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Ditemukan 30 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Daniel Luke Soewito
Abstrak :

Peredaran informasi yang begitu masif di media siber yang ada di Indonesia membuat kita terkadang mengalami kesulitan untuk membedakan mana informasi yang benar dan mana yang bohong atau hoax. Pihak-pihak tertentu bahkan sengaja membuat dan menyebarkan informasi hoax dengan tujuan tertentu, salah satunya menyebarkan paham atau ideologi radikalisme untuk tujuan politik. Tidak jarang, informasi hoax tersebut dipercaya oleh masyarakat sebagai suatu kebenaran. Fenomena tersebut dikenal dengan istilah post-truth. Gerakan Pemuda (GP) Ansor adalah salah satu pihak yang telah menyadari bahaya tersebut dan telah melakukan perlawanan dengan membuat produk kontra narasi radikalisme. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dan berparadigma konstruktivis, penelitian ini ingin mencari tahu dan menganalisa secara mendalam bagaimana strategi GP Ansor dalam melakukan kontra narasi radikalisme di media siber tersebut. Sumber data utama penelitian ini adalah wawancara semi terstruktur. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa strategi GP Ansor dalam melakukan kontra narasi radikalisme di media siber ini telah membuahkan hasil yang positif yang sekaligus dapat meminimalisasi kelemahan dan ancaman yang ada.


The massive circulation of information on cyber media in Indonesia sometimes make us difficult to distinguish between the correct information and the lying or hoax one. Certain parties even deliberately make and disseminate hoax information with a specific purpose, one of which is spreading radicalism ideology for political purposes. Not infrequently, the hoax information is believed by the community as a truth. This phenomenon is known as the post-truth. Ansor Youth Movement (GP Ansor) is one of the parties who has realized the danger and has taken the fight by making counter radicalism narrative product. By using descriptive qualitative method and constructivist paradigm, this research wants to find out and analyze in depth how is the GP Ansor's strategy in countering radicalism narratives in the cyber media. The main data sources of this research is semi-structured interviews. The results of this study state that GP Ansor's strategy in countering radicalism narratives in cyber media has produced positive results that can minimize the existing weaknesses and threats.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendro Wicaksono
Abstrak :

Radikalisme telah menjadi virus yang tidak nampak namun terasa keberadaannya di sekitar kita. Radikalisme ini tidak saja mempengaruhi pemikiran masyarakat umum tetapi ancaman ini juga dapat merubah pemahaman dari aparat negara di Indonesia sehingga menjadi radikal. Pemahaman ini dapat merusak struktur tatanan dalam masyarakat umum dan bila dibiarkan dapat menyebabkan timbulnya kecemasan dan ketakutan bagi seluruh warga negara Indonesia. Dampak yang tak kalah merusak adalah terjadinya perpecahan dalam masyarakat sehingga menyebabkan terciptanya jurang pemisah antar umat beragama di Indonesia. Penelitian tentang radikalisme ini dilakukan guna mendapatkan strategi efektif dalam mencegah penyebaran paham radikal di kalangan aparat negara sehingga tidak dapat mempengaruhi pemikiran para abdi negara yang bertugas di berbagai instansi pemerintahan. Penulisan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui studi dokumen (rekam jejak karir kriminal mantan aparat negara yang terpapar radikalisme), wawancara langsung dengan beberapa mantan aparat negara (TNI / Polri dan ASN) yang telah terpapar dengan paham radikal sehingga melakukan aksi terorisme serta metode delphi dari unsur pejabat pemerintah dan penggiat LSM yang menangani masalah terorisme. Hasil yang didapat dari wawancara terhadap mantan aparat negara yang telah terpapar paham radikal menghasilkan beberapa pernyataan yang menarik. Faktor penyebab mereka terpapar radikalisme ternyata sangat beragam. Hal ini sangat berguna dalam merumuskan strategi pencegahan yang efektif dalam menangkal paham radikal terhadap aparat negara. Kesimpulan yang dihasilkan dari penulisan ini akan melahirkan implikasi kebijakan, teoritis dan metodologis. Diharapkan penulisan ini dapat memberikan hal yang bermanfaat bagi dunia akademik dan masukan bagi instansi pemerintah dalam menangkal radikalisme.


