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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ulinnuha Fitrianingrum
Abstrak :
[Resistensi yang terjadi pada beberapa obat antimalaria, seperti klorokuin, mendasari gencarnya dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menemukan terapi antimalaria alternatif, salah satunya dengan memanfaatkan potensi herbal dari alam Indonesia. Ekstrak tanaman yang terbukti pada penelitian in-vivo memiliki efek antimalaria adalah akar pasak bumi (Eurycoma longifolia jack). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental in-vivo yang menguji ekstrak akar pasak bumi dengan dosis 60 mg/kgbb, 75 mg/kgbb, dan 90 mg/kgbb terhadap mencit (Mus musculus) yang terinfeksi Plasmodium berghei. Peningkatan densitas parasitemia pada hari ke-4 terapi dosis 60 mg/kgbb lebih tinggi dari kontrol negatif, sedangkan terapi dosis 75 mg/kgbb dan 90 mg/kgbb lebih rendah dari kontrol negatif namun perbedaannya tidak signifikan secara statistik. Ditinjau dari persentase inhibisi parasitemia, terapi dosis 60 mg/kgbb memiliki persentase inhibisi parasitemia negatif, sedangkan terapi dosis 75 mg/kgbb dan 90 mg/kgbb memiliki persentase inhibisi parasitemia < 50%. Ditinjau dari kadar hemoglobin, ketiga dosis perlakuan memiliki kadar hemoglobin yang fluktuatif dan cenderung menurun hingga pada kondisi anemia. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak akar pasak bumi dosis 60 mg/kgbb tidak memiliki efek antimalaria, sedangkan dosis 75 mg/kgbb dan 90 mg/kgbb memiliki efek antimalaria namun kurang adekuat. Terapi dosis 90 mg/kgbb menunjukkan peningkatan densitas parasitemia hari ke-4 yang paling rendah dan persentase inhibisi parasitemia paling baik. Dengan demikian disimpulkan bahwa terapi ekstrak akar pasak bumi kurang tepat digunakan sebagai terapi tunggal malaria;Resistance on malaria medication, for example klorokuin, underlie the study that aim to find alternative malaria treatment by using herbal potention from the nature of Indonesia. Herbal extract that had been proven in vivo experimental study that has antimalarial effect is Pasak bumi root (Eurycoma longifolia jack). This study is in vivo experimental study that giving Pasak bumi root extract by dose 60 mg/kgbw, 75 mg/kgbw, and 90 mg/kgbw to mice (Mus musculus) infected by Plasmodium berghei. The increase of parasitemia density in the 4th day of treatment by dose 60 mg/kgbw is higher than negative control, while treatment by dose 75 mg/kgbw and 90 mg/kgbw are lower than negative control, but the difference is not significant in statistic analysis. Reviewed from parasitemia inhibition persentage, treatment by dose 60 mg/kgbw has negative parasitemia inhibition persentage, while treatment by dose 75 mg/kgbw and 90 mg/kgbw have parasitemia inhibition persentage <50%. Reviewed from hemoglobin level, those treatment by three doses have fluctuative hemoglobin level and tend to be decreasing till reaching anemia. It shows that pasak bumi root extract by dose 60 mg/kgbw does not have antimalarial effect, while 75 mg/kgbw and 90 mg/kgbw have inadequate antimalarial effect. Treatment by dose 90 mg/kgbw shows the lowest increase of 4th day parasitemia density and the best parasitemia inhibition persentage. Thus, it could be concluded that pasak bumi root extract is not good enough to be used as single treatment of malaria, Resistance on malaria medication, for example klorokuin, underlie the study that aim to find alternative malaria treatment by using herbal potention from the nature of Indonesia. Herbal extract that had been proven in vivo experimental study that has antimalarial effect is Pasak bumi root (Eurycoma longifolia jack). This study is in vivo experimental study that giving Pasak bumi root extract by dose 60 mg/kgbw, 75 mg/kgbw, and 90 mg/kgbw to mice (Mus musculus) infected by Plasmodium berghei. The increase of parasitemia density in the 4th day of treatment by dose 60 mg/kgbw is higher than negative control, while treatment by dose 75 mg/kgbw and 90 mg/kgbw are lower than negative control, but the difference is not significant in statistic analysis. Reviewed from parasitemia inhibition persentage, treatment by dose 60 mg/kgbw has negative parasitemia inhibition persentage, while treatment by dose 75 mg/kgbw and 90 mg/kgbw have parasitemia inhibition persentage <50%. Reviewed from hemoglobin level, those treatment by three doses have fluctuative hemoglobin level and tend to be decreasing till reaching anemia. It shows that pasak bumi root extract by dose 60 mg/kgbw does not have antimalarial effect, while 75 mg/kgbw and 90 mg/kgbw have inadequate antimalarial effect. Treatment by dose 90 mg/kgbw shows the lowest increase of 4th day parasitemia density and the best parasitemia inhibition persentage. Thus, it could be concluded that pasak bumi root extract is not good enough to be used as single treatment of malaria]
[, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia], 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitanggang, Bintang Riris
Abstrak :
Pasak bumi (PB) (Eurycoma longifolia Jack), adalah tanaman herbal Indonesia yang digunakan sebagai antimalaria. Penelitian terdahulu meliputi efek anti ageing dan anti inflamasi, namun belum pernah diteliti tentang efek terhadap aktivitas enzim antioksidan pada penggunaan ekstrak akar PB. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah pengaruh ekstrak akar PB sebagai antimalaria dapat menurunkan aktivitas spesifik antioksidan enzimatik. Penelitian ini menggunakan mencit yang diinfeksi Plasmodium berghei, diterapi dengan ekstrak akar PB, klorokuin 10 mg/kg BB (kontrol positif, KP), kontrol negatif (akuades, KN), kontrol normal (K0), PB 30 (TI), 60 (TII) dan 90 mg/kg BB (TIII). Parameter yang diukur adalah inhibisi parasitemia, kadar karbonil, aktivitas spesifik SOD, katalase (CAT). Inhibisi parasitemia hari ke 7 dari KP, TI, TII dan TIII adalah 69,81%, 39,37%, 41,72% dan 12,92%. Aktivitas spesifik enzim SOD dan CAT plasma tidak ada perbedaan bermakna. Aktivitas spesifik SOD hati menunjukan perbedaan bermakna antara K0- KN (p=0,000), K0-KP (p= 0,025), KN-TI (p=0,001), KP-TI (p=0,042), KN-TII (p=0,002), KN-TIII (0,005). Aktivitas spesifik CAT hati menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna antara KP-TI (p=0,009), KP-TII (p=0,009), KP-TIII (p=0,014), KP-K0 (p=0,009), TI-TIII (p=0,014), KN-TI (p=0,009), KN-TII (p=0,047), K0-KN (p=0,047). Kadar karbonil plasma dan hati tidak menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna antar kelompok. Korelasi positif bermakna (r=0,690, p=0,000) terjadi antara aktivitas spesifik SOD dan CAT hati. Korelasi negatif bermakna terjadi antara aktivitas spesifik SOD, CAT hati dan parasitemia (r= -0,637, p=0,000) (r=-0,557, p=0,002). Kesimpulan: Potensi PB sebagai antimalaria diragukan karena herbal ini juga memiliki efek antioksidan yang menguntungkan bagi parasit.
Pasak bumi (PB)(Eurycoma longifolia Jack), is an Indonesian herb used as antimalarial. Previous studies had been done on its anti-ageing and anti-inflammation properties, but its effect on antioxidant enzyme had not been researched. This study aim to investigate the antimalarial influence of PB extract on the reduction of specific antioxidant activity of the SOD and CAT enzyme. We used mice infected by Plasmodium berghei treated with: PB 30, 60, and 90 mg/kg BW as (TI, TII, and TIII), positive control (chloroquine 10 mg/kg BW) (KP), negative control (aquadest) (KN), normal mice control (K0). The parameters were: growth inhibition, carbonyl concentration, specific activity of SOD and CAT. Growth inhibition in 7 day groups of KP, TI, TII, and TIII were 69,81%, 39,37%, 41,72%, and 12,92%. Specific activity of plasma SOD and CAT were insignificant between groups. Liver SOD specific activity showed significant different between K0-KN (p=0,000), K0-KP (p= 0,025), KN-TI (p=0,001), KP-TI (p=0,042), KN-TII (p=0,002), KN-TIII (0,005). Specific activity of liver CAT showed significant different between KP-TI (p=0,009), KP-TII (p=0,009), KP-TIII (p=0,014), KP-K0 (p=0,009), TI-TIII (p=0,014), KN-TI (p=0,009), KN-TII (p=0,047), K0-KN (p=0,047). Carbonyl concentrations show insignificant between groups in plasma and liver. Positive correlation (r=0,690, p=0,000) showed between liver SOD and CAT specific activity, negative correlation showed between liver SOD (r= -0,637, p=0,000), CAT (r= -0,557, p=0,002) specific activity and paracytemia. Therefore, The potential use of PB as an antimalarial was of doubtful effectiveness due to its antioxidant effect which could be beneficial to the parasite, Pasak bumi (PB)(Eurycoma longifolia Jack), is an Indonesian herb used as antimalarial. Previous studies had been done on its anti-ageing and anti-inflammation properties, but its effect on antioxidant enzyme had not been researched. This study aim to investigate the antimalarial influence of PB extract on the reduction of specific antioxidant activity of the SOD and CAT enzyme. We used mice infected by Plasmodium berghei treated with: PB 30, 60, and 90 mg/kg BW as (TI, TII, and TIII), positive control (chloroquine 10 mg/kg BW) (KP), negative control (aquadest) (KN), normal mice control (K0). The parameters were: growth inhibition, carbonyl concentration, specific activity of SOD and CAT. Growth inhibition in 7 day groups of KP, TI, TII, and TIII were 69,81%, 39,37%, 41,72%, and 12,92%. Specific activity of plasma SOD and CAT were insignificant between groups. Liver SOD specific activity showed significant different between K0-KN (p=0,000), K0-KP (p= 0,025), KN-TI (p=0,001), KP-TI (p=0,042), KN-TII (p=0,002), KN-TIII (0,005). Specific activity of liver CAT showed significant different between KP-TI (p=0,009), KP-TII (p=0,009), KP-TIII (p=0,014), KP-K0 (p=0,009), TI-TIII (p=0,014), KN-TI (p=0,009), KN-TII (p=0,047), K0-KN (p=0,047). Carbonyl concentrations show insignificant between groups in plasma and liver. Positive correlation (r=0,690, p=0,000) showed between liver SOD and CAT specific activity, negative correlation showed between liver SOD (r= -0,637, p=0,000), CAT (r= -0,557, p=0,002) specific activity and paracytemia. Therefore, The potential use of PB as an antimalarial was of doubtful effectiveness due to its antioxidant effect which could be beneficial to the parasite]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salsabil Bilqis Maulida
