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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Nasution, Aris Miyati
"Taruna Akademi Militer di Lembah Tidar sebagai pemuda pilihan dari seluruh Indonesia, dididik selama empat tahun oleh Gadik dan Gapendik menjadi Perwira Letnan Dua Kecabangan TNI-AD dan D4 Pertahanan sebagai pengambil keputusan TNI dan Nasional. Budaya sipil dibentuk menjadi budaya Prajurit Perwira yang memiliki keunggulan fisik trengginas, mental akademik tanggap, sikap kepribadian tanggon, serta toleran terhadap keragaman budaya. Lulusan Akmil adalah model yang menjadi representasi keragaman budaya Bangsa, mereka menjalankan tugas pertahanan Negara ke berbagai wilayah Indonesia beradaptasi dengan budaya lingkungan tugas.
Keseharian Taruna menyerap makna, situasi, proses dan konteks pendisiplinan norma Akmil secara bertahap, bertingkat, dan berlanjut melalui Among Asuh, bekal tugas dalam memandang dunia pengabdian setelah mengalami dinamika kekuasaan di Padepokan Taruna. Pemikiran Michel Foucault tentang kekuasaan dan relasi kekuasaan, terpusat dan menyebar kesetiap tubuh Taruna, Gadik dan Gapendik direkam melalui metode etnografi: pengetahuan, pengelolaan mental, dan wacana yang didukung oleh panoptisisme, pengawasan ketat, modernitas, kongregasi dan kontestasi, dominasi dan resisitensi, bio-power, bio-sosial, dan bio-politik, membentuk sikap patuh, tunduk, taat aturan mengejawantah pada diri Taruna sebagai nilai yang suci, Taruna menjadi Polisi diri sendiri, siap sebagai Prajurit efektif Perwira TNI-AD.
Sesanti Tidar: pendisiplinan pesan moral, nilai, dan etika, diinternalisasi melalui ide dan materi dalam proses ajeg (sustained); menjadi (being), model dari (model of), adaptasi linear (linear adaptation), serta Tri Marga Tidar, norma keseharian Taruna, baik dan aman bagi bawahan, rekan sejawat, dan atasan. Sebagai manusia kreatif, dalam situasi dan kondisi tertentu: proses menjadi cair (fluid), becoming dengan model for, adaptasi siklis spiral, mengakibatkan penghukuman menegakkan ciri kemiliteran: patuh, tunduk, taat aturan, disiplin, seragam, menegakkan hierarkhi, loyal, esprit de corps, dan kekhasan TNI: disiplin hidup, hati nurani, meredam diminasi, nilai TNI-45, manunggal TNI-Rakyat, dan perlawanan gerilya Panglima Besar Jenderal Sudirman.

Cadets as selected youth from Indonesia regions are educated in four years by Instructors and Education Supporters resulted Second Lieutenant of Army Branches and Diploma four of Defense as State Sevices. Civil culture is formed becoming the officer soldier culture which poses excellent physical trengginas, mental academic tanggap, personality atitude tanggon, and tolerant to cultural diversity. The Military Academy Graduate could be sensitive as the implication of former local culture sediment, and after graduation they dedicate their duty to defense the State on many Indonesia areas and adapt to duty environment culture.
This research provides a picture of Cadets daily life absorb the meaning, situation, process and context Military Academy norms by power relations with Instructors and Education Supporters through Among Asuh of Sesanti Tidar within the world devotion view after experiencing power dynamics in Cadets Padepokan. Power relations which are centered and capillary spread on the body of Cadets, Instructors and Education Supporters, recorded by ethnography method according to Michel Foucault thought which contained of knowledge, govern-mentality, and discourse, supported by panopticism, surveillance, modernity, congregation and contestation, domination and resistance, bio-power, bio-social, bio-politic.
Sesanti Tidar as morals, values and ethics disciplined, internalized through idea and material of sustained procees, being, model of, linear adaptation, and Tri Marga Tidar, Cadets daily norms, good and secure for subordinates, peers, and higher positions. As creative human, in special situation and condition: the process becoming fluid, with model for, circles spiral adaptation, punishment effects to obey military identities: regulations, discipline, uniform, hierarchy, loyal, esprit de corps with TNI?s special values of: social relations, economic interest, makes account of conscience: domination neutralized, TNI-45 values, Manunggal TNI-people, experience of anti guerilla warfare of Panglima Besar General Soedirman."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Adelia Gitaprana
Skripsi ini membahas pendidikan perwira Angkatan Darat pada tahun 1945? 1950 melalui Akademi Militer yang bertempat di Yogyakarta. Situasi dan kondisi Indonesia yang belum stabil karena baru merdeka menyebabkan pendidikan di Akademi Militer Yogya tidak dapat berjalan seperti pada umumnya. Adanya upaya Belanda kembali menguasai Indonesia melalui Agresi Militer Belanda I dan II mengharuskan para tarunanya untuk ikut bertempur mempertahankan kemerdekaan. Perbedaan latar belakang beberapa golongan di tubuh tentara Indonesia masa itu juga mempengaruhi pendidikan di Akademi Militer. Keadaan yang demikian menjadikan taruna Akademi Militer Yogya menjadi taruna pejuang yang lebih dulu berjuang sebelum menjadi perwira. Skripsi ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah dan menggunakan kaidah penulisan ilmiah.