Radicalism has become an invisible but felt virus all around us. This radicalism not only affects the thinking of the general public but this threat can also change the understanding of the state apparatus in Indonesia so that it becomes radical. This understanding can damage the structure of the order in society at large and if it is allowed to cause anxiety and fear for all Indonesian citizens. An impact that is no less damaging is the occurrence of divisions in society that have created a gap between religious communities in Indonesia. This research on radicalism was carried out in order to find an effective strategy in preventing the spread of radicalism among the state apparatus so that it could not influence the thinking of state servants who served in various government agencies. This writing uses qualitative methods through document studies (track records of criminal careers of former state apparatus exposed to radicalism), direct interviews with several former state officials (TNI / Polri and ASN) who have been exposed to radical ideology so as to commit acts of terrorism and the delphi method of elements. government officials and NGO activists dealing with terrorism issues. The results obtained from interviews with former state officials who have been exposed to radicalism produce several interesting statements. The factors that caused them to be exposed to radicalism were very diverse. This is very useful in formulating an effective prevention strategy in counteracting the radical understanding of the state apparatus. The conclusions generated from this paper will have policy, theoretical and methodological implications. It is hoped that this writing can provide useful things for the academic world and input for government agencies in counteracting radicalism.


Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Pergeseran nilai yang terjadi menyebabkan paradigma masyarakat cenderungkepada hal-hal yang disandarkan pada pemaksaan ideologi, kepentingan politik,bahkan untuk mencari keuntungan ekonomis terhadap situasi yang terjadi. Hal itusemakin meneguhkan alasan bahwa faktor penyebab radikalisme dilatarbelakangioleh multi faktor sehinga dalam melihat perkembangan paham radikal harus bisamenggunakan pisau analisis yang multidisiplin. Penelitian ini dilakukan untukmengkaji model pemolisian masyarakat yang relevan untuk mencegahperkembangan paham radikal pro kekerasan di wilayah polres Bogor. Pemilihanisu pencegahan paham radikal diambil berdasarkan pertimbangan dampak bahayalaten paham radikal yang bisa menimbulkan kekacauan dan menganggu kamtibmasditengah-tengah masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatifdeskriptif dan pemilihan narasumber dengan teknik purposive sampling. Lokasipenelitian di Polres Bogor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama tingkatkesiapan polres bogor dalam melakukan pemolisian masyarakat masih banyakmengalami kendala dibeberapa aspek diantaranya; Kesiapan Sumber Daya ManusiaBhabinkamtibmas Polres Bogor Jumlah. Anggaran Bhabinkamtibmas untukMencegah Paham Radikal dibandingkan dengan pola tugas dan beratnya bebankerja dalam menangkal berkembangnya paham radikal, dukungan anggarantersebut masih belum sepenuhnya memadai.Minimnya sarana dan prasaranaBhabinkamtibmas Polres Bogor. Kedua, Strategi optimalisasi pemolisianmasyarakat Polres Bogor dalam mencegah paham radikal, yaitu denganmelaksanakan kegiatan penanganan melalui sambang dengan Tomas, Toda danTokoh masyarakat dengan mengedepankan fungsi Babinkamtibmas.
The shift of values that occur cause the paradigm of society tend to the things thatare based on the imposition of ideology, political interests, and even to seekeconomic benefits to the situation. It further reinforces the reason that the factorsbehind the cause of radicalism multi factor so that in view of the development ofradical understanding should be able to use a multidisciplinary analysis blade. Thisstudy was conducted to examine the relevant community policing model to preventthe proliferation of radical pro violence in the Bogor district. The selection ofradical prevention issues is based on consideration of the impact of latent dangerof radical understanding that can cause chaos and disrupt the community 39 skamtibmas. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach and resourceelection with purposive sampling technique. Location of research in Polres Bogor.The results showed that the first level of preparedness of bogor polres in conductingcommunity policing still faced many obstacles in several aspects such as Readinessof Human Resources Bhabinkamtibmas Polres Bogor Amount. BhabinkamtibmasBudget to Prevent Radical Understanding compared to the pattern of tasks and theheavy workload in preventing the development of radical understanding, budgetsupport is still not fully adequate. Minimize facilities and infrastructureBhabinkamtibmas Polres Bogor. Secondly, the strategy of optimizing the policingof the Bogor Police in preventing radical understanding, namely by carrying outthe handling activities through sambang with Tomas, Toda and community leadersby promoting Babinkamtibmas function.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Farida
Abstrak :
