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Ditemukan 31 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Asnita Naik Harianja
Abstrak :
Adanya perjanjian Asean-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA) telah meningkatkan persentase impor produk manufaktur asal Cina di Indonesia. Akibatnya, kompetisi produk yang dihasilkan industri manufaktur domestik dengan produk impor dari Cina semakin meningkat. Persaingan dari produk impor Cina diukur menggunakan penetrasi impor, dimana cara pengukurannya diperkenalkan oleh Bernard, Jensen, & Schott (2006). Tesis ini mengestimasi dampak penetrasi impor dari Cina terhadap upah industri manufaktur di Indonesia dengan menggunakan model fixed effect. Hasil estimasi menunjukkan bahwa penetrasi impor dari Cina berdampak negatif terhadap upah industri manufaktur. ...... The existence of the Asean-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA) agreement has increased the percentage of imports of Chinese manufactured products in Indonesia. Consequently, the competition of products produced by the domestic manufacturing industry with imported products from china is increasing (assuming the products produced by the domestic manufacturing industry may be substituted with imported products from China in the domestic market). Competition from imported products from China is measured using import penetration, where the measurement method is introduced by Bernard, Jensen, & Schott (2006). This thesis estimates the effects of import from China on wages of manufacturing industry in Indonesia by using fixed effect model. The estimation results show that import penetration from China has a negative effect on wage of manufacturing industry.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Rahma Bakti
Abstrak :
Pemanfaatan herbal di Indonesia telah lama dilakukan baik untuk penyembuhan penyakit, salah satunya pegagan (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) sebagai penyembuh luka dan mencegah terbentuknya keloid dengan zat aktif asiatikosid yang diaplikasikan secara topikal. Oleh karena asiatikosid memiliki berat molekul yang besar, kelarutan dalam air dan lipid yang buruk, sehingga susah untuk berpenetrasi melewati kulit, untuk itu dibuat dalam sistem pembawa liposom. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat liposom dengan menganalisis pengaruh penambahan konsentrasi fosfatidilkolin terhadap stabilitas liposom dan mengetahui daya penetrasinya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode hidrasi lapis tipis, analisis kuantitatif kadar penjerapan asiatikosid dengan Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT) Densitometri dan uji penetrasi secara in vitro dengan sel difusi Franz. Ada empat formula yang digunakan sesuai dengan perbandingan fosfatidilkolin dan kolesterol, di mana konsentrasi kolesterol tetap, hanya fosfatidilkolin yang mengalami penambahan. Hasil menunjukkan adanya peningkatan efisiensi penjerapan terhadap zat aktif asiatikosid; memperkecil distribusi ukuran partikel melalui pengukuran Particle Size Analyzer (PSA), Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM); dan peningkatan jumlah kumulatif, fluks, serta persentase jumlah asiatikosid yang terpenetrasi berdasarkan uji penetrasi in vitro selama 8 jam.
The use of herbs in Indonesia has been carried out long time ago for healing the disease, one of which gotu kola (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) as wound healing and prevent the formation of keloids with asiaticoside active substance applied topically. However, asiaticoside has a large molecular weight, poor solubility in water and lipid, so difficult to penetrate through the skin. Therefore, it needs such a carrier system called liposome, which is the major constituent of lipid components, namely phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol. The aims of this study is to analyze the effect of addition on phosphatidylcholine concentration for the stability of liposomes and its penetration. This study is using a thin layer hidration method to make liposom, entrapment levels of asiaticoside analyzed quantitatively by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) densitometry and in vitro penetration test with Franz diffusion cell. There are four formulas were used in accordance with the ratio of phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol, where cholesterol concentration was constant. The results showed there was increase in efficiency of entrapment the active substance and reduce the particle size distribution. The results also showed there was increase in the cumulative number penetration, flux, and the percentage amount of asiaticoside that penetrated based on Franz diffusion cell test for 8 hours.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sandra Aulia
Abstrak :
Genistein merupakan salah satu isoflavon yang memilki banyak manfaat bagi kulit. Genistein lebih baik jika diberikan secara topikal, karena memilki bioavailabilitas yang rendah. Tetapi genistein tidak larut dalam air. Oleh karena itu dapat diaplikasikan dalam bentuk sediaan topikal nanoemulsi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memformulasi genistein menjadi nanoemulsi dan membandingkan penetrasinya dengan produk Gen90 Nano. Dibuat sebanyak 3 jenis formula dengan perbandingan komposisi antara genistein dan lesitin soya menggunakan metode emulsifikasi spontan. Hasilnya formula 3 merupakan formula terpilih yang menghasilkan nanoemulsi berukuran 191,7 nm dengan indeks polidispersitas 0,171 dan potensial zeta -47,5 mV. Uji penetrasi secara invitro menggunakan sel difusi Franz menunjukkan jumlah kumulatif terpenetrasi dari nanoemulsi genistein sebesar 18,29 ± 0,16 (μg/cm2) dibandingkan dengan produk Gen90 Nano sebesar 24,60 ± 0,57 (μg/cm2). ......Genistein is one of isoflavone with many benefits for the skin. Genistein is better when administered topically, because it has low bioavailability. But genistein insoluble in water. Therefore, it can be applied in topical dosage form of nanoemulsion. The aim of this study was to prepared genistein in nanoemulsion and compared its penetration with Gen90 Nano. There was 3 types of formula with composition ratio between genistein and soy lecithin using a spontaneous emulsification methods. The results showed that formula 3 was the chosen formula which has 191,7 nm particle size, 0,171 polydispersity index and -47,5 mV zeta potential. In-vitro penetration study using Franz diffusion cell showed that amount of cumulative penetration of genistein nanoemulsion was 18,29 ± 0,16 (μg/cm2) compared to Gen90 Nano was 24,60 ± 0,57 (μg/cm2).
