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"Latar belakang : Terpajan pelarut organik merupakan kejadian sehari-hari yang dialami oleh banyak pekerja. Pelarut organik banyak digunakan dalam proses pembuatan alas kaki disektor formal maupun informal. Menurut beberapa penelitian beberapa jenis pelarut organik mempunyai sifat neurotoksik sehingga perlu deteksi gejala-gejala tersebut yang mungkin timbul pada para pekerja. Kuesioner Swedish Q16 adalah kuesioner deteksi dini yang paling sering digunakan untuk penupisan pekerja yang terpajan pelarut organik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi gejala neurotoksik akibat pajanan pelarut organik menggunakan Kuesioner Swedish Q16, serta mengetahui beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi seperti : umur, pendidikan, masa kerja, status gizi, pemakaian APD, kebiasaan minum alkohol, merokok, cuci tangan, makan minum di tempat kerja dan hasil pemantauan kadar pelarut organik di lingkungan,kerja.
Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian cross-sectional dengan subyek penelitian 138 orang pekerja alas kaki di sektor informal Ciomas Bogor. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan pengamatan langsung, sedangkan lingkungan kerja dilakukan dengan pengukuranpersonal sampling dan hasilnya diperiksa menggunakan teknik Gas Chromatography. Gejala neurotoksik dideteksi menggunakan kuesioner Swedish Q16. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada bulan September-Oktaber 2006. Hasilnya diolah menggunakan program statistik SPSS 11,5.
Hasil : Hasil identifikasi lem didapatkan lem kuning mengandung : toluen (45,3%), benzen (5,18%) dan metil etil keton (18,68%), lem putih mengandung : toluen (41,31%), benzen (3,52%) dan aseton (19,24%). Kadar toluen di lingkungan kerja rata-rata 1,12 ppm, tertinggi 2,48 ppm dan terendah 0,33 ppm. Keluhan terbanyak kesemutan (62,3%), sakit kepala (62,3%), mudah Ietih (56,5%). Prevalensi gejala neurotoksik pads subyek penelitian sebesar 55,8%. Pada analisis bivariat faktor umur, masa kerja dan IMT memiliki hubungan bermakna terhadap terjadinya gejala neurotoksik. Setelah dilakukan analisis multivariat didapatkan umur < 28 tahun memiliki risiko 6 kali lipat untuk mengalami gejala neurotoksik. (p = 0,000; OR = 6,235). Penieriksaan finger tapping test dilakukan secara sub sampling pada 53 subyek dan dipemleh basil tidak normal pada tangan kanan 47,2% dan tangan kiri 43,3%.
Kesimpulan : Prevalensi gejala neurotoksik pada pekerja industri alas kaki sektor informal , Ciomas , Bogor yang terpajan pelarut organik sebesar 55,8%. Faktor umur berhubungan dengan terjadinya gejala neurotoksik (OR = 6,235 ; p = 0,000).

Background : Exposured by organic solvent is form of occurrence day by day for many workers. Organic solvent is used in many process on footwear manufacture both formal and informal sector. According to several studies , many organic solvent has neurotoxic char tcterisl it:, so need to early detection for symptoms that influences to workers. The Swedish Q16 is a questionnaire that often use for workers screening from exposured by organic solvent. The goal of this study is to identification of glue, prevalence neurotoxic symptoms cause by organic solvent exposure, with Swedish Q16 Questionnaire, and to know factors of influences as : age, education, working periode, body mass index, using of PPE, drink of alcohol, washing hand, smoking, eat and drink at workplace and organic solvent level in workplace.
Method : The design of this study was cross sectionai,and the total number of sample were 138 footwear workers. Data collecting was conducted to interview, direct monitoring and measuring personal sampling at workplace which checking by Gas Chromatography technique. Neurotoxic symptoms detected by Swedish Q16 Quetionnaire. Data collecting was done on September-October 2006. All data research result processing by Statistic Program SPSS version 11.5.
Result : Identification of glue has result that content of yellow glue are toluene (45,3%), benzene (5,18%) dan metyl etyl ketone (18,68%), white glue content are : toluene (41,31%), benzene (3,52%) dan acetone (19,24%). Degree of toluene at workplace was average 1,12 ppm, and range 2,48 ppm to 0,33 ppm. Highest complaint from subject are : tingling ((62,3%), headache (62,3%), fatigue (56,5%). Study's subject neurotoxic symptoms prevalence was 55,8%. On bivariate analysis, age factor, work periode, body mass index, have related to neurotoxic symptoms outcome. On multivariate analysis be found that age < 28 years have risk six time to experience with neurotoxie symptoms, (p0,000; OR = 6,235). Examination on finger tapping test to be done as sub sampling on 53 subject and the result is unnormally on right hand 47,2% and left hand 43,3%.
Conclutions : Prevalence of neurotoxicity symptoms in informal sector footwear workers at Ciomas Bogor was 55,8%. Age factor was related to the neurotoxic symptoms (OR = 6,235 ; p = 0,000).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ida Yuliana
"Latar Belakang : MSG mempunyai sifat eksitotoksik yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan dan kematian sel neuron. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian MSG terhadap gambaran histologis serebrum neonatus tikus Sprague Dawley yang induknya terpapar MSG selama gestasi.
