"[Kebersihan tangan merupakan tindakan yang paling efektif dalam mencegah penularan agen patogen saat memberikan pelayanan kesehatan, namun tingkat kepatuhan kebersihan tangan perawat masih rendah. WHO meluncurkan strategi multimodal dengan salah satu strateginya adalah strategi pengingat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh poster sebagai media pengingat terhadap kepatuhan kebersihan tangan perawat pelaksana di RSPI Prof Dr Sulianti Saroso. Desain penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode pre eksperimen menggunakan desain perlakuan ulang (one group pre and post test design). Sampel 34 perawat diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Analisis data menggunakan uji Wilcoxon, uji Spearman, dan t test Independent. Hasil penelitian ditemukan ada perbedaan yang bermakna terhadap kepatuhan kebersihan tangan perawat pelaksana di RSPI Prof Dr Sulianti Saroso sebelum dan setelah
dilakukan intervensi (p<0,001). Disarankan pihak manajemen RS dan petugas Infection Prevention Control Nurse (IPCN) mempertahankan dan meningkatkan penggunaan media poster untuk mengingatkan perawat melakukan kebersihan tangan sehingga dapat mencegah peningkatan HAIs;Hand hygiene is the most effective measure to prevent pathogen transmission during health-care delivery, but compliance of nurses in performing hand hygiene is usually
low. WHO developed a multimodal strategies for increasing a compliance in hand hygiene and one of the strategies are reminders strategies. This study aims to identify the influence of posters as reminders to nurses hand hygiene performance compliance at Hospital Infection Disease Prof Dr Sulianti Saroso. Quantitative research design with pre experiments method using one group pre and post test
design. Sample are 34 nurses and purposive sampling technique was used. Wilcoxon test, independent t test, and Spearman test was used for data analys. Result of the study found there is a significant differences compliance of hand hygiene of nurses at Hospital Infection Disease Prof Dr Sulianti Saroso before and after the intervention
(p<0,001) it suggested to the hospital management and Infection Prevention Control Nurse (IPCN) officer to maintain and increase of posters uses to remind nurses in performing hand hygiene that coul prevent the increasing of HAIs, Hand hygiene is the most effective measure to prevent pathogen transmission during
health-care delivery, but compliance of nurses in performing hand hygiene is usually
low. WHO developed a multimodal strategies for increasing a compliance in hand
hygiene and one of the strategies are reminders strategies. This study aims to identify
the influence of posters as reminders to nurses hand hygiene performance
compliance at Hospital Infection Disease Prof Dr Sulianti Saroso. Quantitative
research design with pre experiments method using one group pre and post test
design. Sample are 34 nurses and purposive sampling technique was used. Wilcoxon
test, independent t test, and Spearman test was used for data analys. Result of the
study found there is a significant differences compliance of hand hygiene of nurses at
Hospital Infection Disease Prof Dr Sulianti Saroso before and after the intervention
(p<0,001) it suggested to the hospital management and Infection Prevention Control
Nurse (IPCN) officer to maintain and increase of posters uses to remind nurses in
performing hand hygiene that coul prevent the increasing of HAIs]"