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I Nyoman Pranditayana
Abstrak :
Leksell gamma knife (LGK) adalah salah satu modalitas terapi radiasi yang bersumber dari radioaktif Co-60. Teknik lapangan kecil dengan pemberian dosis radiasi tinggi kepada pasien dalam satu sesi harus dihitung secara akurat dan diverifikasi dengan cermat. Penelitian ini menggambarkan prosedur untuk memverifikasi keakuratan distribusi dosis pada Leksell Gamma Plan (LGP) menggunakan fantom RANDO dan film gafchromic EBT3. Pertama, dilakukan verifikasi berkas profil pada fantom standar LGK dan RANDO menggunakan ukuran kolimator 4 mm, 8 mm dan 16 mm untuk memperoleh nilai full width half maximum (FWHM), penumbra dan beam-symmetry, nilai FWHM yang diperoleh dibandingkan dengan nilai pada LGP. Selanjutnya verifikasi nilai dosis serap pada RANDO dengan vasiasi ukuran kolimator, jumlah shoot, volume dan lokasi tumor, diverifikasi mengggunakan film EBT3. Perhitungan distribusi dosis dilakukan menggunakan perangkat lunak ImageJ dan program MATLAB. Penelitian ini menunjukkan perbedaan nilai FWHM dan beam-symmetry terkecil antara LGP ​​dan fantom standar LGK terjadi pada ukuran kolimator 16 mm sebesar 0.42 mm dan 1.58% sedangkan perbedaan pada fantom RANDO adalah 0.45 mm dan 1.64%. Verifikasi dosis maksimum menunjukkan pada variasi jumlah shoot, kolimator 16 mm memiliki nilai deviasi yang paling stabil. Kesimpulannya, kolimator ukuran 16 mm memiliki akurasi nilai dosis, FWHM dan beam-symmetry sangat baik. Namun, pada volume tumor yang lebih kecil, kolimator 16 mm dengan single shoot memberikan nilai deviasi yang lebih tinggi.
Leksell gamma knife (LGK) is an advanced modality of radiation therapy sourced Co-60 radioactive for treating patient with intracranial lesion. Small field techniques with highly integrated radiation delivering to patients in single session must be calculated accurately and verified carefully. This study illustrates a procedure to verify the accuracy of dose distribution associated with Leksell Gamma Plan (LGP) using RANDO phantom and gafchromic EBT3 film dosimetry. First, we assessed the profile dose on LGK standard phantom with collimators size 4,8 and 16 mm and compared the results with the profile dose based on RANDO to obtained Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM), penumbra and beam-symmetry. Absorbed-dose distributions on RANDO with various combinations of lesion volume, collimator size, location and number of shots assessed by EBT3 film using LGK Perfexion. Scanned images of the measured films were processed following standard EBT3 film-handling procedures. Dose value calculation were performed using ImageJ software and MATLAB in-house software. The study shows samallest difference of FWHM and beam symmetry occurs at collimator size 16 mm, whereas discrepancy in standard phantom between LGP and measurement is 1.83 % and 1.58 % respectively and the discrepancy in RANDO phantom is 2.15 %, and 1.64 % respectively. Verification of max dose shows, colimator size 16 mm has the most stable deviation value in variation of number of shoots. In conclusion, collimator size 16 mm have a highest accuracy of dose value, FWHM and beam-symmetry value. However, on smaller lesion volume, collimator 16 mm with single shot give higher deviation dose value.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simanjuntak, Flowindy Bonauli
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: LSTV merupakan anomali kongenital vertebra dengan karakteristik morfologi antara vertebra lumbal dan sakral, yang mencakup lumbalisasi dan sakralisasi. Prevalensi LSTV pada populasi umum yang dilaporkan bervariasi antara 4-37%. LSTV dipertimbangkan sebagai salah satu penyebab LBP (Low Back Pain) namun masih terdapat kontroversi mengenai implikasi klinisnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan antara LSTV dengan derajat nyeri pada individu dengan keluhan LBP di RSUPNCM sehingga diharapkan dapat mengoptimalkan diagnosis dan tatalaksana pasien LBP. Metode: Data berupa radiografi dan derajat nyeri dengan metode NRS dikumpulkan secara konsekutif dari 116 pasien dengan keluhan LBP yang datang untuk menjalani pemeriksaan radiografi lumbosakral. Penilaian radiografi mencakup ada