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Sembiring, Maekel Eugaliel Pindonta
Abstrak :
Tesis ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji kemampuan alat Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) untuk diterapkan oleh Unit Penanggulangan Separatis Baintelkam Polri untuk melakukan kegiatan deteksi ancaman Kelompok Kriminal Bersenjata (KKB) Papua dalam rangka melakukan kontra intelijen. Alasan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah melihat pentingnya peran OSINT dalam deteksi pemetaan ancaman dan pergerakan KKB di Papua, yang selanjutnya dapat digunakan oleh Unit Penanggulangan Separatis Baintelkam Polri untuk melakukan upaya pemanfaatan OSINT dalam melakukan kontra intelijen terhadap pergerakan KKB di Papua. Oleh karena itu, dirumuskan permasalahan: Bagaimana peran OSINT dalam deteksi pemetaan ancaman dan pergerakan KKB di Papua? Dan bagaimana upaya Unit Penanggulangan Separatis Baintelkam Polri dalam memanfaatkan OSINT dalam melakukan kontra intelijen terhadap pergerakan KKB di Papua. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran OSINT dalam deteksi pemetaan ancaman dan pergerakan KKB di Papua dimanfaatkan dalam kegiatan kontra terorisme; kegiatan penanganan kejahatan dunia maya; melakukan analisis pendanaan terorisme; melakukan analisis harga di pasar cryptocurrency; melakukan analisis untuk menghadapi situasi seperti perdagangan manusia, migrasi ilegal, pembuatan senjata dan bahan peledak, dan dalam kaitannya dengan pendanaan teroris; dapat digunakan untuk pengambilan data. Di dalam melaksanakan perannya tersebut, OSINT ini diterapkan dengan metode: pengumpulan data; analisis data, yang meliputi: analisis leksikal, analisis semantik, analisis geospasial, analisis media sosial, metode ekstraksi pengetahuan, yang dapat diperoleh melalui data korelasi, data klasifikasi, deteksi outlier, data pengelompokan, data regresi, dan pola pelacakan. Selain itu, upaya yang dapat dilakukan dalam pemanfaatan OSINT dalam kontra intelijen terhadap pergerakan KKB di Papua dilakukan melalui penerapan strategi kontra intelijen dengan metode defensif aktif-pasif dan metode ofensif aktif pasif, melalui sejumlah kegiatan berikut ini: analisis prediktif untuk kegiatan teroris; melakukan identifikasi kegiatan radikalisasi; mendeteksi missinformasi dan disinformasi yang disebarkan oleh KKB maupun kelompok teroris untuk tujuan strategis; melakukan moderasi dan penghapusan konten yang berisi paham radikal dan terorisme secara otomatis; melawan narasi teroris dan ekstremis keras; dan melakukan pengelolaan analisis data yang sifatnya berat. ......This thesis was conducted to examine the ability of the Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) tool to be applied by the National Police's Separatist Countermeasures Unit to carry out threat detection activities for the Papuan Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in the context of conducting counterintelligence. The reason for this research is to see the importance of OSINT's role in detecting threat mapping and KKB movements in Papua, which can then be used by the National Police's Baintelkam Separatist Countermeasures Unit to make efforts to use OSINT in conducting counterintelligence against KKB movements in Papua. Therefore, the problem is formulated: What is the role of OSINT in the detection of threat mapping and KKB movements in Papua? And what are the efforts of the National Police's Baintelkam Separatist Countermeasures Unit in utilizing OSINT in conducting counterintelligence against the KKB movement in Papua. The results of this study indicate that the role of OSINT in the detection of threat mapping and KKB movements in Papua is utilized in counter-terrorism activities; cyber crime handling activities; perform analysis of terrorism financing; perform price analysis on the cryptocurrency market; conduct analysis to address situations such as human trafficking, illegal migration, manufacture of weapons and explosives, and in relation to terrorist financing; can be used for data collection. In carrying out its role, OSINT is applied with the following methods: data collection; data analysis, which includes: lexical analysis, semantic analysis, geospatial analysis, social media analysis, knowledge extraction methods, which can be obtained through correlation data, classification data, outlier detection, clustering data, regression data, and tracking patterns. In addition, efforts that can be made to use OSINT in counterintelligence against the KKB movement in Papua are carried out through the application of counterintelligence strategies with active-passive defensive methods and active-passive offensive methods, through the following activities: predictive analysis for terrorist activities; identify radicalization activities; detect misinformation and disinformation spread by KKB or terrorist groups for strategic purposes; carry out moderation and removal of content containing radical and terrorism ideas automatically; counter terrorist and violent extremist narratives; and manage data analysis that is heavy in nature.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anton Irawan
Abstrak :