Abstrak :
Pengantar: Saat ini, malaria masih menjadi penyakit endemik dan hampir 3.2 milyar orang berisiko terkena malaria, kasus terbanyak terjadi di Asia Tenggara dan Afrika. Indonesia juga merupakan salah satu negara yang memiliki prevalensi tinggi. Terlebih lagi, berkembangnya resistensi terhadap obat anti malaria di Asia Tenggara, khususnya resistensi kloroquin di Indonesia. Sambiloto merupakan obat herbal yang telah digunakan sebagai obat anti malaria dan anti inflamasi. Spirulina juga memiliki fungsi sebagai anti inflamasi. Namun, belum ada penelitian mengenai kombinasi kedua obat ini sebagai obat anti malaria. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efek kombinasi dari sambiloto dan spirulina pada perubahan histopatologi di usus halus mencit terinfeksi Plasmodium berghei. Metode: Data diambil dari percobaan pada mencit jantan Swiss Webster yang sudah terinfeksi Plasmodium berghei Anka. Ada empat kelompok perlakuan, kelompok AP yang sudah diobati dengan ekstrak sambiloto, kelompok AP ES yang diberikan ekstrak sambiloto dan ekstrak spirulina, kelompok AP PS yang diobati dengan ekstrak sambiloto dan powder spirulina, serta kelompok DHP sebagai kontrol positif. Hasil: Hasil analisis menggunakan tes one-way ANOVA dan Kruskal-Wallis menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan signifikan dalam jumlah fokus inflamasi, sel goblet, dysplasia dan angiogenesis. Namun, dengan pengamatan mikroskopik dan perhitungan rata-rata tiap kelompok, kelompok yang diberikan spirulina memiliki hasil jumlah fokus inflamasi, sel goblet, dysplasia dan angiogenesis yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kelompok perlakuan lainnya. Diskusi: Pada riset ini, sifat anti inflamasi pada sambiloto dan spirulina dikarenakan komponen aktif dari sambiloto yaitu andrographolide dan phycocyanin dari spirulina. Jumlah sel goblet meningkat bersamaan dengan meningkatnya inflamasi, karena fungsi nya sebagai pelindung pada lapisan mucosa. Dysplasia juga berkaitan dengan proses inflamasi terutama dalam perkembangan neoplasma. Beberapa mediator inflamasi juga memiliki sifat angiogenic, yang mendukung terjadinya proses angiogenesis saat mediator- mediator ini direkrut pada proses inflamasi.
Introduction Recently, malaria is still endemic in some area and approximately 3.2 billion people were at risk, most cases happen in South East Asia and African. Indonesia also has high prevalence of malaria. Moreover, high level of antimalarial drug resistance occurs in South East Asia, specifically choloroquine in Indonesia. Sambiloto, one of herbal drugs, has been used as anti malarial drug and also anti inflammatory. Spirulina also has anti inflammatory properties. However, there is no study that prove sambiloto and spirulina combination could be use as anti malarial drug. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of sambiloto and spirulina combination to histopathological changes of small intestine from mice that already infected by Plasmodium berghei Method Data is obtained from clinical experiment of Male Swiss Webster mice that already infected with Plasmodium berghei Anka. There are 4 groups of treatment, AP group which has been treated with sambiloto extract, AP ES group treated using sambiloto extract with spirulina extract, AP PS that were treated using sambiloto extract and spirulina powder, and DHP group which is treated with DHP as the positive control group. Results Data analysis using one way ANOVA and Kruskal Wallis shows that there is no significant differences in inflammatory focus, goblet cells, dysplasia and angiogenesis among 4 group of treatment. However, from microscopic field view and mean comparison, addition of spirulina, both extract and powder form, into sambiloto extract decreased inflammatory focus, goblet cells, dysplasia and angiogenesis on the small intestine. Discussion In this research, anti inflammatory properties of sambiloto is due to its bioactive component such as andrographolide and phycocyanin that inhibit pro inflammatory mediators. Goblet cells count increase as inflammation occurs, as it has function as protective part in mucous layer. Dysplasia is also related to inflammation process, especially in neoplasm development. Inflammatory cytokines also have angiogenic properties, as increasing of inflammation process will recruit inflammatory mediators and promote angiogenesis to happen.
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library