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Damai Ria Setyawati
Abstrak :
Luteolin merupakan kandidat yang poten sebagai alternatif pengobatan penyakit asam urat karena aktivitas antiinflamasi dan penghambatan xantin oksidase. Akan tetapi, kelarutan dan permeabilitas luteolin yang kurang baikmerupakan masalahdalam pengembangan formula. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan penetrasi luteolin ke dalam kulitmelalui formulasi transfersom luteolin.Luteolin diformulasikan dalam transfersomdan beberapa variasi formula meliputi konsentrasi total lipid (fosfolipid-Tween 80) dan luteolin dioptimalisasi menggunakan response surface methodology. Respon optimalisasiyang diukur adalah ukuran partikel, indeks polidispersitas, potensial zeta dan efisiensi penjerapan. Uji penetrasi in vitro dan in vivo dilakukan menggunakan tikus putih jantan galur Sprague Dawley.Hasil optimalisasi transfersom luteolin mengindikasikan bahwa konsentrasi total lipid 4,88% dan luteolin 0,5% merupakan formula optimal. Gambaran vesikel menggunakan transmission electron microscope (TEM) memperlihatkan partikel sferis dengan beberapa partikel yang beragregasi. Transfersom luteolin formula optimal mempunyai ukuran partikel 257,18±15,20 nm, indeks polidispersitas0,480±0,013, potential zeta -18,67±0,379 mV danefisiensi penjerapan 94,97±0,28%. Penetrasi luteolin secarain vitropada gel transfersom luteolin sebesar 16,49% dengan nilai fluks 126,80±5,09 μg/cm2/jam. Hasil tersebut lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan gel luteolin yaitu 6,27% dan fluks 24,03±2,32 μg/cm2/jam. Penetrasi in vivomemberikan nilai Cmaksdan AUC0-∞ sebesar 9982,29 ng/mL dan 25329,94 ng.jam/mL pada gel transfersom luteolin dan 2908,34 ng/mL dan 7965,88 ng.jam/mL pada gel luteolin.Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa transfersom luteolin mampu meningkatkan penetrasi melalui kulit, baik secara in vitromaupunin vivo.
Luteolin is a potent candidate as an alternative treatment for gout due to its xanthine oxidase inhibition and anti-inflammatory activities. However, its poor solubility and permeability are hampering its formulationand development process. This study aimed to improve skin penetration of luteolin by luteolin transfersome formulation. Luteolin transfersome fistly was prepared, and various formulation variables including total lipid (phospholipid-Tween 80) and luteolin concentration were optimized using response surface methodology. Measured responses of optimization were particle size, polydispersity index, zeta potential and entrapment efficiency. In vitro and in vivo penetration studies were carried out using Sprague Dawley male rats. The results of optimization indicate that 4.88% total lipid and 0.5% luteolin concentration is the optimum formulation. Vesicle image using transmission electron microscope (TEM) revealed spherical particles and occurrence of particle aggregation. The optimumluteolin transfersome had particle size of 257.18±15.20 nm, polidispersity index of 0.480±0.013, zeta potential of -18.67±0.379 mV and entrapment efficiency of 94.97±0.28%. In vitro penetration experiment of luteolin transfersome gel showed that16.49% of luteolin was penetrated with flux parameter was of 126.80±5.09 μg/cm2/h. It was significantly higher compared to luteolin gel which only6.27%of luteolin was penetrated and flux of 24.03±2.32 μg/cm2/h. Moreover, in vivo penetration study showed that Cmax and AUC0-∞of luteolin transfersome gel were 9982.29ng/Ml and 25329.94 ng.h/mL,respectively, which was higher than those of luteolin gel (2908.34 ng/mL and7965.88 ng.h/mL). It was concluded that luteolin transfersome enhaced in vitro and in vivo penetration of luteolin
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marcella Cinninthya Putri
Abstrak :
Pengujian penetrasi merupakan suatu langkah penting yang diambil untuk meningkatkan keamanan sebuah website, terutama bagi suatu perusahaan. Terdapat beberapa kerangka kerja dan metodologi untuk uji penetrasi, salah satunya adalah Information Systems Security Assessment Framework (ISSAF). ISSAF merupakan sebuah kerangka kerja yang komprehensif dengan keunggulan pada domain coverage sehingga memungkinkan pengujian bukan hanya dari luar sistem, namun juga masuk ke dalam sistem. Penelitian ini menunjukan tahapan uji penetrasi menggunakan kerangka kerja ISSAF dan memanfaatkan beberapa tools yang umum digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kerentanan website bagi perusahaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan 7 kerentanan, diantaranya yaitu Clickjacking, Brute-force Attack pada Login Page, HSTS Missing From HTTP Server, Content Security Policy (CSP) Header Not Set , Cookie without SameSite Attribute, Server Leaks Information via "X-Powered-By" HTTP Response Header Field(s),serta X-Content-Type-Options Header Missing. Dari hasil pengujian penetrasi ini dapat dijadikan rekomendasi untuk mengatasi kerentanan keamanan pada perusahaan-perusahaan di bidangnya. ...... Penetration testing is an important step taken to improve the security of a website, especially for a company. There are several frameworks and methodologies for penetration testing, one of which is the Information Systems Security Assessment Framework. (ISSAF). ISSAF is a comprehensive framework with advantages on domain coverage that allows testing not only from outside the system, but also into the system.  