Intelijen identik dengan sesuatu yang sangat rahasia, baik itu orang-orangnya maupun aktivitasnya. Intelijen yang kita kenal biasanya berkaitan dengan ketahanan dan keamanan nasional. Namun dengan berkembangnya teknologi serta keterbukaan informasi saat ini, informasi-informasi yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk diolah menjadi sebuah intelijen semakin terbuka. Dalam proses pengumpulan informasi selain dilakukan pengumpulan informasi secara tertutup, intelijen juga mengumpulkan informasi dari sumber terbuka, yaitu informasi yang tersedia di publik dan bisa diakses oleh siapapun. Pengolahan informasi dari sumber terbuka tersebut bisa menjadi sebuah intelijen yang bernilai dalam pengambilan keputusan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran intelijen sumber terbuka (OSINT) dalam investigasi fraud, khususnya investigasi pada skema fraud dalam proses pengadaan barang dan jasa. Teori intelijen kriminal dan konsep proses OSINT dilakukan dalam melakukan analisis penelitian. Metode penelitian pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan sumber data primer dari wawancara dan juga sumber data sekunder melalui studi literatur. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa OSINT mempunyai peran pada investigasi fraud, yaitu pada tahapan pengumpulan data dan informasi, serta pengumpulan bukti-bukti terkait dengan kasus fraud tersebut. ......Intelligence is identical with something that is highly confidential, both its people and its activities. Intelligence as we know it is usually related to security and national security. However, with the development of technology and the current disclosure of information, information that can be used to be processed into intelligence is increasingly open. In the process of collecting information apart from collecting information in private, intelligence also collects information from open sources, namely information that is publicly available and can be accessed by anyone. Processing of information from these open sources can be a valuable intelligence in decision making. This study aims to look at the use of open source intelligence (OSINT) in fraud investigations, especially fraud schemes in the process of procuring goods and services. Intelligence criminal theory and OSINT process concept were used as tools of analysis in this research. This research method uses qualitative methods with primary data sources from interviews and secondary data sources through study of literature. The results of this study conclude that OSINT can be useful in fraud investigations, namely at the stage of collecting data and information, as well as collecting evidence related to the fraud case.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Satriyo Adipratomo
Abstrak :
Data World Bank menunjukkan bahwa dari tahun 2010 hingga 2021 terjadi kenaikan sebesar 51% pada angka persentase populasi yang menggunakan akses internet di Indonesia. Kondisi ini belum dibarengi dengan penjagaan cybersecurity yang maksimal. Salah satu cara untuk menanggulangi masalah ini adalah dengan perumusan strategi cybersecurity berdasarkan cyber threat intelligence. Salah satu metode yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mencari cyber threat intelligence adalah melalui open source intelligence atau OSINT. OSINT merupakan suatu metode pengumpulan dan analisis data yang tersedia secara terbuka; artinya sumber informasi dan datanya harus dapat diakses oleh siapapun, kapanpun. Pada penelitian ini, Twitter dipilih sebagai sumber OSINT dengan pertimbangan kemampuan Twitter untuk menghasilkan data yang volumenya besar, jumlah akun yang banyak dan beragam, aksesibilitas, dan popularitas di komunitas cybersecurity. Data dari Twitter akan diproses melalui enam skenario untuk menghasilkan cyber threat intelligence. Hal ini dilakukan dengan menghitung persentase jumlah kemunculan istilah terkait cyber threat dan threat actor atau software yang sering dibicarakan di Twitter. Kemudian hasil dari tiap skenario akan dibandingkan. Didapatkan hasil bahwa isu paling berbahaya di Indonesia adalah dark web: 40,12%, kebocoran data: 31,48%, dan ransomware: 12,35%; dnegan LockBit sebagai threat group yang paling berbahaya dengan persentase kemunculan 27,27%. Informasi tersebut digabungkan dengan hasil banding strategi cybersecurity dari negara Malaysia, Belgia, Inggris, dan Amerika Serikat menjadi dasar perancangan rekomendasi Strategi Cybersecurity Indonesia yang terbagi menjadi sebuah narasi, 4 komitmen, dan 17 tugas untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. ......World Bank data shows that from 2010 to 2021 there will be an increase of 51% in the percentage of the population using internet access in Indonesia. This condition has not been accompanied by maximum cybersecurity. One way to overcome this problem is to formulate a cybersecurity strategy based on cyber threat intelligence. One method that can be used to search for cyber threat intelligence is through open source intelligence or OSINT. OSINT is an openly available data collection and analysis method; meaning that sources of information and data must be accessible to anyone, at any time. In this study, Twitter was chosen as the OSINT source by considering Twitter's ability to generate large volumes of data, the large and varied number of accounts, accessibility, and popularity in the cybersecurity community. Data from Twitter will be processed through six scenarios to generate cyber threat intelligence. This is carried out by calculating the percentage of terms related to cyber threats and threat actors or software that are frequently discussed on Twitter. Then the results of each scenario will be analyzed and compared with each other. The results show that the most dangerous issues in Indonesia are the dark web: 40.12% occurrence, data breach: 31.48% occurrence, and ransomware: 12.35% occurrence; with LockBit being the most dangerous threat group with an occurrence percentage of 27.27%. This information is combined with the results of a comparison of cybersecurity strategies from Malaysia, Belgium, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America to form the basis for designing the recommendations for the Indonesian Cybersecurity Strategy which are divided into a narrative, 4 commitments, and 17 tasks to achieve this goal.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andree Priyanto
