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Abstrak :
Alfa-glukosidase merupakan enzim yang dapat menghidrolisis ikatan glikosidik pada oligosakarida menjadi monosakarida (glukosa, fruktosa, dan galaktosa). Penghambatan enzim ini akan mengurangi penyerapan monosakarida sehingga terjadi penurunan kadar glukosa postprandial. Pada penelitian sebelumnya, ekstrak etanol 80% daun mingaram (Caphalomappa malloticarpa J.J.Sm.) menunjukkan penghambatan aktivitas alfa-glukosidase. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji penghambatan aktivitas alfa-glukosidase pada ekstrak etanol 80% yang difraksinasi menggunakan pelarut n-heksana, etil asetat, dan metanol. Metode ekstraksi yang digunakan adalah refluks dengan pelarut etanol 80% dan dilanjutkan dengan fraksinasi partisi menggunakan corong pisah dengan pelarut polaritas gradien. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa sampel aktif dengan penghambatan alfa-glukosidase adalah ekstrak etanol dan fraksi etil asetat (dibandingkan dengan acarbose, IC50 acarbose 46,16 g/mL). Ekstrak etanol 80% memiliki nilai IC50 sebesar 21,345 ± 3,27 g/mL dan fraksi etil asetat memiliki IC50 sebesar 31,595 ± 3,97 g/mL. Sedangkan fraksi n-heksana dan metanol menghasilkan nilai IC50 yang lebih besar dari standar, yaitu 181.855 ± 9,54 dan 95,6 ± 6,91 g/mL. Kandungan total fenol dalam ekstrak etanol 80%, fraksi n-heksana, fraksi etil asetat, dan fraksi metanol daun mingaram berturut-turut adalah 613,79; 591.80; 874,96; dan 566,14 mgGAE/gr sampel. Peningkatan kadar fenol total tidak sebanding dengan nilai IC50 penghambatan alfa-glukosidase. Fraksinasi tidak menurunkan nilai IC50 penghambatan alfa-glukosidase jika dibandingkan dengan nilai IC50 ekstrak awal.
Alpha-glucosidase is an enzyme that can hydrolyze glycosidic bonds in oligosaccharides into monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, and galactose). Inhibition of this enzyme will reduce the absorption of monosaccharides resulting in a decrease in postprandial glucose levels. In a previous study, 80% ethanol extract of mingaram (Caphalomappa malloticarpa J.J.Sm.) leaves showed inhibition of alpha-glucosidase activity. This study aimed to test the inhibition of alpha-glucosidase activity in 80% ethanol extract fractionated using n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol as solvents. The extraction method used was reflux with 80% ethanol solvent and continued with partition fractionation using a separating funnel with a gradient polarity solvent. The test results showed that the active samples with alpha-glucosidase inhibition were ethanol extract and ethyl acetate fraction (compared to acarbose, IC50 acarbose 46.16 g/mL). The 80% ethanol extract had an IC50 value of 21.345 ± 3.27 g/mL and the ethyl acetate fraction had an IC50 of 31.595 ± 3.97 g/mL. Meanwhile, the n-hexane and methanol fractions produced IC50 values ​​that were greater than the standard, namely 181,855 ± 9.54 and 95.6 ± 6.91 g/mL. The total phenol content in 80% ethanol extract, n-hexane fraction, ethyl acetate fraction, and methanol fraction of mingaram leaves were 613.79; 591.80; 874.96; and 566.14 mgGAE/gr sample. The increase in total phenol content was not proportional to the IC50 value of alpha-glucosidase inhibition. Fractionation did not decrease the IC50 value of alpha-glucosidase inhibition when compared to the IC50 value of the initial extract.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tamba, Ernawaty
Abstrak :
