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Imelda Krisanta Enda Savitri
Abstrak :
Racun duri Acanthaster planci memiliki beragam aktifitas biologi yaitu aktifitas lethal, aktifitas hemolitik, aktifitas myonecrotic, aktifitas pendarahan, peningkatan aktifitas permeabilitas kapiler, aktifitas edema, aktifitas phospholipase-A2 (PLA2), aktifitas pelepasan histamin dari mast cell dan aktifitas kardio vaskular. Racun duri Acanthaster planci mengandung phospholipase A2 (PLA2), plancitoxin yang homolog dengan deoxyribonuklease II pada mamalia dan plancinin peptida antikoagulan. Berbagai penelitian terdahulu membuktikan bahwa racun yang berasal dari berbagai hewan mengandung senyawa yang potensial dikembangkan sebagai bahan antibiotik dan terapeutik untuk mengobati suatu penyakit. Dengan potensi aktivitas biologi tersebut racun Acanthaster planci dapat berkontribusi di bidang medis yang bisa menjadi masukan bagi pendapatan negara. Efek antimikrobial hasil aktifitas hidrolisis komponen fosfolipid membran sel mikroba oleh enzim PLA2 dapat bermanfaat bagi pengembangan bahan antibiotik. PLA2 yang dimurnikan dari racun ular memiliki aktifitas antibakteri terhadap Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus vulgaris, Proteus mirabilis, and Burkholderia pseudomallei. Selain itu, PLA2 memiliki aktifitas antiHIV melalui mekanisme penghambatan pelepasan intraseluler protein capsid virus dan diasumsikan PLA2 memblok virus masuk ke dalam sel inang sebelum virus tersebut membuka selaputnya dan secara independent memanfaatkan koreseptornya. PLA2 melindungi sel limfosit T manusia dengan memblok virus yang memiliki selubung luar mengandung fosfolipid. Acanthaster planci merupakan predator yang mengancam populasi karang terutama ketika terjadi peledakan populasi. Pemanfaatan Acanthaster planci untuk produksi PLA2 dapat menjadi alternatif produktif upaya pengendalian populasinya sekaligus membuatnya menjadi lebih berguna. Purifikasi PLA2 racun duri Acanthaster planci telah dilakukan oleh Shiomi dan koleganya menggunakan rangkaian kolom kromatografi bertingkat, memerlukan biaya yang relative mahal dan membutuhkan waktu beberapa hari, sehingga dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan metode purifikasi yang sederhana dan cepat dengan biaya yang relatif murah. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan bagi upaya pemanfaatan Acanthaster planci untuk menghasilkan PLA2 yang berpeluang dikembangkan sebagai bahan antibakteri dan antiHIV. Penerapan metode percobaan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini memberikan hasil sebagai berikut :  Proses ekstraksi racun dari jaringan duri Acanthaster planci berlangsung efektif melalui proses sonikasi pada 20 kHz selama 2x8 menit (intensitas 80% dan output 10). Racun yang terekstraksi tertampung dalam larutan 0,01 M bufer fosfat pH 7,0 mengandung 0,001 M CaCl2 yang digunakan sebagai media ekstraksi disebut crude venom. Pengujian secara kualitatif menggunakan darah manusia yang diberi perlakuan crude venom (1:1) memperlihatkan antikoagulasi darah oleh plancinin yang terkandung dalam racun membuktikan keberhasilan proses ekstraksi. Pada awalnya dilakukan pula metode ekstraksi dengan cara duri diblender terlebih dahulu dan dilanjutkan dengan disonikasi. Untuk meminimalisir protein kontaminan yang berasal dari jaringan duri dan mempertimbangkan efisiensi maka metode ini kemudian tidak diterapkan.

