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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Performans produksi babi dipengaruhi oleh konsumsi pakan .Ekskreta puyuh memiliki kualitas tinggi dengan kadar protein kasar dan energi masing-masing 31,03% dan 3139,44 kal/gram sebagai bahan pakan pengganti dalam ransum ternak babi ....."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Credit was useful for farmer capital to increase their farming input. Through the existence of credit the productivity and the income of farmer would be increasing. This research was carried out in Nita and Alok sub district, Sikka regency, on July until September 2004. The objective of this study was to calculate the operational efficiency and the income of pig farming, before getting credit and after getting credit in loan degrees of Rp. 500,000 until Rp. 1,500,000 (credit A) and Rp. 2,000,000 until Rp. 3,000,000 (credit B) and to analyze the influencing factors of income. The material of the study was pig farmers who received credit facility which chosen by purposive and stratified random sampling. Variables which was investigated includes the cost and farm receiving, business scale, mortality, pig species, the value of credit, invesment value and the experience in pig farming. Survey was applied to collect the data and the data were analyzed by multiple regression model, student t test and the quantitative descriptive analysis. The result of the study showed that: 1). The income of pig farming after credit was relatively the same to the income before credit at level of the loan from Rp 500,000 until Rp 1,500,000; 2) the income of pig farming after the credit was lower than the income before credit on the level of credit B; 3) the income of the farmer who got loan of credit A and credit B was relatively the same; 4) the mortality variable gave negatif influence significant (pO.Ol) on pig farming income of farmer, who received the Subdistrict Development Program credit in Sikka Regency."
580 AGR 19 (1-4) 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farah Fadhilah
"Cermin telah digunakan sebagai enrichment untuk primata selama beberapa dekade. Penambahan enrichment cermin diharapkan dapat menurunkan perilaku stereotipe dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan hewan di penangkaran. Penelitian mengenai pengaruh enrichment cermin terhadap perilaku stereotipe Macaca nemestrina dalam kandang telah dilakukan di Yayasan Inisiasi Alam Rehabilitasi Indonesia (YIARI), Bogor. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi perilaku stereotipe tiap Macaca nemestrina melalui aktivitas harian, mengidentifikasi respons dari M. nemestrina terhadap keberadaan enrichment cermin, dan menganalisis pengaruhnya terhadap perilaku stereotipe. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Februari sampai Maret 2020 selama 5 hari tiap pekannya. Metode yang digunakan yaitu continuous scan sampling dan ad libitum dengan interval waktu 10 menit tanpa jeda. Pencatatan dilakukan terhadap aktivitas harian pasangan M. nemestrina dengan penekanan pada perilaku stereotipe dan respons M. nemestrina terhadap cermin. Pengamatan dilakukan selama 7 jam perhari. Objek penelitian yaitu dua pasang Macaca nemestrina yang berada di dua kandang sanctuary terpisah. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan perilaku stereotipe yang teramati adalah pick (mencabuti rambut dari tubuh sendiri), pace (bergerak berulang kali dan tidak berarah), dan self-aggression (menyakiti diri sendiri). Berdasarkan Uji t berpasangan yang dilakukan pada α = 0,05 hasilnya adalah tidak terdapat perbedaan antara perilaku stereotipe sebelum dan setelah diberikan enrichment cermin. Hal tersebut diasumsikan karena cermin kurang menyediakan stimulus yang memuaskan dan tidak mampu menarik perhatian objek penelitian sehingga tidak dapat mengurangi tingkat perilaku stereotipe secara signifikan.

Mirror has been used as an enrichment for primates for decades. The addition of mirror enrichment is expected to reduce stereotypic behavior and improve animal welfare in captivity. Research about effects of mirror enrichment existence has been conducted on Macaca nemestrina (Linnaeus, 1766) stereotypic behavior at Yayasan Inisiasi Alam Rehabilitasi Indonesia (YIARI), Bogor. The aims of this research were to identify the stereotypic behavior of M. nemestrina through daily activities and identify their response to the existence of mirror enrichment and analyze its effects on stereotypic behavior. The study was conducted on February until March 2020 for 5 days per each week. Data collection was conducted by continuous scan sampling and ad libitum methods with 10 (ten) minutes interval without pause. The recording was made on the daily activities of M. nemestrina with an emphasis on stereotypic behavior and the response of M. nemestrina to the mirror. Observations were made for 7 hours  per each day. The research objects were two pairs of M. nemestrina in the seperate sanctuary cages. The observations showed that the stereotypic behavior observed in M. nemestrina were pick (pulling hair from one's own body), pace (moving repeatedly and not directed), and self-aggression (self-harming). Based on paired t tests that has been conducted at α = 0.05 the results were no difference between the frequency of stereotypic behavior before and after the mirror enrichment existence. That was because the mirror does not provide a satisfactory stimulus and unable to attract the research objects attention so it was unable to reduce the level of stereotyped behavior significantly.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Forensic entomology has not been acknowledged in Indonesia so far. Indonesia carrion insects are very rarely reported. Te aim of this study was to obtain the types of insects on pig carcasses that could be used for the estimation of post-mortem interval. Four domestic pigs sacrificed with different methods were used a model. The carcasses were observed twice daily (around 9 a.m and 4 p.m) during 15 days to assess the stages of decomposition and to collect insects, both in mature and immature stages. The immature insects were reared and the mature insects were indentified in the laboratory of pests and plant diseases, University of sam ratulangi, Manado. Chrysomya megacephala and C. rufifacies were identified both morphologically and with deoxyribose-nucleic acid (DNA) techniques. Five stages of decomposition (fresh, bloated, active decay, post-decay and skeletonization) were observed. A total of 11 diptera and 8 coleoptera species were found during a 15-days succession study. Chrysomya megacephala, C. rufifacies and hermetia illucens colonized in all carcasses. Insects found on four different pig carcasss consisted mainly of widespread diptera and coleoptera. Chrysomya megacephala, C. rufifacies and Hermetia illucens seemed to be primary candidates for the estimation of the post-mortem interval."
