisarua Bogor and caused its own problems with their presence in Cisarua Bogor.]
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Gibney, Matthew J.
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004
172.2 GIB e
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Elva Sagita Cindra
Abstrak :
Tahun 2015 terjadi krisis di wilayah Eropa karena masuknya jutaan pengungsi dari Timur Tengah dan Afrika terutama dari Suriah. Uni Eropa sebagai institusi supranasional yang bertanggung jawab pada isu ini berusaha menyelesaikan krisis dengan mengeluarkan kebijakan-kebijakan. Salah satu institusi Uni Eropa yang berwenang dalam kebijakan adalah Parlemen Eropa. Kekuatan Parlemen Eropa meningkat sejak Perjanjian Maastricht hingga Lisbon. Anggota PE ketika berada di parlemen tidak lagi menjadi perwakilan partai politik nasional, melainkan perwakilan dari kelompok politik Eropa. Dengan teori pola perilaku dalam proses kebijakan publik dan jaringan aktor, skripsi ini akan berusaha membuktikan bahwa ada pengaruh partai politik nasional Prancis terhadap anggota PE dalam kebijakan pengungsi Suriah Uni Eropa tahun 2015-2016. Kelompok politik Eropa tidak menjadi satu-satunya penentu keputusan anggota PE asal Prancis karena kebijakan yang krusial. Pengaruh ini terlihat ketika partai politik nasional dan kelompok Eropa memiliki pandangan berbeda dalam suatu isu.
In 2015 there was a crisis in Europe because the influx of millions refugees from the Middle East and Africa mainly from Syria. The EU as a supranational institution responsible for this issue seeks to resolve the crisis by making policies. One of the European Union institutions responsible in policy is the European Parliament EP. The strength of the EP has increased since the Treaty of Maastricht and Lisbon. Members of the EP MEPs while in EP are no longer representative of national party, but representatives of European political group. With the theory of behavioral patterns in the process of public policy and the actor network, this paper will attempt to prove that there is an influence of France 39 s national party on their MEPs in the EU Syrian refugee policy of 2015 2016. European political group are not the sole determinants of French MEPs decision because this policy is crucial. This influence is seen when national party and European political group have different stance on an issue.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Dasgupta, Abhijit
Abstrak :
This volume highlights some emerging issues in the study of displaced persons in India, like the agency and voices of people who flee across an international border, the identities they forge for themselves, their relations with the hosts and their interactions with the state and non-governmental organizations. Three case studies included here are: (a) Partition refugees from East Pakistan to West Bengal, (b) Tamil refugees from Sri Lanka to India, and (c) Bangladesh Liberation War refugees from East Pakistan to West Bengal. The reader will find that each case is in itself highly complex. The treatment meted out to the displaced people in India has not been consistent. The volume shows that the responses of the state to cross-border displacement have been varied over space and time.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library