Purifikasi phospholipase A2 racun duri Acanthaster placi dari Ambon-Maluku melalui pengendapan amonium sulfat bertahap pada tingkat kejenuhan 20% terhadap crude venom yang telah dipanaskan efektif memurnikan PLA2. Hasil elektroforesis SDSPAGE memperlihatkan isolat PLA2 memiliki satu pita protein sedangkan crude venom memiliki empat pita protein. Isolat PLA2 yang dihasilkan memiliki aktifitas spesifik 20 kali aktifitas spesifik crude venom. Pemanasan crude venom pada 60oC selama 30 menit yang diikuti dengan sentrifugasi selama 30 menit pada 15.000xg dan 4oC memisahkan protein tidak tahan panas dari PLA2. Metode purifikasi ini juga diterapkan pada racun duri Acanthaster planci dari Sorong-Papua namun belum berhasil. Sedangkan purifikasi PLA2 melalui pengendapan menggunakan etanol dengan tingkat kejenuhan 80% tidak efektif memurnikan PLA2 namun dapat meningkatkan aktifitasnya menjadi lima kali aktifitas crude venom. Hasil eksperimen ini dipublikasikan di International Journal of Pharma and Bio Science Vol 2/issue 2/Apr-Jun 2011 and International Journal of Pharma and Bio Science 2012 Oct; 3(4):(B) 603-608  Pengujian aktifitas antibakteri menggunakan metode difusi cakram memperlihatkan terbentuknya zona bening disekitar cakram PLA2 pada kultur Staphylococcus aureus yang mengindikasikan bahwa PLA2 racun duri Acanthaster planci memiliki aktifitas antibakteri terhadap Staphylococcus aureus pada dosis 2, 98 mg/ml. Hasil eksperimen ini dipublikasikan pada International journal of Pharma and Bio Sciene 2013 Apr; 4(2) : (B)1-5  Pengujian aktifitas antiHIV secara kualitatif menggunakan PBMC pasien HIV (ODHA) memperlihatkan terjadinya penurunan intensitas pita protein DNA pada hasil elektroforesis RT-PCR RNA sampel kultur HIV yang diberi perlakuan PLA2. Selanjutnya analisis kuantitatif hasil Green Fluoresence Particle memperlihatkan terjadinya penurunan jumlah sel yang terinfeksi HIV secara signifikan oleh perlakuan PLA2 dari 9,72% menjadi 0,29% yang mengindikasikan PLA2 racun duri Acanthaster planci memiliki aktifitas antiHIV. Hasil eksperimen ini dipublikasikan pada Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine (2014) 412-420  Biaya purifikasi PLA2 merupakan pembiayaan yang dibayarkan untuk 1) bahan kimia dan peralatan habis pakai, 2) listrik untuk operasional alat, 3) sewa peralatan dan 4) tenaga kerja. Hasil perhitungan biaya isolasi-purifikasi PLA2 menghasilkan nilai Rp. 446.192,- per 50 gram duri dengan hasil yang diperoleh adalah 4,622 mg PLA2. Biaya purifikasi PLA2 miniscale yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini efisien untuk diterapkan dimana harga komersial PLA2 racun ular Crotalus amandetus (Worthington, USA) adalah Rp. 590.000 per mg (59.00 US Dolar).

