ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan penelitian pengaruh jenis inisiator, jenis surfaktan dan waktu
feeding monomer dari kopolimer Butil akrilat-Asam metakrilat terhadap kinerja
pressure sensitive adhesives berbasis air. Proses polimerisasi dilakukan
menggunakan teknik seeding melalui polimerisasi radikal bebas pada temperatur
reaksi 85±1 oC dengan kecepatan pengadukan 200 rpm.Tipe inisiator divariasi
menggunakan APS dan KPS, surfaktan menggunakan LDBS dan SLS serta
waktu feeding dibuat 2, 3 dan 4 jam. Parameter polimer PSA seperti : total
padatan, viskositas, pH, tegangan permukaan, ukuran partikel, tack, shear dan
adhesion diuji. Variasi inisiator, surfaktan dan waktu feeding tidak
mempengaruhi total padatan, viskositas, pH dan tegangan permukaan polimer
PSA. Efek variasi inisiator, surfaktan dan waktu feeding monomer
mempengaruhi ukuran dan distribusi ukuran partikel dimana ukuran partikel
paling kecil diperoleh dari kombinasi antara inisiator KPS, surfaktan SLS dan
waktu feeding 3 jam. Sedangkan kinerja secara keseluruhan dari polimer PSA
didapat dari kombinasi antara inisiator APS, surfaktan LDBS dan waktu feeding
2 jam dengan parameter tack : 4 cm, shear : 18 menit dan adhesion : 6,56 N
ABSTRACTA research has been conducted to investigate the effect of various initiator,
surfactant and feeding time of Buthyl acrylate-Methacrylic acid copolymer on the
performance of water based pressure sensitive adhesives. Polymerization was
done by seeding technique through free radical polymerization at the reaction
temperature 85±1 oC and the speed of agitation 200 rpm. Initiator was varied by
using Ammonium persulfate and Potassium persulfate, surfactant using LDBS
and SLS then feeding time was made in 2, 3 and 4 hours. The parameter of PSA
polymer i.e solid content, viscosity, pH, surface tension, particle size, tack, shear
and adhesion were tested. The variation of initiator, surfactant and feeding time
did not effected solid content, viscosity, pH and surface tension of PSA polymer.
Variation of initiator, surfactant and feeding time influenced particle size and
distribution particle size where the smallest particle size were achieved by
combination initiator Potassium persulfate, surfactant SLS and feeding time of
monomer 3 hours. Overall, the performance of PSA polymer was achieved by
combination initiator Ammonium persulfate, surfactant LDBS and feeding time of
monomer 2 hours with parameters tack: 4 cm, shear: 18 minutes and
adhesion: 6,56 N."