This research demonstrates the stage of penetration testing using the ISSAF framework and utilizes several commonly used tools to identify website vulnerabilities for companies. This study we found seven vulnerabilities in the target website, including Clickjacking, Brute-force Attack on Login Page, HSTS Missing from HTTP Server, Content Security Policy (CSP) Header Not Set, Cookie without SameSite Attribute, Server Leaks Information via "X-Powered-By" HTTP Response Header Field(s), and X-Content-Type-Options Header Missing. From this penetration test results, a recommendation to address security vulnerabilities in companies can be conducted.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chusnul Nabila
Abstrak :
Ancaman keamanan terhadap website biasa dihasilkan melalui celah yang memungkinkan pengguna lain melakukan tindak kejahatan. Untuk pemeliharaan keamanan website yang baik, deteksi kerentanan website dapat dilakukan dengan prosedur vulnerability identification dan penetration testing. Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES) digunakan pada penelitian ini sebagai kerangka kerja atau framework penetration testing dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan hasil akhir berupa kerentanan yang dapat mengganggu keamanan website. Terdapat tujuh tahapan yang akan dilakukan pada framework PTES yaitu Pre-engagement Interactions, Intelligence Gathering, Threat Modeling, Vulnerability Analysis, Exploitation, Post Exploitation, dan Reporting. Penetration testing ini juga menerapkan metode blackbox testing. Blackbox testing adalah metode pengujian yang dilakukan tanpa mengetahui informasi apa pun mengenai sistem website. Ditemukan tiga kerentanan dengan tingkat risiko tinggi pada website redstorm setelah melakukan penetration testing dengan framework PTES dan metode blackbox testing, yaitu PII Disclosure, SQL Injection, dan SQL Injection-SQLite. Hasil ini menekankan perlunya penguatan keamanan website dan penerapan langkah-langkah mitigasi yang sesuai untuk melindungi data sensitif dan melawan potensi serangan. Selain itu, penelitian ini menegaskan efektivitas dan relevansi kerangka kerja PTES dalam mengidentifikasi kerentanan keamanan sistem. Implikasi dari temuan ini memberikan kontribusi bagi pengembangan kebijakan keamanan informasi dan penelitian tentang keamanan siber yang lebih lanjut. ...... Security threats to common websites are generated by gaps that allow other users to commit criminal acts. For good website security maintenance, website vulnerability detection can be done with vulnerability identification and penetration testing procedures. The Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES) is used in this research as a framework for penetration testing with the aim of obtaining the final result of vulnerabilities that can interfere with the operation of the website. There are seven stages that will be performed on the PTES framework: Pre-engagement Interactions, Intelligence Gathering, Threat Modeling, Vulnerability Analysis, Exploitation, Post-exploitation, and Reporting. The penetration test also uses the blackbox testing method. Blackbox testing is a test method that is performed without knowing any information about the website system. Three high-risk vulnerabilities were found on Redstorm websites after performing penetration testing with the PTES framework and blackbox testing methods, namely PII Disclosure, SQL Injection, and SQL injection-SQLite. The results emphasize the need to strengthen website security and implement appropriate mitigation measures to protect sensitive data and counter potential attacks. In addition, the study confirms the effectiveness and relevance of the PTES framework in identifying system security vulnerabilities. The implications of these findings contribute to the development of information security policies and further research on cybersecurity.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Neni Kusnianti
Abstrak :
Asbuton is natural , asphalt from buton Island with great deposists and ccan be utilized, as a road material becaese it contains not only bitumen but ol olso with minnrak with gigh 0s lime content (CaaCo3)...
[Place of publication not identified]: Jurnal Jalan dan Jembatan, 2008
JJJ 25(2-3) 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
[Place of publication not identified]: Jurnal Jalan dan Jembatan, 2008
JJJ 25(2-3) 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Furqon Affandi
[Place of publication not identified]: Jurnal Jalan dan Jembatan, 2007
JJJ 23 (1-3) 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Madi Hermadi
[Place of publication not identified]: Jurnal Jalan dan Jembatan,
JJJ 23 (1-3) 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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