Hasil pengolahan data citra satelit tahun (2006) yang diunduh dari website NASA pada Juni 2013 memperlihatkan luas areal terumbu karang yang merupakan habitan Acanthaster planci adalah 94,83 hektar. Diperkirakan pada luas areal tersebut terdapat 550 individu dewasa dan jumlah yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menghasilkan PLA2 adalah 20% dari ketersediaannya per bulan. Berdasarkan hasil percobaan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa :  Metode sederhana dan cepat dengan biaya operasionil relatif murah melalui pengendapan 20% amonium sulfat terhadap crude venom yang dipanaskan terlebih dahulu efektif memurnikan PLA2 dari racun duri Acanthaster planci dengan tingkat kemurnian dan aktifitas spesifik yang tinggi. Sedangkan metode pengendapan menggunakan etanol 80% tidak efektif memurnikan PLA2 dari racun duri Acanthaster planci namun dapat meningkatkan aktivitasnya menjadi 5 kali crude venom. PLA2 racun duri Acanthaster planci memiliki aktifitas antibakteri terhadap Staphylococcus aureus dan aktifitas antiHIV.  Biaya miniscale operasional purifikasi PLA2 efisien untuk diterapkan dan ketersediaan Acanthaster planci di perairan Liang dan pulau Pombo yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menghasilkan PLA2 adalah sebesar 20% per bulan. ;
Spines venom of Acanthaster planci have various biological activities: lethal activity, hemolytic, myonecrotic, bleeding, increased capillary permeability, edema, phospholipase A2 (PLA2), the activity of histamine release from mast cells and cardio vascular activity. Spines venom of Acanthaster planci containing phospholipase A2 (PLA2), plancitoxin which is homologous with mammals deoxyribonuklease II and plancinin anticoagulant peptide. Previous studies prove that the venoms derived from animals contain various compounds that are potential to be developed as antibiotic and therapeutic agents to treat a disease. Acanthaster planci spines venom with various potential biological activity may contribute in the medical field that can be input for the state revenue. Antimicrobial effect results by hydrolysis activity of PLA2 on microbial cell membrane phospholipids can be beneficial to the development of antibiotic agent. PLA2 purified from snake venom have antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus vulgaris, Proteus mirabilis, and Burkholderia pseudomallei. In addition, PLA2 has antiHIV activity through inhibition of the release mechanism of intracellular viral capsid proteins and assumed PLA2 blocking viral entry into host cells before the virus opens membranes and independently utilize koreseptornya. PLA2 protect human T lymphocytes by blocking viruses that have outer sheath containing phospholipids. Acanthaster planci is a predator threatens coral populations, especially when there is a outbreak population. Acanthaster planci utilization for the production of PLA2 can be an effort population control productively and make it more useful. Purification of Acanthaster planci spines venom PLA2 has been done by Shiomi and colleagues by using a series of chromatography columns which is relatively expensive and takes a few days, so a simple and fast method with a relatively low cost was developed in this study.

The results of this study are expected to be input for utilaization of Acanthaster planci to produce PLA2 that can be developed as antibacterial and antiHIV agents. Experiments method were conducted in this study gave the following results:  Venom extraction from the spines of Acanthaster planci was effective through the process of sonication at 20 kHz for 2x8 minutes (intensity 80% and 10 outputs). Venom was accumulated in extraction medium solution of 0.01 M phosphate buffer pH 7.0 containing 0.001 M CaCl2 called crude venom. Qualitative tested by using human blood treated with crude venom (1: 1) showed the blood anticoagulation by plancinin contained in the venom, proves the extraction process successfully. At the previous conducted on a method of extraction, the spines were blended first and followed by sonicated. To minimize contaminant proteins derived from spines tissue and consider the efficiency, this method was not implemented. Purification of phospholipase A2 from spines venom of Ambon-Maluku Acanthaster placi by using fractionated ammonium sulfate precipitation at 20% saturation of the heated crude venomwas done effectively. SDS-PAGE electrophoresis showed PLA2 isolates has one protein band while the crude venom has four protein bands. PLA2 isolates has a specific activity 20 times the specific activity of crude venom. Heated the crude venom at 60°C for 30 minutes followed by centrifugation for 30 minutes at 15.000xg and 4°C separated PLA2 from the other heat sensitive proteins. This method was also implemented to purify PLA2 spines venom of Acanthaster planci from Sorong-Papua, but have not been successful. While PLA2 purification by using ethanol precipitation at a level of 80% saturation was not effective but increased the specific activity into five times crude venom specific activity. This Experimental results were published in the International Journal of Pharma and Bio Science Vol 2 / issue 2 / Apr-June 2011 and the International Journal of Pharma and Bio Science 2012 Oct; 3 (4) :( B) 603-608.  