Perempuan merupakan kelompok yang rentan terpapar radikalisme. Keterlibatan perempuan dalam radikalisme meningkat, perempuan tidak sekedar sebagai pendukung tapi juga sebagai pelaku terorisme. DKI Jakarta merupakan provinsi yang memiliki dimensi target tinggi. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat radikalisme pada perempuan anggota organisasi masyarakat di provinsi DKI Jakarta serta untuk melihat ada tidaknya hubungan antara tingkat radikalisme dengan rentang usia, tingkat pendidikan, jenis sekolah dan jenis organisasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan metode purposive sampling. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner. Tingkat radikalisme diukur menggunakan alat bernama Religious Radicalism Scale (ReadS). Alat ukur ReadS memiliki enam indikator radikalisme. Penelitian dilakukan kepada perempuan anggota ormas yang berusia lebih dari 18 tahun yang tinggal di wilayah DKI Jakarta. Responden penelitian ini sebanyak 190 orang. Data dianalisis dengan metode regresi logistik dimana tingkat radikalisme adalah data dikotom (radikal-tidak radikal) Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat radikalisme responden sebagai berikut 99% responden tidak radikal, dan 1% responden radikal. Penelitian menyimpulkan antara rentang usia, tingkat pendidikan, jenis sekolah dan jenis organisasi dengan berpengaruh terhadap tingkat radikalisme. Penelitian menemukan bahwa potensi radikalisme terdapat pada 1) rentang usia generasi Z dan baby boomer, 2) responden yang berpendidikan S1, 3) sekolah non keagamaan dan 4) organisasi non keagamaan ......Women are a group that is vulnerable to radicalism. Women's involvement in radicalism is increasing, women are not only supporters but also as perpetrators of terrorism. DKI Jakarta is a province that has high target dimensions. This study aims to determine the level of radicalism in women members of mass organizations in DKI Jakarta and o influence the age range, level of education, type of school and type of organization on the level of radicalism. This study used a quantitative method with a purposive sampling method. Data collection is done by questionnaire. The level of radicalism is measured using a tool called the Religious Radicalism Scale (ReadS). The ReadS measurement tool has six indicators of radicalism. The research was conducted on female members of mass organizations over the age of 18 who live in the DKI Jakarta area. The respondents of this study were 190 people. Data were analyzed using logistic regression method where the level of radicalism is dichotomous data (radical-not radical). The results showed the level of radicalism of the respondents as follows: 99% of respondents were not radical, and 1% of respondents were radical. The research concluded that the age range, education level, type of school and type of organization had an effect on the level of radicalism. Research finds that the potential for radicalism is found in 1) the age range of generation Z and baby boomers, 2) respondents with an undergraduate degree, 3) non-religious schools and 4) non-religious organizations
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eko Setyo Utomo
Abstrak :
Aksi yang mengarah pada ekstremisme dan teror yang melibatkan Aparatur Negara adalah bagian dari fenomena puncak akibat dari paparan paham radikalisme dan terorisme di Indonesia. Beberapa Anggota TNI, Polri, PNS/ASN terbukti terlibat tindak pidana terorisme dan telah diputuskan bersalah oleh Pengadilan serta menjalani hukuman. Maraknya kasus radikalisme Aparatur Negara ini memberi peringatan akan bahaya radikalisme sehingga perlu dilakukan analisis mendalam serta evaluasi terhadap upaya pencegahan radikalisme yang dilakukan Pemerintah Indonesia. Penelitian ini melakukan analisis terhadap praktik radikalisme Aparatur Negara, khususnya Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) serta memberikan hasil analisis atas relevansi teori terhadap strategi pencegahan radikalisme ASN di Indonesia. Teori utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Teori Identitas Sosial (Social Identity Theory), Teori Pembelajaran Sosial (Social Learning Theory), Teori Pencegahan Kejahatan Sosial (Social Crime Prevention Theory) dan Teori Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini, diketahui bahwa praktik radikalisme pada Aparatur Negara masih terjadi walaupun sudah diterbitkan Surat Keputusan Bersama 11 Kementerian. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, Pemerintah Indonesia dituntut melaksanakan strategi pencegahan yang komprehensif, diantaranya melalui penegakan hukum, pelibatan tokoh agama, kontra terorisme, kolaborasi antar instansi dan komunitas intelijen serta partisipasi aktif seluruh komponen masyarakat, memperkuat demokrasi dan counter-messaging (kontra narasi) ......Actions that lead to extremism and terror involving State Apparatus are part of the peak phenomenon due to exposure to radicalism and terrorism in Indonesia. Several members of the TNI, Polri, and PNS/ASN have been proven to be involved in criminal acts of terrorism and have been found guilty by the Court and are serving their sentences. The rise of cases of radicalism by the State Apparatus warns of the dangers of radicalism, so it is necessary to carry out an in-depth analysis and evaluation of the efforts to prevent radicalism by the Government of Indonesia. This study analyzes the practice of State Apparatus radicalism, especially the State Civil Apparatus (ASN). It provides analysis results on the relevance of theory to the strategy of preventing ASN radicalism in Indonesia. The main theories used in this research are Social Identity Theory, Social Learning Theory, Social Crime Prevention Theory, and Human Resource Management Theory. The method used in this study uses a qualitative approach. The results of this study show that the practice of radicalism in the State Civil Apparatus still occurs even though the Joint Decrees of 11 Ministries have been issued. To resolve the issue, the Government of Indonesia is required to implement a comprehensive prevention strategy, including law enforcement, involvement of religious leaders, counter-terrorism, a collaboration between agencies and the intelligence community as well as the active participation of all components of society, strengthening democracy and counter-messaging (counter-narrative).
