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Gede Putu Yudasma M.
"Masalah kesehatan di lingkungan perusahaan seperti juga di lingkungan masyarakat l1I'I1UIl1, banyak disebabkan berbagai macam faktor yang dikenal scbagai "hazard" di tempat kexja. “Hazard kezja” ini sangat bcrpengaruh tcrhadap produktivitas kerja, melalui penurunau kondisi dan gangguan kwehatannya. Dengan adanya gangguan secara raga dan jiwa terhadap kesehatannya, seorang karyawan akan menurun pula kemampuan untuk melakukan aktivitasnya dalam melakukan pekerjaan.
Pasal 24 UU Kesehatan RI No. 23 Lahun 1992 menyebutkan bahwa kesehatan jiwa diselenggarakan untuk mewujudkan jiwa yang sehat secara optimal baik intelektual maupun emosional, baik dilakukan oleh perorangan, lingkungan keluarga, sekolah, pekenjaan, maupun masyarakat yang didukung sarana pelayanan kesehatan jiwa dan sarana lainnya. Definisi ini mcncmpatkan manusia harus selalu dipandang sebagai satu kesatuan yang utuh (holistik) @rl unsur "mga" (organobiologi), "jiwa” (psiko-edukatif), dan ”sosia1” (sosio~kultural) dalam upaya peningkatan “kualitas hidup” manusia yang terdiri dari kesejahteraan raga, jiwa dan sosial.
Bahaya psikososial yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan jiwa, sering kali kurang mendapat perhatian dari pihak manajemen perusahaan, karena secara umum hazard ini lebih bersifat abstrak. Berbeda dengan hazard iisik, seperti bising, panas, bahan kimia berbahaya, dan lain-lain yang bersifat nyata, daxi aspck pengukuran dan dampaknya kepada karyawan dapat diiclaskan dengan Iebih mudah dan konkrit. Scbcnarnya aspek hazard psychososial merupakan hazard yang sangat penting, karena sangat terkait dengan kemampuan dasar pekeija sebagai manusia seperti kemampuan bcrpikir, kemampuan beradaptasi dengan pola perubahan di linglcungan kerja, mengelola dan kemampuan mengontrol situasi stress yang dihadapi pckcija dan lain-lain.
Secara umum seorang pekeija yang terganggu kesehatan jiwanya akan menumn pula daya pikirnya, daya konsentrasi, ketrampilan, dan ketangkasan dalam melalcukan pekezjaan. Hal ini sangat terkait dengan pengamhnya terhadap tingginya angka ketidakhadiran, meningkatnya angka kematian dan kecelakaan kcrja. Selain itu, faktor-faktor tersebut diatas akan berdampak pula terhadap menumnnya kemampuan berinteraksi dengan orang lain, membmulcnya hubungan dengan sesama karyawan atau dengan atasannya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pcrsepsi karyawan terhadap bahaya psikososial kerja yang mcmpengaruhi tingkat stress di PT Rekayasa Industri dengan pendckatan cnoss-sectional, menggunakan mctoda pengukuran self report measure dan teknik life event scale melalui kuesioner. Cara penelitian ini digunakan untuk mcmperoleh gambaran tingkat stress kerja dan aspek bahaya psikososial kerja sebagai stressor. Populasi dalarn penelitian ini adalah karyawan yang bcijumlah 128 karyawan. Analisa penelitian ini menggunakan analisa statistic univaxiat, bivariat dengan uji chi-square, kemudian analisa multivariate dengan menggunakan uji regresi logistic.
Hasil penelilian mcnunjukkan ada sekitar 37,5 % karyawan mengalami stress kerja tingkat ringan, 59,4 % karyawan tingkat sedang dan 3,1 % karyawan mengalami stress tingkat berat. Sedangkan faktor bahaya psikososial keija yang bcrmakna secara statistik dan dominan terhadap tingkat stress adalah parameter hubungan interpersonal. Peneliti berharap penelitian ini dapat mcmberikan masukan dan rekomendasi kepada PT Rekayasa lndustri untuk mernbuat program management stress kerja dengan mengacu kepada aspek-aspek bahaya psikososial kexja yang dialami oleh karyawan, sehingga pola program penyuluhan di lingkungan perusahaan akan bergeser dan penyuluhan pekerjaan yang sifat hazardnya hanya disebabkan oleh stressor iisik, kimia, dan biologi kepada penyuluhan yang bcrkaitan juga dengan stressor psikososial.

Problem of healthy in the company, like also in public society, caused of many factor which is known as “hazard” at work. This "Hazard at work" has an effect to work productivity, through its health trouble and condition degradation. With trouble existence by physical and mental healthy, employee will be downhill also the ability to do his activity in conducting work.
Article 24 “UU Kesehatan RI” No. 23, 1992 mentioning that mental healthy carried out to realize mental in an optimal both of the emotional and also intellectual goodness, let done by individual, environmental of family, school, job, and also the society that supported by mental health services and other facilities. This definition place human being should be viewed with a holistic point of view. Physically (organ biology), “mental” (psycho-educative), and "social" (social-cultural) are elements in improving the quality of life.
