Sihaloho, Deltika
Abstrak :
Keprihatinan terhadap penggunaan obat-obat terlarang oleh para petugas polisi. Para petugas polisi merupakan bagian dari masyarakat dan akan mencerminkan norma-norma dan nilai-nilai masyarakat, baik dan buruk. Penggunaan obat-obat terlarang merupakan sebuah keprihatinan, karena dapat merusakan kemampuan seorang petugas untuk menjalankan tugasnya dengan efektif dan tepat, mempertinggi kemungkinan korupsi, menggambarkan pelanggaran etika dan hukum kepercayaan, merusak kepercayaan publik terhadap kepolisian dan integritas mereka.
Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif yakni bertujuan mengetahui motivasi penyalahgunaan narkotika oleh oknum kepolisian di jajaran Polda X. Sedangkan penelitian ini lebih memfokuskan pada studi kasus yang merupakan wawancara secara mendalam dan tidak berstruktur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan anggota polisi sebagai penegak hokum justru melakukan pelanggaran penyalahgunaan narkotika. Melalui penelitian kualitatif terhadap 6 kasus ditemukan bahwa faktor yang paling dominan adalah gaya hidupnya yang berhubungan dengan aktivits rutin.
Teori aktivitas rutin manunjukkan bahwa mempelajari kejahatan maka harus mempertimbangkan tiga elemen yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap kemudahan munculnya kejahatan, yakni : (a) Pelaku yang memang mempunyai motivasi untuk melakukan kejahtan, (b) adanya sasaran yang cocok, dan (c) Ketidakhadiran sistem penjagaan yang cakap dan canggih, seperti masyarakat ketetanggaan yang siap siaga, dan system alarm untuk mencegah kejahatan. Berdasarkan penelitian tersebut diperoleh gambaran bahwa seorang oknum kepolisian yang melakukan prilaku menyimpang dikarenakan kama gaya hidup, aktivitas rutin yang mana sehari-hari bertugas sebagai penyidik.
Concern over drugs by police officers. Police officers are part of the society and behove to reflect the norms and the values of community, whether good or not. The consumption of illegal drugs is a concern, by reason of can be damaging the ability of the an officer to carry out their duties effectively and appropriately, increasing possibility of corruption, describes the ethical and legal breach of trust, undermine public trust in the police and their integrity.
This study is a qualitative research which aims to know the motivation of drug abuse by unscrupulous police in ?X? local police. This study focuses more on the case study is an in-depth interviews and unstructured. In addition this study aims to explain the factors that cause law enforcement officers as it violates the abuse of narcotics. Through a qualitative study of 6 cases found that the most dominant factor is the lifestyle associated with routine activities.
Routine activities theory suggests that studying the crime then it should consider three elements that can affect the ease of emergence of crime, that is ; (a) perpetrator who are motivated to commit a crime, (b) presence of a suitable target, and (c) absence of surveillance systems and a skilled and sophisticated, like a neighborhood community that is ready alert, and alarm system to prevent crime.
Based on these studies indicated that an unscrupulous police behavior as deviant because of lifestyle, routine activities of daily which served as an investigator.
, Concern over drugs by police officers. Police officers are part of the society and behove to reflect the norms and the values of community, whether good or not. The consumption of illegal drugs is a concern, by reason of can be damaging the ability of the an officer to carry out their duties effectively and appropriately, increasing possibility of corruption, describes the ethical and legal breach of trust, undermine public trust in the police and their integrity. This study is a qualitative research which aims to know the motivation of drug abuse by unscrupulous police in ‘X’ local police. This study focuses more on the case study is an in-depth interviews and unstructured. In addition this study aims to explain the factors that cause law enforcement officers as it violates the abuse of narcotics. Through a qualitative study of 6 cases found that the most dominant factor is the lifestyle associated with routine activities.
Routine activities theory suggests that studying the crime then it should consider three elements that can affect the ease of emergence of crime, that is ; (a) perpetrator who are motivated to commit a crime, (b) presence of a suitable target, and (c) absence of surveillance systems and a skilled and sophisticated, like a neighborhood community that is ready alert, and alarm system to prevent crime.
Based on these studies indicated that an unscrupulous police behavior as deviant because of lifestyle, routine activities of daily which served as an investigator.
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library