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pardede, Satya Dharma
Abstrak :
The Agency of National Counterterrorism (BNPT) is an institution that is concerned about terrorism as a result of radicalism. Based on information from the BNPT, of the approximately 600 ex-convict terrorist who have been released, some of them have returned to committing acts of terrorism. This is of particular concern to the security apparatus, particularly the National Intelligence Agency (BIN), the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri), in preventing acts of terrorism. In addition, several areas have become locations for the realization of acts of terrorism, one of them is in the province of North Sumatera. This research aims to analyze and describe the intelligence conditioning activities for ex-terrorism convicts (Napiter) by related parties in preventing the spread of radicalism that leads to acts of terrorism in North Sumatera. The method used in this research is the theory of intelligence conditioning approaches, deradicalization theory, and synergies theory. Data was collected through interviews and observations, then was analyzed using NVIVO as a tool to categorize and make it easier to describe problems and draw conclusions. The results showed that intelligence conditioning for ex-convict terrorists have collaborated with several parties in the implementation of State Intelligence in the regions, including the BIN, TNI, Polri, and the regional government. In its implementation, terror convicts are given counseling and socialization related to nationalism, national insight, religion, and entrepreneurship. These activities are carried out while in the Correctional Institution (LP) by the LP and the police as well as after leaving the prison with monitoring from BIN, TNI, Polri, and regional governments. Besides, the process of intelligence conditioning when ex-convict terrorists are free will still have special attention through hospitality to terror convictions with persuasive communication by local officials. Furthermore, they are also given entrepreneurship assistance and independent business by local governments, as well as socialization related to the dangers of hoaxes in the digital world either from gadgets or other media. BNPT has fundamentally implemented deradicalization by synergizing all parties from other institutions. Based on the activities that have been carried out, it becomes a consideration and a concrete example that intelligence conditioning can prevent the spread of radicalism and acts of terrorism in society.
Bogor: University of Indonesia, Faculty of Humanities, 2020
355 JDSD 10:3 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Zaim Cholil Mumtaz
Abstrak :
Sejak lebih dari satu dekade yang lalu, persoalan radikalisme dan terorisme terus mendapatkan sorotan publik dari hampir seluruh penjuru dunia. Terorisme telah menimbulkan banyak kerusakan bagi kehidupan manusia. Oleh karena itu, perlu upaya deradikalisasi untuk menanggulangi masalah tersebut. Seluruh elemen masyarakat Indonesia pada dasarnya bertangguung jawab atas upaya deradikalisasi, bukan hanya BNPT saja. Terlebih, BNPT terbukti memiliki berbagai kendala yang tidak bisa dihadapi sendiri. Salah satu elemen masyarakat yang bisa mengambil peranan penting dalam hal ini adalah Lembaga non-pemerintah.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa peran dan efektivitas deradikalisasi oleh lembaga non-pemerintah, dengan mengambil studi kasus Yayasan Prasasti Perdamaian dan Search for Common Ground, dua lembaga yang aktif bergerak dalam upaya deradikalisasi.

Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif melalui wawancara terstruktur, observasi dan studi literatur. Dalam penelitian ini diketahui bahwa dua lembaga non-pemerintah tersebut memiliki tingkat penerimaan yang lebih tinggi oleh narapidana terorisme, daripada program deradikalisasi yang dijalankan oleh BNPT. Namun demikian, masalah koordinasi dengan pemerintah, minimnya sumber daya, dan lemahnya monitoring masih memberi hambatan dalam upaya deradikalisasi.

For more than a decade, the issue of radicalism and terrorism continues to get the public's attention from almost all corners of the world. Terrorism has caused a lot of damage to human life. Therefore, it is necessary to properly address the problem. Every element of Indonesian society is basically responsible for efforts to de-radicalization, not just BNPT. Moreover, BNPT has proven to have various obstacles that cannot be faced alone. One element of society that can take an important role in this case is non-governmental institutions.

This study aims to analyze the role and effectiveness of deradicalization by non-governmental institutions, by taking a case study of Yayasan Prasasti Perdamaian and Search for Common Ground, two institutions that are actively engaged in deradicalisation efforts.

This research was conducted with qualitative methods through structured interviews, observation and literature studies. In this study it was known that the two non-government institutions had higher levels of acceptance by prisoners of terrorism, rather than the deradicalisation program run by BNPT. However, the problem of coordination with the government, lack of resources, and weak monitoring still provide obstacles in efforts to de-radicalization.


Depok: Universitas Indonesia. Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Nazal Fawwaz
Abstrak :
Fenomena terorisme dalam satu dasawarsa terakhir telah menjadi fiturgerakan sosial yang sangat memprihatinkan di berbagai belahan duniaDeradikalisasi merupakan upaya yang dilakukan untuk memutus hubunganradikal baik secara ideologis maupun tindakan kelompok radikal yangmenjadi binaan di Indonesia. Pentingnya Program DeradikalisasiNarapidana Tindak Pidana Terorisme diharapkan bisa menjadi solusi bagiindoktrinisasi narapidana tindak pidana terorisme. Penelitian inimenggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan studi kasus EksNarapidana Arief Budi Setyawan, pemilihan narasumber dengan teknikpurposive sampling. Lokasi penelitian di BNPT, Densus 88 AT, dan LapasSalemba. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pertama, Maksud Arief Tubandalam melakukan aksi terornya adalah untuk membantu perjuanganfisabilillah melawan musuh ndash; musuh Islam diluar agama Islam, yangmemerangi umat Muslim dan juga termasuk didalamnya adalahpemerintahan Indonesia yang sah. Kedua, Proses deradikalisasi yangdilakukan terhadap Arif Tuban dimulai dari awal proses penyidikan yangdilakukan oleh pihak Detasemen Khusus 88 Anti Teror, pentingnya 7x24jam masa penangkapan, proses penuntutan dan peradilan sampai di LapasSalemba dan Ketiga, Dampak program deradikalisasi terhadap Arief BudiSetyawan ini meliputi aspek sosial kemasyarakatan dengan adanya interaksisosial dengan pihak ndash; pihak lain, aspek ideologi berbangsa dan bernegarayang ditemukan masih adanya pola pikir dan ideologi yang cukup militant,aspek ekonomi dan kemandirian.