Berdasarkan data USA-bureau of the Cencus Indonesia akan mengalami peningkatan warga lansia antara tahun 1990-2025 sebesar 414%. Selain ituusia harapan hidup juga meningkat dari 55,4 tahun pada tahun 19&4, menjadi 67 tahun pada saat ini. Dengan demikian beban negara akan bertambah, oleh karena sejalan dengan peningkatan usia, akan tcrjadi peningkatan ris.iko penyakit degcneratif pada lansia, diantaranya adalah penyakit kanker. Kanker kolorektal merupakan salah jenis penyakit kanker yang serlng timbul pada lansia, dan dihubungkan dengan tingginya beberapa parameter karakteristik seperti mutagen dan beberapa enzim bakteri di feses, Perubahan enzim bakteri tersebut dihubungkan dengan terjadinya perubahan mikroflora di saluran pencemaan pada lansia. B glukutonldase dan glukosidase berperan pada perubahan prokarsinogen menjadi karsinogen, Probiotik adalah mikroorganisme hidup yang saiah satu manfaatnya adaiah menghambat pertumbuhan kunker mclalui mekanisme penekanan terhadap pertumbuhan fl pre-post Jest. Pengambilan sampel adalah secara random tcrhadap populasi lansia di Panti Werdha yang telah memenuhi kriteria. Analisa data diial-ukan dengan uji t-test dan regresi tinier ganda. Variabel independen lainnya adalah asupan makanan, yaitu karbohidrat, lemak, protein dan serat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemberian susu probiotik yang mengandung 10 cfu bakteri Leuconostoc mesenteroides, hanya menaikkan bakteri asam laktat, menurunkan total bakteri aerob dan an aerob menurunkan enzim j}-glukosidase. Berdasarkan penelitian ini maim disarankan pemberian probiotik untuk lansia sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahan kanker kolorektal yang sering timbul pada lansia. Oleh karena penelitian ini menunjukkan hanya penurunan aktivitas enzim (} glukuronidase yang dipengaruhi oleh konsumsi probiotik, maka perlu dilakukan penclitian lebih lanjut untuk melihat pengaruh probiotik terhadap hitung bakteri dan enzim lainnya.
From the data which belongs to US-bureau of Census, Indonesia's old people will increase at 1990-2025 for about 414%. Beside that fact. !he age of risk to live is also increase from 55.4 years old in 1984 get into 67 years old until this time. Because of this fact, the burden for country will also increase, because if there are any increases of age to live, it will a1oo make the risk to affected by degenerative disease will increase. such as cancer. Colorectal cancer is one of most cancer kind that often to get into old people, and connected to the advance of some characteristic of parameter, such as mutagen and some bacteria enzymes in feces. Any exchanges of the bacteria enzymes is connecting with any micro flora exchange in the old man's intestine. fl-glucuronidasc and p glucosidasc a role in any procarsinogen exchange inm carsinogen. Probiotic is alive organism that has many advantages such asto decrease the works of cancer by using decreasing mechanism slowing the growth of cancer to the old people who lives in the house of the old. This experiment is experimental with the desain pre-post test. The process to take the sampic by random way with the old people population. Analyse of data will be done with the result of-test. The other independent variable is food substance.such as carbohydrates , proteins, fats, and fiber substances. The result tells us that giving prebiotic milk with Leuconostoc mesenteroides inside of the milk, wilt only increase the acid lactat bacteria, decrease the total of aerob and anaerob bacteria, and decrease the f)-glucosidase. With this result, so probiotic can use as one of our choice to consume for decrea-re the risk of colorectal cancer. Because the experiment only show the decrease of fl­ glucuronidase enzyme activity which affect with prebiotic consume, so we need make other experiment to see the influence of bactery counting and other enzymes.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hardi Julendra
Abstrak :

