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Khairul Fuady
Abstrak :
Photodioda dapat digunakan dalam sistem komunikasi optik, tetapi aplikasi yang utama digunakan sebagai link untuk gelombang mikro dinamik. Implementasi dalam sistem gelombang mikro, photodioda akan ditempatkan dalam sebuah modul yang dikenal dengan modul microwave packaging. Proses packaging ini memuat waveguide photodioda dan konektor microwave yang diintegrasikan bertujuan untuk memperoleh penjumlahan sinyal gelombang mikro di bagian outputnya. Penelitian ini akan membahas tentang desain dari modul packaging yang telah dikembangkan untuk mengintegrasikan penempatan photodiode dan mengatur proses alignment dari sinyal laser yang dirambatkan melalui fiber (lens ended fiber). Langkah terakhir adalah menjelaskan proses desain rangkaian bias tee menggunakan software ADS. Perangkat bias tee ini akan ditempatkan di dalam modul yang berfungsi sebagai pengatur terhadap masukan DC atau AC sehingga diperoleh efisiensi dari photodiode. ......The photodiode can be used in optical communication systems, but the main application is the dynamic microwave link. For the implementation in the microwave systems, the photodiode should be mounted in the microwave packaging. The packaging must be including the waveguide photodiode and the microwave connector to obtain the microwave signal output. In this report, I present the design of module packaging which was developed to make the electrical mounting of the photodiode and make possible the alignment with the lens ended fiber. The last step is to introduce the bias tee design that will be put inside the packaging and the alignment procedure to keep the efficiency of the photodiode.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sianipar, Bill Clinton
Abstrak :
Sensor cahaya merupakan perangkat yang mengubah besaran analog (besaran cahaya) menjadi sinyal listrik. Ada bermacam sensor cahaya yang sering digunakan, beberapa di antaranya ialah sensor cahaya LDR, fotodioda, dan OPT101. Masing-masing sensor memiliki karateristik yang berbeda. Perbedaan yang mencolok adalah jenis sinyal listrik yang dihasilkan oleh masing-masing sensor sebagai dampak dari terangsangnya material di dalam sensor terhadap perubahan besar penerangan. Sensor cahaya LDR memiliki resistansi yang semakin kecil nilainya dengan bertambah besarnya penerangan, sedangkan arus listrik dari fotodioda semakin besar nilainya dengan penerangan yang semakin besar pula nilainya. Modul praktikum sensor cahaya mampu untuk memberikan semua fitur yang diperlukan untuk mempelajari karakteristik sensor-sensor cahaya tersebut dengan menggunakan pengatur besar penerangan, dan rangkaian-rangkaian pendukung seperti voltage divider dan low-pass filter. ABSTRACT
Light sensor is a device that is able to change analog property (light) into electric signal. There are various kinds of light sensors such as LDR, photodiode, and OPT101. Each sensor has different and unique specification. The difference between those three sensors that is easy to be identified lies in the kind of output signal of each kind of light sensor. The output comes out of each of the light sensors as the respond of the sensor's material that reacts to the change of lighting. The LDR?s resistance gets lower as the amount of incident light gets higher, the electric current from the photodiode gets higher as the amount of incident light gets higher too. This light sensor practicum module has all of the features, like the lighting controller, voltage divider and low-pass filter electric circuits, that are required to learn about each sensor's characteristic.;Light sensor is a device that is able to change analog property (light) into electric signal. There are various kinds of light sensors such as LDR, photodiode, and OPT101. Each sensor has different and unique specification. The difference between those three sensors that is easy to be identified lies in the kind of output signal of each kind of light sensor. The output comes out of each of the light sensors as the respond of the sensor's material that reacts to the change of lighting. The LDR?s resistance gets lower as the amount of incident light gets higher, the electric current from the photodiode gets higher as the amount of incident light gets higher too. This light sensor practicum module has all of the features, like the lighting controller, voltage divider and low-pass filter electric circuits, that are required to learn about each sensor's characteristic., Light sensor is a device that is able to change analog property (light) into electric signal. There are various kinds of light sensors such as LDR, photodiode, and OPT101. Each sensor has different and unique specification. The difference between those three sensors that is easy to be identified lies in the kind of output signal of each kind of light sensor. The output comes out of each of the light sensors as the respond of the sensor's material that reacts to the change of lighting. The LDR’s resistance gets lower as the amount of incident light gets higher, the electric current from the photodiode gets higher as the amount of incident light gets higher too. This light sensor practicum module has all of the features, like the lighting controller, voltage divider and low-pass filter electric circuits, that are required to learn about each sensor's characteristic.]
