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Ditemukan 244 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Garn, Stanley M.
Springfield: Charles C. Thomas, 1971
572 GAR h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: Columbia University Press, 1968
572 SCI
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nesturkh, Mikhail Fedorovich
Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, [date of publication not identified]
599.97 NES r (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Paris: UNESCO, 1952
572.9 RAC (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Paris: Whiteside, inc., and W. Morrow , 1956
301 RAC
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kennedy, Raymond
[Place of publication not identified]: [publisher not identified], [date of publication not identified]
599.97 KEN r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wade, Peter
London : Pluto Press, 2002
305.821 WAD r (2)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutiara Khusnul Chotimah
"Suatu tempat disebut kota adalah tidak lain adalah karena ciri spesifik warganya. Betawi adalah salah satu warga Jakarta yang dari sejarahnya berasal dari percampuran kelompok etnis balk dari Indonesia maupun luar Indonesia. Pada kondisi seat ini, pertumbuhan dan perkembangan Kota Jakarta mempengaruhi nilai - nilai seni budaya masyarakat Betawi dan lingkungannya. Pesatnya pembangunan kota juga memaksa mereka untuk merelakan lahan rumahnya untuk kegiatan kola lainnya. Oleh karena itu untuk melestarikan tata kehidupan dan tata ruang komunitas sosial budaya masyarakat Betawi, Gubernur Jakarta menetapkan Kawasan Setu Babakan sebagai kawasan Perkampungan Budaya Betawi dengan mengeluarkan Perda No. 3 Tahun 2005 Tentang Penetapan Perkampungan Budaya Betawi di Kelurahan Srengseng Sawah, Kecamatan Jagakarsa, Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan. Salah satu tujuan dari Perda ini adalah menciptakan dan menumbuhkembangkan nilai - nilai seni budaya Betawi dan membina serta melindungi tata kehidupan serta nilai - nilai Budaya Betawi. Dan tujuan ini tersirat bahwa masyarakat Betawi setempat seharusnya rnenjadi subjek dari Perkampungan Budaya Betawi (PBS), oleh karena itu perlu adanya partisipasi warga Betawi setempat guna keberlanjutan program tersebut. Sehingga 'kawasan ini bukan hanya menjadi ladang proyek bagi pemerintah yang tidak berkelanjutan dan tidak bermanfaat untuk warga Betawi setempat.
Dengan metode pengumpulan data pengamatan terlibat dan wawancara dengan cara tinggal bersama, maka diketahui sejarah PBB dan proses partisipasi warga Betawi setempat didalamnya serta diketahui pula berbagai kegiatan eksisting yang mendukung PBB. Hasi! penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua keluarga berpengaruh, tokoh masyarakat dan ketua RW yang dapat menentukan siapa warga Betawi setempat yang dapat berpartisipasi. Sedangkan warga Betawi setempat yang berpartisipasi adalah warga yang terlibat dalam kegiatan pertanian, petemakan, industri rumah tangga, kesenian, perikanan dan wisata, serta warga yang terlibat dalam Badan Pengelolan PBB. Bentuk - bentuk partisipasi yang ada adalah kerelaan tanahllahannya digunakan untuk kepentingan PBB, inisiatif pembentukan kelompok- kelompok masyarakat yang mempunyai kegiatan mendukung PBB, tenaga dan waktu dalam melaksanakan kegiatan - kegiatan tersebut, keikutsertaan dalam kegiatan - kegiatan yang mendukung PBB, serta kesadaran untuk menjaga keamanan dan kebersihan lingkungan.
Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pelibatan warga Betawi di Setu Babakan dalam pengembangan PBB perlu memperhatikan dua hal panting, yaitu keberadaan pemimpin dan tokoh masyarakat yang masih dianggap panting, sehingga pemerintah dapat melibatkan mereka dalam mendorong warga Betawi setempat lainnya untuk dapat berpartisiasi, dan pengembangan kegiatan yang bersifat dapat meningkatkan pendapatan (berorientasi pada peningkatan taraf hidup) warga Betawi setempat, mengingat sebagian besar warga tidak mempunyai pekerjaan tetap dan bergerak dalam sektor informal, seperti tukang ojek, berdagang, tukang bangunan dan lain - lain. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa menurut teori Arsteins warga Betawi setempat yang berpartisipasi pada tingkatan partisipasi paling tinggi yaitu warga yang berkegiatan kesenian (membuat sanggar seni kerajinan Betawi) sedangkan yang digolongkan sebagai warga yang tidak berpartisipasi (non-participation), yaitu warga Betawi setempat yang mendapat bantuan "rumah Betawi" tanpa mengerti maksud pemberian tersebut dan pedagang yang berada di pinggir Setu.
Selain itu, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa program Perkampungan Budaya Betawi di Kelurahan Srengseng Sawah ini dapat berkelanjutan jika pemerintah dan masyarakat dapat berorientasi pada produktivitas. Pemerintah mengadakan kegiatan kegiatan yang mengedepankan orientasi pasar, dan masyarakat dapat mengubah sifat kurang giat bekerjaanya menjadi masyarakat yang Iebih menjunjung produktivitas.

