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Ditemukan 18 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Diana Ratnasari
"Telah dilakukan analisis hasil pemeriksaan Renogram Ginjal di Instalasi Kedokteran Nuklir RSP-Pertamina pada 30 pasien menggunakan metode Cacahan Kamera Gamma dengan Tc-99m DTPA. Mekanisme ini bertujuan untuk mencari korelasi dari ERPF dengan GFR menggunakan analisis Schlegel pada ERPF, dan analisis Gates pada GFR, serta mencari faktor koreksi untuk kedua variabel tersebut. Dari proses pengolahan data menggunakan analisis statistik Pearson, didapatkan hasil dengan korelasi positif pada semua data, dengan nilai ERPF dan GFR (display) menunjukkan Strongly Positive Correlation (r = 0.82 dan nilai p < 0.05), dengan Deviasi Standar sebesar 27.58 dan 107.64 untuk GFR dan ERPF (display) secara berturut-turut.

Analysis of kidney renogram has been performed at Nuclear Medicine Unit RSP-Pertamina to thirty patient images acquired using gamma camera with counting method using Tc-99m DTPA. The purpose of this study was to find the correlation from ERPF with GFR using Schlegel analysis for ERPF, Gates analysis for GFR, as well as to find correction factor between both variables. Pearson?s statistical analysis resulted on Positive Correlation for all data, with ERPF and GFR (display) showing Strongly Positive Correlation (r = 0.82; p-value < 0.05). Standard deviation was found to be 27.58 and 107.64 for GFR and ERPF (display), respectively.
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Depok: Unversitas Indonesia. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kontrol kualitas adalah proses penting dalam pencitraan kedokteran nuklir. Tujuan kontrol kualitas (QC) adalah untuk mendeteksi degradasi dari performa sistem peralatan pencitraan seperti Single Photon Emisssion Computed Tomography (SPECT). Evaluasi parameter kontrol kualitas SPECT menggunakan fantom Jaszczak dan fantom in-house. Fantom Jaszczak untuk evaluasi citra uniformitas, kontras dan resolusi spasial dan fantom in-house untuk evaluasi citra hot. Evaluasi uniformitas menunjukkan konsentrasi aktivitas rendah 0.068 MBq/ml menunjukkan standar deviasi tinggi ±18.6 sedangkan konsentrasi aktivitas tinggi 0.235 MBq/ml menunjukkan standar deviasi rendah ±14.2.
Hasil evaluasi kontras pada citra cold menunjukkan standar deviasi rendah ± 21.8 pada konsentrasi aktivitas terendah 0.068 MBq/ml dan standar deviasi tinggi ± 25.1 ditunjukkan pada konsentrasi aktivitas tinggi 0.235 MBq/ml, dan pada evaluasi citra hot standar deviasi rendah ±29.45 pada konsentrasi aktivitas terendah 0.5 MBq/ml dan standar deviasi tinggi ± 32.2 pada konsentrasi aktivitas tinggi 6.0 MBq/ml. Evaluasi pada standar deviasi menunjukkan kontras citra. Citra dengan standar deviasi tinggi menunjukkan kontras tinggi.

Quality control is an important process in imaging nuclear medicine. The aim of quality control (QC) is to detect degradation of the performance of imaging equipment systems such as Single Photon Emisssion Computed Tomography (SPECT). Evaluation QC SPECT parameters using Jaszczak phantom and in-house phantom. Jaszczak phantom for evaluation of uniformity, contrast and spatial resolution and in-house phantom for hot image evaluation. Uniformity evaluation showed a low activity concentration of 0.068 MBq/ml showed high standard deviation of ± 18.6 with high activity concentration of 0.235 MBq/ml showed low standard deviation ± 14.2.
The results contrast evaluation on cold images showed low standard deviation ± 21.8 at the lowest activity concentration of 0.068 MBq / ml and a high standard deviation of ± 25.1 was shown at a high activity concentration of 0.235 MBq/ml, and low standard standard deviation image evaluation ± 29.45 at the lowest activity concentration 0.5 MBq/ml and high standard deviation ± 32.2 at high activity concentration of 6.0 MBq/ml. Evaluation standard deviation shows image contrast. Images with high standard deviation showed high contrast.