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anja Tamabri
Abstrak :
Esomeprazol adalah salah satu obat golongan penghambat pompa proton yang tidak stabil terhadap pH asam, panas, kelembaban dan oksidasi, sehingga seringkali membuat esomeprazol terdegradasi saat penyimpanan. Pada umumnya, teknik biosampling yang digunakan dalam studi farmakokinetik esomeprazol adalah venipuncture. Namun pada penelitian ini, teknik biosampling yang digunakan adalah Dried Blood Spot DBS yang lebih dapat menjaga stabilitas esomeprazol dan lebih nyaman bagi subjek dibandingkan teknik venipuncture. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis stabilitas in vivo esomeprazol dalam sampel DBS dengan menguji Incurred Sample Stability ISS esomeprazol terhadap 6 subjek sehat pada hari ke 7, 14 dan 28. Kondisi kromatografi optimum yang digunakan adalah kolom C-18 Waters, SunfireTM 5 m; 250 x 4,6 mm, suhu kolom 40 C; fase gerak asetonitril ndash; dapar fosfat pH 7,6 40:60 v/v ; laju alir 1,00 mL/menit; detektor photodiode array pada panjang gelombang 300 nm; dan lansoprazol sebagai baku dalam. Nilai diff terbesar yang diperoleh dalam uji ISS esomeprazol pada hari ke 7, 14, dan 28, dari seluruh subjek adalah 9,81. Hasil ini memenuhi persyaratan ISS dari EMEA yaitu nilai diff tidak lebih dari 20 dan minimal 67 dari total sampel memenuhi persyaratan tersebut. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan esomeprazol stabil secara in vivo dalam sampel DBS hingga hari ke 28.
Esomeprazole is one of the proton pump inhibitor that is unstable against pH, heat, moisture and oxidation, which often makes esomeprazole degraded at the time of storage. Basically, in bioequivalence test of esomeprazole, biosampling technique used is venipuncture. In this research, biosampling technique used was Dried Blood Spot DBS, which will give better stability and provide more comfort to subject than venipuncture technique. This research aimed to analyse in vivo stability of esomeprazole by testing Incurred Sample Stability ISS of esomeprazole on day 7, 14 and 28. The optimum chromatographic condition was obtained using C 18 column Waters, Sunfire trade 5 m 250 x 4.6 mm, column temperature was 40 C mobile phase was acetonitrile phosphate buffer pH7.6 40:60 v/v flow rate was 1.00 mL min photodiode array detector at a wavelength of 300 nm and lansoprazole as internal standard. The highest diff value of esomeprazoles ISS on day 7, 14, and 28 from all subjects were 8,91 that fulfilled the acceptance criteria of validation method based on EMEA, which is the diff should not be greater than 20 and 67 of total samples have to fulfill this criteria. So, the ISS result showed that esomeprazole were stable as in vivo in DBS sample until 28 days.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Esomeprazol ESO merupakan salah satu obat golongan Proton Pump Inhibitor PPI berbentuk tablet salut selaput yang merupakan sediaan lepas termodifikasi sehingga wajib diuji bioekivalensi dengan metode bioanalisis yang selektif, sensitif, dan valid. Teknik biosamplingdried blood spot DBS sedang dikembangkan karena beberapa kelebihan dari teknik ini terkait kestabilan analit, keamanan, kenyamanan subjek, kemudahan penanganan, dan ekonomis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan metode analisis ESO dalam sampel DBS menggunakan Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi KCKT dengan detektor Photodiode Array PDA. Sampel darah ditotolkansebanyak 30mL, dikeringkan selama 2,5 jam, diekstraksi menggunakan metanol sebanyak 500L, dikocok menggunakan vortex selama 3 menit, dan disonikasi selama 15 menit. Hasil ekstraksi disentrifugasi selama 1 menit dan supernatan diuapkan di bawah aliran gas nitrogen pada suhu 40 C. Residu direkonstitusi menggunakan fase gerak kemudian dianalisis menggunakan KCKT fase terbalik dengan kolom Waters, SunfireTM5; 250 x 4,6mm ; fase gerak asetonitril dapar fosfat pH7,6 40:60 ; laju alir 1,0mL/menit; suhu kolom 40 C; deteksi pada panjang gelombang 300 nm; waktu analisis selama 10 menit; menggunakan lansoprazol sebagai baku dalam. Hasil validasi terhadap metode analisis ESO yang dilakukan memenuhi persyaratan validasi berdasarkan EMEA pada tahun 2011. Metode analisis linear pada rentang konsentrasi 70,0-1400,0ng/mL dengan nilai r>0,98.
Esomeprazole ESO is a Proton Pump Inhibitor which is classified to modified release dosage form, so that must be tested for bioequivalence with a selective, sensitive, and valid bioanalysis method. Dried blood spot DBS technique is being developed for its advantages related to analyte stability, safety, practicality, less invasive, and cheaper. This study aims to develop the method of ESO analysis in a DBS sample using High Performance Liquid Chromatography HPLC with Photodiode Array detector. 30mLwhole blood sample was spotted and dried for 2,5 hours, extracted with 500L methanol, vortex mixed for 3 minutes, and sonicated for 15 minutes. The extract then was sentrifuged for 1 minutes and the supernatant was evaporated under nitrogen flow at 40 C. Residue was reconstituted with mobile phase then analysed with reversed phase HPLC with column Waters, SunfireTM 5 m 250 x 4.6mm acetonitrile phosphate buffer pH7.6 40 60 as the mobile phase flow rate was 1.0mL min column temperature was 40 C detection wavelength was 300 nm analysis time was 10 minutes using lansoprazole as the internal standard. The results of bioanalysis method validation performed met the validation criteria based on EMEA in 2011. The method was linear at concentration range of 70.0 1400.0ng mL with r 0.98.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Fenitoin adalah obat antikonvulsan yang digunakan dalam manajemen terapi epilepsi, kejang tonik-klonik, kejang kompleks parsial, dan status epilepticus. Fenitoin memiliki indeks terapeutik yang sempit (10–20 µg/mL), farmakokinetika yang tidak linear,  dan potensi neurotoksisitas dan kardiotoksisitas serius. Oleh karena itu, kadar fenitoin dalam darah perlu dipantau untuk memastikan efektivitas dan keamanan terapi yang diberikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan metode analisis dan preparasi sampel dalam DBS menggunakan Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi-Photodiode Array (KCKT-PDA) yang optimum dan tervalidasi sesuai pedoman Food and Drug Administration (2018). Analisis dilakukan menggunakan KCKT-PDA dengan kolom C18 (Waters, Sunfire TM, 5 µm; 250 x 4,6 mm). Elusi dilakukan dengan fase gerak metanol-asetonitril-air (44:10:46) secara isokratik dengan laju alir, 1,0 