Rachmat Prayitno
Abstrak :
Instalasi Rawat Darurat RSUD Kota Yogyakarta, pada tahun 1998 pernah mengadakan survei kepuasan pasien, Namun demikian, sesungguhnya sulit menilai kepuasan pasien IRD yang kebetulan sampai tahun 2001, baru satu kali dilakukan, itupun hasil penelitiannya masih ada hal-hal yang dapat menimbulkan bias bagi manajer rumah sakit khususnya pada instalasi rawat darurat dalam prioritas menyikapi hasil survei tersebut.
Sedangkan pada penelitian kali ini, hasilnya, didapatkan karakteristik responden didominasi oleh usia 15-40 tahun sejumlah 75 %, pendidikan bawah-menengah (SD-SMA) 75 %, wanita 53 %, penghasilan lebih dari Rp.300.000,- sebanyak 66,07 % dan non pegawai (wirausahawan dan lain-lain) 57 %. Pada karakteristik penghasilan, ternyata ada perbedaan persepsi tentang kepuasan antara yang berpenghasilan kurang dari Rp.301.000,- dengan yang berpenghasilan lebih dari Rp.301.000,-.
Dari hasil olahan statistik didapatkan rata-rata nilai kepuasan pasien 6,5 (dari skala Likert 1-10), dan rata-rata nilai pelayanan pelanggan yang dirasakan pasien 6,1 (dan skala Likert 1-10). Responden menyatakan kepuasannya terhadap fasilitas medis dengan memberikan nilai rata-rata 8 dan terendah Iingkungan fisik dengan nilai rata-rata 5. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan kepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan pelanggan Instalasi rawat darurat belum sepenuhnya memuaskan.
......Patient Satisfaction at Emergency Installation at RSUD Kota Yogyakarta in 2001In fact that in 1998, RSUD kota Yogyakarta has conducted Medical patient satisfaction survey for Medical patient service. However, it is difficult to make evaluation on medical patient satisfaction for the medical patient service of emergency installation because of until 2001, there was only one survey that was in 1998. Also, the sample was doubly to be representative will resulting bias for hospital manager to make priority toward the survey result.
The research was conducted as long as 12 December 2001 until 19 December 2001. The result shows that respondent characteristics is dominated by class of age 15-40 year (75 %), low and middle education level (basic-senior high school) is 75 %, female 53 %, income higher than 300.000 is 66.07 % and non government staff is 57 %. On income characteristics, there is a difference satisfaction perception between income class lower than Rp. 301.000 and higher than Rp. 301.000. The fact has relationship with quality of patient service that low for some aspects. The result is supported by hypothesis that the lower income, the higher satisfaction for some point.
Statistically, the average of patient satisfaction is 6.5 (from Likert scale 1-10) and the average of patient service is 6.1 (from Likert scale 1-10). Respondent stated the satisfaction on medical facilities is 8 on average and the lowest is physical environment, namely 5. Due to the result, the conclusion is patient satisfaction on emergency installation service not fully yet satisfied.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library