Investigated of antibacterial activity by using disc diffusion method exhibited clear zone around the disc pre-added PLA2 on Staphylococcus aureus culture, indicated PLA2 of Acanthaster planci spines venom has antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus. This experimental result was published in International journal of Pharma and Bio Sciene 2013 Apr; 4(2) : (B)1-5  Qualitative investigated of antiHIV activity by using PBMCs of HIV patient showed a decrease of the DNA protein band intensity in electrophoresis result of RT-PCR RNA sample of the HIV cultured treated with PLA2. Furthermore, quantitative analysis of the Green Fluorescence Particle results showed the decline significantly from 9.72% into 0.29% in the number of HIV-infected cells by PLA2 treatment, indicated PLA2 of Acanthaster planci spines venom has antiHIV activity.This experimental result was published in Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine(2014) 412-420  The cost of PLA2 purification was paid for : 1) chemicals and equipment consumables, 2) electricity for the operation of the tools, 3) tools rental and 4) labor. The cost of PLA2 purification was Rp. 446.192,- per 50 grams spines with the results obtained was 4.622 mg PLA2. Miniscale purification costs performed in this study was efficiently implemented which is the commercial prices PLA2 is ± 590,000 rupiahs per mg (59,00 US dolar) (Worthington USA product of snake venom Crotalus amandetus PLA2). Thus purification of PLA2 from Acanthaster planci spines venom might be have a good prospect to be developed.  Acanthaster planci survay was done on March 2013 in Eastern part Ambon water, especially in Liang (dusun Tanjung and dusun Batu Dua) and Pombo island obtained the average density value of 5.8 adult individuals per hectare. Satellite images (2006) downloaded from NASA website in June 2013 shown coral reefs area as the habitat of Acanthaster planci is 94.83 acres. Total estimated of adult Acanthaster planci in those area was 550 and the availablelity number that can be used to produce PLA2 was 20% per month. , Spines venom of Acanthaster planci have various biological activities: lethal activity, hemolytic, myonecrotic, bleeding, increased capillary permeability, edema, phospholipase A2 (PLA2), the activity of histamine release from mast cells and cardio vascular activity. Spines venom of Acanthaster planci containing phospholipase A2 (PLA2), plancitoxin which is homologous with mammals deoxyribonuklease II and plancinin anticoagulant peptide. Previous studies prove that the venoms derived from animals contain various compounds that are potential to be developed as antibiotic and therapeutic agents to treat a disease. Acanthaster planci spines venom with various potential biological activity may contribute in the medical field that can be input for the state revenue. Antimicrobial effect results by hydrolysis activity of PLA2 on microbial cell membrane phospholipids can be beneficial to the development of antibiotic agent. PLA2 purified from snake venom have antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus vulgaris, Proteus mirabilis, and Burkholderia pseudomallei. In addition, PLA2 has antiHIV activity through inhibition of the release mechanism of intracellular viral capsid proteins and assumed PLA2 blocking viral entry into host cells before the virus opens membranes and independently utilize koreseptornya. PLA2 protect human T lymphocytes by blocking viruses that have outer sheath containing phospholipids. Acanthaster planci is a predator threatens coral populations, especially when there is a outbreak population. Acanthaster planci utilization for the production of PLA2 can be an effort population control productively and make it more useful. Purification of Acanthaster planci spines venom PLA2 has been done by Shiomi and colleagues by using a series of chromatography columns which is relatively expensive and takes a few days, so a simple and fast method with a relatively low cost was developed in this study. The results of this study are expected to be input for utilaization of Acanthaster planci to produce PLA2 that can be developed as antibacterial and antiHIV agents. Experiments method were conducted in this study gave the following results:  Venom extraction from the spines of Acanthaster planci was effective through the process of sonication at 20 kHz for 2x8 minutes (intensity 80% and 10 outputs). Venom was accumulated in extraction medium solution of 0.01 M phosphate buffer pH 7.0 containing 0.001 M CaCl2 called crude venom. Qualitative tested by using human blood treated with crude venom (1: 1) showed the blood anticoagulation