ABSTRAKKemenangan Donald Trump dalam pemilihan umum Amerika Serikat tahun 2016 membuka babak baru peralihan kebijakan yang lebih konservatif. Presiden Trump telah menyampaikan rencana perekonomian di masa pemerintahannya yang dipaparkan melalui platform Partai Republik, America First Blueprint, Executive Order, dan janji-janji kampanye.Penelitian ini mengkaji rancangan dan implementasi kebijakan proteksionisme Presiden Trump serta implikasinya terhadap ekonomi Amrika Serikat dan rezim perdagangan global.. Hasil penelitian menyatakan Presiden Trump melaksanakan proteksionisme di Amerika Serikat dalam berbagai bentuk seperti penarikan diri dari negosiasi dan perjanjian Trans-Pacific Partnership serta penerapan antidumping, countervailing-duty, Safeguard, dan regulasi unfair trade practices. Bentuk kebijakan proteksionisme yang masih dalam proses perencanaan adalah penurunan pajak bagi perusahaan dalam negeri, implementasi tarif terhadap barang impor Republik Rakyat Tiongkok, renegosiasi North-American Free Trade Agreement, dan pembangunan tembok perbatasan antara Meksiko dan Amerika Serikat.Penelitian ini juga mengungkapkan bahwa kebijakan proteksionisme Trump diharapkan membawa dampak bagi perekonomian dalam negeri Amerika Serikat dan rezim perdagangan global. Kebijakan proteksionisme Presiden Trump diharapkan dapat memberikan dampak terhadap perekonomian dalam negeri Amerika Serikat antara lain peningkatan produktivitas manufaktur, peningkatan Produk Domestik Bruto, penurunan ekspor dan impor melalui kebijakan proteksionisme terhadap impor bahan baku, eskalasi kerja sama bilateral dengan negara-negara tertentu, dan penurunan kerja sama multilateral atau regional. Kebijakan proteksionisme Trump juga diharapkan dapat memberikan dampak terhadap rezim perdagangan global seperti penurunan pengaruh dan kekuatan hegemoni Amerika Serikat dalam rezim perdagangan global.
ABSTRACTDonald Trump rsquo's victory in 2016 presidential election of the United State commences new round of transition to a more conservative economic policy. President Trump already described his future policies in Republican platform, America First Blueprint, Executive Order, and campaign pledges.This research deals with the design and implementation of President Trump rsquo's protectionist policies and their impacts on global trade regime. The results indicate that President Trump permitted protectionism in the United States in various forms such as withdrawal from Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations and agreement as well as enactment of antidumping, countervailing duty, Safeguard, and unfair trade practices regulation. Other protectionist policies which are still in the process of development are the reduction of domestic corporate taxes, the reduction of tariffs on goods imported from People rsquo's Republic of China, North American Free Trade Agreement renegotiation, and construction of the border wall between Mexico and the United States.The research also concludes that Trump rsquo s protectionist policies would have impacts on the economy of United States and global trade regime. The President Trump rsquo's protectionism policies is expected to have effects on the domestic economy of the United States including on the enhancement of industrial productivity, Gross Domestic Product growth, decrease in export and import growth through tariff imposed on raw material imports, bilateral cooperation facilitation with certain countries, and reduction of multilateral or regional cooperation. Whereas, the policy is also hoped to give impacts on global trade regime such as on the reduction of United States rsquo's influence in the global trade regime and its hegemonic power."