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Media berperan dalam komunikasi antar individu dan kelompok. Media cenderung berpihak pada individu atau kelompok tertentu. Media independen sering digunakan untuk tujuan tertentu. Radikalisme telah memasuki lingkungan media dan menjadi alat propaganda dengan mengangkat isu ideologi dan agama. Dalam kasus Hizbut Tharir Indonesia (HTI) beberapa media membantu HTI melakukan kampanye dan komunikasi dengan pola radikal. Pemerintah akhirnya membubarkan HTI dengan studi dan keputusan matang. Untuk sampai pada pengambilan keputusan, pemerintah melalui badan negara mengumpulkan informasi secara terbuka dan terlibat dalam kegiatan intelijen melalui intelijen open source (osint). Osint telah diterapkan pada sektor ekonomi, keamanan dan pertahanan politik sehingga osint bukanlah hal baru. Tesis ini melihat aktivitas osint pada badan-badan negara (POLRI, BIN, BNPT, BSSN, BAIS TNI) saat menghadapi media radikal. Teori yang digunakan dalam tesis ini adalah Kegagalan Intelijen yang membahas beberapa variabel menjadi indikator utama. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Temuan Tesis ini menunjukan hampir semua variabel (kepemimpinan dan kebijakan, organisasi dan birokrasi, Peringatan dan Informasi, Kemampuan Analisis) menentukan keberhasilan pelaksanaan OSINT pada kasus radikalisme HTI dan media pendukungnya.
ABSTRACT Media plays a role in communication between individuals and groups. Media tends to side with a particular individual or group. Independent media is often used for certain purposes. Radicalism has entered the media environment and become a propaganda tool by raising the issue of ideology and religion. In the case of Hizbut Tharir Indonesia (HTI) some media helped HTI conduct campaigns and communications with radical patterns. The government finally dissolved HTI with studies and ripe decisions. To arrive at the decision-making, the government through state agencies collects information openly and engages in intelligence activities through open source (osint) intelligence. Osint has been applied to the economic, security and political defense sectors so that osint is not new. This thesis looks at osint activity in state agencies (POLRI, BIN, BNPT, BSSN, BAIS TNI) in the face of radical media. The theory used in this thesis is Intelligence Failure which discusses some variables that become the main indicator. The method used is qualitative approach. The findings of this Thesis show that almost all variables (leadership and policy, organization and bureaucracy, Warning and Information, Analytical Challenge) determine the success of OSINT implementation on HTI radicalism case and its supporting media.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sanders, Chris
Abstrak :
Applied network security monitoring is the essential guide to becoming an NSM analyst from the ground up. This book takes a fundamental approach to NSM, complete with dozens of real-world examples that teach you the key concepts of NSM. Network security monitoring is based on the principle that prevention eventually fails. In the current threat landscape, no matter how much you try, motivated attackers will eventually find their way into your network. At that point, it is your ability to detect and respond to that intrusion that can be the difference between a small incident and a major disaster. The book follows the three stages of the NSM cycle: collection, detection, and analysis. As you progress through each section, you will have access to insights from seasoned NSM professionals while being introduced to relevant, practical scenarios complete with sample data.
Waltham, MA: Syngress, 2014
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Presents state-of-the-art research and practice in intelligence work. Describes novel tools and techniques for counterterrorism and open source intelligence. Provides perspectives on the future uses of open source intelligence. Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States, serious concerns were raised on domestic and international security issues. Consequently, there has been considerable interest recently in technological strategies and resources to counter acts of terrorism. In this context, this book provides a state-of-the-art survey of the most recent advances in the field of counterterrorism and open source intelligence, demonstrating how various existing as well as novel tools and techniques can be applied in combating covert terrorist networks. A particular focus will be on future challenges of open source intelligence and perspectives on how to effectively operate in order to prevent terrorist activities.
New York: Springer-Verlag / Wien, 2011
363.325 1 COU
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library