mL/menit, suhu kolom 35ºC, dan volume injeksi 20 µl. Preparasi sampel dilakukan dengan menotolkan 30 µl darah mengandung fenitoin pada Dried Blood Spot (DBS) lalu dikeringkan selama 120 menit. DBS kemudian dipotong menjadi kecil (dipotong menjadi kecil ±3 mm) dan dimasukan ke dalam sample cup dan ditambahkan 30 µl karbamazapein 10 µg/mL sebagai baku dalam dan diekstraksi. Proses ekstraksi dilakukan dengan menambahkan 400 µl metanol ke dalam sample cup, lalu dikocok dengan vorteks selama 30 detik, disonikasi selama 15 menit, dan disentrifugasi dengan kecepatan 10.000 rpm selama 5 menit. Supernatan kemudian dipipet sebanya 300 µl dan dikeringkan dengan aliran gas nitrogen. Ekstrak kering direkonstitusi menggunakan 100 µl fase gerak lalu divorteks selama 30 detik, disonikasi 2 menit, dan disentrifugasi dengan kecepatan 10.000 rpm selama 3 menit. Metode ini sudah memenuhi parameter validasi penuh menurut Food and Drug Administration (2018) dengan LLOQ 0,1 µg/mL dan rentang kurva kalibrasi 0,1-50 µg/mL dengan koefisien korelasi (r) 0,9989-0,9994. ......Phenytoin is an anticonvulsant drug which can be use in the management of epilepsy, tonic-clonic seizure, complex partial seizure, and status epilepticus. Phenytoin has a narrow therapeutic index (10–20 µg/mL), non-linear pharmacokinetics profile, and serious neurotoxicity and cardiotoxicity potentials. Thus, therapeutic drug monitoring of phenytoin serum level is required to ensure therapy’s safety and efficiency. This study aims to obtain an optimum and validated analysis and preparation method for phenytoin in Dried Blood Spot (DBS) using HPLC-PDA based on Food and Drug Administration Guidelines (2018). The quantification of phenytoin is performed using C18 (Waters, Sunfire, 5 µm; 250 x 4,6 mm) column with injection volume of 20 µl. The mobile phase consists of methanol-acetonitrile-water (44:10:46) with 1,0 ml/min flow rate and the column temperature maintained at 35ºC. Sample in DBS was extracted by liquid-liquid extraction using 400 µl of methanol which was then mixed by vortex for 30 seconds, sonicated for 15 minutes, and centrifugated at 10.000 rpm for 5 minutes. Supernatant obtained was pipetted for 30 µl and evaporated using nitrogen gas flow. The dried extract was reconstituted with 100 µg of the mobile phase, mixed by vortex for 30 seconds, sonicated for 2 minutes, and centrifugated at 10.000 rpm for 3 minutes. This method has met the qualifications for a validated analytical method set by the Food and Drug Administration Guidelines (2018). The LLOQ value was 0,1 µg/mL and the range of calibration curve was 0,1-50 µg/mL (r = 0,9989 – 0,9994).
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Permata
Abstrak :
Antalgin dan klorfeniramin maleat merupakan bahan kimia obat yang seringkali ditambahkan pada obat tradisional pegal linu atau reumatik, sehingga diperlukan metode analisis untuk identifikasi bahan kimia obat tersebut dalam obat tradisional. Metode analisis menggunakan Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi (KCKT) dengan detektor photodiode array telah dikembangkan dan dioptimasi untuk identifikasi antalgin dan klorfeniramin maleat dalam sediaan serbuk obat tradisional. Spiked sampel dipreparasi melalui pemisahan dengan solid phase extraction menggunakan