tidaknya LSTV dan degenerasi diskus intervertebralis. Pasien terbagi menjadi dua grup: yang memiliki LSTV dan tidak memiliki LSTV. Derajat nyeri terbagi menjadi ringan, sedang dan berat. Hubungan antara kedua grup dengan derajat nyeri dilakukan dengan uji statistik Chi Square. Hasil: Prevalensi LSTV pada individu dengan keluhan LBP adalah 48,2% dengan LSTV yang cenderung lebih banyak ditemukan pada jenis kelamin laki-laki. Tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara LSTV dengan derajat nyeri pada individu yang memiliki keluhan LBP. Pada penelitian ini juga didapatkan individu dengan LBP yang memiliki LSTV subtipe II dan III cenderung mengalami keluhan nyeri yang lebih berat. Sebagai tambahan, pada penelitian ini juga tidak didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara LSTV dan degenerasi diskus intervertebralis lumbal. Kesimpulan: LSTV pada individu yang memiliki keluhan LBP tidak berhubungan dengan derajat nyeri yang dirasakan. Penelitian lanjutan dapat dilakukan untuk menentukan hubungan antara berbagai subtipe LSTV dengan derajat nyeri LBP. ...... Introduction: LSTV is a congenital vertebrae anomaly with characteristic morphology intermediate between the lumbar and sacral vertebrae, which includes lumbalization and sacralization. LSTV prevalence in the general population is reported to vary between 4-37 %. LSTV is considered as one of the causes of LBP, but there is still controversy about its clinical implication. This study aims to investigate the relationship between LSTV and the degree of pain in individuals with LBP complaints in RSUPNCM which is expected to optimize the diagnosis and management of LBP patients. Methods: The data consisted of radiography and degree of pain by NRS method collected consecutively from 116 patients with LBP complaints who come to undergo lumbosacral radiographs. Radiographic assessment includes the presence of LSTV and degenerative disc disease. Patients were divided into two groups: who has and does not have LSTV. The degree of pain is divided into mild, moderate and severe. Association between the two groups with the degree of pain is assessed with a Chi Square test. Results: The prevalence of LSTV in individuals with LBP complaints was 48.2 % with LSTV tended to be more common in male. There was no significant correlation between the degrees of pain in individuals with LBP complaints with LSTV. This study also found that individuals with LBP having LSTV subtypes II and III are more likely to experience severe pain. In addition, this study also found no significant relationship between LSTV and lumbar degenerative disc disease. Conclusion: LSTV in individuals with LBP complaints are not related to the degree of pain endured. However, further research can be conducted to determine the relationship between various subtypes of LSTV and degree of pain in LBP.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pontoh, Putri Amalia
Abstrak :
Potensi induksi radiasi sekunder tidak hanya bergantung pada jumlah dosis penyerapan yang diberikan, tetapi juga pada karakteristik pasien. Selama perlakuan terapi menggunakan Gamma Knife Radiosurgery (GKRS), tubuh pasien menerima iradiasi akumulasi dosis hamburan dan kebocoran. Oleh karena itu, perlu untuk mengetahui dosis radiasi organ kritis pasien yang diterima selama perawatan Gamma Knife Radiosurgery dan membandingkan dengan batasan dosis masing-masing organ. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan menggunakan dosimeter film GafChromic XR-QA2 dan thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) yang diletakkan pada permukaan organ kritis fantom. Pemasangan head frame di fantom antropomorfik (Alderson Rando Phantom, Laboratorium Penelitian Alderson, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut) dan scalp measurement digunakan untuk mengukur geometri kepala fantom. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) digunakan untuk memperoleh citra fantom antropomorfik dan kemudian dipindahkan ke Leksell Gamma Planning (LGP) untuk menentukan perencanaan posisi target, distribusi dosis dan dosis preskripsi maksimum pada target 36 Gy. Unit LGK Perfexion (Elekta AB, Stockholm, Swedia) digunakan untuk menyinari fantom dengan target diposisikan di tengah, dan volume target divariasi dari 5 cc, 10 cc, 15, dan 20 cc serta ukuran kolimator dari 4 mm, 8 mm, dan 16 mm. Dosimeter diletakkan di permukaan lensa, tiroid, payudara, fundus uterus, ovarium, dan testis. Kemudian dosimeter dianalisa untuk memperoleh dosis pada organ kritis. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa dosis yang terlihat pada lensa, tiroid, dan payudara dipengaruhi oleh jarak organ dari target, volume target, dan ukuran kolimator. Diperoleh bahwa dosis radiasi pada organ kritis berkontribusi kurang dari 3%, relatif terhadap dosis target maksimum. Dosis radiasi pada organ kritis yang diambil menggunakan film GafChromic XR-QA2 lebih tinggi dibandingkan TLD dengan diskrepansi mencapai 50%. Jika dibandingkan dengan referensi, pengukuran dosis XR-QA2 tidak jauh berbeda sehingga diketahui bahwa film XR-QA2 dapat digunakan untuk mengukur radiasi hambur. Namun, perhatian khusus dan optimisasi harus dilakukan untuk perencanaan perlakuan dengan mempertimbangkan ukuran kolimator yang digunakan dan meminimalkan waktu perlakuan.
The potential for secondary radiation induction depends not only on the amount of absorption dose received, but also on patient characteristics, such as age (in general, younger patients will be more vulnerable). During treatment using Gamma Knife Radiosurgery (GKRS), patient's body receives an dose accumulation from scattering and leakage. Therefore, it is necessary to know the dose of patient's organs at risk (OAR) received during Gamma Knife Radiosurgery treatment and compare it with the dose limit of each organs. Measurements obtained using a GafChromic XR-QA2 dosimeter and thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) placed on the surface of phantom critical organs. Installation of head frame in anthropomorphic phantom (Alderson Rando Phantom, Alderson Research Laboratory, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut) and scalp measurement used to measure phantom head geometry. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) used to obtain anthropomorphic phantom image and then transferred to the Leksell Gamma Planning (LGP) to determine the planning treatment planning such as target position, dose distribution and target maximum prescription dose at 36 Gy. The LGK Perfexion unit (Elekta AB, Stockholm, Sweden) used to illuminate the phantom with the target positioned in the middle, and the target volume varies from 5 cc, 10 cc, 15 and 20 cc and collimator sizes from 4 mm, 8 mm and 16 mm. The dosimeters placed on the surface of the lens, thyroid, breast, uterine fundus, ovaries and testes. Then the dosimeters analyzed to obtain the dose in OAR. The measurement results shows that the dose at lens, thyroid, and breast depend on the distance from the target, target volume, and collimator size. The radiation dose in OAR contributed less than 3%, relative to the maximum target dose. The radiation dose in critical organs taken using GafChromic XR-QA2 film is higher than TLD with a 50% discrepancy. When compared with the reference, the measurement of XR-QA2 dose is not much different so it is known that XR-QA2 film can be used to measure scattering radiation. However, special attention and optimization must be done for treatment planning by considering the size of the collimator used and minimizing the treatment time.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bayu Bagaskara
Abstrak :
Dosis pada LGK Perfexion dihitung untuk setiap tembakan dengan jumlahkan kontribusi dari 192 sumber radiasi yang dipancarkan dari cobalt-60. Secara umum, bentuk tengkorak pasien dimodelkan berdasarkan 24 skull measurement. Namun, karena keterbatasan pengukuran menggunakan 24 ukuran tengkorak, kontur yang dihasilkan perbedaan dari kepala pasien yang sebenarnya berdasarkan citra MRI. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk distribusi dosis LGK Perfexion menggunakan kontur yang dihasilkan oleh pengukuran manual dan citra CT. Film GAFChromic EBT3 diletakan pada fantom anthropomorphik. Pemindai Epson 10000 XL dan ImageJ digunakan untuk menghasilkan hasil dari pengukuran. Hasil kalkulasi dosis titik menggunakan kontur dari citra CT menunjukan nilai yang lebih baik untuk semua kolimator dan bentuk target yang sama dengan nilai rata deviasi 1,3 ± 0,87, sedangkan jika menggunakan 24 ukuran tengkorak menunjukan nilai rata rata deviasi 4,03 ± 3,73. ......The dose on LGK Perfexion is calculated for each shot by adding up the contributions of the 192 radiation sources emitted from the cobalt-60. In general, the patient's skull shape is modeled based on 24 skull sizes. However, due to the limitations of measurements using 24 skull sizes, the contours of the resulting differences from the actual patient's head based on the MRI images. This study was conducted for the dose distribution of LGK Perfexion using contours generated by manual measurements and CT images. The GAFChromic EBT3 film is set on an anthropomorphic ghost. An Epson 10000 XL and an ImageJ scanner were used to generate the measurement results. The result of point dose calculation using CT image contour shows a higher value good for all collimators and the same target shape with a mean deviation value of 1.3 ± 0.87, whereas if using 24 skull sizes it shows a mean deviation value of 4.03 ± 3.73.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ernst, Floris
Abstrak :
Compensating for quasi-periodic motion in robotic radiosurgery outlines the techniques needed to accurately track and compensate for respiratory and pulsatory motion during robotic radiosurgery. The algorithms presented within the book aid in the treatment of tumors that move during respiration. In Chapters 1 and 2, the book introduces the concept of stereotactic body radiation therapy, motion compensation strategies and the clinical state-of-the-art. In Chapters 3 through 5, the author describes and evaluates new methods for motion prediction, for correlating external motion to internal organ motion, and for the evaluation of these algorithms’ output based on an unprecedented amount of real clinical data. Finally, Chapter 6 provides a brief introduction into currently investigated, open questions and further fields of research.
New York: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lo, Simon S., editor
Abstrak :
Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) has emerged as an important innovative treatment for various primary and metastatic cancers. This book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date account of the physical/technological, biological, and clinical aspects of SBRT. It will serve as a detailed resource for this rapidly developing treatment modality. The organ sites covered include lung, liver, spine, pancreas, prostate, adrenal, head and neck, and female reproductive tract. Retrospective studies and prospective clinical trials on SBRT for various organ sites from around the world are examined, and toxicities and normal tissue constraints are discussed. This book features unique insights from world-renowned experts in SBRT from North America, Asia, and Europe. It will be necessary reading for radiation oncologists, radiation oncology residents and fellows, medical physicists, medical physics residents, medical oncologists, surgical oncologists, and cancer scientists.
Berlin : Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ponsky, Lee E., editor
Abstrak :
The treatment of prostate cancer continues to be problematic owing to serious side-effects, including erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence. Robotic radiosurgery offers a novel, rapid, non-invasive outpatient treatment option that combines robotics, advanced image-guided spatial positioning, and motion detection with submillimeter precision. This book examines all aspects of the treatment of prostate cancer with robotic radiosurgery. It explains how image-guided robotic radiosurgery overcomes the problem of patient motion during radiation therapy by continuously identifying the precise location of the prostate tumor throughout the course of treatment. Hypofractionated radiation delivery by means of robotic radiosurgery systems is also discussed in detail. The book closes by examining other emerging genitourinary applications of robotic radiosurgery. All of the authors are experts in their field who present a persuasive case for this fascinating technique.
Berlin : Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library