by plancinin contained in the venom, proves the extraction process successfully. At the previous conducted on a method of extraction, the spines were blended first and followed by sonicated. To minimize contaminant proteins derived from spines tissue and consider the efficiency, this method was not implemented. Purification of phospholipase A2 from spines venom of Ambon-Maluku Acanthaster placi by using fractionated ammonium sulfate precipitation at 20% saturation of the heated crude venomwas done effectively. SDS-PAGE electrophoresis showed PLA2 isolates has one protein band while the crude venom has four protein bands. PLA2 isolates has a specific activity 20 times the specific activity of crude venom. Heated the crude venom at 60°C for 30 minutes followed by centrifugation for 30 minutes at 15.000xg and 4°C separated PLA2 from the other heat sensitive proteins. This method was also implemented to purify PLA2 spines venom of Acanthaster planci from Sorong-Papua, but have not been successful. While PLA2 purification by using ethanol precipitation at a level of 80% saturation was not effective but increased the specific activity into five times crude venom specific activity. This Experimental results were published in the International Journal of Pharma and Bio Science Vol 2 / issue 2 / Apr-June 2011 and the International Journal of Pharma and Bio Science 2012 Oct; 3 (4) :( B) 603-608.  Investigated of antibacterial activity by using disc diffusion method exhibited clear zone around the disc pre-added PLA2 on Staphylococcus aureus culture, indicated PLA2 of Acanthaster planci spines venom has antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus. This experimental result was published in International journal of Pharma and Bio Sciene 2013 Apr; 4(2) : (B)1-5  Qualitative investigated of antiHIV activity by using PBMCs of HIV patient showed a decrease of the DNA protein band intensity in electrophoresis result of RT-PCR RNA sample of the HIV cultured treated with PLA2. Furthermore, quantitative analysis of the Green Fluorescence Particle results showed the decline significantly from 9.72% into 0.29% in the number of HIV-infected cells by PLA2 treatment, indicated PLA2 of Acanthaster planci spines venom has antiHIV activity.This experimental result was published in Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine(2014) 412-420  The cost of PLA2 purification was paid for : 1) chemicals and equipment consumables, 2) electricity for the operation of the tools, 3) tools rental and 4) labor. The cost of PLA2 purification was Rp. 446.192,- per 50 grams spines with the results obtained was 4.622 mg PLA2. Miniscale purification costs performed in this study was efficiently implemented which is the commercial prices PLA2 is ± 590,000 rupiahs per mg (59,00 US dolar) (Worthington USA product of snake venom Crotalus amandetus PLA2). Thus purification of PLA2 from Acanthaster planci spines venom might be have a good prospect to be developed.  Acanthaster planci survay was done on March 2013 in Eastern part Ambon water, especially in Liang (dusun Tanjung and dusun Batu Dua) and Pombo island obtained the average density value of 5.8 adult individuals per hectare. Satellite images (2006) downloaded from NASA website in June 2013 shown coral reefs area as the habitat of Acanthaster planci is 94.83 acres. Total estimated of adult Acanthaster planci in those area was 550 and the availablelity number that can be used to produce PLA2 was 20% per month. ]
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fithrotul Hashiinah
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) merupakan tanaman obat asli Indonesia yang telah dilaporkan memiliki efek eradikasi terhadap biofilm Candida albicans. Faktor virulensi C. albicans di antaranya adalah aktivitas enzim fosfolipase dan pembentukan biofilm. Tujuan: Menganalisis aktivitas enzim fosfolipase ketiga fase biofilm C. albicans yang tereradikasi ekstrak etanol temulawak. Metode: Pada penelitian ini, kelompok perlakuan dipaparkan ekstrak etanol temulawak (EET), kelompok kontrol positif dipaparkan nystatin, dan kelompok kontrol negatif tidak dipaparkan apapun. Biofilm C. albicans diinkubasi selama 6, 24, dan 48 jam untuk mencapai fase awal, menengah, dan maturasi. Setelah inkubasi, biofilm C. albicans dipaparkan EET dengan konsentrasi sesuai kadar eradikasi biofilm minimal. Media egg yolk agar digunakan untuk mengobservasi aktivitas enzim fosfolipase C. albicans. Hasil: Nilai aktivitas enzim fosfolipase (nilai Pz) kelompok perlakuan secara berturut-turut pada fase awal, menengah, dan maturasi adalah 0,67, 0,66, 0,70. Nilai Pz kelompok kontrol negatif secara berturut-turut pada fase awal, menengah, dan maturasi adalah 0,51, 0,50, 0,47. Kontrol positif pada ketiga fase memiliki nilai Pz 1. Kesimpulan: Cenderung terjadi penurunan aktivitas enzim fosfolipase pada biofilm C. albicans yang tereradikasi ekstrak etanol temulawak dibandingkan pada kelompok kontrol negatif.