Psychosocial hazards which deal with mental health, frequently less get attention from company management party, because in general this hazard has the character of abstraction. Diifer from physical hazards, like noise, hot, dangerous chemicals, and others, iiom aspect of its impact and measurement can be explained with easy and clearly. In fact, aspect of psychosocial is the important hazard, because it has related with ability of worker as human being like ability thinking, ability adaptation with pattem of environment, managing and the ability control situation of stress faced by worker and others.
In general, a worker armoyed by health of his mental will decrease his mind, concentration, skilled, and agility in conducting job. This matter is very relevant with his influence the absence, the increasing of mortality and accidents. Others, the above factors will affect to decrease his ability to interact with others, deteriorating of it relation with other employees or with his supervisor.
The purpose of this research is to better understand the psychosocial hazards that influence in the workplace and how to manage the occupational stress levels of PT Rekayasa Industti employees, especially the engineers who work in PT Rekayasa lndustii. This research has been conducted iiom a cross-sectional approach, with self report measure and life event scale technique carried out through questionnaires that conducted to the responders. This method is used to gain an overview of conditional stress levels and psychosocial hazards that constitute of stressor. The samples of this research are part of engineer’s respondents. There were 128 responders, and the research statistic analyze data use techniques of univariate and bivariate through the Chi-square test, together with multivariate through the logistic regressions test.
The result of this research show there is about 37,5 % employees have experienced of light level, 59,4 % employees medium level and 3,1 % employees have experienced of stress of heavy level. Beside that, factor of hazard psychosocial in the work place have a meaning of statistically and dominant to level of stress is parameter of relation interpersonal. Researcher hope this research can give input and recommend to PT Rekayasa Indusui to develop management work stress program with related to many aspect of hazard psychosocial experienced by employees, so that the pattern of program counseling in the company will shift from work counseling which is the nature of its hazard which cause by stressor physical, chemical, and biological to interconnected counseling by stressor psychosocial.
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Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Belinda Widiastuti
"[Penelitian ini adalah tentang gejala stres kerja dan bahaya psikososial pada pekerja kontraktor proyek repairing tanki 31T5 yang berlokasi di PT. Pertamina (Persero) Refinery Unit IV Cilacap. Gejala stres kerja diukur menggunakan kuesioner dan ceklist mengenai keluhan-keluhan baik gejala fisik, emosi, dan perilaku yang merupakan gejala-gejala stres kerja. Sedangkan bahaya psikososial diukur dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara mengenai persepsi responden terhadap Context to Work dan Content of Work di tempat kerja. Metode penelitian ini adalah cross sectional dengan melalukan observasi/wawancara, checklist dan kuesioner untuk pengukuran gejala stres kerja dan bahaya psikososial. Hasil dari pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa adanya keluhan gejala fisik pada responden sebesar 40%, yaitu keluhan sakit kepala, gangguan tidur, dan kaku otot. Sedangkan responden tidak menunjukkan persepsi yang diduga buruk terhadap aspek Context to Work dan Content of Work.;This study is about work stress symptoms and psychosocial hazard to contractor worker tank 31T5 repairing project that located in PT. Pertamina (Persero) Refinery Unit IV Cilacap. Work stress symptoms was measured by questionnaire and checklist about physical symptoms , emotion, and behavior complaint. Psychosocial hazard was measure by questionnaire and interview about respondent perception with Context to Work and Content to Work in working area. The method of this study is cross sectional by doing observation/interview, checklist and work stress measuring and psychosocial hazard with questionnaire. Result of the measuring showing that complaints of physical symptoms on respondents by 40%, that complaint was fatigue, headache, indigestion, palpitations, sleep disorders, itching and sleepy. Then respondents did not indicate a bad perception of the aspects to Work Context and Content of Work.;This study is about work stress symptoms and psychosocial hazard to contractor worker tank 31T5 repairing project that located in PT. Pertamina (Persero) Refinery Unit IV Cilacap. Work stress symptoms was measured by questionnaire and checklist about physical symptoms , emotion, and behavior complaint. Psychosocial hazard was measure by questionnaire and interview about respondent perception with Context to Work and Content to Work in working area. The method of this study is cross sectional by doing observation/interview, checklist and work stress measuring and psychosocial hazard with questionnaire. Result of the measuring showing that complaints of physical symptoms on respondents by 40%, that complaint was fatigue, headache, indigestion, palpitations, sleep disorders, itching and sleepy. Then respondents did not indicate a bad perception of the aspects to Work Context and Content of Work., This study is about work stress symptoms and psychosocial hazard to contractor worker tank 31T5 repairing project that located in PT. Pertamina (Persero) Refinery Unit IV Cilacap. Work stress symptoms was measured by questionnaire and checklist about physical symptoms , emotion, and behavior complaint. Psychosocial hazard was measure by questionnaire and interview about respondent perception with Context to Work and Content to Work in working area. The method of this study is cross sectional by doing observation/interview, checklist and work stress measuring and psychosocial hazard with questionnaire. Result of the measuring showing that complaints of physical symptoms on respondents by 40%, that complaint was fatigue, headache, indigestion, palpitations, sleep disorders, itching and sleepy. Then respondents did not indicate a bad perception of the aspects to Work Context and Content of Work.]"
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Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library