catridge mixed mode exchanger (MCX) dengan tujuan meminimalisir pengaruh matriks. Pemisahan secara kromatografi dilakukan dengan menggunakan kolom C18 Waters-Xbridge (4,6 x 250 mm, ukuran partikel 5 μm), dengan fase gerak dapar fosfat pH 3,72 dan asetonitril (85:15), program gradien, dengan kecepatan alir 1,0 mL/menit. Kondisi optimum ini membutuhkan waktu analisis 21 menit. Uji perolehan kembali untuk antalgin 93,10%-105,43% dan untuk klorfeniramin maleat 69,76%-77,09%, dan batas deteksi untuk antalgin adalah 0,10 μg/mL dan untuk klorfeniramin maleat adalah 0,19 μg/mL. ......Antalgin and chlorpeniramine maleat are usually found in stiffness or rheumatic traditional medicine as adulterants, analytical method is required to identification that adulterants in traditional medicine. Analysis method using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with photodiode array detector has been developed and optimation for identification of antalgin and chlorpheniramine maleat in traditional medicine powder. Preparation of spiked sample using solid phase extraction with mixed mode exchanger (MCX) catridge for minimization of the matrix effect. Chromatographic separation using column C18 Waters-Xbridge (4.6 x 250 mm, particle size 5 μm), phosphate buffer pH 3.72 and acetonitril (85:15) as the mobile phase, gradient program, at flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. This Optimum condition need 21 minutes for analysis. Recovery ranged for antalgin from 93.10%-105.43% and 69.76%-77.09% for chlorpheniramine maleat dan limit of detection of antalgin is 0.10 μg/mL and for chlorpheniramine maleat is 0.19 μg/mL.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Citra Dara Malia
Abstrak :
Metformin merupakan obat yang secara luas digunakan sebagai agen hiperglikemia. Pada umumnya, biosampling metformin menggunakan teknik venipuncture. Namun dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan teknik biosampling Dried Blood Spot DBS yang memberikan lebih banyak keuntungan dibanding teknik biosampling lainnya. Metformin dilaporkan terpartisi pada eritrosit, sehingga teknik biosampling DBS dapat dipertimbangkan. Uji farmakokinetika terhadap metformin hidroklorida dengan teknik biosampling DBS menjadi yang pertama kali dilakukan. Analisis metformin dilakukan pada 6 subjek sehat yang mengkonsumsi tablet metformin hidroklorida 850 mg sebagai bentuk pengaplikasian in vivo metode yang telah tervalidasi. Pengambilan darah pada subjek akan dilakukan sebanyak 12 titik pada beberapa interval waktu hingga jam ke-12. Analisis menggunakan kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi- photodiode array. Hasil validasi metode secara parsial menghasilkan akurasi dan presisi intra hari yang memenuhi persyaratan sesuai dengan EMEA Guidelines. Kurva kalibrasi yang linear didapat pada rentang 25-5000 ng/mL dengan r= 0,9990. Diperoleh profil farmakokinetika metformin dalam DBS 6 subjek sehat dengan rentang Cmax berkisar antara 347,3- 416,22 ng/mL. Diperoleh rata-rata tmax dan t1/2 sebesar 3 dan 2 jam secara berturut-turut, serta rata-rata AUC0-t dan AUC0- infin; 1571 dan 1621 ng/mL secara berturut-turut. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa metode ini dapat aplikasikan secara in vivo dengan beberapa pengembangan.