Specific characteristics of the citizens are the major elements for a place to be called a city. Betawi is one of the Jakarta community components originally coming from an assimilation of ethnic groups both from inside as well as outside Indonesia. Nowadays, the growth and development of Jakarta City influences the cultural values of the Betawi community and its environment. They released their land as part of their contribution to rapidly develop the city. Therefore, in order to conserve the values of the Betawi communities, the Governor of Jakarta has declared Setu Babakan area as Betawi Socio-Cultural Village (Perkampungan Budaya BetawiIPBB) through the issuance of the Local Government Regulation No. 3 of Year 2005 (PERDA No. 3 tahun 2005) about the Establishment of Betawi Socio-Cultural Village at Setu Babakan, Kelurahan Srengseng Sawah, Kecamatan Jagakarsa. Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan. One of the aims of this regulation is to create, develop, edify, and protect the Betawi socio-cultural values, which treat Betawi native communities as the subject of the government project. Through the participation of these citizens the program can be sustained.
Through participant observation and interview as the prime method in data gathering, the history of the Betawi Socio-Cultural Village (PBB) and the native Betawi participation process as well as the existing activities supporting the PBB can be revealed.
The results of the research show that there are two influential families in this village; -they.-are the community figure and the community leader, who decide which community members could participate. Meanwhile, the native Betawi who participate are the ones involved in farming, animal husbandries, home industries, fishery, arts, and tourism, and those involved in the Board of Management of the Betawi Socio-Cultural Village. The forms of participation of the native Betawi are the willingness to donate part of their land to be used for the Betawi Socio-Cultural Village needs, initiative to form community groups supporting the Betawi Socio-Cultural Village activities, time and energy to do such activities, participation in those activities, and awareness to maintain security and cleanliness of the environment.
This research concludes that the involvement of Betawi community members at Setu Babakan in developing the Betawi Socio-Cultural Village should take into consideration to two major points - the existence of leaders and community figures which is still considered important, so that the government can involve them in motivating other Betawi community members to participate in and develop activities which can increase their income meaning improvement of living standard orientation.
In fact, most of the community members do not have any permanent jobs and they work in the informal sectors. This research also shows that, in line with Arsteins's theory, the natives who participate at the participation's highest level are those having art activities that can be sustained the Betawi identity, while these having no participation (the lowest level) are the community members who only get the aid from the government to their identity of being "Betawi" by giving them such form of "Betawi House", and the seller who live in Setu borders as well.
Other than that, this research also concludes that this Betawi Socio-Cultural Village program at Srengseng Sawah can be sustained if the government and the communities have to reset their mind to be more productivity oriented. The government should have activities which consider market orientation, and the community members realize and change from indolence to those who set their minds to uphold productivity.
Lengkap +
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aditya Indra Pratama
Torus palatinus dan torus mandibularis merupakan eksositosis yang umum ditemukan pada ras Mongoloid, ras dominan di suku Indonesia barat, yang dapat dijadikan bahan identifikasi forensik. Pada beberapa studi, torus palatinus dan torus mandibularis memiliki hubungan bermakna, dimana hubungan ini dapat menjadi data tambahan untuk identifikasi forensik. Penelitian ini bertujuan menilai prevalensi torus palatinus dan torus mandibularis serta hubungan keduanya pada populasi Indonesia bagian barat. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 274 Mahasiswa Baru Universitas Indonesia tahun ajaran 2014. Hasil penelitian prevalensi torus palatinus 77,4%, prevalensi torus mandibuaris 13,9%, dan ditemukannya torus palatinus dan torus mandibularis secara bersamaan sebesar 12,4% . Pada penelitian ini torus palatinus dan torus mandibularis tidak memiliki hubungan yang bermakna.