Implementation of deradicalized programs on napi ex criminal action of terrorism case study ex Prisoner Arief Budi Setyawan. The phenomenon of the emergenceof terrorism in the last decade has been a feature of social movements that arevery apprehensive in various parts of the world. Deradicalization is an attemptmade to break the radical relations both ideologically and the actions of radicalgroups that were built in Indonesia. The Importance of the Program for theDeradicalization of Prisoners of Criminal Acts of Terrorism is expected to be asolution for the indoctrination of inmates of criminal acts of terrorism. Thisresearch uses descriptive qualitative approach with case study of Ex PrisonerArief Budi Setyawan, selection of resource by purposive sampling technique.Research location in BNPT, Densus 88 AT, and Salemba Prison. The results showthat first, Arief Tuban 39 s intention in doing the terror act is to help the fisabilillahstruggle against the enemies of Islam outside of Islam, which are fighting theMuslims and also includes the legitimate Indonesian government. Second,Implementation of deradicalization process carried out on Arif Tuban is startedfrom the beginning of the investigation process conducted by the SpecialDetachment 88 Anti Terror, the importance of 7x24 hours of arrest, prosecutionand judicial process until inside Panitentiary of Salemba and Third, the impact ofderadicalization program given to Arief Budi Setyawan this includes socialaspects with the social interaction with other parties, the aspect of the ideology ofthe nation and the state that found still the mindset and ideology that is quitemilitant, the economic aspect and independencenapi arief budi setyawan.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tarigan, Santy Karsa
Abstrak :
Penulisan makalah ini dilatarbelakangi oleh perkembangan ancaman radikalisme dan terorisme yang telah menjadi salah satu ancaman paling nyata serta berdampak pada stabilitas keamanan nasional Indonesia. Untuk menyelesaikan persoalan terorisme, Pemerintah Indonesia telah menetapkan dua strategi pendekatan yang harus dijalankan secara beriringan yakni melalui pendekatan hard approach dengan mengedepankan metoda penindakan dalam rangka penegakan hukum dan kedua melalui pendekatan soft approach yang diantaranya menggunakan metoda kontra radikalisasi dan deradikalisasi. Menyikapi hal tersebut maka sangatlah penting bagi Satuan Komando Kewilayahan (Satkowil) TNI AD sebagai bagian dari TNI untuk ikut andil dalam upaya mengatasi persoalan ancaman radikalisme dan terorisme tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan kontribusi pemikiran bagi pimpinan TNI dan semua stakeholder terkait pada tataran kebijakan tentang pentingnya strategi pembinaan territorial Satkowil TNI AD pada kegiatan kontra radikalisasi dan deradikalisasi guna mencegah aksi terorisme dalam rangka menjaga stabilitas keamanan nasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data penelitian diperoleh dari hasil wawancara yang dikombinasikan dengan studi literatur berupa buku, tulisan/jurnal ilmiah yang relevan. Proses analisa terhadap data dan fakta penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori tentang radikalisme, terorisme dan deradikalisasi, Teori Keamanan Nasional serta Teori tentang Pembinaan Teritorial TNI AD serta beberapa kajian Pustaka yang relevan dengan topik yang dibahas. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh gambaran bahwa secara umum metode Binter TNI AD sangat tepat diterapkan oleh Satkowil pada kegiatan kontra radikalisasi dan deradikalisasi terorisme namun demikian dalam implementasinya masih terdapat beberapa kendala yang menghambat pelaksanaan kegiatan tersebut dilapangan yakni: terbatasnya regulasi pemerintah, tidakadanya dukungan program dan anggaran dari pemerintah kepada Satkowil untuk menyelenggarakan kegiatan kontra radikalisasi dan deradikalisasi terorisme serta terbatasnya kualitas SDM aparat territorial Satkowil,. Berdasarkan hasil analisa peneliti, penerapan metode Binter pada kegiatan kontra radikalisasi dan deradikalisasi terorisme masih dapat dioptimalkan dengan dengan melakukan pembentukan Peraturan Presiden, melakukan pemenuhan dukungan program dan anggaran serta melakukan peningkatan kualitas SDM aparat Satkowil TNI AD khususnya pada kemampuan yang mendukung pelaksanan kegiatan kontra radikalisasi dan deradikalisasi. ......The background for writing this paper is the development of the threat of radicalism and terrorism which has become one of the most real threats and has an impact on the stability of Indonesia's national security. To solve the problem of terrorism, the Government of Indonesia has established two strategic approaches that must be carried out simultaneously, namely through hard approach by prioritizing methods of prosecution in the context of law enforcement and secondly through a soft approach which includes using counter-radicalization and deradicalization methods. In response to this, it is very important for the Indonesian Army's Regional Command Unit (Satkowil) as part of the TNI to take part in efforts to overcome the problem of the threat of radicalism and terrorism. The purpose of this research is to contribute ideas to TNI leaders and all relevant stakeholders at the policy level regarding the importance of the territorial development strategy of the Satkowil TNI AD on counter-radicalization and deradicalization activities to prevent acts of terrorism in order to maintain national security stability.This study uses a qualitative method. Research data were obtained from interviews combined with literature studies in the form of books, relevant scientific writings/journals. The process of analyzing research data and facts was carried out using theories about radicalism, terrorism and deradicalization, National Security Theory and Theory of Territorial Development of the Indonesian Army as well as several literature studies relevant to the topics discussed. From the results of the research, it was obtained an illustration that in general the Binter TNI AD method was very appropriate to be applied by the Satkowil in counter-radicalization and deradicalization of terrorism activities, however, in its implementation there were still several obstacles that hindered the implementation of these activities in the field, namely: limited government regulations, there is no program and budget support from the government for the Satkowil to carry out activities to counter radicalization and deradicalization of terrorism and the limited quality of human resources for the Satkowil territorial apparatus. Based on the results of the researcher's analysis, the application of the Binter method to counter-radicalization and deradicalization of terrorism activities can still be optimized by establishing a Presidential Regulation, fulfilling program and budgetary support and improving the quality of human resources for the Satkowil TNI AD, especially in capabilities that support the implementation of counter-radicalization activities and deradicalization.