Background: Javanese turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) is an original Indonesian medicinal plant that has been reported for having eradication effect to Candida albicans biofilm. Virulence factors of C. albicans are including biofilm formation and phospholipase enzyme activity. Objective: Analyzing phospholipase enzyme activity on three biofilm phases of C. albicans that has been eradicated by Javanese turmeric ethanol extract. Method: The treatment group was exposed to Javanese turmeric ethanol extract, the positive control group was exposed to nystatin, and negative control group wasnt exposed to anything. C. albicans biofilm was incubated for 6, 24, and 48 hours to achieve initial, intermediate, and maturation phase. After incubation, the biofilm was exposed to minimum biofilm eradication concentration of Javanese turmeric ethanol extract. Egg yolk agar medium was used to observe phospholipase enzyme activity of C. albicans. Result: Phospholipase enzyme activity value (Pz value) of the treatment group on initial, intermediate, and maturation phase respectively are 0,67, 0,66, and 0,70. Pz value of the negative control group on initial, intermediate, and maturation phase respectively are 0,51, 0,50, and 0,47. Positive control of every phase has Pz value = 1. Conclusion: There is tendency of lowering phospholipase enzyme activity of C. albicans biofilm that has been eradicated by Javanese turmeric ethanol extract compared to the negative control group.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ramadhita Nur Fajriana
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) merupakan tanaman obat asli Indonesia yang mengandung zat antijamur. Faktor virulensi berperan penting dalam proses infeksi Candida albicans, salah satunya adalah sekresi enzim fosfolipase yang dapat merusak membran sel inang. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh penghambatan dan pemberantasan aktivitas enzim fosfolipase pada fase awal, intermediet, dan pematangan biofilm C. albicans ATCC 10231. Metode: Efek penghambatan ekstrak etanol temulawak diamati dengan menginkubasi C. albicans selama 1,5 jam, kemudian dipapar ekstrak KHBM50. etanol temulawak kemudian diinkubasi selama 6, 24, dan 48 jam untuk mencapai fase awal, intermediet, dan pematangan biofilm C. albicans. Efek eradikasi diamati dengan menginkubasi C. albicans selama 6, 24, dan 48 jam, kemudian dipapar KEBM50 EET dan diinkubasi pada suhu 37ºC selama 24 jam. KHBM50 dan KEBM50 EET (kelompok perlakuan), nistatin 100.000 IU (kontrol positif), dan SDB (kontrol negatif). Aktivitas enzim fosfolipase dianalisis berdasarkan luas zona pengendapan yang terbentuk pada agar kuning telur. Hasil: KHBM50 EET pada fase awal 15%, intermediate 15%, dan pematangan 25%. Nilai KEBM50 EET untuk ketiga fase biofilm C. albicans adalah 35%. Pada kontrol positif baik inhibisi maupun eradikasi, tidak terlihat adanya zona presipitasi pada ketiga fase biofilm C. albicans. Sementara itu, kelompok penghambatan dan pemberantasan menunjukkan ukuran zona pengendapan yang lebih kecil jika dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol negatif pada ketiga fase biofilm C. albicans. Kesimpulan: Aktivitas enzim fosfolipase cenderung menurun pada fase awal, menengah, dan pematangan biofilm C. albicans setelah penghambatan dan eradikasi ekstrak etanol temulawak.
