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Siti Fatimah
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan penelitian dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi doping Asam Perklorat terhadap sifat dielektrik Polianilin. Sintesis PANi konduktif dilakukan melalui serangkaian proses terdiri dari reaksi oksidatif kimiawi untuk melangsungkan proses polimerisasi selama 8 jam dengan hasil berupa PANi Emeraldin (PANi-ES). Tahapan proses sintesis PANi-ES ini diikuti dengan tahapan deprotonisasi untuk membentuk PANi basa atau PANi emeraldin-base (PANi-EB). Tahapan sintesis akhir adalah berupa tahapan untuk menimbulkan sifat konduktifitas listrik PANi melalui doping asam kuat perklorat (HClO4) dengan cara mencampurkan PANi-EB sebanyak 8 gram kedalam larutan asam perklorat dengan variasi fraksi volume 80-200 ml/l. Proses pengeringan PANi melaui metode pengeringan vakum mengambil waktu 1 minggu. Selama proses polimerisasi berlangsung dilakukan pengukuran temperatur larutan, perubahan pH dan viskositas serta ukuran rata-rata partikel PANi. Sampel yang terbuat dari PANi hasil sintesis tersebut kemudian dikarakterisasi dengan spektrofotometer FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy), LCR (Inductance (L), Capacitance (C), Resistance (R)) meter , PSA (Particle Size Analyzer), dan VNA (Vector Network Analyzer) untuk mengetahui gugus fungsi, konduktivitas, ukuran partikel, dan daya serap gelombang mikro dengan rentang frekuensi tertentu (8-12 GHz). Hasil karakterisasi berdasarkan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Polianilin (PANi) yang telah terdoping asam protonik (terprotonasi) telah menjadi polimer konduktif dan memiliki karakteristik puncak pita serapan IR pada bilangan gelombang antara 1325 cm-1 sampai 1575 cm-1. Ukuran partikel rata-rata Polianilin hasil sintesis adalah 20,7-36,24 mikrometer. Polianilin yang memiliki konduktivitas listrik tertinggi yaitu Polianilin dengan doping asam protonik HClO4 yang konsentrasinya 200 mL/L sebesar 5,2 mS/cm dan memiliki daya serapan gelombang mikro -3,45 dB pada frekuensi 10,44 GHz. ......Results of a study which aimed at to determine the effect of concentration of Perchloric Acid to the dielectric properties of Polyaniline are reported. In this study, conductive PANi was synthesized through a series of chemical oxidative reactions to carry out the polymerization process for 8 hours, which resulted in a PANi Emeraldin (PANi-ES). The synthesize processes of PANi-ES were followed by de-protonisation stage to form emeraldin-base PANi (PANi-EB). The final stage of conductive PANi was a protonisation stage to generate the electrical conductivity in synthesized PANi. This physical property was obtained through doping treatment by mixing between PANi-EB of 8 grams in mass and Perchloric Acid solution of 80-200 ml/l volume fractions. The drying process of conductive PANi was carried out through a vacuum drying method which required at least 1 week duration. During the polymerization process taking place, the temperature, a change in pH and viscosity as well as the mean size of the particles of solution were evaluated. The synthesized PANi were characterized by FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy), LCR (Inductance (L), Capacitance (C), Resistance (R)) meter, PSA (Particle Size Analyzer), and VNA (Vector Network Analyzer) to determine the functional groups, electrical conductivity, mean particle size, and the absorption of microwaves in the specific frequency range (8-12 GHz). According to the test results, it is shown that Polyaniline (PANi) doped by protonic acid (protonated) became a conductive polymer characterized by infra-red absorption peaks at wave numbers between 1325 cm-1 and 1575 cm-1. The mean particle size of changed from each starting from 20.7 to 36.24 micrometers during polymerization. PANi which has the highest electrical conductivity (5.2 mS/cm) was obtained in polyaniline which doped by HClO4 of 200 ml/L volume fraction. It has a reflection loss value of -3,45 dB at the frequency 10,44 GHz.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Irene Windar Andika
Abstrak :
Polianilin PANi adalah salah satu polimer konduktif yang paling banyak dipelajari. Pada penelitian ini, PANi telah berhasil disintesis melalui reaksi polimerisasi oksidatif kimia yang dilangsungkan pada 3 temperatur larutan berbeda yaitu masing-masing pada 17 0C, 27 0C dan 57 0C. Selama proses polimerisasi anilin berjalan terlihat adanya peningkatan temperatur larutan meskipun tidak signifikan sehingga selama durasi 500 menit reaksi berjalan, temperatur larutan relatif sama. Hasil dari reaksi polimerisasi oxidatif adalah berupa emeraldine base polyaniline atau PANi-EB. Struktur PANi dikonfirmasi dengan FTIR ditandai dengan adanya vibrasi stretching C-N bilangan gelombang 1144 cm-1 dan vibrasi stretching C=C dari benzenoid pada bilangan gelombang 1493 cm-1. Sifat konduktif PANi diperoleh melalui pemberian protonasi menggunakan asam kuat masing-masing HCl dan HClO4. Diperoleh hasil, nilai konduktivitas PANi-EB sebesar 0,92-4,67 x 10-6 S/cm. Nilai konduktivitas ini mengalami peningkatan 102 kali pasca doping menggunakan HCl dan 106 kali pasca doping HClO4. Nilai konduktivitas listrik tertinggi adalah sebesar 4,678 S/cm. Semua PANi hasil sintesis memiliki kemampuan penyerapan gelombang elektromagnetik pada rentang frekuensi 10 GHz-15 GHz. Nilai RL tertinggi sekitar -11 dB pada frekuensi 10,5 GHz dan 12.5 GHz diperoleh dari PANi-EB hasil polimerasi pasca deprotonasi. ......Polyaniline PANi is one of the most studied conductive polymers. In this study, PANi has been successfully synthesized through chemical oxidative polymerization reactions that were carried out at 3 different solution temperatures, respectively at 17 0C, 27 0C and 57 0C. During the aniline polymerization reaction, there was an increase in the temperature of the solution, although not significant, hence, during a duration of 500 minutes reaction time, the solution temperature was relatively un changed. Polymerization reaction has resulted PANi in the form of emeraldine base polyaniline or PANi EB. The formation of PANi was confirmed by FTIR, which characterized by vibration stretching C N at wave number 1144 cm 1 and vibration stretching C C of benzenoid at wave number 1493 cm 1. The conductive property of PANi was obtained through doping by a protonation using strong acids HCl and HClO4. It was found that conductivity value PANi EB was 0.92 4.67 x 10 6 S cm. This conductivity value increased 102 times after doped with HCl and 106 times after doped with HClO4. The highest electrical conductivity value was 4.678 S cm. All synthesized PANi has the ability to absorb electromagnetic waves in the frequency range 10 GHz 15 GHz. The highest RL values of about 11 dB at frequencies 10.5 GHz and 12.5 GHz were obtained from PANi EB.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library