Studi Efektivitas Konsorsium Bakteri Asam Laktat dan Khamir Isolat Lokal dengan Penambahan Oligosakarida dalam Mendukung Sistem Pencernaan dan Performa Ayam Pedaging

H. Julendraa,b, Abinawantoa*, Yasmana , A.Sofyanb

a. Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, Jl. Lingkar Kampus Raya, Depok, Jawa Barat 16424. Indonesia

b. Research Group of Bio-Feed Additive Technology, Research Division for Natural Product Technology- Indonesian Institute of Sciences (BPTBA-LIPI), Jl. Jogja-Wonosari Km. 31.5 Gading, Playen, Gunungkidul, D.I. Yogyakarta 55861. Indonesia.

*Corresponding author: abinawanto.ms@sci.ui.ac.id

Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas konsorsium Lactobacillus plantarum AKK-30 dan Saccharomyces cerevisiae B-18 dalam mendukung sistem pencernaan dan kinerja ayam pedaging. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah konsorsium L. plantarum AKK-30 dan S. cerevisiae B-18 serta oligosakarida dapat mengoptimalkan kondisi saluran pencernaan ayam broiler dengan mengurangi bakteri patogen dan memperbaiki mikrostruktur usus sehingga mempengaruhi pencernaan, imunitas dan performa ayam broiler. Penelitian dimulai dari Bulan Maret 2018 hingga Desember 2019, yang terdiri dari tiga tahap penelitian. Penelitian pertama, analisis in vitro dari L. plantarum AKK-30 (107 cfu / g) yang ditambahkan inulin dan MOS terhadap aktivitas antibakteri, kepadatan optik, konsentrasi asam laktat, pH, aktivitas perlekatan di mukosa usus, menggunakan rancangan faktorial dengan dua faktor (A = inulin dan MOS, B =. oligosakarida: 0,0; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 dan 2,0% b / v) dengan 3 ulangan. Penelitian kedua, uji kecernaan (energi yang dapat dimetabolisme dan retensi nitrogen) serta morfologi usus (tinggi vili usus) terhadap L. plantarum AKK-30 dengan penambahan inulin dan MOS menggunakan dua puluh empat ekor ayam jantan berumur 40 hari dari Cobb (berat rata-rata 1725 ± 50 g). Percobaan disusun berdasarkan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAL) dengan lima perlakuan dan empat ulangan sebagai berikut (A) MRSB + L. plantarum AKK-30 (107 cfu / g); B) MRSB + inulin 0,5% (b / v); C) MRSB + MOS 0,5% (b / v); D) L. plantarum AKK-30 (107 cfu / g) + MRSB + inulin 0,5% (b / v); dan E) L. plantarum AKK-30 (107 cfu / g) + MRSB + MOS 0,5% (b / v). Penelitian yang sama juga dilakukan terhadap konsorsium (L. plantarum AKK-30 dan S. cerevisiae B-18 serta inulin) menggunakan tiga puluh ekor ayam jantan berumur 32 hari dari Lohmann MB 202 (berat rata-rata 1450 ± 50 g) dengan lima perlakuan dan lima ulangan sebagai berikut tanpa inulin (A), konsorsium dengan 0,5% inulin (B), konsorsium dengan 1,0% inulin (C), konsorsium dengan 1,5% inulin (D), dan probiotik komersial (E). Penelitian ketiga mengevaluasi penggunaan konsorsium (L. plantarum AKK-30 dan S. cerevisiae B-18 serta inulin) terhadap indeks performa,dan histopatologi jaringan tubuh ayam. Penelitian menggunakan lima perlakuan dan lima ulangan seperti berikut tanpa inulin (A), konsorsium dengan 0,5% inulin (B), konsorsium dengan 1,0% inulin (C), konsorsium dengan 1,5% inulin (D), dan probiotik komersial (E). Rancangan penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), menggunakan 275 anak ayam jantan berumur sehari dari Lohmann MB 202 dan dirawat selama 32 hari di kandang Closed House. Data dievaluasi menggunakan ANOVA dan jika ditemukan perbedaan (p <0,05) antara perlakuan dianalisis menggunakan uji post hoc Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa L. plantarum AKK-30 dengan penambahan inulin 0,5% dan 0,5% MOS mempengaruhi pertumbuhan L. plantarum AKK-30 dan perlekatan bakteri di mukosa usus tanpa mempengaruhi aktivitas antibakteri. Penambahan 0,5% inulin dan 0,5% MOS lebih tinggi (p <0,05) dibandingkan perlakuan lain untuk energi metabolisme (EM), retensi nitrogen (RN) dan tinggi vili usus (TVU) pada ayam. Indeks performa, pertambahan bobot badan dan efisiensi pakan dalam konsorsium dengan penambahan inulin 0,5 dan 1,0% lebih tinggi daripada perlakuan lain. Semua perlakuan konsorsium tidak menunjukkan perbedaan terhadap profil histopatologis dan organ imun ayam. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan L. plantarum AKK 30 dan S cerevisiae B-18 dengan inulin 0,5 dan 1,0% (b / v) dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif antibiotic growth promoters untuk ayam pedaging.