Background: Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) is a medicinal plant native to Indonesia that contains antifungal substances. Virulence factors play an important role in the process of Candida albicans infection, one of which is the secretion of phospholipase enzymes that can damage host cell membranes. Objective: This study aimed to analyze the effect of inhibition and eradication of phospholipase enzyme activity in the early, intermediate, and maturation phases of C. albicans ATCC 10231 biofilm. Methods: The inhibitory effect of temulawak ethanol extract was observed by incubating C. albicans for 1.5 hours, then exposed to KHBM50 extract. Temulawak ethanol was then incubated for 6, 24, and 48 hours to reach the initial, intermediate, and maturation phases of the C. albicans biofilm. The eradication effect was observed by incubating C. albicans for 6, 24, and 48 hours, then exposed to KEBM50 EET and incubated at 37ºC for 24 hours. KHBM50 and KEBM50 EET (treatment group), nystatin 100,000 IU (positive control), and SDB (negative control). The activity of the phospholipase enzyme was analyzed based on the area of ​​the deposition zone formed on egg yolk agar. Results: KHBM50 EET in early phase 15%, intermediate 15%, and maturation 25%. The KEBM50 EET value for the three phases of the C. albicans biofilm was 35%. In the positive control, both inhibition and eradication, no precipitation zones were seen in the three phases of the C. albicans biofilm. Meanwhile, the inhibition and eradication groups showed a smaller deposition zone size when compared to the negative control group in all three phases of the C. albicans biofilm. Conclusion: The activity of the phospholipase enzyme tends to decrease in the early, intermediate, and maturation phases of C. albicans biofilm after inhibition and eradication of ethanol extract of temulawak.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Skripsihana Ihtiarto
Abstrak :
Ledakan populasi bintang laut berduri Acanthaster planci telah menyebabkan kerusakan sistem terumbu karang dalam jumlah yang signifikan di wilayah Indo-Pasifik. Usaha kontrol populasi yang dilakukan banyak menghabiskan biaya sementara kandungan enzim Fosfolipase A2 (PLA2) dalam racun duri A.planci yang merupakan molekul efektor penting pertahanan sel belum dimanfaatkan lebih lanjut. Berbagai penelitian mengenai PLA2 A.planci sebagai antibiotic muncul menjadi langkah awal solusi mendatangkan nilai tambah dalam permasalahan yang dihadapi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui ada tidaknya sifat antibakteri PLA2 A.planci terhadap bakteri uji. Melalui metode pemurnian parsial kombinasi presipitasi ammonium sulfat dan pemanasan, penelitian ini berhasil mendapatkan ekstrak racun dengan kemurnian PLA2 tertinggi 2.29 kali crude venom. Hasil pengujian aktivitas antibakteri dengan metode difusi menunjukan bahwa enzim PLA2 duri bintang laut Acanthaster planci memiliki sifat antibakteri terhadap bakteri gram positif B. subtilis, M. luteus, dan S. aureus. ......Population outbreaks of the Crown-of-Thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci, have been known to cause considerable amounts of damage to coral reef systems in Indo-Pacific region. Population control already spent a lot of costs while the content of phospholipase A2 (PLA2) enzyme in the venom A.planci which is an important effector molecule of the cell's defense has not been exploited further. Various studies on PLA2 A.planci as antibiotics have been conducted and became the first step to give added value solutions to the problems faced. Using partial purification method combining ammonium sulfate precipitation and heating, this research successfully obtained venom extract with the highest purity of PLA2 2.29 times compare to crude venom. The test results of antibacterial activity by the diffusion method showed that the PLA2 enzyme of Acanthaster planci have antibacterial properties against gram-positive bacteria B. subtilis, M. luteus, and S. aureus.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library