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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anita Nur Mayani
Kedokteran nuklir merupakan salah satu bidang ilmu kedokteran yang memanfaatkan sumber radiasi pengion untuk pencitraan diagnostik maupun terapi pada pasien kanker. Jumlah pelayanan kedokteran nuklir yang dimiliki Indonesia sampai saat ini 17 rumah sakit dan hanya 10 yang aktif beroperasi melakukan kegiatan pelayanan kedokteran nuklir. Untuk mendukung program KPKI oleh menteri kesehatan, perlu dilakukan penambahan departemen kedokteran nuklir di Indonesia. Peraturan mengenai standar pelayanan kedokteran nuklir Indonesia diatur oleh Kementrian Kesehatan dan Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir, namun belum melampirkan mengenai syarat konstruksi dan desain bangunan secara spesifik. Untuk itu penulis melakukan penelitian dengan melakukan studi literatur mengenai persyaratan fasilitas kedokteran nuklir Nasional dan Internasional serta melakukan survei observasi di fasilitas kedokteran nuklir di Indonesia. Hasil dari tinjauan persyaratan kedokteran nuklir adalah peraturan kedokteran nuklir di Indonesia sudah sesuai dengan pedoman kedokteran nuklir internasional, namun belum mengatur detail mengenai persyaratan konstruksi yang berkaitan dengan safety dan layout design. Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik dari 5 sampel fasilitas kedokteran nuklir di Indonesia, fasilitas kedokteran nuklir di Indonesia belum memenuhi aspek ruangan yang memenuhi persyaratan dan belum memenuhi aspek konstruksi yang berkaitan dengan safety. Hasil rekomendasi persyaratan dan perancangan fasilitas kedokteran nuklir berupa room layout, mechanical electrical dan equipment dirancang berdasarkan hasil studi literatur dan observasi survei di lima fasilitas kedokteran nuklir. Hasil perancangan room layout fasilitas kedokteran nuklir dinyatakan valid dengan expert judgement kepada lima expert di bidang kedokteran nuklir.

Nuclear medicine is one of medical fields that uses ionizing radiation sources for therapeutic and diagnostic imaging for cancer. The number of nuclear medicine services in Indonesia is 17 hospitals, which only 10 is active in conducting nuclear medicine services because it doesn't meet the requirements. Regulations about the standards of nuclear medicine services Indonesia are regulated by Ministry of Health and Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) but it have not yet been discussed the requirements for construction building and floor plan layout design. For this reason, the author did literature study about the requirements of National & International nuclear medicine facilities and observation survey in nuclear medicine facilities in Indonesia. This study is done by compare means analysis to review the requirements of nuclear medicine requirements and National & International nuclear medicine facilities and the current state of nuclear medicine facilities di Indonesia. The result of literature study are then carried out into layout design facility and developed by result of observation survey study on 5 nuclear medicine facility in Indoneisa. The results of this study nuclear medicine regulations are in accordance with international nuclear medicine guidelines, but doesn't conduct the details regarding construction requirements and layout design. Based on the results of statistical tests from 5 samples of nuclear medicine facilities in Indonesia, nuclear medicine facilities in Indonesia have not met the aspect of the room that meets the requirements and does not meet the construction aspects relating to safety. Recommendations were made on the requirements and design of nuclear medicine facilities based on the results of literature studies, survey observations at five nuclear medicine facilities and expert judgment on five experts in the field of nuclear medicine. The results are recommendation of nuclear medicine facility's requirement and nuclear medicine facility design (room layout, mechanical electrical and equipment). The room layout is valid with expert judgement method by expert in the field of nuclear medicine."
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The Institute of Nuclear Medicine, founded in 1961, celebrates with this festschrift, its Golden Jubilee. It has been a remarkable 50 years of progress of the radionuclide tracer methodology. From initial, physiology based experimentation, a full independent medical discipline evolved, and with it, a comprehensive clinical service. Diagnosis and treatment with radiotracers have established the basis for nuclear medicine. Technological advances have permeated the field like none other, its multidisciplinary character and its translational research are embedded in the history of the Institute and its success. Recent and latest advances in the field promise a future as bright as has been witnessed and documented in the last 50 years."
Berlin : Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York : Academic Press, 1966
612.014 48 ADV
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Rachman
"Translasi radiofarmaka dari hewan percobaan ke dosis manusia merupakan tugas yang menantang karena variasi biologis antar spesies dan kurangnya standarisasi dalam dosimetri kedokteran nuklir. Studi ini berfokus pada pengaruh seleksi model terhadap perhitungan dosis yang diserap radiasi pada kasus translasi biokinetik dari hewan ke manusia. Penelitian ini menggunakan data biokinetik rata-rata dan individu dari studi radiofarmaka 177Lu-OPS201 pada hewan dan manusia dengan menggunakan model Sum of Exponential (SoE). Analisis Goodness of Fit (GoF) dan corrected Akaike Information Criterion (AICc) digunakan untuk seleksi model. Model f_2 (t)=A_1 e^(-(λ_1+λ_phys )t) terpilih sebagai model terbaik untuk mencit, babi, dan manusia. Penggunaan data biokinetik rata-rata menghasilkan %wAICc sebesar 50,01%, TIAC referensi sebesar 5,41±0,29 jam (manusia), 1,35±0,07 jam (mencit), dan 2,23±0,17 jam (babi). Sementara penggunaan data biokinetik individu menghasilkan %wAICc sebesar 84,00%, TIAC referensi sebesar 5,41±0,24 jam (manusia), 1,35±0,07 jam (mencit), dan 1,68±0,12 jam - 2,85±0,28 jam (babi). Metode regresi linear dan allometric scalling digunakan dalam proses translasi biokinetik radiofarmaka 177Lu-OPS201 dari hewan ke manusia. Hasilnya, model terbaik dengan data biokinetik rata-rata dapat memprediksi TIAC sebesar 5,45±0,03 jam dan akurasi 99,20% mendekati referensi (regresi linear) dan TIAC prediksi sebesar 3,97±1,01 jam dan akurasi 73,50% mendekati referensi (allometric scalling).