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sudrajat Djumantara
Abstrak :
Hampir semua model akademis memahami radikalisasi sebagai perkembangan yang berlangsung selama periode waktu tertentu dan melibatkan banyak faktor dan dinamika yang berbeda. Sisi lain radikalisme ini dapat dijelaskan sebagai metode yang diterapkan oleh kelompok agama Islam Sunni yang bertujuan untuk menggulingkan rezim penguasa yang memiliki kekuatan geopolitik non muslim yang mendukung mereka untuk membuka jalan dalam mencapai tujuan tersebut, sehingga wujud ancamannya terasa secara global di berbagai belahan dunia mulai dari Amerika, Eropa, Australia dan Asia, termasuk di Indonesia. Salah satu wilayah Indonesia yang pernah menjadi sorotan dunia akibat gerakan radikal yang melahirkan aksi terorisme adalah provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Secara substansial, Sulawesi Tengah menjadi daerah endemik radikalisme di Indonesia akibat akses konflik komunal masyarakat Poso yang meluas dan berimplikasi pada terlampauinya batas-batas sosial dalam kurun waktu yang lama. Di samping itu, wilayah Sulawesi Tengah ini menjadi daerah endemik aksi radikal, disebabkan oleh perluasan jaringan teroris radikal ke Sulawesi Tengah yang didasarkan pada konflik Poso dan di luar konteks konflik Poso. Berdasarkan adanya permasalahan kegagalan dalam penerapan strategi pencegahan radikalisme di atas, dapat diidentifikasikan masalahnya berasal dari belum tepatnya sasaran pelaksanaan strategi pencegahan gerakan radikal tersebut dan belum adanya tolak ukur keberhasilan dalam pencegahan gerakan radikal di Indonesia, sehingga dalam pelaksanaan strategi pencegahan radikalisme diperlukan evaluasi. Tindakan ini sangat diperlukan mengingat banyaknya temuan pelaku aksi teror di Indonesia yang pelakunya bersembunyi di wilayah Poso, yang sebanyak 13 orang pelaku teroris mulai dari teroris bom Bali hingga tokoh-tokoh yang aktif tergabung dalam kelompok radikal JAD dan JAT. Tokoh-tokoh tersebut yang ditemukan berada di wilayah Poso ini memiliki peran sebagai intelijen JAD dan bendahara JAD, serta 1 tokoh aktif yang menjabat sebagai Sekjen JAT. ...... Almost all academic models understand radicalization as a development that takes place over a period of time and involves many different factors and dynamics. The other side of this radicalism can be explained as a method applied by the Sunni Islamic religious group which aims to overthrow the ruling regime that has non-Muslim geopolitical power supporting them to pave the way for achieving this goal, so that the threat is felt globally in various parts of the world starting from America, Europe, Australia and Asia, including in Indonesia. One of the regions of Indonesia that has been in the world spotlight due to radical movements that gave birth to acts of terrorism is the province of Central Sulawesi. Substantially, Central Sulawesi has become an endemic area of radicalism in Indonesia due to the widespread access to communal conflicts of the Poso people and the implications of the exceeding of social boundaries for a long time. In addition, the Central Sulawesi region has become an endemic area for radical action, due to the expansion of the radical terrorist network to Central Sulawesi which is based on the Poso conflict and outside the context of the Poso conflict. Based on the problem of failure in implementing the radicalism prevention strategy above, it can be identified that the problem stems from the inaccurate target of implementing the radical movement prevention strategy and the absence of a measure of success in preventing radical movements in Indonesia, so the implementation of the radicalism prevention strategy requires evaluation. This action is very necessary considering the many findings of terrorists in Indonesia whose perpetrators were hiding in the Poso area, as many as 13 terrorists ranging from the Bali bombing terrorists to figures who are active in the JAD and JAT radical groups. These figures who were found in the Poso area had roles as JAD intelligence and JAD treasurers, as well as 1 active figure who served as JAT Secretary General.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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