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Ditemukan 12 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Nur Khozin
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas penerapan konsep museologi baru dan museum sejarah di Museum Kebangkitan Nasional. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menjadikan Museum Kebangkitan Nasional sebagai museum sejarah ideal dan merumuskan konsep komunikasi yang tepat untuk memudahkan proses penyampaian pesan. Hasil dari penelitian ini mengidentifikasikan bahwa Museum Kebangkitan Nasional merupakan museum sejarah yang dalam pengelolaannya belum menggunakan konsep museologi baru, karena belum menerapkan konsep komunikasi timbal balik.
The object of this research was to discuss the application of the new museology and the historical museum concepts. This research is a descriptive study which used qualitative approach. The aim of the study is to perform ?National Awakening Museum? as the ideal historical museum and formulate the appropriate communication concept to facilitate the process of delivering messages. The result of the research identified that National Awakening Museum is a historical museum which its management has not used the new museology concept, due to the fact of lacking the using of reciprocal communication concept.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jugiarie Soegiarto
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Film Mother Dao The Turtlelike(fMD) merupakan sebuah film yang disusun dari penggalan-penggalan film dokumenter Hindia-Belanda (1912-1933). Penggalan film dari masa kolonial tersebut disusun dalam bentuk kolase dan dibubuhi sonor berupa bunyi-bunyian, tembang dalam bahasa Jawa dan Sunda, puisi dalam bahasa Indonesia serta sebuah mitos penciptaan Nias. Disertasi ini berusaha mengungkap cara sineas memanfaatkan unsur-unsur sinematografis dan naratif untuk menawarkan suatu memori kolektif poskolonial yang lebih kritis. Dengan memperlakukannya sebagai teks, analisis struktur film dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori naratologi film. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan perbedaan pandangan tentang kolonialisme antara para kinematograf film Hindia-Belanda(fHB) dan sineas fMD. Bagi para kinematograf dan pemesannya kolonialisme diyakini sebagai upaya pengentasan penduduk dan pengembangan wilayah koloni. Pandangan sineas fMD sebagaimana tercermin dalam sonor memperlihatkan hal yang bertentangan: kolonialisme adalah eksploitasi manusia atas manusia dan alam. Susunan berbentuk kolase dan pengimbuhan sonor mengubah gambaran kolonial dalam fHB. Dengan cara itu sineas menjadikan filmnya sebagai langkah awal pembentukan memori poskolonial yang lebih kritis.
ABSTRACT The documentary film Mother Dao the Turtlelike (MDT) is not a remake but composed from footages of the Ducth East Indies (DEI) films made between 1912 and 1933. A sound-over is then added on this collage composition which consist of Javanese and Sundanese songs, Indonesian poems, and the mythology of creation of Batu Islands, Nias. This dissertation tried to find out the way the filmmaker uses the cinematographic and narrative elements in an attempt to construct a new postcolonial collective memory. Assuming film as a text, the film?s structure is then analysed using the theory of film narratology. Despite the highly complicated structure, sinds there is no commentary added to the collage composition, a comprehensive analyses have to be conducted. The analysis showed the different perspectives of the cinematographers of DEI films and of MDT. Colonialism is still believed as an effort to develop the colony and its people. On the contrary the composition of collages and sonores in MDT clearly show the missery and extreme sufferings of the indigenous people. As well as the exploitation of their nature for the sake of the welfare of the colonialist. The composition of colages and sonores in MDT change the colonial image of DEI films. The colage and the sonores in MDT give the chance to the viewer to see what colonialism really meant. MDT will enhance spectators critical thinking as well as their an humanistic postcolonial collective memory;The documentary film Mother Dao the Turtlelike (MDT) is not a remake but composed from footages of the Ducth East Indies (DEI) films made between 1912 and 1933. A sound-over is then added on this collage composition which consist of Javanese and Sundanese songs, Indonesian poems, and the mythology of creation of Batu Islands, Nias. This dissertation tried to find out the way the filmmaker uses the cinematographic and narrative elements in an attempt to construct a new postcolonial collective memory. Assuming