Metode : Desain penelitian adalah eksperimental in vivo menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap. Subjek penelitian adalah 25 ekor tikus betina putih (Rattus novergicus) strain Sprague Dawley, dikelompokkan menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu 2 kelompok kontrol dan 3 kelompok perlakuan yang selama masa gestasi dicekok MSG dosis 1200 mg, 2400 mg dan 4800 mg/kg BB/hari via sonde lambung. Saat induk tikus melahirkan, neonatus diambil acak 1 neonatus dari 1 induk tikus, dibuat sajian histologi otak pewarnaan HE. Fotomikrograf dianalisis dengan Optilab Camera dan Image Raster. Paramater penelitian adalah ketebalan lapisan korteks serebri, persentase kerusakan neuron, kepadatan neuron dan jumlah jenis neuron normal di korteks serebri area sensorik primer.
Hasil : MSG mampu menembus sawar darah plasenta dan sawar darah otak Pemberian MSG selama masa gestasi menyebabkan kecenderungan terjadinya penipisan lapisan korteks serebri, peningkatan persentase kerusakan neuron, kepadatan neuron, dan jumlah sel neuron imatur korteks serebri area sensorik primer yang bermakna pada dosis MSG 2400 mg/kg BB/hari
Kesimpulan : Pemberian MSG selama masa gestasi menyebabkan terjadinya penipisan lapisan korteks serebri, peningkatan persentase kerusakan neuron, kepadatan neuron dan jumlah sel neuron imatur korteks serebri area sensorik primer yang bermakna pada dosis MSG 2400 mg/kgBB/hari.

Background: MSG as exocitotoxin caused neuronal damage and death. This research aims to investigate the influence of MSG on the histological structure of cerebrum in the neonatus of Sprague Dawley rats whose mothers exposed to MSG during gestational periode.
Methods: This research is eksperimental investigation in vivo using completely randomaized design. The subject are 25 adult female Sprague Dawley rats, which are divided into 2 groups : 2 control groups and 3 treated groups which were given with MSG with the doses of 1200 mg, 2400 mg, and 4800 mg/kg bw/day in 4 ml aquadest. When the female rats got labour, one neonatus was taken randomly from its mother. The brain spesimen were isolated and stained with HE staining. Photomicrograph was taken with Optilab Camera and was analyzed by Image Raster for thickness of cerebral cortex layers, the percentage of neuronal damage, neuronal density, and number of normal neuron in the primary sensor area of cerebral cortex.
Result: MSG was able to penetrate blood placenta barrier and blood brain barrier of neonatal rats. MSG caused the tendency of serebral cortex layers to become thinner, the increasing of neuronal damaged percentage, the increasing of neuronal density, and the increasing number of normal immature neuron(neuroblast) in the primary sensory area of cerebral cortex significantly with the doses of 2400 mg/kg bw/day.
Conclusion: MSG caused the tendency of cerebral cortex layers to become thinner, the increasing of neuronal damaged percentage, the increasing of neuronal density, and the increasing number of normal immature neuron(neuroblast) in the primary sensory area of cerebral cortex significantly with the doses of 2400 mg/kg bw/day."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nitin Jagtap
"Background: alcohol may have additional neurotoxic ill-effects in patients with alcohol related cirrhosis apart from hepatic encephalopathy. We aimed to evaluate minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE) with Psychometric Hepatic Encephalopathy (PHES) score and Critical Flicker Frequency (CFF) in alcohol (ALD) and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis related (NASH) related cirrhosis. Methods: 398 patients were screened between March 2016 and December 2018; of which 71 patients were included in ALD group and 69 in NASH group. All included patients underwent psychometric tests which included number connection test A and B (NCT-A and NCT-B), serial dot test (SDT), digit symbol test (DST), line tracing test (LTT) and CFF. MHE was diagnosed when their PHES was <-4. Results: the prevalence of MHE was significantly higher in ALD group compared to NASH (69.01% vs 40.58%; P=0.007). The performance of individual psychometric tests was significantly poorer in ALD (P<0.05). Overall sensitivity and specificity of CFF was 76.62% (95%CI 65.59 – 85.52) and 46.03% (95%CI 33.39 – 59.06) respectively. Mean CFF was significantly lower in ALD than NASH (37.07 (SD 2.37) vs 39.05 (SD 2.40), P=0.001); also in presence of MHE (36.95 (SD 2.04) vs 37.96 (SD 1.87), P=0.033) and absence of MHE (37.34 (SD 3.01) vs 39.79 (SD 2.46), P=0.001). Conclusion: MHE is significantly more common in patients with ALD cirrhosis than NASH counterparts. Overall CFF values are less in alcohol related cirrhosis than NASH related cirrhosis, even in presence or absence of MHE. We recommend additional caution in managing MHE in ALD cirrhosis."
Jakarta: University of Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, 2021
610 UI-IJIM 53:1 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library