The translation of radiopharmaceuticals from experimental animals to human doses is a challenging task due to biological variations between species and lack of standardization in nuclear medicine dosimetry. This study focuses on the influence of model selection on the calculation of radiation absorbed dose in the case of biokinetic translation from animals to humans. This study used average and individual biokinetic data from the 177Lu-OPS201 radiopharmaceutical study in animals and humans using the Sum of Exponential (SoE) model. Goodness of Fit (GoF) analysis and corrected Akaike Information Criterion (AICc) were used for model selection. The model f_2 (t)=A_1 e^(-(λ_1+λ_phys )t) was selected as the best model for mice, pigs and humans. The use of average biokinetic data resulted in %wAICc of 50.01%, reference TIAC of 5.41±0.29 hours (human), 1.35±0.07 hours (mice), and 2.23±0.17 hours (pigs). Meanwhile, the use of individual biokinetic data resulted in a %wAICc of 84.00%, a reference TIAC of 5.41±0.24 hours (human), 1.35±0.07 hours (mice), and 1.68±0.12 hours - 2.85±0.28 hours (pigs). Linear regression and allometric scaling methods were used in the process of translating the biokinetics of radiopharmaceutical 177Lu-OPS201 from animals to humans. As a result, the best model with average biokinetic data can predict TIAC of 5.45±0.03 hours and 99.20% accuracy close to the reference (linear regression) and predicted TIAC of 3.97±1.01 hours and 73.50% accuracy close to the reference (allometric scalling)."
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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyson, N.A.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1981
539.7 DYS i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sibarani, Risma Laura
"Dalam penelitian ini, telah dilakukan pengukuran dosis ekuivalen di titik organ tiroid, sumsum tulang belakang, gonad dan jari tangan pada dua pekerja Instalasi Kedokteran Nuklir MRCCC Siloam serta pada dua pekerja RSPP. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa pengukuran telah berada di bawah nilai batas dosis (NBD) yang telah ditetapkan oleh IAEA dan BAPETEN dan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui laju dosis serta aktivitas radiasi pengion untuk setiap kegiatan dari pekerja di Instalasi Kedokteran Nuklir MRCCC Siloam dan RSPP. Evaluasi dosis ekuivalen kumulatif selama 3 bulan pada setiap organ 4 pekerja memiliki range dosis 0.05 mSv hingga 0.11 mSv pada tiroid, 0.1 mSv hingga 0.19 mSv pada sumsum tulang belakang, 0.08 mSv hingga 0.14 mSv pada gonad dan 0.05 mSv hingga 0.24 mSv pada jari tangan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dosis ekuivalen yang diterima pekerja di Instalasi Kedokteran Nuklir MRCCC Siloam dan RSPP tidak melewati batasan dosis untuk pekerja radiasi yaitu 20 mSv/tahun. Pengukuran laju dosis sesaat radiasi pengion paling besar dari setiap kegiatan pekerja ketika menginjeksi radiofarmaka kepada pasien sebesar (25.03±26.57) μGy/hr.
Within this research, measurement of equivalent doses have been conducted on the thyroid points, bone marrow, gonads and fingers for two employees at Nuclear Installation of MRCCC Siloam and two employees at RSPP. The result show that it has been below of the dose limit value (NBD) as determined by IAEA and BAPETEN and the purpose of this reasearch is to determine the dose rate of ionizing radiation in all of the activities every day of employees in Nuclear Installation of MRCCC Siloam and RSPP. The evaluation for cumulative equivalent dose of employees for 3 months on organ at risk of 4 employees have range dose 0.05 mSv to 0.11 mSv on thyroid, 0.1 mSv to 0.19 mSv on bone marrow, 0.08 mSv to 0.14 mSv on gonads dan 0.05 mSv to 0.24 mSv on fingers. This results show that radiation dose evaluation for the radiation employees in Nuclear Installation of MRCCC Siloam and RSPP is not exceed of the dose limit from BAPETEN for the radiation employee that is 20 mSv/ year. Measurement of highest dose rate in all of the employee activities is on the employee injection of radiopharmaceutical to patient that is (25.03±26.57) μGy/hr."
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Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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