film as a text, the film?s structure is then analysed using the theory of film narratology. Despite the highly complicated structure, sinds there is no commentary added to the collage composition, a comprehensive analyses have to be conducted. The analysis showed the different perspectives of the cinematographers of DEI films and of MDT. Colonialism is still believed as an effort to develop the colony and its people. On the contrary the composition of collages and sonores in MDT clearly show the missery and extreme sufferings of the indigenous people. As well as the exploitation of their nature for the sake of the welfare of the colonialist. The composition of colages and sonores in MDT change the colonial image of DEI films. The colage and the sonores in MDT give the chance to the viewer to see what colonialism really meant. MDT will enhance spectators critical thinking as well as their an humanistic postcolonial collective memory.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lidia Likaya
Abstrak :

Layaknya organisme yang hidup, kota akan terus berubah. Tiap sudut kota menjadi saksi atas rekam jejak perubahan tersebut. Dalam konteks ini, ruang publik di kota berperan ganda: sebagai repositori sekaligus tempat diproduksinya memori kolektif. Tempat dimana masa lalu dan masa kini mematerialisasikan dirinya dalam satu waktu. Tulisan ini akan menelusuri jejak memori kolektif di ruang publik kota yang lebih lanjut membentuk identitas ruang tersebut di mata publik. Objek studinya ialah Taman Ismail Marzuki, ruang publik yang kaya akan nilai histori. Penelusuran dilakukan dengan metode etnografi, melibatkan wawancara kualitatif dan observasi mendalam dengan kajian berdasarkan narasi formal sejarah sebagai pembandingnya. Hasilnya, didapatkan rangkaian identitas TIM yang variatif pada tiap periodenya, dengan potongan memori kolektif masa lampau yang turut tersisip di wujud terbarunya. Residu dari memori kolektif ini beragam wujudnya, muncul dalam bentuk program ruang, nama bangunan, mural, hingga motivasi komunitas seni untuk berlatih di TIM. ......A city is similar to a living organism, constantly changing. Every corner of the city becomes a witness to these transformations. In this context, the city's public spaces serve a dual role: as repositories and as sites where collective memory is produced. They are the places where the past and present materialize simultaneously. This article will explore the traces of collective memory in public spaces, which will further shape the identity of these spaces in the eyes of the public domain. The study will focus on Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM), a public space that is rich in historical value. The exploration is conducted through ethnographic methods, involving qualitative interviews and in-depth observations, with a comparative analysis based on formal historical narratives. The findings reveal a diverse range of TIM's identities in each period, with fragments of collective memory from the past embedded in its current form. The residues of this collective memory take various forms, appearing as spatial programs, building names, murals, and even motivating artistic communities to practice at TIM.

Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Connerton, Paul
Abstrak :
Machine generated contents note: 1. The birth of histories from the spirit of mourning; 2. Seven types of forgetting; 3. Silences; 4. Spatial orientation; 5. Tradition as conversation and tradition as bodily re-enactment; 6. Tattoos, masks, skin; 7. Emphatic, mimetic and cosmic projection.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2011
155.937 CON s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Connerton, Paul
Abstrak :
How is the memory of traumatic events, such as genocide and torture, inscribed within human bodies? In this book, Paul Connerton discusses social and cultural memory by looking at the role of mourning in the production of histories and the reticence of silence across many different cultures. In particular he looks at how memory is conveyed in gesture, bodily posture, speech and the senses - and how bodily memory, in turn, becomes manifested in cultural objects such as tattoos, letters, buildings and public spaces. It is argued that memory is more cultural and collective than it is individual. This book will appeal to researchers and students in anthropology, linguistic anthropology, sociology, social psychology and philosophy.
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011
155.937 CON s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York : Routledge, 1996
153.12 TEN
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bakieva, Gulnara A.