Kata kunci: Bakteri asam laktat, Khamir, Performa Ayam, Sistem pencernaan


The research was conducted to evaluate effectiveness of Lactobacillus plantarum AKK-30 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae B-18 consortium for supporting digestion system and performance of broilers. The proposed hypothesis is the consortium of L. plantarum AKK-30, S. cerevisiae B-18 and oligosaccharides can optimize the condition of the digestive tract of broiler chickens by reducing pathogenic bacteria, improve the intestinal microstructure that it affects digestion, immunity and performance of broiler chickens. This study had been carried out from March 2018 to December 2019, consisting of the stage of research. First study, in vitro analysis of antibacterial activity, optical density, lactic acid concentration, pH, adhesion activity in the intestinal mucosa of L. plantarum AKK-30 (107 cfu / g) added inulin and MOS, used factorial design with two factors (A=inulin and MOS, B=. oligosaccharides: 0.0; 0.5; 1.0; 1.5 and 2.0% w / v) with 3 replications. Second study, digestibility assays (metabolizable energy and nitrogen retention) and intestinal morphology (intestinal villi height) of L. plantarum AKK-30 with inulin and MOS addition and using twenty-four 40-day-old male from Cobb (average weight 1725 ± 50 g). The experiment was arranged on randomized block design (CRD) with five treatments and four replications as follows (A) MRSB + L. plantarum AKK-30 (107 cfu/g); B) MRSB + inulin 0,5% (w /v); C) MRSB + MOS 0,5% (w /v); D) L. plantarum AKK-30 (107 cfu/g) + MRSB + inulin 0,5% (w /v); dan E) L. plantarum AKK-30 (107 cfu/g) + MRSB + MOS 0,5% (w /v). The same analysis of the consortium (L. plantarum AKK-30 and S. cerevisiae B-18 with levels of inulin) using thirty 32-day-old male from Lohmann MB 202 (average weight 1450 ± 50 g). The experiment used five treatments and five replications follows without inulin (A), consortium with 0.5% of inulin (B), consortium with 1.0% of inulin (C), consortium with 1.5% of inulin (D), and commercial probiotic (E). Third study, evaluation of consortium (L. plantarum AKK-30 and S. cerevisiae B-18 with levels of inulin) used five treatments and five replications follows without inulin (A), consortium with 0.5% of inulin (B), consortium with 1.0% of inulin (C), consortium with 1.5% of inulin (D), and commercial probiotic (E). This study used thirty 32-day-old male from Lohmann MB 202 (average weight 1450 ± 50 g). Parameters of the feeding trial in the third study was performance index, and histopathology of immune organs. Experiment of the third study was designed in a randomized block design (CRD) with five treatments and four replications as follows without inulin (A), consortium with 0.5% of inulin (B), consortium with 1.0% of inulin (C), consortium with 1.5% of inulin (D), and commercial probiotic (E). This study used 275 male day-old chick from Lohmann MB 202 and treated for 32 days in a closed house. Data were evaluated using ANOVA and the difference (p<0.05) among mean treatment was analyzed using Duncan post hoc test. The results showed that L. plantarum AKK-30 with the addition of 0.5% inulin and 0.5% MOS influenced the growth of L. plantarum AKK-30 and bacterial adhesions in the intestinal mucosa without affecting the antibacterial activity. Addition of 0.5% inulin and 0.5% MOS was higher (p <0.05) than other treatments for metabolizable energy (ME), nitrogen retention (NR) and intestinal villi height in chickens. Performance index, weight gain, and feed efficiency in the consortium with the addition of inulin 0.5 and 1.0% were higher than these in other treatments. All consortia showed no differences in the histopathological profile of chicken immune organs. It is concluded that use of L. plantarum AKK 30, S cerevisiae B-18 with 0.5 and 1.0% inulin (w/v) as an alternative to antibiotic growth promoters for broiler chickens.

Keywords: Broiler Performance, Digestive System, Lactic acid bacteria, Yeast.

Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Klara Yuliarti
Abstrak :
Human milk oligosaccharides (HMO) adalah karbohidrat yang terdiri dari 3–10 monosakarida dan tidak dapat dicerna oleh manusia. Fungsi HMO adalah prebiotik untuk mikrobiota usus. Metabolit yang dihasilkan mikrobiota adalah asam lemak rantai pendek (short chain fatty acid/SCFA). Sintesis HMO ditentukan oleh enzim fukosiltransferase 2 (FUT2) dan fukosiltransferase 3 (FUT3), yang disandi gen FUT2 dan FUT3. Polimorfisme gen FUT2 menyebabkan perbedaan HMO pada ASI. Ibu dengan kadar 2’fukosillaktosa (2’FL) ≥ 50 mg/L disebut ibu sekretor. Proporsi ibu sekretor bervariasi, karena polimorfisme gen FUT2 berbeda antar ras. Proporsi sekretor di Eropa > 80%, namun belum ada data di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis proporsi sekretor dan polimorfisme gen FUT2, serta profil SCFA berdasarkan pasangan genotipe ibu-bayi. Penelitian menggunakan desain potong lintang, dilakukan di RSIA Bunda selama bulan Desember 2021–Juli 2022. Subjek penelitian adalah ibu berusia minimal 18 tahun, menyusui eksklusif, dan sehat. Ibu dengan ras Kaukasia di atas 2 generasi dieksklusi. Bayi dari ibu yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi automatis menjadi subjek penelitian dan dieksklusi bila bayi pernah mendapat antibiotik. Pemeriksaan HMO dilakukan saat bayi berusia 2–5 minggu, sedangkan SCFA feses bayi saat usia 4 minggu. Sekuensing coding region FUT2 dilakukan pada ibu dan bayi. Sebanyak 120 pasangan ibu-bayi memenuhi kriteria inklusi dengan proporsi ibu fenotipe sekretor 65,8% dan genotipe sekretor 65,8%. Hubungan antara genotipe FUT2 dan kadar 2’FL bermakna. Penelitian ini menemukan varian baru c.851C>G yang bersifat merusak berdasarkan prediksi in silico. Berdasarkan genotipe FUT2, diusulkan nilai ambang baru 2’FL 425,9 mg/L dengan nilai sensitivitas 98,7% dan spesifisitas 100%. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara proporsi relatif asetat, propionat, butirat dan genotipe ibu, genotipe bayi, maupun pasangan genotipe ibu-bayi. ......Human milk oligosaccharides (HMO) are complex carbohydrates consisting of 3–10 monosaccharides which is undigestible to human. HMO acts as a prebiotic for gut microbiota, which produce short chain fatty acid (SCFA). The synthesis of HMO is determined by the activity of fucosyltransferase 2 (FUT2) and fucosyltransferase 3 (FUT3) enzymes, which are encoded by the FUT2 and FUT3 genes. Polymorphisms of the FUT2 gene result in different secretor status. Mothers with 2'-fucosyllactose (2'FL) level of ≥ 50 mg/L are referred to as secretor. The proportion of secretor varies worldwide due to FUT2 polymorphisms among races. The proportion of secretor in Europe is generally > 80%, but there is no data on secretor status in Indonesia. Thus, baseline data about secretor phenotype and genotype status in Indonesia is needed. This study aimed to analyze the proportion of secretor and FUT2 gene polymorphism in Indonesia, as well as the stool SCFA profile based on the mother-infant dyad genotype. This was a cross-sectional study conducted at Bunda Mother and Child Hospital from December 2021 to July 2022. The study subjects were healthy mothers aged at least 18 years, exclusively breastfeeding. Mothers with Caucasion ancestor from two generations above were excluded. Infants from eligible mothers were automatically included as study subjects but excluded if they had history of antibiotic administration. Breastmilk samples were obtained at infant’s age 2–5 weeks old, while infant’s stool at 4 weeks old. Sequencing of the entire coding region of FUT2 was performed for mothers and infants. A total of 120 mother-infant dyads met the eligibility criteria. The proportion of secretor mother was 65.8%. Secretor genotypes were found in 65.8% of mothers. There was a significant association between secretor genotype and 2’FL level. A novel variant was identified, c.851C>G, which showed deleterious effect based on in silico analysis. A new threshold value of 425.9 mg/L for 2'FL is proposed, with 98.7% sensitivity and 100% specificity. There was no significant relationship between the relative proportion of acetate, propionate, butyrate, and valerate among the mother-infant’s genotype dyads.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Mannan is an oligo-saccharide that was used for human health as a prebiotic food and is produced from hydrolysis of palm kernel cake, coconut seed copra and coke waste. Domestically, palm kernel cake and copra utilized for low efficiency metabolized animal feed A t this moment, via glico-science and technology route, these farming waste using mannanase could be degraded to produce functional oligo saccharide such as mannose and manno-oligosaccharide. Around 20-40% of palm kernel cake fibrous from CPO waste consist beta-mannan. In the beginning, palm kernel cake fibrous qualitative and quantitative analysis and mannan preparation was done for the next enzymatic processing (fermentation step). Optimum condition of palm kernel cake residue hydrolysis was 110°C used heating process till 1_5 hour and 2% mass acid catalyst of 150 g/L, palm kernel cake residue solution. Here, hydrolysis 150 g/L substrate solution at 90" C used heating process till 1.5 hour produced 19.1% mass mannan. Hydrolisis using Streptomyces and Saccharopolyspora (strains from B TCC) resulted that both isolates have a potential to produce mannanase and this raw enzyme qualitativlyt capable to hydrolysis palm kernel cake for producing oligo-saccharides. Both isolates produced mannanase which higher specific activity after 24 hour inoculation of palm kernel cake residue solution.
Jurnal Teknologi, 20 (4) Desember 2006 : 312-319, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library