Torus palatinus and torus mandibularis are common exocytosis found in Mongoloid race, the dominant inhibitant in west Indonesian tribes, that can be used as forensic identification subject. In numerous study, torus palatinus and
torus mandibularis were found as significantly correlated, where as the correlation can be used as another forensic subject.. This study aim to investigate prevalence of torus palatinus, prevalence of torus mandibularis, and correlation between prevalence of torus palatinus and torus mandibularis in west Indonesian population. Sample of the study is 274 student of batch 2014 Univesitas Indonesia students. Result of the study found that prevalence of torus palatinus 77.4%, prevalence of torus mandibularis 13.9%, and prevalence of torus palatinus and torus mandibularis found simultanously is 12.4%. In this study torus palatinus and torus mandibularis shows unsignificant correlation;Torus palatinus and torus mandibularis are common exocytosis found in
Mongoloid race, the dominant inhibitant in west Indonesian tribes, that can be
used as forensic identification subject. In numerous study, torus palatinus and
torus mandibularis were found as significantly correlated, where as the correlation
can be used as another forensic subject.. This study aim to investigate prevalence
of torus palatinus, prevalence of torus mandibularis, and correlation between
prevalence of torus palatinus and torus mandibularis in west Indonesian
population. Sample of the study is 274 student of batch 2014 Univesitas
Indonesia students. Result of the study found that prevalence of torus palatinus
77.4%, prevalence of torus mandibularis 13.9%, and prevalence of torus palatinus
and torus mandibularis found simultanously is 12.4%. In this study torus palatinus
and torus mandibularis shows unsignificant correlation;Torus palatinus and torus mandibularis are common exocytosis found in
Mongoloid race, the dominant inhibitant in west Indonesian tribes, that can be
used as forensic identification subject. In numerous study, torus palatinus and
torus mandibularis were found as significantly correlated, where as the correlation
can be used as another forensic subject.. This study aim to investigate prevalence
of torus palatinus, prevalence of torus mandibularis, and correlation between
prevalence of torus palatinus and torus mandibularis in west Indonesian
population. Sample of the study is 274 student of batch 2014 Univesitas
Indonesia students. Result of the study found that prevalence of torus palatinus
77.4%, prevalence of torus mandibularis 13.9%, and prevalence of torus palatinus
and torus mandibularis found simultanously is 12.4%. In this study torus palatinus
and torus mandibularis shows unsignificant correlation, Torus palatinus and torus mandibularis are common exocytosis found in
Mongoloid race, the dominant inhibitant in west Indonesian tribes, that can be
used as forensic identification subject. In numerous study, torus palatinus and
torus mandibularis were found as significantly correlated, where as the correlation
can be used as another forensic subject.. This study aim to investigate prevalence
of torus palatinus, prevalence of torus mandibularis, and correlation between
prevalence of torus palatinus and torus mandibularis in west Indonesian
population. Sample of the study is 274 student of batch 2014 Univesitas
Indonesia students. Result of the study found that prevalence of torus palatinus
77.4%, prevalence of torus mandibularis 13.9%, and prevalence of torus palatinus
and torus mandibularis found simultanously is 12.4%. In this study torus palatinus
and torus mandibularis shows unsignificant correlation]"
Lengkap +
[, ], 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Johanna G.S.D. Poerba
Pada tahun 1998 terjadi dua peristiwa yang memberikan dampak penting terhadap warga etnis Tionghoa di Indonesia.Peristiwa pertama adalah Kerusuhan Mei 1998 yang dilanjutkan oleh peristiwa berikutnya yaitu turunnya Soeharto dari kursi presiden yang menandai berakhirnya pemerintahan Orde Baru. Kerusuhan Mei 1998 yang sarat akan sentimen anti-Tionghoa dan memakan banyak korban warga etnis Tionghoa justru menciptakan sebuah titik balik dalam gerakan warga Tionghoa. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui proses berdirinya organisasi massa bernama Perhimpunan Indonesia Tionghoa (INTI) dan sejauh apa kiprahnya dalam upaya integrasi dengan warga etnis lainnya serta upaya pemenuhan hak WNI keturunan Tionghoa. Sumber-sumber data untuk penelitian ini diperoleh dari buku-buku, jurnal, koran, serta arsip yang didapatkan dari berbagai sumber seperti Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia dan arsip Perhimpunan INTI. Kontribusi dari Perhimpunan INTI tidak begitu disorot dalam koran-koran nasional pada masa awal berdirinya sehingga sumber utama berasal dari wawancara dengan beberapa pendiri organisasi.Tidak semua upaya sepenuhnya dilakukan oleh warga Tionghoa semata tetapi juga terdapat kontribusi dari tokoh-tokoh dengan latar belakang etnis yang berbeda.Ini pun menunjukkan bahwa Perhimpunan INTI berhasil meraih simpati dari berbagai kalangan yang menjadi sebuah langkah awal yang penting dalam upaya integrasi.
ABSTRACT During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people.;During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people.;During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people.;During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people.;During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people.;During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people.;During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people., During 1998, there were two events that had important impacts on Chinese ethnic in Indonesia. The first was May 1998 Riot, which followed by the second event, i.e. the fall of Soeharto and the end of the New Order government in Indonesia. Mei 1998 Riots, which was filled with anti-Chinese sentiment and took a lot of victims of Chinese ethnic, created a turning point in the Indonesian Chinese movement. This research aims to explore the process of the establishment of the Association of the Indonesian Chinese (Perhimpunan INTI) and its contribution tothe integration of the Indonesian Chinese ethnic with other ethnicsas well as thefulfillment ofthe Indonesian Chinese rights. Data is coming from books, journals, newspapers, and archives, which is provided in libraries of ANRI (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia) and Association of the Indonesian Chinese. However, its contribution to the above goals is hardly found in national newspapers at the beginning of its foundation; therefore this research will use interviews with some Association of the Indonesian Chinese founders as its main data (information). It is clear from this research that the success of Association of the Indonesian Chinese does not result from Indonesian Chinese efforts alone, but also from other ethnic supports. Those supports have become proves that Association of the Indonesian Chinese has been winning a sympathy from many people.]"
Lengkap +
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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