Washington, DC: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2007
153.12 BAK s
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Middleton, David
London; Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 2005
153 MID s
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ginting, Riska Phillia Br
Abstrak :

Penelitian ini membahas pentingnya pelestarian kawasan cagar budaya sebagai warisan perkotaan dalam mengembangkan identitas dan budaya kota. Penelitian ini melibatkan kolaborasi dengan masyarakat dalam menilai integritas dinamis warisan perkotaan melalui pendekatan sense of place dan memori kolektif. Fokus penelitian ini adalah pada kawasan Kotatua di Jakarta yang mengalami perubahan fisik dan fungsi seiring waktu. Pemerintah provinsi DKI Jakarta telah mengeluarkan kebijakan untuk menjaga keaslian dan kelestarian kawasan ini, tetapi perlu ada instrumen yang kuat untuk meminimalisir dampak negatif. Penelitian ini berusaha menyusun konsep perencanaan tata ruang yang aplikatif dan fleksibel, dengan mempertimbangkan urban memory masyarakat. Tujuannya adalah meningkatkan kualitas kawasan pemugaran dan mempertahankan nilai sejarah serta identitas lokal. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkap bahwa kawasan Pemugaran Tambora memiliki aspek fisik dan non-fisik yang menjadi urban memory yang diingat oleh masyarakat. Jalan Kali Besar Barat, Masjid, Rumah Cina/Pecinan, dan Pasar Pagi menjadi elemen penting yang diingat karena aktivitas yang beragam, nilai religius, identitas budaya, dan simbol perdagangan. Penelitian merekomendasikan pelestarian Jalan Kali Besar, Masjid-Masjid Cagar Budaya, Rumah Cina/Pecinan, dan Pasar, sementara aspek lain dapat dimodifikasi dan diberi penggunaan baru untuk meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan dan produktivitas kawasan. ......This study discusses the importance of preserving cultural heritage areas as urban heritage in developing urban identity and culture. This research involves collaboration with the community in assessing the dynamic integrity of urban heritage through a sense of place and collective memory approach. This research focuses on the Kotatua area in Jakarta, which has undergone physical and functional changes over time. The provincial government of DKI Jakarta has issued a policy to maintain the authenticity and sustainability of this area, but robust instruments are needed to minimize negative impacts. This research seeks to develop a spatial planning concept that is applicable and flexible, taking into account the urban memory of the community. The goal is to improve the quality of the restoration area and maintain historical value and local identity. The results of this study reveal that the Tambora Restoration area has physical and non-physical aspects that become urban memories that the community remembers. Jalan Kali Besar Barat, the Mosque, the Chinese House/Chinatown, and the Morning Market are essential elements to remember for their diverse activities, religious values, cultural identity, and trade symbols. Research recommends preserving Jalan Kali Besar, Heritage Mosques, Chinese Houses/Chinatown, and Markets. At the same time, other aspects can be modified and given new uses to improve the environmental quality and productivity of the area.

Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afifa Tajriatul Muawanah
Abstrak :
Penelitian tinggalan arkeologi melalui memori kolektif dapat digunakan untuk melihat identitas dari suatu individu hingga kelompok baik itu berupa gender, seksualitas, sanak keluarga, politik, religi dan sistem sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merekonstruksi identitas Kecinaan di Batavia abad ke ndash; 20 melalui data inskripsi pada nisan, patung hingga bangunan yang ada di Mausoleum Oen Giok Khouw. Atribut hingga ragam hias yang ada di Mausoleum Oen Giok Khouw memiliki simbol memori pengingat tentang kehidupan Oen Giok Khouw sebagai orang Cina yang dinaturalisasi oleh orang Belanda dan harapan serta doa untuk Oen Giok Khouw atas kehidupan yang sudah dilaluinya. ......Study of archaeological remains by means of reconstructing collective memory can be used to identify of the past social structure such as gender, sexuality, inter familial roles, politics, religions and social systems. This research aims to reconstruct the identity of Chinese people in Batavia at 20th Century based on the inscription data on the Mausoleum Oen Giok Khouw. Data of this research are inscriptions, gravestone, and statues. The results of this research show the decorations and the shape of the building of Mausoleum Oen Giok Khouw indicate that its have a memorial symbolic about the social status of Oen Giok Khouw during his life. Most of the Mausoleum attributes were using western style that pointed out he wanted to be remembered as a Dutch people rather than a Chinese people because he was naturalized as a Dutch citizen.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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