Purba, Endang Christine
Abstrak :
Penelitian ?Etnobotani Masyarakat Enis Karo di Kecamatan Merdeka,
Sumatera Utara? bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan spesies tumbuhan
berguna dan perbedaan pengetahuan lokal tentang pemanfaatan tumbuhan
berdasarkan gender dan umur oleh masyarakat etnis Karo di Kecamatan Merdeka.
Pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan melalui pendekatan etik dan emik. Pengumpulan
data dilakukan melalui wawancara terbuka dan semi terstruktur, observasi
partisipatif dan diskusi kelompok fokus (Focus Group Discussion--FGD). Data
tentang keanekaragaman pemanfaatan spesies tumbuhan dianalisis dengan metode
LUVI (Local User?s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural Significance); dan data
tentang perbedaan pengetahuan pemanfaatan tumbuhan brdasar gender dan umur
dianalisis dengan metode UVs (Use Values), dan statistik. Terdapat 158 spesies
yang termasuk dalam 61 famili yang dikenal dan dimanfaatkan masyarakat etnis
Karo di KecamatanMerdeka. Seratus lima puluh delapan spesies tumbuhan
tersebut dimanfaatkan untuk obat-obatan, pangan, sumber penghasilan, teknologi
lokal, kayu bakar, adat/ritual/hiasan, racun/anti racun dan pewarna. Berdasarkan
analisis LUVI diperoleh 60 spesies yang dianggap paling penting dan pangan
sebagai kategori guna terpenting. Oryza sativa mendapat nilai ICS tertinggi yaitu
50, yang dimanfaatkan sebagai makanan pokok. Berdasarkan umur dari
kelompok responden, rata-rata jumlah spesies tumbuhan yang diketahui dan
dimanfaatkan dan nilai UVs pada responden umur lebih dari 50 tahun lebih tinggi
dibandingkan dengan umur 30--50 tahun. Sementara itu, berdasarkan gender,
rata-rata jumlah spesies tumbuhan yang diketahui dan dimanfaatkan dan nilai UVs
pada responden laki-laki lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perempuan
The purposes of this study are to identify the plant species perceived by
Karonese of Merdeka District and determine whether gender and age have
different local knowledge differences of use values of plant species. The
ethnobotanical research and collection data were conducted by open and semistructured
interview, observation, focus group discussion (FGD). The
ethnonotanical information according to general categories of plant species uses
analysed by LUVI (Local User?s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural
Significance); and the differences in knowledge of plant based on age and gender
was analysed by UVs (Use Values) dan statistic analysis. Karonese of Merdeka
District use 158 plant spesies, 60 families for 8 general use categories, which in
medicinal uses, food, economical plants, local technology, firewood, traditional
celebration/ritual/ornaments, poisonous plants, and dye-colors. There are 60
species which considered as the most useful plants based on LUVI analysis. The
ICS analysis indicated that Oryza sativa gained the highest value (50), which is
used as staple food. Based on the age of respondents, the average number of plant
species that are known and utilized; and value UVs on respondents aged more 50
years old higher than the age of 30--50 years old. Meanwhile, based on gender,
men of Karo ethnic society in District Merdeka know more plant species than the
women.;The purposes of this study are to identify the plant species perceived by
Karonese of Merdeka District and determine whether gender and age have
different local knowledge differences of use values of plant species. The
ethnobotanical research and collection data were conducted by open and semistructured
interview, observation, focus group discussion (FGD). The
ethnonotanical information according to general categories of plant species uses
analysed by LUVI (Local User’s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural
Significance); and the differences in knowledge of plant based on age and gender
was analysed by UVs (Use Values) dan statistic analysis. Karonese of Merdeka
District use 158 plant spesies, 60 families for 8 general use categories, which in
medicinal uses, food, economical plants, local technology, firewood, traditional
celebration/ritual/ornaments, poisonous plants, and dye-colors. There are 60
species which considered as the most useful plants based on LUVI analysis. The
ICS analysis indicated that Oryza sativa gained the highest value (50), which is
used as staple food. Based on the age of respondents, the average number of plant
species that are known and utilized; and value UVs on respondents aged more 50
years old higher than the age of 30--50 years old. Meanwhile, based on gender,
men of Karo ethnic society in District Merdeka know more plant species than the
women.;The purposes of this study are to identify the plant species perceived by
Karonese of Merdeka District and determine whether gender and age have
different local knowledge differences of use values of plant species. The
ethnobotanical research and collection data were conducted by open and semistructured
interview, observation, focus group discussion (FGD). The
ethnonotanical information according to general categories of plant species uses
analysed by LUVI (Local User’s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural
Significance); and the differences in knowledge of plant based on age and gender
was analysed by UVs (Use Values) dan statistic analysis. Karonese of Merdeka
District use 158 plant spesies, 60 families for 8 general use categories, which in
medicinal uses, food, economical plants, local technology, firewood, traditional
celebration/ritual/ornaments, poisonous plants, and dye-colors. There are 60
species which considered as the most useful plants based on LUVI analysis. The
ICS analysis indicated that Oryza sativa gained the highest value (50), which is
used as staple food. Based on the age of respondents, the average number of plant
species that are known and utilized; and value UVs on respondents aged more 50
years old higher than the age of 30--50 years old. Meanwhile, based on gender,
men of Karo ethnic society in District Merdeka know more plant species than the
women., The purposes of this study are to identify the plant species perceived by
Karonese of Merdeka District and determine whether gender and age have
different local knowledge differences of use values of plant species. The
ethnobotanical research and collection data were conducted by open and semistructured
interview, observation, focus group discussion (FGD). The
ethnonotanical information according to general categories of plant species uses
analysed by LUVI (Local User’s Value Index), ICS (Index of Cultural
Significance); and the differences in knowledge of plant based on age and gender
was analysed by UVs (Use Values) dan statistic analysis. Karonese of Merdeka
District use 158 plant spesies, 60 families for 8 general use categories, which in
medicinal uses, food, economical plants, local technology, firewood, traditional
celebration/ritual/ornaments, poisonous plants, and dye-colors. There are 60
species which considered as the most useful plants based on LUVI analysis. The
ICS analysis indicated that Oryza sativa gained the highest value (50), which is
used as staple food. Based on the age of respondents, the average number of plant
species that are known and utilized; and value UVs on respondents aged more 50
years old higher than the age of 30--50 years old. Meanwhile, based on gender,
men of Karo ethnic society in District Merdeka know more plant species than the
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library