;This thesis disscuses about Indonesian army officers educated in 1945?1950 by Military Academy in Yogyakarta. Education of Yogya Military Academy could not operate conventionally due to situation and condition in Indonesia which, at that time, was unstable because it had just reached the its freedom. Netherland attempted to occupy Indonesia through First and Second Military Aggression and all of this academy cadets must took part on the battle for defending Indonesian independence. The diversity background among groups in military institution had influenced Yogya Military Academy?s education too. Those situations turned Yogya Military Academy?s cadets into crusader cadets which experienced the battle first before they became officers. This thesis uses the history research method and scientific writing rules.
, This thesis disscuses about Indonesian army officers educated in 1945—1950 by Military Academy in Yogyakarta. Education of Yogya Military Academy could not operate conventionally due to situation and condition in Indonesia which, at that time, was unstable because it had just reached the its freedom. Netherland attempted to occupy Indonesia through First and Second Military Aggression and all of this academy cadets must took part on the battle for defending Indonesian independence. The diversity background among groups in military institution had influenced Yogya Military Academy‘s education too. Those situations turned Yogya Military Academy‘s cadets into crusader cadets which experienced the battle first before they became officers. This thesis uses the history research method and scientific writing rules.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Kata Hasta Pustaka, 2012
355.007 11 MEN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alvia Rahmawati
"Berkebalikan dengan kemunduran peran militer dalam kehidupan sosial dan politik praktis di Indonesia pasca runtuhnya otoritarianisme Orde Baru, anak-anak muda tetap antusias untuk berkarir sebagai tentara. Beberapa studi berpendapat bahwa fenomena tersebut disebabkan adanya pembebasan biaya pendidikan yang ditawarkan oleh militer, jaminan karir pasti dengan gaji dan tunjangan-tunjangan yang sesuai. Studi-studi lainnya menyebutkan bahwa hal itu ditentukan oleh adanya peluang meningkatkan status sosial, implementasi semangat patriotisme, tingginya nasionalisme, keinginan untuk mewujudkan perdamaian, dan misi kemanusiaan. Pada dasarnya penulis setuju dengan studi-studi tersebut. Namun, studi-studi tersebut masih terbatas dalam membahas aspek immaterial yang masih relevan dalam mendasari keputusan anak-anak muda Indonesia untuk berkarir sebagai tentara dewasa ini. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fenomena tersebut juga disebabkan oleh penerimaan atas citra militer Indonesia berkaitan dengan budaya organisasi khas yang dimiliki dan profesionalitas yang secara progresif terus ditunjukkan. Citra militer terkonstruksi dan terus diinternalisasi melalui agen-agen sosialisasi, seperti keluarga, lingkungan tempat tinggal, sekolah, kelompok teman sebaya, media massa, media sosial, hingga film. Hasilnya, terdapat penerimaan positif masyarakat atas citra militer yang ditunjukkan, yang pada gilirannya berpengaruh dalam pembentukan persepsi anak muda untuk berkarir sebagai tentara. Penulis menggunakan data yang diperoleh melalui studi pustaka, studi dokumen, dan wawancara bersama sejumlah taruna aktif Akademi Militer dan siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas.

In contrast to the decline in the military's role in practical social and political life in Indonesia after the collapse of the Orde Baru authoritarianism, young people remain enthusiastic about a career as a soldier. Several studies argue that this phenomenon is due to the exemption of education fees offered by the military and guaranteed career guarantees with appropriate salaries and benefits. Other studies say that it determines the opportunity to increase social status, implement the spirit of patriotism, high nationalism, desire to realize peace, and humanitarian missions. Basically, the authors agree with these studies. However, these studies are still limited in discussing the immaterial aspects that are still relevant in underpinning the decisions of young Indonesians to have careers as soldiers today. This research findings show that this phenomenon is also caused by the acceptance of the Indonesian military image, related to its distinctive organizational culture and organizations that progressively show professionalism. The military image is constructed and continues to internalize through socialization agents, such as family, neighborhood, schools, peer groups, mass media, social media, and films. As a result, there is a positive public acceptance of the military image shown, which influences the formation of young people's perceptions of a career as a soldier. The author uses data obtained through literature studies, document studies, and interviews with several active cadets of the Military Academy and senior high school students."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ambrose, Stephen E.
Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999
355.007 AMB d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library