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Tanty Herawaty
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Dalam upaya mewujudkan perilaku hidup sehat melalui pembangunan, perbaikan dan pemeliharaan jamban keluarga dan sarana air bersih yang diikuti penggunaannya secara umum serta penerapan kebiasaan hidup bersih sesuai nilai agama dan budaya sehat, telah dicanangkan Gerakan Jumat Bersih (GM) secara Nasional pada tahun 1994. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan untuk mensukseskan GJB yang keseluruhannya memerlukan kerjasama lintas program dan lintas sektoral. Wadah untuk melaksanakan kerjasama lintas sektoral adalah Kelompok Kerja Operasional (Pokjanal) GJB, mulai tingkat Pusat sampai dengan tingkat Kecamatan. Akan tempi cakupan jamban dan sarana air bersih sampai saat ini masih belum memenuhi harapan. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah kualitas perencanaan Tim Pokjanal GJB Kecamatan yang masih rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara komponen faktor input (pengetahuan, struktur organisasi, informasi, anggaran), faktor proses (koordinasi, metoda) dan faktor eksternal (bimbingan teknis, supervisi Tim Pokjanal GJB Kotamadya) terhadap kualitas perencanaan yang dihasilkan oleh Tim Pokjanal GJB Kecamatan Metoda penelitian yang dilaksanakan merupakan penelitian kualitatif, pengumpulan informasi 1 data melalui Diskusi Kelompok Terarah ( DKT ), wawancara mendalam dan talaahan dokumen. Responden penelitian adalah anggota Tim Pokjanal GJB Kecamatan dari 6 Kecamatan yang ada. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh variabel yaitu pengetahuan, struktur organisasi, informasi, anggaran, koordinasi, metoda, bimbingan teknis serta supervisi mempunyai hubungan dengan kualitas perencanaan Tim Pokjanal GJB Kecamatan . Dare seluruh variabel yang berhubungan dengan kualitas perencanaan Tim Pokjanal GJB Kecamatan, faktor yang lebih dominan adalah masalah bimbingan teknis, anggaran dan supervisi. Dengan demikian saran yang diajukan adalah peningkatan fungsi Tim Pokjanal GJB Kecamatan dengan memperjelas uraian tugas dan mekanisme kerja Tim dan menerbitkan Surat Keputusan Camat tentang Pembentukan Tim Pokjanal GJB Kecamatan serta Petunjuk teknis GJB. Untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan Tim dalam membuat perencanaan kegiatan GJB, perlu pelatihan khusus perencanaan GJB bagi Tim Pokjanal GJB Kecamatan atau bimbingan teknis intensif perencanaan GJB yang diselenggarakan oleh Tim Pokjanal GJB Kotamadya. Agar memudahkan dalarn pembuatan perencanaan GJB perlu disusun pedoman tata laksana Perencanaan GJB tingkat Kotamadya dan Kecamatan. Selanjutnya perlu peningkatan komunikasi kegiatan Tim Pokjanal GJB Kecamatan dengan Tim Pokjanal GJB Kotamadya dalam perencanaan kegiatan lintas program dan lintas sektoral dengan iebih memfungsikan forum koordinasi yang sudah ada.
ABSTRACT The Factors Related To The Planning Quality Of Sub District Of Team Operational Working Of Clean Friday Movement At Bogor In 1998The clean Friday Movement is developed to repair and maintanance of the privacy and facility for clean water that is followed up to utilizing in a manner the general public with application clean live appropriate value of religious and healty culture which has been propagandized by Clean Friday Movement (CFM) as a manner National in 1994. Any effort has done for succesing the CFM that its whole required by coorporate beetwen pass program and sectoral. Team Work Operational Of CFM is made as coordinating institution to bring about coorporation to pass sectoral that is exist from district to sub-district but the privacy scope and facility of clean water have not been expected yet. The one reason is the quality of Sub District of Team Operational Working of CFM still low. The aimed of this research is to find out the relation beetwen input factor component (knowledge, organization structure, information and budget), process factor (coordination, method) and external factor ( technical guidance, supervision of District of Team Operational Working or CFM) into the planning quality that resulted by Sub District of Team Operational Working of CFM). The method of research that used is the qualitative research, the collecting data/information is performed beside throught Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with document research. The responden of research is all members of Sub District of Team Operational Working of CFM from the exist 6 Sub District. The result of research indicates that whole variables, they are knowledge, organization structure, information, budget, coordination, method, technical guidance, and supervision have to do with the planning quality of Sub District of the Team Operational Working of Clean Friday Movement. The dominant factor of whole variables that related with planning quality of Sub District of theTeam Operational Working of CFM that is discussed in the Focus Group Discussion and depth interview are technical guidance, cost and supervision. The suggestion that requred is the improvement of function beetwen Sub District of Team Operational Working of Clean Friday Movement with explained the jobs and Sub District of Team Work mechanism and published the Sub District of letter of Major Decrec about how to built up the team operational working of CFM and technical directed of CFM. To increase the knowledge and the skill of team in order to make the planning activity of CFM, it is needed the special training about planning of CFM or intensify technical guidance about planning of CFM that is hold by District of Team Operational Working of CFM. To make the planning of CFM easly it is needed arrangement of the characteristic order at District and Sub District. Further more it is needed to increase the communication beetwen Sub District of Team Operational Working and District of team Operational Working at pass program and sectoral's planning with make the functionalixed of the exist coordination.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library