UI-MJI 24:2 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Isnaini Aisyah Naser
Latar Belakang: Kelebihan terapi regeneratif untuk periodontitis dengan kerusakan tulang alveolar horizontal masih belum banyak dilaporkan. Terapi regeneratif periodontitis pada kerusakan tulang alveolar horizontal dengan PDL cell sheet dengan RGD modified chitosan dilaporkan dapat meningkatkan perlekatan jaringan periodontal secara klinis. Hasil tersebut perlu ditunjang dengan menganalisis ekspresi kolagen tipe I secara histologis. Ekspresi kolagen tipe I pada tulang alveolar merupakan salah satu indikator terjadinya regenerasi jaringan periodontal. Tujuan: Menganalisis ekspresi kolagen tipe I pada tulang alveolar pasca terapi bahan regeneratif dengan RGD modified chitosan dan PDL cell sheet dengan chitosan. Metode dan Bahan: Bahan uji adalah sediaan biologis tersimpan berupa preparat jaringan tulang alveolar M.nemestrina pada kerusakan tulang horizontal setelah empat minggu terapi dengan bahan PDL cell sheet dengan RGD modified chitosan dan PDL cell sheet dengan chitosan. Ekspresi kolagen tipe 1 dievaluasi dengan teknik imunohistokimia dengan cara deparafinisasi dan rehidrasi, blocking, immunostaining, dehidrasi dan cleaning, serta mounting dan coverslip. Data area ekspresi dan intensitas warna dianalisa dengan metode grid pada ImageJ serta uji statistik menggunakan SPSS. Hasil: Median(minimum-maksimum) pewarnaan positif pada PDL cell sheet dengan RGD modified chitosan adalah 20,69(8,95-39,98), lebih kecil dari PDL cell sheet dengan chitosan 22,65(10,98-36,27). Uji statistik menunjukan tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna dari kedua bahan regeneratif. Kesimpulan: Ekspresi kolagen tipe I memberikan hasil yang setara antara PDL cell sheet dengan RGD modified chitosan dan PDL cell sheet dengan chitosan.

Background: The advantages of regenerative therapy for periodontitis with horizontal alveolar bone damage have not been widely reported. Regenerative therapy of periodontitis in horizontal alveolar bone damage with PDL cell sheet and RGD modified chitosan has been reported to increase clinical periodontal tissue attachment. These results need to be supported histologically by analyzing the expression of type I collagen. The expression of type I collagen in periodontal tissue is one of the indicator for periodontal tissue regeneration. Objectives: Analyzing the expression of type I collagen in periodontal tissue after using regenerative therapy materials PDL cell sheet with modified RGD chitosan and PDL cell sheet with chitosan. Material and Methods: The test materials were stored biological preparations in the form of alveolar bone tissue M.nemestrina in horizontal bone damage after four weeks ; therapy with PDL cell sheet with RGD modified chitosan and PDL cell sheet with chitosan. Collagen type 1 expression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry techniques with deparaffinization and rehydration, blocking, immunostaining, dehydration and cleaning, mounting and coverslip. The data of expression area and color intensity were analyzed by grid method in ImageJ and the statistic test using SPSS. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adriana Viola Miranda
"Latar belakang: Meski krusial untuk keberhasilan fertilisasi in vitro (FIV), stimulasi ovarium terkendali (SOT) diketahui dapat menurunkan reseptivitas endometrium dan mempengaruhi keberhasilan prosedur tersebut secara keseluruhan. Hal ini terkait dengan administrasi recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (r-FSH) yang meregulasi ekspresi regulator reseptivitas endometrium, termasuk leptin, melalui perantara estradiol.
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian berbagai dosis r-FSH pada SOT terhadap perubahan ekspresi leptin pada jaringan endometrium Macaca nemestrina (beruk).
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan blok parafin berisi jaringan uterus Macaca nemestrina fase midluteal dari penelitian sebelumnya. Subjek adalah 15 beruk betina usia reproduktif (8-10 tahun) dengan riwayat melahirkan yang dibagi ke dalam empat kelompok: kelompok dengan administrasi r-FSH dosis 30 IU, 50 IU, 70 IU (kelompok intervensi), dan tanpa pemberian r-FSH (kelompok kontrol). Stimulasi ini diberikan selama 10 atau 12 hari pertama siklus haid. Pewarnaan dilakukan secara immunohistokimia. Ekspresi leptin diukur menggunakan plugin IHC Profiler pada software ImageJ serta dihitung secara semikuantitatif sebagai Histological Score (H-score). Analisis statistik untuk data normal dan homogen dilakukan dengan ANOVA satu arah, sedangkan untuk data tidak normal atau tidak homogen dilakukan dengan uji Kruskal-Wallis.
Hasil dan Pembahasan: Pengaruh SOT pada jaringan endometrium ditemukan pada kompartemen epitel kelenjar, stroma, dan epitel luminal. Perbedaan ekspresi leptin antara keempat kelompok pada ketiga kompartemen tersebut bersifat tidak bermakna secara signifikan (Fkelenjar(3,10) = 0.464, p = 0.714; pstroma = 0.436; pluminal = 0.155). Hasil ini kemungkinan disebabkan oleh hubungan r-FSH dan leptin yang tidak bersifat langsung, tetapi diperantarai oleh estradiol. Limitasi penelitian ini adalah jumlah sampel yang kecil, serta keterbatasan dalam mengukur durasi fase siklus haid dan cadangan ovarium pada subjek penelitian.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Univesitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library