Metformin is a drug widely used as an agent of hyperglycemia. In general, metformin biosampling uses venipuncture technique. However in this research, Dried Blood Spot DBS biosampling technique is being developed because it gives more advantages compared to other biosampling techniques. Metformin is reported to be partitioned into erythrocytes, therefore DBS biosampling technique could be considered. Pharmacokinetics tests on metformin hydrochloride by DBS biosampling technique became the first performed. Further pharmacokinetic test data can be developed for bioequivalence test BE and other clinical trials. Metformin analysis was performed on 6 healthy subjects who consumed 850 mg metformin hydrochloride tablet as a form of applying in vivo validated method. Blood taking on the subjects will be taken in 12 points at several time intervals up to 12 hour. Analysis using high performance liquid chromatography photodiode array. This method validation result has met the requirements of intraday accuracy and precision in accordance with the EMEA Guidelines. The linear calibration curve was obtained in the range 25 5000 ng mL with r 0.9990. Pharmacokinetics profile of metformin was obtained in 6 healthy subjects rsquo DBS with Cmax 347.3 416,22 ng mL. The average tmax and t1 2 was on 3 and 2 hours, respectively, also the average AUC0 t and AUC0 infin was on 1571 and 1621 ng mL, respectively. These show that this method can be applied in vivo with some development.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Faris
Abstrak :
Esomeprazol adalah obat golongan penghambat pompa proton dengan indikasi untuk refluks gastroesofageal. Esomeprazol tidak stabil terhadap pH, panas, kelembaban dan oksidasi, sehingga seringkali membuat esomeprazol terdegradasi pada saat penyimpanan dan dapat mempengaruhi analisis esomeprazol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis stabilitas in vivo esomeprazol dalam plasma dengan menguji incurred sample stability esomeprazol pada 6 subjek sehat di hari ke 7, 14 dan 28, pada 2 titik konsentrasi sekitar Cmax dan 1 titik pada fase eliminasi yang sebelumnya ditentukan dengan membuat profil farmakokinetika pada subjek yang diambil sampelnya setelah pemberian esomeprazol magnesium 40 mg. Kondisi kromatografi yang digunakan adalah kolom C18 Waters, SunfireTM 5 um; 250 x 4,6 mm, suhu kolom 40 C fase gerak asetonitril ndash; dapar fosfat pH 7,6 40 : 60 v/v ; laju alir 1,00 mL/menit; detektor photodiode array pada panjang gelombang 300 nm; dan lansoprazol sebagai baku dalam. Profil farmakokinetika esomeprazol dalam sampel plasma memberikan hasil; Cmax 704,57 ndash; 1425,85 ng/mL; tmax rata-rata 2,25 jam; AUC0-t 2444,10 ng.jam/mL. Incurred sample stability esomeprazol pada plasma 6 subjek sehat sampai hari ke-28, menunjukkan hasil yang memenuhi persyaratan berdasarkan EMEA Bioanalytical Guideline tahun 2011 dengan nilai diff tidak lebih dari 20, yaitu 11,64.
Esomeprazole is one of the proton pump inhibitor that indicated for gastroesophageal reflux. Esomeprazole is unstable against pH, heat, moisture and oxidation, which often makes esomeprazole degraded at the time of storage and may affect the analysis result. This research aims to analyse the in vivo stability of esomeprazole on subjects rsquo plasma samples by testing incurred sample stability of esomeprazole at time of day 7, 14 and 28 on 2 concentration close to Cmax and 1 on the elimination phase after being given 40 mg esomeprazole magnesium. The chromatographic condition was obtained using C18 column Waters, Sunfire trade 5 um 250 x 4.6 mm, column temperature 40 C mobile phase acetonitrile phosphate buffer pH 7.6 40 60 v v a flow rate of 1.00 mL min photodiode array detector at a wavelength of 300 nm and lansoprazole as internal standard. The esomeprazole pharmacokinetics profile in the plasma samples gave results Cmax 704.57 1425.85 ng mL tmax is 2.25 hours AUC0 t 2444 ng.h mL. The result of esomeprazoles incurred sample stability on plasma samples obtained from six healthy subjects until 28 days, shows that it fulfilled the acceptance criteria of EMEA Bioanalytical Guideline with diff value of all incurred samples were less than 20, which is 11.64.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
N. Nagara
Abstrak :
We developed a gamma ray detector with an LuAG:Pr scintillator and an avalanche photodiode as a detector for a positron emission tomography (PET) system. Studies have been performed on the influences of gamma irradiation on application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) preamp boards used as a detector module. As a device used in nuclear environments for substantial durations, the ASIC has to have a lifetime long enough to ensure that there will be a negligible failure rate during this period. These front-end systems must meet the requirements for standard positron emission tomography (PET) systems. Therefore, an equivalent noise charge (ENC) experiment is needed to measure the front-end system's characteristics. This study showed that minimum ENC conditions can be achieved if a shorter shaping time could be applied.
Center for Informatics and Nuclear Strategic Zone Utilization, 2016
607 AIJ 42:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library